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Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 10:25 am
by GreyWolfVT
Roy goes to see what the others are doing and sees Mac following the nun so he goes along to see where it leads.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 10:45 am
by Samwell Turleton
Sam Strickland

Sam tried to cut off the plasma emitter promptly after the ghosts were trapped. It seems to him now that he has gotten some of the sticky substance in the trigger mechanism of the proton pack. He holsters the emitter hoping this doesn’t create a future problem.

The nun is making beckoning gestures to him. As he starts standing up Mac and Roy push in front of him to follow the nun.

What do you want to show us?, Sam says after them directing his comments to the Nun.

What is your name?

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:25 pm
by Urson
Joker mutters to himself, pecking out notes on his phone. He collects the steaming trap and follows the others, following the nun.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:36 pm
by Taaz
Hey Joker, be careful, you got one of my pals in there. He smiles at the trap, You'll be knee deep in sedatives and candy stripers again Jack just have to work this out. Jason watches the nun heal Jamie and then beckon. Can you speak? he asks her.

Sorry i was away, it signed me out so i didnt realize the threads were updating until i actually read the dates.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:44 am
by Scott308
Lionel "Freight Train" Williams

Watching The Nun as she does her thing, Lionel says, Thank you, when she heals Jamie. Moving to the reporter, he helps her to her feet. Are you ok?

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:26 pm
by Urson
Joker nods absently at Jason, absorbed in whatever it is he's doing.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:10 am
by Bluehorse
Spelunking with Sam... Wise?
The underground tunnels: Downtown.
Investigating the Hospital Tunnel
August 26, 2018, 11:03 am.
Storming outside, cool, dank & dark.

Jamie nods a little. I'm good... I don't know how... but I'm good...

After Jamie is healed The Nun looks dimmer somehow. Spent. She smiles, if weakly, when the others begin to follow her. She leads you all back into the heavily cluttered storage area. She moves over near a pile of junk and hovers there waiting and shining her lantern over it.

It takes only a little searching there to reveal:
Her mummified remains.
SisterBethanyMummy.jpg (29.62 KiB) Viewed 732 times
Once they are found, she looks at them with a sad expression but then slowly smiles to you before finally looking upward and fading away.

Further investigation of the immediate area reveal what appear to be the remains of a large man as well, a familiar looking fireaxe nearby the crumbled bones.
Jamie shakes her head and turns off the phone for the first time and pockets her phone at the sight. I have a feeling we just solved a murder...


Roy O'Dowd: Phone + Proton Pack + Trap + Flashlight
Dr. Jason O'Roarke: Phone + Slime Blower + Trap + Ecto Keys + Flashlight
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: Phone + Proton Pack + Trap
David "Mac" McAuslan: Phone + Proton Pack + Trap + Headlamp
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal: Phone + Proton Pack + Trap with Jack & the BBEG inside.
Sam Strickland: Phone + Proton Pack + Sticky Left Hand + Empty Trashbag in Pocket + Reading Glasses in Shirt Pocket + Notebook & Pen + Corkscrew Drillbit.

Jamie Roth: Phone + Battery Pack + Car Keys[/color]
Brownie Point Spending:

Brownie Point Pool:
Roy O'Dowd: 115/115 @
Dr. Jason O'Roarke: 134/156 @
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: 116/136
David "Mac" McAuslan 116/137
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal 138/168 @
Sam Strickland 15/24

Jamie Roth 5/20

Effects in place:
@ - Action Point - ReRoll without a Ghost Die - Merry Xmas 2019!

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:05 pm
by Taaz
We should contact the local clergy they probably know who she is, and can give her a proper burial.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:11 pm
by Samwell Turleton
Sam Strickland

Sam goes over to the pile of cluttered and stored materials and begins to gently remove the clutter around the body to expose it. Sam will try to stack things in an orderly manner out of the way of the group and away from the body.

"Awful, just awful for a body to be left this way with all this debris around it", Sam says as he works.

As he moves the clutter, Sam will see if he notices anything distinctive about the body, its dress, and how it was placed in this location.

Brains Add 4 BP, [6d6] = 25 : [1d6] = 6

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 12:31 am
by Rex

Mac crosses himself and and says a silent prayer for the Sister.

"We need to let the authorities and the church both know. She deserves a proper burial at the very least."

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:50 am
by GreyWolfVT
Roy "Well maybe the church we helped or Papa knows who the nun was."

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:22 pm
by Urson
Joker is distracted, following the group but not contributing. He pecks away at his phone, muttering in Turkish. He lights one of his horrible cigars and puffs at it while he continues.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:41 pm
by Taaz
Jason, sloughs off the blower pack and surveys the scene looking around underground. He pulls out his phone and dials the non emergency local number for police dispatch, relaying the details to the Fire and Maintenance crews that could be near the area. Well Sam you have a unique take on "day off" He chuckles to himself.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 6:44 pm
by Bluehorse
Spelunking with Sam... Wise?
The underground tunnels: Downtown.
Investigating the Hospital Tunnel
August 26, 2018, 12 pm.
Storming outside, cool, dank & dark.

Moving this forward a bit, let me know if there is anything else you guys wanted to do before this point.

Detective Hightail seems to echo Jason as he stands up from examining the long-dead Nun.  Do you guys ever take a day off?  I have some guys looking up cold cases already, but the fact this looks like a Nun that was working here should narrow things down quite a bit.  This certainly isn't what we see every day.  There is a convent here in town, I have a contact with the church who is following up that as a possible lead too.  He looks around as more and more fire and police put up mobile lights, illuminating the scene.  The burn marks on the walls zigzag here and there, but the slime for the most part has already dissolved.  Anyone find an electric box or something for the lights?

Fireman Almost have it!  Half this stuff looks shorted out. Some kind of big surge knocked most of it out.

Within seconds of that exchange, the lights in the sub-basement flicker on and hum.  The old electrical wiring screaming in protest and pulsing softly in a warm glow incandescent light.

Detective Hightail nods.  Better!  Thanks! he looks down at the mummy in a nun's nursing uniform from sometime in the late 1800 or early 1900s, rosery still clutched in her hand.  He shakes his head.  Some days I don't like my job, but I guess this is also why I do it.  He then moves around the woman to the much larger man.  Left more in the open and in much worse shape, there is much less left of him. The moisture in the air as well as vermin having done a good job of disposing of almost everything about him.  The detective takes out a pen and prods around carefully. 

Hightail Brains v 20 + slooth [7d6] = 31 g: [1d6] = 5

This look like and old i.d. bracelet to you?  Burns!  Come get a picture of this. another detective comes over and takes a picture of the bracelet on the ground before Hightail picks it up with the pen in order to not touch it directly.  It is heavily tarnished but he turns it around in the light a little.  H... Harper... Oh boy... Figures. he turns to hand it to burs who already has a plastic bag open.  Hightail then gets on the radio.  Martin? Yeah, this is Hightail. Remember the nun? I need you to look for anyone by H. Harper that went missing around the time we were searching for this.  I know.. I know... Just do it. he sighs and puts the phone away looking over at the team. You guys have a knack for stirring up hornet's nests, you know that?

Jamie is doing her best to make notes on her phone as information comes up, doubtlessly getting ready to check her own sources for even more details that might uncover something.

The elevator buzzes... not dings... and there is a man dressed as a priest that comes into the basement that none of you have met before.  He looks rather unremarkable wearing the black uniform shirt and white collar of a Father in The Church, but that is contrasted by the jeans he wears.  He and a younger nun help a woman that looks, in a word, ancient.  She moves slowly, seeming to be weighed down by the habit that she wears as well as the years that time has laid upon her shoulders.  She moves with a slow, even pace that is still somehow regal, and you get the impression of watching a turtle moved across the floor.  She looks up through small thick glasses, her cane doing little more for her than the collective efforts of her escort.

One of the officers moves to intercept them, but Detective Hightail speaks up. Father Danning, glad you could make it.  Who did you bring with you, Father

The man looks up and smiles wanly.  Normally, you might look on him and say "Old Man" but beside the much older nun, he looked downright juvenile. Detective, this is Sister Judith.  She is the eldest in the Convent and has lived her all her life. When I asked her about the details here, she insisted on coming personally.

Detective Hightail speaks up. Sister Judith, it is good to meet you, I with the circumst....

Sister Judith squints up at the tall detective. What? she ask in a louder than normal voice laden with her age.

The Younger Nun speaks louder for her. He says hello, it is nice to meet you.

Sister Judith nods. The pleasure is mine, I just with the circumstances were better, officer. she stated matter of factly but not rude.  Just... loudly.

There are some snickers, but everyone covers their mouths or turns away politely.  One nearby officer looks embarrassedly to Father Danning and even says, Sorry, Father. to which the priest just smiles and nods.

The old woman points with her cane and begins moving slowly over to the mummified remains.  When the Younger Nun and Father look reluctant, she shrugs them off and makes the short trip herself with the impatience born of age-old stubbornness. She looks at the body for a long time and then points with her cane once more.  Check inside that pocket there.  We all carried a small bible in that pocket and it would have our name in it.  I think this was Sister Bethany.  And him... she pointed to the pile of moldy bones. Was that the dirty scumbag Harlem Harper. she spit his name like it left a bad taste in her mouth.

The Younger Nun looked appalled.  Sister, please...

Sister Judith What?  I'm too old to sugarcoat bad medicine for young ears.

Father Danning nodded to the Younger Nun and waved like he were clearing the air to reassure her.

Detective Hightail waves over the other detective to document what he finds.  He puts on a rubber glove and carefully reached into the brittle pocket of the nun's robe and pulls out a small bible.  After carefully opening it with his pen, there is a handwritten name.  Sister Bethany he looks up.  Looks like we have name.  Anything else you can tell us? he says in a slightly louder voice so the old woman can understand him.

She nods. Sister Bethany and I worked here together for two years before she went missing.  That would have been... about 1936.  It was between the wars.  We worked at the hospitals more then since there was a shortage of nurses.  We had just entered the convent a few years before.  She had been assigned to work in a ward where Harlem had been put after coming in with wounds after a shootout with police.  We were working to get him back to health so he could stand trial.  He was a sick man.  He liked getting touchy with the nurses and nuns.  He took a particular interest in Sister Bethany.  They both went missing the same night.  Looks like we finally found them.


Roy O'Dowd:  Phone + Proton Pack + Trap + Flashlight
Dr. Jason O'Roarke: Phone + Slime Blower + Trap + Ecto Keys + Flashlight
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: Phone + Proton Pack + Trap
David "Mac" McAuslan: Phone + Proton Pack + Trap + Headlamp
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal: Phone + Proton Pack + Trap with Jack & the BBEG inside.
Sam Strickland: Phone + Proton Pack + Sticky Left Hand + Empty Trashbag in Pocket + Reading Glasses in Shirt Pocket + Notebook & Pen + Corkscrew Drillbit.

Jamie Roth: Phone + Battery Pack + Car Keys[/color]
Brownie Point Spending:

Brownie Point Pool:
Roy O'Dowd: 115/115 @
Dr. Jason O'Roarke:  134/156 @
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: 116/136
David "Mac" McAuslan 116/137
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal 138/168 @
Sam Strickland 4/24

Jamie Roth 5/20

Effects in place:
@ - Action Point - ReRoll without a Ghost Die - Merry Xmas 2019!

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:19 pm
by Samwell Turleton
I should be at 4/24 brownie points spent to date.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:41 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Roy "Well talk about a strange way to spend a day off..." he trails off in thought after listing half to everything.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:02 pm
by Bluehorse
Samwell Turleton wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:19 pm I should be at 4/24 brownie points spent to date.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 12:15 pm
by Taaz
Bluehorse wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 6:44 pm You guys have a knack for stirring up hornet's nests, you know that?
Yeah I think its a requirement to get into the academy
Bluehorse wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 6:44 pm She nods. Sister Bethany and I worked here together for two years before she went missing. That would have been... about 1936. It was between the wars. We worked at the hospitals more then since there was a shortage of nurses. We had just entered the convent a few years before. She had been assigned to work in a ward where Harlem had been put after coming in with wounds after a shootout with police. We were working to get him back to health so he could stand trial. He was a sick man. He liked getting touchy with the nurses and nuns. He took a particular interest in Sister Bethany. They both went missing the same night. Looks like we finally found them.
I think shes at peace now sister. She must have been a good person, she ...healed that young woman there, after she was injured. We just want to be as respectful as we can.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:24 pm
by Urson
Joker breaks out of his daze long enough to say We are glad to have helped.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:46 pm
by Rex

"This is exactly why I became a Ghostbuster."