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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 8:34 pm
by redwarrior
Dorath dispirited that his first attack did nothing, nonetheless attempts another swing at the creature. Coming nowhere close to damaging the thing, he is reminded that he should have done a better job of selecting his spell for today.

Attack with staff [1d20-4]=6-4=2

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:26 pm
by Darithe
Traesta for now ignores the screams of fleeing folk and the cries of pain. She must focus on the creature they now face and strikes out again with her mace. She surpised herself with the results.

Attacks the creature [1d20]=17
Damage [1d6]=6

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 4:45 am
by Ithril
Stables Detail 03.jpg
Stables Detail 03.jpg (216.66 KiB) Viewed 352 times
Rex wrote: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:58 am Conweena attacks again.
Conwenna finally gets the creatures attention, and it turns to fend off the sting it feels from her blade. The aggressive creature knocks the sheildmaiden to the ground with a sweep of it's pincers, but the thorny edges of it's armored claws cause serious lacerations (3 points).
redwarrior wrote: Thu Jul 29, 2021 8:34 pm Dorath dispirited that his first attack did nothing, nonetheless attempts another swing at the creature. Coming nowhere close to damaging the thing, he is reminded that he should have done a better job of selecting his spell for today.
While it's doing this, Dorath is swept under the creatures abdomen. The stink of the proximity of the creature is overwhelming, and Dorath has to concentrate to keep from being overwhelmed (1 hp crushing damage). Fortunately in spite of the fall, Dorath is able to retain his bearings. (Normal attack chances next round)
ravenn4544 wrote: Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:03 pm Pebbletries to bring his sword down upon the thing.

Pebbles sword strikes the shell of the creature, and it's as if he hit stone. His hands burn with pain as the impervious crust turns the sword in his hand.
Darithe wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:26 pm Traesta for now ignores the screams of fleeing folk and the cries of pain. She must focus on the creature they now face and strikes out again with her mace. She surprised herself with the results.
In spite of a strike that might break any man's arm (even if it was blocked by a shield) the creature ignores her weapon completely, and races towards the road where helpless humans scramble to avoid becoming it's prey.

Harker and Igber also find their weapons useless against the powerful creature.

I'll need each of you to roll a perception check as well this round. (1d20vs Wisdom score)


Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 4:51 am
by Rex

Conweena tries to attack again with her axe.

Battle Axe [1d20+1]=12+1=13 to hit [1d8+3]=2+3=5 damage

Perception (9) [1d20]=9

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:24 pm
by ravenn4544
Pebble doesn't know what to make of the thing so he does what he thinks is best and strikes it again.

Attack [1d20]=4
Perception Check (Wis 9) [1d20]=8

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:26 pm
by redwarrior
Dorath strikes out again, as best he can. I could use some help here! he calls out, as he starts looking to disengage.

Attack with staff [1d20-4]=7-4=3
Perception target 13 [1d20]=13

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:21 pm
by Darithe
Traesta stands stunned for a moment that her attack seemingly did nothing to creature. She pauses a moment before deciding what to do.

[1d20]=9 (Wisdom 17)

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:49 am
by Ithril
Rex wrote: Tue Aug 03, 2021 4:51 am Conwenna tries to attack again with her axe.
redwarrior wrote: Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:26 pm Dorath strikes out again, as best he can. I could use some help here! he calls out, as he starts looking to disengage.
ravenn4544 wrote: Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:24 pm Pebble doesn't know what to make of the thing so he does what he thinks is best and strikes it again.
Darithe wrote: Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:21 pm Traesta stands stunned for a moment that her attack seemingly did nothing to creature. She pauses a moment before deciding what to do.
By this time several properly armed guards and other people have arrived. Some of you hear their advice, and other of you see their methods of attack, trying to strike at the undersides of the creatures, or trying to turn them over. Soon all of the giant insects are surrounded, and they succumb to the coordinated attacks. The one in the corral is dead, and the two larger ones have disengaged, returning to the burrows from which they appeared. As you watch, the last one is also overwhelmed, and leaves as it came lacking a few legs, though it still seems capable of a hasty escape.
Though none of you ever succeeded in doing serious damage to the pests, they have been repelled. Out of breath, and wary from the sudden action, you regroup again near the corral fence. Conwenna has a bad cut on her leg, and it's bleeding, and Dorath is in pain from a bruise he sustained when the creature trampled him, but he is other wise uninjured.
The crowds also attend to the injured and shocked commoners, the armed men attend to their weapons, cleaning and checking them for fitness. The fairgrounds are eerily deserted as people vacate to their tents after being seen to for aid, and a soft murmur of going's on by people hidden in tents and other areas of refuge grows slowly.

I would suggest talking about this 'battle' in the Around the Gaming Table (OOC Stuff) thread. Let me know what you liked, what you didn't like, and possibly what we can all do to improve.

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:49 am
by Rex

Conweena bandages herself up as best she can.

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 5:22 pm
by Darithe
Traesta quickly checks out Conweena injuries and will cast her Cure Light Wounds on the shield maiden. Then she will look over Dorath and see if she can help him any.

Cure Light Wounds[1d8]=6

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 6:35 pm
by Rex

"Thank you Traesta."

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 11:54 am
by ravenn4544
Pebble looks around with an amazed look on his face. "What the hell were those things?!?!"

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 1:24 am
by redwarrior
Dorath replies some truly nasty beasties, but I think natural. I don't think I'll try to swing this staff at any more of them.

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:11 pm
by Ithril
Harker and Igber rejoins the group presently. Harker inspects Conwenna wound and bandages. He is impressed with Traesta's skill, the pain is gone, and the bleeding has stopped, and the wound will be much improved by morning.
Darithe wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 5:22 pm Traesta quickly checks out Conweena injuries and will cast her Cure Light Wounds on the shield maiden. Then she will look over Dorath and see if she can help him any.
Fortunately you find his injuries are all minor bumps & bruises, it doesn't look like anything serious enough to warrant more than a good night's rest.
With that, Harker looks at the group and asks What plans do you have for the evening. Shall we retire to our respective camps, and meet again in the morning, or shall we attempt to find lodging together as a group? Perhaps we can find someone who can tell us what those insect things were?

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 11:17 pm
by Darithe
Traesta mulls over the thought of obtaining lodgings but it seems an unnecessary expense for her since she already has a place to stay with the other sisters of the order. "I for one plan to stay at my campsite, as I'm already expected to assist with breakfast in the morning. I'll ask my sisters if they are familiar with such a creature. Though I'm not sure the inquiry will be fruitful. The sentinels are more likely to have had past encounters with them I'd bet." She glances at Conweena, "If you have need of a bunk for the night, I can probably get you a place in our tents."

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 11:19 pm
by Rex

"Thanks, I will stay with you for now. I am not sure what is going to happen now with all this chaos."

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 11:34 pm
by redwarrior
Dorath states I do have accommodations with my troupe, but I am happy to share lodgings with all of my new companions.

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:44 pm
by Ithril
With everyone's sleeping arrangements made, you all retire for the night which passes peacefully enough.
The day dawns bright and cool, with a clear sky. It is Randae, the fourth day of the week by Human reckoning, the 18th day of the month of Hlothra. You gather at the meal tents to have your breakfast, and make plans for the day.

Harker and Pebble have sword armed combat matches in the afternoon at the jousting range starting at 2. Pebble also has archery competition starting at 9, scheduled so as not to interfere with his combat matches.

The rest of you can join the team combat after Pebble has completed his first rounds in the archery competition, you are scheduled for some time after 11.

Pebble I will need 3 sets of 3 d20 rolls please asap. Once I have those I will move to the team combats 'this' afternoon.

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:55 pm
by ravenn4544

Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:22 am
by Ithril
My apologies, it was supposed to be 3 sets of 4 rolls. I'll take the liberty of rolling the additional shots myself.
Missing rolls for Pebble [1d20]=17[1d20]=18[1d20]=14

Pebble's first round is against Elsard, a female archer from Wellspring in Ballinford
The score for Pebble's first round is 19 = 4, 9(foul) =-10, total -6, 18 = 4, total -2, 17=3, total score 1
archery shots for Elsard, Pebbles first opponent [1d20]=7[1d20]=19[1d20]=9[1d20]=11
7 (foul) =-10, 19 = 4 total -6, 9(foul) -10 total -16, 11 = 2, total score -14
Elsard loses and resigns in disgrace. Knowing how to use a bow, and being proficient with one are two different things.
Pebble's next opponent is Guiomar Tindantar, patron and liege of Harker. He is an old veteran of past battles when the lands were wilder than they are today. But his glory days are long past, and he is now retired, serving administrative needs for the local Hand of Paldon chapter. As he approaches his position to take his first shot, you notice his bow is bright and silvery, with fascinating intricate elven runes wrought in gold in the exquisitely crafted weapon.