Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#21 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Privy to the bar conversations and dubious quest of the Northmen, the elf wonders where he can fit in. Trained in martial arts but vocationally called to study the arcane he knows his best opportunity is to explore the Barrows not more indentured service to some doddery old wizard. He notes the entrance also of the young half-blood, pointed ears and graceful walk betraying her mixed heritage. Loaded with pouches and pockets, probably just as empty as his own but with the same desire to be filled. He approaches her table,

"I perceive you are a stranger too in these parts. Like me perhaps, drawn by rumours and legends to discover more than gold in the barrows? May I?" He gestures to a chair.

"I am Vann released from my service patrolling in the Moon Peaks. I venture in hope of joining an expedition to scout these Barrows. Would you consider joining me? I am sure we can aide each other."
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#22 Post by Bree-yark »


Jacor joins Brother Blaive and Endor at the table.

Well met. I am Jacor, recently arriving from Ironguard. I have just arrived now and know little about the place other than rumors. You never know the truth of these rumors until you see for yourself, but I have heard that there are mutants down there that would seek to enslave us.

Has anybody talked to that madman yet? I have heard that weak-minded people can be driven insane by what they see down in the maze. Perhaps he could have some valuable information.
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#23 Post by ginnymack »

Stirling wrote:Vann Hector
"I perceive you are a stranger too in these parts. Like me perhaps, drawn by rumours and legends to discover more than gold in the barrows? May I?" He gestures to a chair.
Mal had seen the elf approach from over the rim of her tankard, her green eyes briefly taking the measure of him.


She put down the tankard and leaned back into her chair while wiping her ale drossed lips with the back of one sleeve. Lifting a leg Mal pushed out the chair with a foot and offered a friendly enough smile. "Sit then, Vann and let's share a drink. Call me Mal" she replies, waving a hand for Urgritte to come for another round of ale.
Stirling wrote:Vann Hector
"I am Vann released from my service patrolling in the Moon Peaks. I venture in hope of joining an expedition to scout these Barrows. Would you consider joining me? I am sure we can aide each other."
Mal responds by slipping into elvish. "I hope you don't mind, but I haven't used the tongue of my father's kin for quite some time and I'm always looking to reacquaint myself with the language. I'm interested in seeing what secrets the barrows hold myself but its suicide to go it alone. I would welcome your company, Vann. Let us celebrate our partnership with a drink, eh? Now, we need more companions. What about those yonder, those including the dog?"

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#24 Post by sirravd »

Urgritte brings another round, wishing the two elves the best of luck in the maze, then hurries off to others in the tavern.
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#25 Post by Lance »

Bree-yark wrote:Jacor

Jacor joins Brother Blaive and Endor at the table.

Well met. I am Jacor, recently arriving from Ironguard. I have just arrived now and know little about the place other than rumors. You never know the truth of these rumors until you see for yourself, but I have heard that there are mutants down there that would seek to enslave us.

Has anybody talked to that madman yet? I have heard that weak-minded people can be driven insane by what they see down in the maze. Perhaps he could have some valuable information.
"Well, what I've heard is that all the rumours are true, so they clearly ain't. As for the madman, he might know something, but is in no state to tell." Endor looks around, and his eyes catch a pair of unarmored individuals. "I would rather look to add some magick to our gang, if you agree. But I'd not do it meself. Not good with words."
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#26 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

"I'll take the ale thank you. It has been a long day.The trek here is not without troubles. Truly though I prefer spirits, though not of the ghost kind. I became a dab hand with the alchemy set to brew a few 'hooches' while patrolling the wilds. Amazing what you can learn. Froglings the size of men dwelling along the Moor marshes and adventurers leaving offerings for the gods as penance in the tomb they raid. Not quite sure of the truth of either."

He looks at the other patrons. "I don't like the look of the barbarians from the north and I like the look of the half-blood, sorry, half-orc even less. Though they have a cleric and divine blessings are always a boom."

Vann signals to Harker. "Good fellow. Should we combine skills and venture together?"
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#27 Post by ginnymack »

Stirling wrote:Vann Hector
Vann signals to Harker. "Good fellow. Should we combine skills and venture together?"
How many ales she has had, Mal had no clue. But she was feeling good and was even more gregarious and outspoken than before. Disappointed in her attempts to garner Urgritte's attention, her eyes wandered once again. While her tastes fell toward women, she didn't mind a certain type of male if such the type was around. She wanted to live it up a little before risking death in the barrows.

She knelt by the big dog and rubbed the muscled neck before looking up at Harker. The scruffy beard was a nice touch, she mused to herself. He looked capable.

"Aye, think of the benefits of getting together," she added, perhaps with just a hint of a smile.

OOC: Please, please keep in mind that I'm playing Mal as a seriously well-thought out character. I play strong independent women that face mortal peril on a frequent basis. Mal is based in small part on Yara Greyjoy from GOT and she has strengths, weaknesses, issues, and baggage. She is not a sex bot, okay? Yet i'm willing to play out the various relationships adventurers can experience while living a very dangerous and possibly short life.
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#28 Post by Bree-yark »


I couldn't agree more, Endor. Spellcasters are always good to have around.

He was about to get up to approach the pair but then stopped. It looks like one of them is coming to us.

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#29 Post by sirravd »

Present tense, please :) (as per viewtopic.php?f=878&t=9524)
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#30 Post by Bluetongue »


yes, I picked up the Yara similarities in your 1st post

"Well this expedition seems to be coming together nicely." He surveys the potential group. Endor, a rogue. Brother Blaive, acolyte of Elei. Three men of martial skills, Jacor, Vann Hector and himself. Finally a student of arcane wizardry, Mal. A mage, a magess? A witch? He is not sure what they call female wizards. After working on a lordly manor, he got used to saying, "yes Ma'am or Her Ladyships," though he doubted this woman ascribed to any of those titles.

Tyson rolls over under the caressing hand of Mal. "Well you seemed to have won him over," he blabbers, halting the question on wether she preferred rods over wands.

The table suddenly has six chairs and group pleasantries are exchanged.

"I am not the 'de facto' leader for the group but we should be clear that equal risk equates to equal reward. We also agree not to leave anyone behind. I appreciate the spell casters need time for devotions and meditation to arm themselves. We should endeavour to facilitate that as neccessary.

Perhaps we can pool resources to begin with and equip ourselves better. Any questions?"

Harker goes on to make a few suggestions for the group, (posted in the OOC forum).
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#31 Post by Bree-yark »


You seem like a sensible fellow Harker. If the party decides to have a leader, I would follow you.

I swear by Crom that I will not leave anybody behind. If fate is against us and one of us falls, I will do everything possible to bring the body back home for a proper burial. On that note, we should all make our last requests clear if such an unfortunate event occurs. The only person I have to worry about is my brother, Huber, back in Bogtown. I would like word to be sent to him in the event I don't make it back.

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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#32 Post by Lance »

Bluetongue wrote:"Perhaps we can pool resources to begin with and equip ourselves better."
Endor shrugs. "I haven't much, but fair's fair." He chips in 3 gold pieces.
Bree-yark wrote:You seem like a sensible fellow Harker. If the party decides to have a leader, I would follow you.
"Aye, you're a go getter, I respect that. Street rules: you make the calls until you mess up."
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#33 Post by Hadarai »

Brother Blaive

"We've got quite the merry party here this is good! I've no experience leading folk, well at least not in prayer I'll be happy to follow whoever is thought to be the best candidate." The cleric sips his drink with much more care this time around as he listens to the others. I can chip in 3 gold pieces myself for party supplies, I'll be buying a mapping kit as well but that will be coming out of my pocket not to worry. By the way does anyone here know the way to the Barrowmaze or knows anybody that can act as a guide?"
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#34 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

"Okay. I am in too, but we don't need to slash palms and commit to being blood brothers. My sword is yours. Should the worst happen, I don't want to spend a purgatory wandering as undead." He looks at the madman who sits rocking in his place muttering whispered blabberings and displaying the occasional violent twitch. "Living dead of either variety. Off with my head."

He adds to the team pool, matching the 30sp.

"Four hours at least to the Barrow fringe and four back. We should prepare to stay overnight though counsel goes against that. Will a torch bearer stay also to guard the mule should we enter any crypts? Not an unusual request for a mercenary instead of a peasant guide. This man Osen will undoubtedly have a suitable person for a price."

If all that remains is to get equipment and a guide, we could leave at dawn. At this point Vann Hector doesn't have any other business in town. He has some parchments so could script 'Last Will & Testament' documents in 'the event of ...'.
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#35 Post by Bluetongue »


"Great. Thank you all for your support. 'Teamworks', so let us use the rest of the evening to our advantage if we can and put the team to work. I am not sure wasting time on a village idiot will get us anywhere. Surely the local priest would have him restored if they could. Still the Shrine will be a focus for adventurers coming and going, getting blessed, being interned. Blaive, perhaps you and Endor could slip into the back of the evening service. They might have a side chapel or grove for Elei. The local Padre may be able to share some blessing or knowledge of artefacts dug up, silvered chalices or pagan relics and the like. Endor, you could blag your way through a confessional. Use a tithe of the pool as an offering. The padre might bequeath some blessing in return, a potion of healing, votive candles whose incense wards evil ... see what you can wrangle not 'pilfer' out of them." He nods to the pair.

"Jacor, the mace is a godly weapon. But unless vows restrict bloodshed I suggest taking a cutting blade. The dwarven smithy is renowned for broadswords and they are all the rage hereabouts. Let us equip you with one. Vann Hector go with him. They might be able to tell us more about tunnels and underground caverns, workings in the Barrows that we should be wary off. How to spot likely cave-ins or have old blueprints about? Their picks and sledgehammers might have better quality too than general tradesman type and we need a couple extra." He tasks them with a brief.

"That leaves Mal and I. We can sort and load supplies. I am glad to see you have come well supplied with an ample chest." the innuendo is implied"Before that though, I was thinking this mercenary leaderOsen might not appreciate his evening disturbed for business. On the other hand, after several beers relaxing the stress of the day, he might be more open to being approached in a friendly way and offer more favourable help to a pretty face. I would hesitate to say all wizards charm the gullible and simple for their own ends but if you have a gift for enhancing our endeavours, that would be a boon to use. Let us make our introduction to him."

He suggests we talk with Osen to hire some aide.

hopefully that is okay with the group. We get a little RP in the village and meet back in the tavern in a couple of hours and leave in the morning?
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#36 Post by Bree-yark »


I will go with Vann Hector to pick up a sword and see if the dwarves have any useful information. Then I will be ready to go in the morning.

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#37 Post by sirravd »

Bluetongue wrote:Harker

Surely the local priest would have him restored if they could.
Being high enough level to cure madness is quite rare, and clerics of Crom and the Green Man view the mad as sacred and are forbidden to cure them anyway (other clerics are allowed to).

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#38 Post by sirravd »

Overhearing the conversation, Osen makes his way over, accompanied by two torch-bearing men. "Good fellows," he says in what you presume is a Helixer's (dismal) best imitation of the upper-class speech of nobleman adventurers, "fain would I aid thee in thy quest for the precious jewels of yon maze. In my youth I was an adventurer even as art thou, but alack and alas, I was rendered forever lame by an arrow to the knee. But many of my apprentices, among them the two men you see behind me, are of valorous character and stout thews, and would be fine hirelings in your quest! One thing more do I ask of thee if thou shouldst hire my men, and that is to tithe a twentieth part of thine earnings to the coffers of our noble"––he drops to a whisper––"Lord Krothos."
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#39 Post by Lance »

Bluetongue wrote:"Surely the local priest would have him restored if they could. Still the Shrine will be a focus for adventurers coming and going, getting blessed, being interned. Blaive, perhaps you and Endor could slip into the back of the evening service. They might have a side chapel or grove for Elei. The local Padre may be able to share some blessing or knowledge of artefacts dug up, silvered chalices or pagan relics and the like. Endor, you could blag your way through a confessional. Use a tithe of the pool as an offering. The padre might bequeath some blessing in return, a potion of healing, votive candles whose incense wards evil ... see what you can wrangle not 'pilfer' out of them." He nods to the pair.
Endor stares for a moment. "Sure.. I'll tithe the bequeath with the votive... or something." He shrugs at Blaive having no idea what those words mean.

If Blaive is willing, Endor will acompany him to the Shrine.
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#40 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector acknowledges the request and leave his pack and bow by the table, expecting Harker then to sort out common rooms and prepping the mule load.

The smithy too might be working until the evening hours so Vann follows the directions and noise of hammer upon anvil.

"Hello. We would like to purchase a new broadsword please and perhaps you can grind an extra sharp edge upon these trusty but rusty blades." He passes his longsword and axe to the smithy apprentices.

While they toil he engages in small talk. "I am investigating the Barrows in the morning. Perhaps you know of good entrances to the crypts below or areas to avoid. I appreciate the dwarven skills of masonry may help me spot a potential weak spot to avoid trouble."
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