Action Thread 1: The Meeting/Encounter on the Coast Trail

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Re: Action Thread 1

#221 Post by SocraticLawyer »

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Re: Action Thread 1

#222 Post by Thalion »

After a bit of trying... finally...


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Re: Action Thread 1

#223 Post by Xaxyx »

After completing his Cure spell, Hartnid attempts to rouse the fallen wizard. "It's time to go! We've got to get out of here!"

If he is able to return the wizard to consciousness, he'll assist him in getting him to his feet. Otherwise, he'll attempt to get the young nobleman to help carry him off to the east, away from the demonic creature.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#225 Post by tkrexx »

As Emm rubs her eyes and tries to remain hidden, she hears something...Footsteps, approaching quickly! She readies her blade and instinctively turns her head to the sounds. She can see! Well, kind of. Forms really, of human-shapes heading her direction in a hurry. Has she been discovered? She bolts to her feet as if to greet an attack, even tho she knows it would be her doom. Name yourselves!
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Re: Encounter on the Coast Trail: Round 21

#226 Post by Argennian »

Day 1: Coast Trail (TOD: after midnight)

Round 21

~ The unlikely contest between old knight and the beast in the swirling fog continues. The horned horror bucks, twists, shakes and stomps in seemingly futile attempt to dislodge its persistent passenger. The glowing blue knight holds onto the raggedy mane of the beast and refuses to let go or give in. The baffling scene appears as both incredulous drollness and deadly solemn precariousness in the same instant and threatens to violate any sense or measure of possibility and probability. The creature spins into more trees just off the trail, on the south side this time, bowling them down in another series of shattering cracks and spray of bark and splinters. The reddish glow from the figure that had attacked the beast from the west is still there but appears unmoving and unresponsive on trail...

Just east up the trail, Hartnid, quickly arrives to where the young noble holds the fallen wizard. He casts his Cure Light Wounds spell and attempts to rouse the fallen wizard. "It's time to go! We've got to get out of here!" The wizard’s eyes snap open and he stares up at his young charge and the dwarven cleric that revived him. "Lathalamas!" cries the young man as tears of relief roll down his cheeks. The mage pulls his still angry red staff closer to him and in a low, forced monotone, replies, "Help me to my feet." They both do so and he makes to stand himself up with the staff. He appears to offer some whispering words to the both of them as the beast and knight continue their contest. The young noble’s eyes go wide with dread and he shakes his head violently in the negative. The wizard touches his hand and the nobleman collapses unconscious. He then turns to Hartnid and they exchange hurried words. The stout dwarven cleric hefts the yound nobleman's limp form over his shoulders and begins moving back eastward along the trail after the other fleeing party members.

To the south of the wizard's current position, cousin Ulrich moves into the brush towards the stand of trees and dense thicket. He pulls up short of disappearing into cover and begins to assess the area, as if looking for something in particular...

Further back (east) up the trail, the contingent of individuals dragging and carrying the wounded with them are suddenly beset by a challenge from just off the trail in the bushes. Name yourselves! The gnomes and half-elf freeze in their tracks and look over at the partially-blinded druidess has stood up, her scimitar in hand, awaiting a response. "Stay your blade, young one!" the female gnome blurts out, obviously recognizing Emm, "We are on your side and have badly wounded with us. You can help by taking control of the child and following us. We have to get away from that thing up there, and quickly!" As if on cue, Sheba pulls the young child up to where the others have stopped. She lets go of the sobbing little girl’s cloak long enough to bark her displeasure at the fact that the others have stopped. The child stops crying and looks up to see everyone staring into the bushes at Emm.

The High elf Lauranna crouches back down into the brush and begins creeping away westward and out of sight. Moments later, from behind the stand of trees and dense thicket voices can be heard communicating something to each other.

There is still no sign of Thalion, Bog, the burly guard, Griffo, Caelvanna, the half-elf archer or the cloaked halfling. Lauranna has now moved off into the bushes and out of sight. Ulrich has moved south and is at the entrance of the stand of trees and dense thicket where an unseen battle originally raged.


Gentleman Billy: still unconscious (stabilized; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward.
Burly Guard#1: lying unconscious on the trail (felled by bolt/arrow); status unknown
Old Man in colorful robes: still unconscious (felled by bolt/arrow; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward.
Old Half-elf Man: still unconscious (felled by bolt/arrow; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward
Armored soldier: KIA
Elven wizard: was helped up by Hartnid and the young nobleman.
Young nobleman: now apparently unconscious and being carried back eastward along trail by Hartnid

**** PMs going out to PCs off the trail prior to Round 22! ****


Initiative, Round 21: party wins initiative - Thalion rolled a 5 for the party; the baddies rolled a 4.

~ The lack of the more brilliant flashes of light has caused the surrounding area to become suddenly much darker than before. Moonlight continues to spill in through gaps the thick fog but does little to help with the current illumination.

Initiative, Round 22: I need Nyctos to roll a d6 for the party!

Enemy Disposition at the end of Round 21:

~ The demonic beast in the swirling green fog is the only remaining enemy seen at present. There are no other humanoid warriors left alive as far as any can tell.

HPs/Status: Bog** */9 ; Caelvanna */8 ; Emm 6/6 ; Griffo **/10 ; Hartnid* 1/9 ; Ulrich* 1/8 ; Lauranna 3/3 ; Thalion** ***/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword* (1st spear thrown); Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-13, silver arrows fired-8); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Hartnid – flail/SC; Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
MO(basically from first to last on trail): 1: Griffo and Caelvanna (out of sight and off the trail to south), 2: Hartnid (now with the elven mage and young noble), Ulrich (headed south and stops just short of the stand of trees and dense thicket) 3: Bog/Thalion (still out of sight; last seen moving south of trail into brush), Lauranna (moved out of sight again south of the trail), 4: Emm (standing just off the trail, furthest east)
Last edited by Argennian on Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:32 am, edited 6 times in total.
Reason: Updates to action; round is now complete
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Re: Action Thread 1

#227 Post by tkrexx »

Blinking, Emm recognizes the Gnomish voice. Apologies, Ma'm, I'm...My eyes have been taken. Where will you go? Where is the child? I hear her, but...How many are you? The others? The old Man? The Elf Maid! She finds the child with an outstretched hand. Little One, where is Yorn? She already expects the worst. Listen, you must heed me. Sheba is frightened. You must help her, she needs you. Can you take her to safety with these others? I will be along soon, but I must wait 'til my eyes return, otherwise I will slow you. Can you do that?
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Re: Action Thread 1

#228 Post by Xaxyx »

Clasping Lathalamas on the shoulder, Hartnid makes eye contact long enough to nod in silent acknowledgement. Then, he turns to the young noble, now collapsed on the ground. Leaning down, he rolls the unconscious form onto his back, hefting the man's weight onto broad, steady dwarven shoulders. Taking a deep breath, he begins lumbering along the trail eastward, heading toward where Emm and several others have gathered.

As he makes his way, a sudden, nagging through occurs to him. Shifting his burden back and forth, Hartnid turns his upper body in order to sweep his gaze across the area.

"Oh, dear," Hartnid says to no one in particular. "Where's Ulrich?"
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Re: Action Thread 1

#229 Post by SocraticLawyer »

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Re: Action Thread 1

#231 Post by Nyctos »

PM... half the world is PM.....
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Re: Party Initiative roll for Round 22

#232 Post by Argennian »

Yosef Travathas: High Elf Fighter4/Magic-User3 (rredmond's Pacesetter Games "Legacy of the Unknown" OSRIC Playtest)
Brok Sterling: Human Assassin3 (ToniXX's Incursion into Newiron OSRIC Playtest)
Tanik Tremwoodak: Dwarf Cleric3 (Dave's 1e Skype Game)

DM: home-brew OSRIC "A New Hope to the West" campaign

Fireball... good!!

"What's it gonna take?"
tkrexx as Emm the Avenging Druid wrote:I shall burn you, and I shall sink your petty warship with fire and lightning, and the ocean shall swallow it and all aboard, and no one will remember any of you!
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Re: Encounter on the Coast Trail: Round 22

#233 Post by Argennian »

Day 1: Coast Trail (TOD: after midnight)

Round 22

~ While still holding onto the bucking beast in the swirling fog, the glowing blue paladin times and executes his next move. In the split second that the creature tries to change direction, he lifts his glowing great sword up and plunges it straight down into the back behind its neck, sinking it almost the hilt. The horned horror lets loose a sickening roar of pain and falls backwards purposely in an attempt to crush the old knight. It lands half in the trees to the north side of the trail again, knocking many of them down under its massive girth and completely smothering the glowing blue knight. The reddish glow emanating from the armored dwarf that attacked the beast from the west shows that he is stirring and trying to regain his senses.

Just a mere score of feet east of the flailing beast, the wizard finishes looking back over his shoulder to confirm that the dwarven cleric is headed away towards the others. Using his glowing red, fanatical staff, the elf continues to prop himself up and reaches into a hidden compartment of his robes. He brings out what appears to be a massive glowing gem on a chain and slips it around his neck. He then begins to hobble towards the beast with grim determination…

Further back up the trail, Hartnid carries the limp form of the young nobleman towards the others attempting to flee eastward with their fallen companions. He shifts his heavy load as he moves and appears to be looking around in search of something or someone. His gaze finally settles on Ulrich and he watches his dwarven cousin and fellow cleric of Moradin move south and out of sight into cover at the stand of trees and dense thicket, calling out as he does so in what may be gnomish…

Further back (east) up the trail, the contingent of individuals that were surprised by the sudden appearance of the near-blinded druidess, begin to shamble into motion eastward again as Sheba barks nervously. The young child that was being dragged by her hood back to where the others had stopped, sees Emm reach out to her and moves quickly over to her. The druidess speaks to the young girl, attempting to sooth and calm her down but she appears to be in shock and does not respond, hanging on tight to her leg and sobbing at the mention of her missing master. Emm’s eyesight, although still blurry and unable to focus, continues to come back to her ever slowly. The female gnome calls back to her, "Follow us, young one. We must escape!"

There is still no sign of Thalion, Bog, the burly guard, Griffo, Caelvanna, the half-elf archer, the cloaked halfling, Lauranna and now Ulrich, as he has now moved south into the cover of the stand of trees and dense thicket where the other voices were heard.


Gentleman Billy: still unconscious (stabilized; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward.
Burly Guard#1: lying unconscious on the trail (felled by bolt/arrow); status unknown
Old Man in colorful robes: still unconscious (felled by bolt/arrow; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward.
Old Half-elf Man: still unconscious (felled by bolt/arrow; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward
Armored soldier: KIA
Elven wizard: being attended and helped up by Hartnid and the young nobleman.
Young nobleman: now apparently unconscious and being carried back eastward along the trail by Hartnid

**** PMs going out to PCs off the trail prior to Round 23! ****


Initiative, Round 22: party wins initiative - DM rolled a 6 for the party; the baddies rolled another 4.

~ Even with the glowing red staff and gem of the wizard as well as the armored dwarf and his mighty hammer further west upon the trail, the surrounding area is still dark. Patches of moonlight continue to peek through gaps in the thick fog but this does little to help with the current level of illumination.

Initiative, Round 23: I need Nyctos to roll a d6 and a d20 for the party!

Enemy Disposition at the end of Round 22:

~ The demonic beast in the swirling green fog is the only remaining enemy seen at present. There are no other humanoid warriors left alive as far as any can tell.

HPs/Status: Bog** */9 ; Caelvanna */8 ; Emm 6/6 ; Griffo **/10 ; Hartnid* 1/9 ; Ulrich* 1/8 ; Lauranna 3/3 ; Thalion** ***/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword* (1st spear thrown); Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-13, silver arrows fired-8); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Hartnid – flail/SC; Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
MO(basically from first to last on trail): 1: Griffo and Caelvanna (out of sight and off the trail to south), 2: Hartnid (now carrying the young noble eastward), Ulrich (now out of sight and off the trail to south), 3: Bog/Thalion (still out of sight; last seen moving south of trail into brush), Lauranna (moved out of sight again south of the trail), 4: Emm (standing just off the trail, furthest east)
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Re: Action Thread 1

#234 Post by Nyctos »

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Re: Action Thread 1

#235 Post by tkrexx »

Emm tries to hold the child steady. Escape where? I cannot return to where I am from. And there are others. At least allow me to check on the others!
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Re: Action Thread 1

#236 Post by Xaxyx »

"Ulrich!" Hartnid shouts, as he sees his cousin disappear into the underbrush. He pauses only for a moment, then sighs resignedly and continues making his way eastward, his burden growing heavier with every step.
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Re: Encounter on the Coast Trail: Round 23

#237 Post by Argennian »

Day 1: Coast Trail (TOD: after midnight)

Round 23

~ As the near-crippled wizard shambles forward with the aid of the incarnadine, whistling staff, the beast in the swirling green fog somehow, however unlikely and incredibly for even those present, is able to go from flailing on its back to pouncing up onto all fours. It exalts another infuriated roar that threatens to split the eardrums of any listening as it now stands above and before the suddenly-halting mage. It focuses its massive ocular orbs upon the elf and twists its shoulders in an ungodly way. The bluish glow of the great sword can be suddenly seen as the weapon is somehow, incredulously pushed up and out of the demon’s back to tumble over its shoulder and fall to the frost-laden trail. It then rears its head and opens its massive, gaping maw. An unholy blast of greenish fire erupts from its mouth and envelopes the wizard and his ever-faithful rubric staff. The ghastly flame both scorches and freezes the trail eastward, reaching back to the very spot where the dwarven cleric of Moradin just occupied while fleeing with his still-unconscious noble cargo. As the unholy fire begins to dissipate, the ruby sphere of protection emanating from the wizard’s staff can be seen lying sideways and then flickering out upon the coastal trail.

Just as the creature appears to be moving forward to claim its prize, a flash of movement exemplified by a familiar reddish glow strikes out and lands upon the beast from the rear with a reverberating crackle of stone upon stone. The huge horned horror wails in painful fury at the unexpected indiscretion and spins about impossibly quick to face the ever-persistent, still-glowing red armored dwarf and his massive war hammer of intolerable might. The dwarven champion bellows forth an inviting challenge and raises his huge weapon in readiness for another blow. To the north of the trail in the bowled over coastal pines can still be seen a faint but unmoving bluish glow…

Further back up the trail and still carrying the fallen mage’s precious cargo, Hartnid somehow finds another gear and increases his speed eastward, crunching the frozen earth under his armored boots and surely thankful he was clear of the demon’s unholy breath at that fateful moment. He passes the fallen form of the older burly guard staring wide-eyed and lying dead upon the trail and cries out in concern for his cousin. "Ulrich!" The remaining group of other desperate individuals seeking to escape the unworldly battle just westward, turn at his cry and see him approaching their position. Sheba wails and barks fretfully as the female gnome, looking first at the dwarf and then back to Emm answers in common with an excited "Come On!"

To the south of the trail at the stand of trees and dense thicket where the other dwarven cleric just entered moments before comes the sprinting form of the High elf Lauranna as she clears the flora cover and appears to be racing at full speed towards the demon…

There is still no sign of Thalion, Bog, the younger burly guard, Griffo, Caelvanna, the half-elf archer, the cloaked halfling, and now Ulrich, as he has now moved south into the cover of the stand of trees and dense thicket where the other voices were heard.


Gentleman Billy: still unconscious (stabilized; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward.
Burly Guard#1: lying unconscious on the trail (felled by bolt/arrow); status unknown
Old Man in colorful robes: still unconscious (felled by bolt/arrow; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward.
Old Half-elf Man: still unconscious (felled by bolt/arrow; status unknown) and being dragged back up the trail eastward
Armored soldier: KIA
Elven wizard: now lying on the trail (in result of the demon’s breath weapon); status unknown
Young nobleman: still unconscious and being carried back eastward along the trail by Hartnid

**** PMs going out to PCs off the trail prior to Round 24! ****


Initiative, Round 23: party loses initiative - Nyctos rolled a 2 for the party; the baddies rolled a 6. (The mysterious and unexplained d20 roll again accounted for)

~ The still-alive reddish staff and gem about the fallen wizard’s neck, as well as the armored dwarf and his mighty hammer of vengeance further west upon the trail, continue to provide the eerie glow about the unfolding scene. The fog thickens and closes off any of the remaining, moon-illuminated gaps that were just present.

Initiative, Round 23: I need SocraticLawyer to roll a d6, another d20 and two d100s for the party!

Enemy Disposition at the end of Round 23:

~ The still alive and most angry demon in the swirling green fog is the only remaining enemy seen at present. There are no other humanoid warriors left alive as far as any can tell.

HPs/Status: Bog** */9 ; Caelvanna */8 ; Emm 6/6 ; Griffo **/10 ; Hartnid* 1/9 ; Ulrich* 1/8 ; Lauranna 3/3 ; Thalion** ***/5
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – longsword* (1st spear thrown); Caelvanna – short bow (reg. arrows fired-13, silver arrows fired-8); Emm – scimitar/SC (threw spear); Griffo – longsword/shield (reg. arrows fired-15); Hartnid – flail/SC; Ulrich – staff/SC; Lauranna – short sword/SC (thrown 3 daggers*); Thalion – longsword/dagger (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
MO(basically from first to last on trail): 1: Lauranna (moving back into view south of the trail) 2: Griffo and Caelvanna (out of sight and off the trail to south), 3: Ulrich (still out of sight and off the trail to south), 4: Bog/Thalion (still out of sight; last seen moving south of trail into brush), 4: Hartnid and Emm (furthest east on and just off the trail)
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Re: Action Thread 1

#238 Post by SocraticLawyer »

How do we know you're not a donkey-brained man?
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Re: Action Thread 1

#239 Post by dmw71 »

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Re: Action Thread 1

#240 Post by Alethan »

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