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Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:36 pm
by Zhym
If the ring has 500 cash value, that gets us closer to knowing how to do an even-value split with the value of magic items built in. As total wild-assed guesstimates, let's say the potion of invisibility is worth 200, the potion of human control is worth 300, and each potion of healing can be bought for the low, low price of 50 gp (it's like they're giving it away!). That makes the total value of magic items 1100 gp, with a grand total loot value of 6186.5, or 1546 (and change) per full share.

Olaf would be happy to take his 1546 in the form of ring (500), black opal (750), and whatever non-flawed, non-amber gems people are willing to let him have. Maybe the tiger eye agate (10 gp) and banded agate (100, or 110 if he needs to buy it from someone else's share), which would leave 140 (or 130) in gold.

I could look at what others want and can use and draft loot shares for them, but not until later tonight at the earliest.

Also: Did anyone want to write up the expedition for the XP bonus? I don't have time (especially as long as this write-up would be). If that's true for everyone, we could still pay a bard to write it, right?

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:22 pm
by Marullus
The Bard let's you avoid the CHA check. I still need a player to write up the expedition's tale. ;)

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:27 pm
by Zhym
Do we get any bonus for that being a long-ass expedition with lots of encounters? ;)

(But, really, I seriously have no time to write that up. Anyone else want to take a shot?)

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:40 am
by Zhym
Okay. Here's a split with the magic items accounted for. This assumes Amistad takes the silver utensils to try to sell to Hyde or do whatever he wants with; that means the utensils do not get charged the 1% conversion fee. It also assumes we can convert the scrap metal directly to platinum pieces at the 1% fee.

The coin count is:

277 pp 2 gp (2800 * 0.99) + 39 gp + 32 ep + 45 pp = 322 pp, 41 gp, 32 ep

Here's the proposed split, using the same magic item allocation Alethan suggested:

Olaf: Ring (500), Black Opal (750), Tiger Eye Agate (10), 25 pp 23 gp 26 ep (Total: 1546)
Amistad: Potion of Human Control (300), Morlock Silverware (50), Golden Brown Citrine (250), Small Radiant Banded Agate (100); 89 84 pp 6 gp (1546)
Earc: Invisibility Potion (200), Morlock Silverware (50),Round, Faceted Peridot (250gp); Large Cracked Pale Green Tourmaline (100); 94 99 pp 6 gp (1546)
Akkara: Potion of Healing (50), Worn, Oval Amber (100gp); Blue-green Turquoise (50gp), 57 pp 3 gp 3 ep (774.5)
Archedany: Potion of Healing (50), Flawed Amber (75gp); Tiny Roundel of Golden Amber (25gp); Round, Polished Onyx (50gp), 57 pp 3 gp 3 ep (774.5)

I think that adds up to the right number of coins of each type.

As before, Olaf is willing to pay a 10% premium for the Round, Faceted Peridot (250), the Small Radiant Banded Agate (100), and the Round, Polished Onyx (50gp), as funds are available. And he'll make really sad eyes at Earc if Earc takes the peridot and uses it as currency. :)

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:53 am
by Alethan
You gave Earc the silverware. He doesn't want that.

But the rest looks fine.

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:59 am
by Zhym
Sorry. I got Earc and Amistad confused. Fixed.

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 10:28 am
by Spearmint
Amistad is fine with the split and I have adjusted his inventory.

Amistad: Potion of Human Control (300), Morlock Silverware (50), Golden Brown Citrine (250), Small Radiant Banded Agate (100); 84 pp 6 gp (1546gp value total).

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:45 pm
by Alethan
Earc is fine with this.

Earc: Invisibility Potion (200), Round, Faceted Peridot (250gp); Large Cracked Pale Green Tourmaline (100); 99 pp 6 gp (1546)

I will update my character sheet.

Earc will happily trade Olaf the peridot for 275gp.

Character sheet updated again.

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:55 pm
by Zhym
Neato. I've updated Olaf's sheet accordingly.

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:11 pm
by Zhym
Alethan, do you have any time to write up a mission summary?

I might find time to do it on a plane trip tomorrow morning, but if semi-literate Olaf writes it it'll be misspelled, incoherent, and mostly concerned with trees and gems.

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 2:03 pm
by Alethan
Zhym wrote:Alethan, do you have any time to write up a mission summary?

I might find time to do it on a plane trip tomorrow morning, but if semi-literate Olaf writes it it'll be misspelled, incoherent, and mostly concerned with trees and gems.
I can try and write up a summary in the next day or two. Work is pretty busy, but I'll see what I can do.

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:30 pm
by Zhym

Is Archedany willing to sell Olaf the onyx for 55 gp?

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:55 pm
by Marullus

That leaves them:

Akkara: Potion of Healing (50), Worn, Oval Amber (100gp); Blue-green Turquoise (50gp), 57 pp 3 gp 3 ep (774.5)
Archedany: Potion of Healing (50), Flawed Amber (75gp); Tiny Roundel of Golden Amber (25gp); 62 pp 8 gp 3 ep (779.5)

Edit: This is an error; you had actually promised them full shares of treasure and not half shares. Since I didn't catch it before, I will let it slide.

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:59 pm
by Zhym
Sheet adjusted.

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:19 pm
by Alethan
Earc approaches the local bard, hands him a sack of coins and says, “Here’s the gist of it. You can make up the details,” and winks.

“Five of us left for the Morlock tunnels – ‘Blackjack’ Amistad, Olaf Olafsonson, Achaedany, Akkara, and me – Earc of Toll’s Tower. We left the Frogmorton’s in the early pre-dawn of 06 July. The plan was to follow the river up to where a morlock tunnel was found in some old ruins near the confluence of the two rivers that form the Gaul River.”

“By mid-afternoon of the first day, we’d left the relative safety of the areas patrolled by the ArchDuke’s men and it was shortly thereafter that we came upon a wooden palisade protecting a bunch of tents. It was inhabited by ogres who were not terribly happy to see us. But I spoke with their leader and we agreed they should head north and look for the orcs who were poaching on their land. So that’s what they did. We continued on our way.”

“The next day, we met a dryad and then WE were the ones who were persuaded to do something against our wills! Seems she’d lost an orb she needed back. Problem was there were two very young green dragons swimming about in the nearby pool and they were the ones who took it. Amistad and I retrieved the orb for the dryad and we continued on our way, leaving the green dragons alive, but worse for wear.”

“Before we left her, though, the dryad gave us information about the morlocks. They work on their experiments in the morning. They sleep in the afternoon. They hunt the upper world at night.”

“Little did we heed her warning, though. That night we had morlocks attack our camp, trying to capture us. We fended them off.”

“The next morning, we came across some orc scouts. Like the other orcs Blackjack and I had dealt with before, they were well equipped and properly trained. Not too much for us, though, and so the northern orcs have two less of their numbers to contend with. The third one agreed to speak with us and give us information in exchange for his life. It was from him that we learned they were of one of the three Flamerock tribes – the Flayed Hand Tribe, the Red Eye Tribe, and the Black Tongue Tribe, coming from the solitary mountain peak north of Gaul. He said there were many, many in each tribe. This concerns me almost as much as the morlocks having no masters… but I get ahead of myself!”

“The morlocks tried again the following night and again we were able to decisively fight them off, capturing one of them in the process. We tried to speak with it through Akkara, who has learned their language, but got minimal information for our trials. They’ve already proven to be dangerous prisoners, able to summon wild creatures with their humming, so we did not leave it alive. Before the last one died, we learned something frightening from it. There are no more Masters. We don’t yet know what it means, but… it seems like a frightening thing to hear.”

“Finally we arrived at the ruins and found the tunnel entrance. We climbed down, using the hand- and foot-holds made into the side of the tunnel for the morlocks to use. The tunnels were twisty and full of turns, making mapping difficult. But we took our time and were rewarded by not getting lost!”

“We discovered a cavern of bat-bird hybrids we smartly left alone, but weren’t so lucky with the cavern of bug-bears. After they were defeated, we removed another group of morlocks and were approached by a dragon-puppy hybrid that we could not tame. Wounded and low on supplies, we decided to leave for Gaul with the information we had. On the way out, we came across a bunch of feathered serpents feasting on a morlock. We left them alone.”

“On our return trip, we were harassed by cyclops, watching trees, and centaurs patrolling the woods. We were attacked by a grumpbear and, not wanting to give us even a night of uneventful rest, a hoard of rodents of unusual size ate most of our supplies the last night out.”

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:45 pm
by Marullus
Zhym wrote:Can we reopen that long enough to discuss group payment for the bard's services? Or should we do that here?

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:56 pm
by Zhym

So, can Olaf beg for a slight discount in paying for the bard? He went so crazy buying up gems that I'm not sure he'll have enough money left to pay for a room and food if we split the cost 33/33/34. Not without selling one of his gems, which would be a harsh lesson. :)

It wouldn't have to be a big change. 30/30/40, maybe, with Earc paying 40 because he gets more XP?

If not, no worries. Olaf can probably just eat poor meals and sleep in the common room, depending on how long it takes him to glom on to another party. :)

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 10:03 pm
by Alethan
Zhym wrote:Thanks.

So, can Olaf beg for a slight discount in paying for the bard? He went so crazy buying up gems that I'm not sure he'll have enough money left to pay for a room and food if we split the cost 33/33/34. Not without selling one of his gems, which would be a harsh lesson. :)

It wouldn't have to be a big change. 30/30/40, maybe, with Earc paying 40 because he gets more XP?

If not, no worries. Olaf can probably just eat poor meals and sleep in the common room, depending on how long it takes him to glom on to another party. :)
Earc is fine with that.

As a matter of clarification, though, Earc gets more XP because he wrote the danged thing up.

So Earc is fine with paying the part of Olaf's that he can't cover. Careful owing favors to a wizard, dwarf... ;)

Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:29 pm
by Zhym
Alethan wrote:As a matter of clarification, though, Earc gets more XP because he wrote the danged thing up.
I know. The rest of us really should be covering your share.


Re: Expedition - Amistad: Down the Morlock Hole II - 06 July

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:18 am
by Alethan
Nah... I'd rather Olaf owe him something. Even if to just a tiny little it. ;)