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Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 5:48 pm
by thirdkingdom
Thirdmonth, Twentiethday

*Explore subhexes 0406, 0407, and 0306 of hex 73.47.

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 5:23 pm
by VonAlric
Thirdmonth, Twentyfirstday

*Hex 73.47, Subhex 0407 - Adventurers contact den of giant weasels, warn of more humans entering hex, warn weasels to move away.

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 5:46 pm
by VonAlric
Thirdmonth, Twentysecondday

*Explore subhexes 0306, 0307, 0206, 0305, and 0205, completing exploration of hex 73.47. Return to Junction.

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:14 pm
by VonAlric
Thirdmonth, Twentythirdday

*Battle enormous snapping turtle in lake at Hex 73.46, subhex 0404. Return to Junction. Star Nerathil disappears from night sky.

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:45 pm
by VonAlric
Thirdmonth, twentyfourthday

*Return to Hex 73.46, subhex 0403 - Open The Door at the Lake, possible tomb of mochyn noble, defeat 3 mummies, gain magic mask, shield & spear. Return to Junction.

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:52 pm
by VonAlric
Thirdmonth, twentyfifthday

*Visit Muelrid, the right hand of Sarnis; heal Feargus of mummy rot; leave spear, shield, & mask to be examined for curses.
*Interact with street preacher
*Visit Madam Fleur about selling loot from tomb.

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:00 pm
by VonAlric
Thirdmonth, Twentysixthday

*Return to Hex 73.46, subhex 0403 - The Door at the Lake, defeat 6 ghasts, recover more figurines and some books. This clears Hex 73.46.
*Death of the henchman Nald.
*Return to Junction with body of Nald.
*Meet with Madam Fleur, hear about other adventuring party group lead by a Sir Harn, the Red Knight of Tisbury.

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:09 pm
by VonAlric
Thirdmonth, Twentyseventhday

*Meet with the seneschal Beorthmac, paid reward for clearing hexes.
*Visit Brassan Cen, give information on tomb of the mochyn found at 73.46, subhex 0403; sold books from tomb, told they may not be extinct.
*Aldus meets Karag Two-Blades and Hira, of the Seven.
*Party travels towards Rhea's Ford, makes side trip to the Shrine of Sabeth to return the body of Nald.

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:11 am
by thirdkingdom
Thirdmonth, Twentyeighthday

Adventurers reach Rhea's Ford and partake in the Festivals of the Sowing. Gardo retains the services of one Notai, a cerves from the north.


Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:18 am
by thirdkingdom
Fourthmonth, Firstday

Adventurers in Rhea's Ford, begin to go about their tasks: viewtopic.php?p=428872#p428872

*Meet with Reker Nus, sage: viewtopic.php?p=428872#p428872 and hire him to ID snake fang armband, the mummy's mask, spear, and shield: viewtopic.php?p=429299#p429299

*Visit Tyrol Macneth about enchanting the turtle shell: viewtopic.php?p=429333#p429333 and viewtopic.php?p=429299#p429299

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:22 am
by thirdkingdom
Fourthmonth, Secondday through Fourthday

Party looks for and hires a cleric: viewtopic.php?p=429370#p429370

Shield is IDed. It is a +1 shield

Party hires Tolniel Fer, who will represent them in Rhea's Ford: viewtopic.php?p=429473#p429473

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:23 am
by thirdkingdom
Fourthmonth, Fifthday

Party hangs out and hears rumors: viewtopic.php?p=430091#p430091

*Nothing is certain, but there are those who claim the Scarlet Principality is edging towards war with the Azure Principality. Rumblings are heard that talks have broken down over disputed border territory. As it stands now, the best way to reach the Silver Sea has been through the Azure Principalities, but there are hopes that once the river route south down the Sarn has been opened up the Scarlet Prince will be less dependent on the eastern trade routes. Tolniel opines that if war breaks out the Principalities hunger for ore will increase dramatically, increasing the importance of the mining camps to the north of Junction and the passability of the road west, to Rocky Peak.

*A dragon has been spotted flying over the Ironshard range, just to the west of the pass the adventurers will be taking north to Alice. As of yet it has not molested any Men.

*The Ironshard range is something of anomaly. Rising steeply from the plains to the south, it's surrounded by lowlands and forest. The terrain is almost impossibly steep, and the land itself difficult to settle. It is nominally claimed by the Scarlet Prince, but outside of the two passes -- the one on the road west towards Junction, and the one of the road north, to Alice -- it is largely unexplored and any resources within unexploited. The bulk of the range has been granted to Lady Arcaphia, the Cerise Baroness, who dwells in a castle along the northern road, although Lady Annemond, the Cochineal Baroness, has been granted the northwest portion. There is rumored to be some tension between the two.

*Rhea's Ford, as a major city, is hungry for raw goods in all forms. Ore is the most valuable, but rare woods, furs, and other luxury goods are sought after, as are rare materials used in alchemical and magical compounds. The woods to the north of Alice are said to be a source of throan, an insect secretion that can be dried and purified and used in various potions.

*The woods to the north of Alice are a dangerous place, a primeval forest of ancient, toweing trees that hide numerous threats, among the most fearsome being ogres, giants, and strange, moss-covered trolls. The great dragon Valraphgon is supposed to control a great swathe of forest, although he has not been seen since the end of the Fifteenth Cycle.

*Numerous sages have declared they have interpreted the meaning of the disappearance of the star Nerathil; they warn that the boundaries between the worlds have weakened, and that strange beasts -- demons, elementals, and even faery-folk -- will be able to pass through in the mortal world at certain places and times. It is thought the disappearance is temporary, and that the star should reappear within the year, strengthening the boundaries once again.

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:26 am
by thirdkingdom
Fourthmonth, Sixthday

Adventurers meet with Deputy Seneschal Pord: viewtopic.php?p=430091#p430091

Gardo gives lantern to Reker Nus for IDing: viewtopic.php?p=430093#p430093

Travel north to Bastion: viewtopic.php?p=430169#p430169

Hear more rumors: viewtopic.php?p=430344#p430344

*A nearby settlement, Norrogal, was attacked by ogres the previous day. While the town militia managed to fight off the sortie with minimal loss of life -- mostly livestock were taken -- the Baroness is offering a bounty of 25 alcedes per ogre head to anyone willing to go after the brutes.

*Something strange is stalking the streets of Bastion at night, killing its victims almost indiscriminately, save it only attacks those walking by themselves. The method of death is hotly debated; some claim it is by exsanguination, others multiple stab wounds, while one man, a burly, barrel-chested man, claims he saw one of the dead bodies and the individuals head was smashed, as if by a great blow.

*There is most definitely a dragon in the mountains, and it looks as though it has finally attacked a human settlement. Two days ago an itinerant tinker arrived in Bastion, claiming that he had been come across a remote freehold on his route through the secluded valleys that dot the range, only to find the freehold burnt to the ground, the very stone foundations of the buildings melted as if subjected to a great heat. He says he did not investigate much further, but no survivors were evident. The tinker is reported to be staying at the grange for the time being, and has been questioned by the Baroness's men.

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:29 am
by thirdkingdom
Fourthmonth, Seventhday

Stay up all night, fight the Nightstalker. Goshawk dies.

Meet Senechal Arcaphia: viewtopic.php?p=432884#p432884

Are offered boons as a reward: viewtopic.php?p=432926#p432926

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:30 am
by thirdkingdom
Fourthmonth, Eighthday

Goshawk is returned to life: viewtopic.php?p=433060#p433060

Re: Time Tracker

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:31 am
by thirdkingdom
Fourthmonth, Ninthday

Leave Bastion, leave the Ironshards by nightfall, stay at the Inn "The Shard's Keep"