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Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 9:10 pm
by lab mix
Sister Marsha takes note of her filthy wet clothing with a quick grimace, then turns back to the situation at hand.

"Something tells me," she begins, "that Atticus is correct here...that the easiest method will be for two or more of us to simply lift the captain to the next level, together, using the rope."

She squints at the hole, trying to figure out if here comrades have found better luck up above.

"Can you lift the captain now?"
she calls. "Shall I climb up to help?"

Initiative (vs. DEX 12) [1d20] = 3

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 9:50 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
What is that thing coming at us? He quickly wedges the torch between two rocks and grabs a third, hurling it toward the glowing creature*. Atticus, keep working on getting Captain Annick out of that puddle. We aren't leaving her behind.

So this looks to be a man-made sewer then? Is this fetid sewer water or fresh/clean water we are standing in? If the latter, then Fletch will stand with one foot on either side of the channel.

* How big is this thing coming at us? I am imagining something the size of a jellyfish (lying under a few inches of water). If that is correct, Fletch is tossing a large rock in front of it to block its path. If it is a larger slime-thing, he will throw the rock toward a position to stop up the water flow - thereby exposing it to air.

Initiative: Dex 14 [1d20] = 3
Throwing a rock - Dex 14 [1d20] = 12

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 4:24 am
by Tamerlaine
OOC: Is there anything Atticus can remember specifically about Moonslime? Is it a threat? Invulnerabilities/Vulnerabilities?

Initiative (vs Dex 11) [1d20] = 7

Watching the glowing lump move toward them, Atticus Black's face goes grim as he pulls at his sleeves. "We have a situation, dear Sister. If you could just manage for a moment..."

If the Moonslime is perceived as a threat and he knows it can take physical damage, Atticus then starts weaving and gesturing with his hands and fingers, his voice speaking with words only known to those who have dedicated themselves to the study of magic. He casts Magic Missile!

Magic Missile: Damage [1d4] = 4

If Atticus knows that physical threats cannot harm it, he won't use his magic against it. At this point I'll wait for your response to my earlier question. I'd like to know if Atticus knows if fire or frost or whatever can hurt it then before making an action.

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:14 pm
by cmrsalmon
Marsha, you note that the Captain is growing weaker. With your aid, she is able to stay above the water, but her attention is wandering, her speech slowing.

"Go... help those fools, Sister."

Your aim is true, Fletch, and the rock lands before the jellyfish-sized lump. It oozes out of the water, the light brighter still, and slowly creeps over the stone. It seems move slower out of the water, but is now only a few feet from where you stand.

Atticus, you recall Perygrinus drone on about the curious (and likely fictitious) mating habits of the moonslime, their supposed use as a delicacy in ancient times, the moonslime's involvement in the Time of the Moonfall. Two pertinent facts loom before your minds eye; the moonslime is very mildly acidic, and, more significantly, it's touch reportedly has a curious and unpredictable narcotic effect. For this reason, a cup of moonslime would be worth a fair sum to the right alchemist or mage.

You recall nothing about particular weaknesses, but it is unlikely to thrive out of water. It is of the mundane world, rather than a creation of magic.

Your missile hits the slime, leaving a red-brown, blistering mark. The light dims, but the creature continues its progress over the rock.

What does Atticus's missile look like?

A thin, elastic-like tendril snaps out of the slime towards you.

Atticus or Fletch: [1d2] = 2

Could we get a DEX roll from Fletch, to avoid the slime's sticky grasp.

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:33 am
by Tamerlaine
I didn't roll for Atticus to retain his spell slot, so here goes...

Roll vs Int 17 [1d20+1] = 7+1 = 8

I take this in the rules that he can cast again. If so, he will cast Magic Missile again. I see the magic missile as a blueish globe of magical kinetic energy, is that is what you're asking me by a description.

"Fletch! Try fire!" Atticus hisses as he repeats the same gestures and words.

Magic Missile [1d4] = 3

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:54 am
by lab mix
Marsha will climb up to join the others, keeping hold of the rope attached to the captain in an attempt to keep her from going under.

Climbing (vs. DEX 12) [1d20] = 2

Once on the level above, she will begin to light a torch if circumstances give her the freedom to.

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:45 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
There is a torch lit, but Fletch is using it.
Dex14 [1d20] = 4
As the blueish tendril lashes toward him, Fletch instinctively dodges toward the wall where the torch is lit. Hearing Atticus's words, he yanks the torch free and attempts to drive it into the slime's body.
STR (10) [1d20] = 10
But the tight confines of the tunnel prevent him from moving fast enough to strike gelatinous blob.

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:11 pm
by cmrsalmon
Marsha, you carefully edge up the rocks, keeping the rope taut and the Captain safe. The rope slowly cuts into your fingers, the strain too great for one person to manage for long. You know you will struggle to haul the Captain out of the hole without assistance.

A second globe of brilliant blue energy sparks from your hand, Atticus, striking the slime. The moonslime's light dims to almost nothing as the scorched-red blisters spread.

The flickering yellow torchlight reveals that you stand in a wide, tall passage with a water channel that seems more decorative than sewer-like. The prepared stone of the walls and floor is worn and crusted with dirt, but is well-cut. The passage disappears into darkness in both directions, with no visible doorways or alcoves.

Atticus, Fletch or Marsha: [1d3] = 3

The slime spasms forward, shedding flakes of burnt skin as it leaps off the rock towards Sister Marsha.

Can Marsha roll DEX to avoid a splattering?

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:04 pm
by lab mix
Splattering? (vs. DEX 12) [1d20] = 14

"By the scythe of Yiol!"

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 4:30 am
by Tamerlaine
Lets see if I retain my spell slot...

Roll vs Intel 17 [1d20+1] = 13+1 = 14

Atticus, flushed with the efforts of channeling magic, manages to summon the magical energy for yet another magic missile and hurls it at what's left of the moonslime!

Magic Missile Damage [1d4] = 2

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:15 am
by Rusty Tincanne
Martha's efforts are at risk as she is attacked by the slime. Fletch reaches out with his free hand to assist with the rope.

STR (10) [1d20] = 5

Working together, they pull the Captain out of the hole. I hope.

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 1:55 pm
by cmrsalmon
As the slime hits you, Marsha, you feel a burning sensation where the creature's viscous surface touches your unarmoured skin. Another orb of blue energy flies from Atticus's outstretched hands towards you. You flinch as it connects, but feel nothing more than a tingling of static. The remaining tendrils of the moonslime burn away to ash.

Marsha takes 1 point of damage (acid).

Can you roll a CON check for Marsha and a d6?

Fletch dives forward to grab the rope held by Marsha as the slime and magic missile connect. You take the strain, but it will take the combined effort to pull up the Captain...

Assuming she fails a CON check, what effect does the intoxicating moonslime have on Marsha?

1 - Jgsflh sg? - You thoughts are lucid, but you babble incoherently
2 - Fuzzy head - Disadvantage on all rolls
3 - Dreamwalking - Convinced you are dreaming and nothing can harm you
4 - Delayed effect - Roll again in 1hr
5 - Argh, the voices! - Attack yourself once with whatever you are holding
6 - Rage!!! - Attack nearest creature

(effects last for 10 mins unless otherwise indicated)

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:15 pm
by lab mix
Marsha pulls back her arm as she hears a sizzle on her skin. She glances a Fletch with a look of gratitude and attempts to tighten her grip on the rope.

vs. CON 13 [1d20] = 9
(if needed) [1d6] = 5

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:27 pm
by cmrsalmon
You shake off a strange, self-destructive vision, Marsha, and together with Fletch's help, you pull the Captain out of the hole and on to the smooth stone of the wide passageway.

The Captain is unconscious, her skin pale and clothing soaked through. Her breathing is very weak. You see now the damage to her legs is severe, and the blood loss likely fatal.

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:07 pm
by Tamerlaine
Roll vs Intel [1d20+1] = 19+1 = 20

"No need to thank me," Atticus quips dryly as he lowers his arms. His master would have been proud of him, he thought, for doing what he did. He felt weak now, the use of magic having its effect on him. "I'm without the ability to cast another spell, at least until I've had a chance to study and reflect," he added as the captain was brought up over the lip.

It is clear to the mage that the officer's injuries are grave. "Fletch, Sister Martha...our situation is dire," he states in a low voice. "Captain Annick's injuries are fatal. She won't make it out of here alive no matter how hard we strive to save her. I'm not being heartless, far from it...just pragmatic. We must leave her here and find out way out."

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:45 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Once he has caught his breath, Fletch started to offer a word of praise to Atticus but is stopped short by the mage's words. If she dies, she will not die alone. I will pragmatically fetch her pack from below. Sister Marsha, can you stop the blood flow with my rope or anything?

Fletch lowered himself into the hole to bring back the captain's pack.

Rerolling my torches:
Roll 1:
torches [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 6

torches [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 1 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 1

Leaving me with 3, so i wouldn't have needed to borrow one earlier. So here is another roll for the one I lit:
torches [1d6] = 1

When this one goes out it, I will only have 2 left. Character sheet updated.

@ Tamerlaine: I love the "pragmatic" way Atticus thinks. It'll be funny to hear him bringing it up if cmrsalmon lets Fletch drag around the captain for a few scenes. :P

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:42 pm
by lab mix
"I don't think there's anything we can do for her at this point," Marsha says.

"Let us give her the respect of a final blessing."

Marsha will begin to say a brief prayer over the captain. She would like to move her to a suitable place that they might be able to return to later in order to retrieve the body.

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:09 am
by cmrsalmon
Captain Annick's pack contains very little food; a few scraps of bread and cheese, now ruined. Aside from her leather armour, the Captain also possesses a rope of decent length, a fire-starting kit, two torches, a pouch containing wax, leather cord and other odds and ends to maintain her armour, and a small bronze scythe, attached to a chain, a symbol of the goddess Yiol.

It is clear, now, that the Captain's spirit has gone.

Marsha, a brief chill causes you to shiver as you deliver your blessing. You quickly shake it off.

There are no obvious alcoves in which to hide the Captain's body.

By the torchlight, you can see the straight passage disappearing into darkness in both directions.

Do you walk against the flow of the water, or in the direction it was flowing?

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:14 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
The hole seemed to close in on him as Marsha acknowledged the Captain's passing. He slumped down on a rock and tried not to think about all the futility of this mission. Of this war. A lifetime later he climbed back out of the hole with the extra pack witha look of determination. He moved the captain to the side of the water, stripping off her armor. He doled out the meager supplies, using knowledge gained from traveling with the. The holy symbol of Yior to Marsha. Rope and a second flint and steel to Atticus. Fletch donned the leather armor and kept two torches and the leather repair kit.

He smiled at his companions. Nothing like losing your friends and a few days spent underground to take the wind out of your sails. I prefer to be done with this fool's mission. I say we head downstream and find our way out of these catacombs. But I can't leave you here, so I leave it to you two to decide. Which way?

Re: Chapter One(ish) - Lost in the darkness

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:06 pm
by lab mix
Marsha nods in appreciation as she is handed the bronze symbol of Yiol. She hangs it around her neck and looks in both of the stream's directions.

"Downstream seems as good a choice as any," she says.