Aguas Buenas Part 1

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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#21 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Weasly Pete is taken aback a bit by the sight of this giant man coming at them.

Jeeezus deputy! How's the weather up there?

Pete looks to his friends, motioning to all the other loaded guns in the room.

He then addresses Maurice.
Im guessing you must be exempt then? What with being the law and all?
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#22 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Mose still wasn't sure it was as clear cut as Greene had made it out to be. The name on the envelope could easily mean that the deputy sheriff was his mark. Add to that Mose's disinclination to give up his new ammunition... But Pete's words triggered an idea on the young scout - a way to keep his ammunition and find out information on the sly. Zat true, sir? Could sure use a job if yer lookin' to hire a feller.
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#23 Post by YamItheonly1 »

Greene makes it to the bar dodging the gaze of Deputy Maurice who has come under heavy fire from questions being asked by questionable people. Asking for a shot the bartender cooly slides you a brimming shot glass of some corn liqueur/whiskey mix that hits just the spot you wanted it to.

Greene please deduct $.50 from your cash

"Oh the weather is quite fine, just the same as yours. And yes because I am the law I am exempt, everybody else in this room might be armed but they ain't loaded just the same as you'll be.

Looking Mose over a few times, Maurice raises an eyebrow "How do I know you're one of lawful moral character and good standing with the folk of this town? I can't just hire on any ole body who shows up with naught but the clothes on their back and a couple hundred dollars, for all I know you could be recently released convicts trying to make a up a nice sum of money.

Pausing only a moment to let his words sink in he continues "Now if you would so kindly empty your chambers into your pouches or other packs I would be much obliged.
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#24 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Shore thing, sherrif. Removing the ammunition from his pistol, Mose continued. Say sherrif, do ya get many-a outlaw lookin' ta work fer ya? Seems odd. As ya say, we're new ta town, so we ain't in bad standin'. And a-workin' fer you'd be a good way ta serve these-here people and earn some money in an hones' fashion.

Mose looked to Pete to see if he could read his face at all. If worst came to worst and the trio could not stop the gun smuggling ring, working for the law might protect him if their unknown benefactor came after him.
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#25 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Pete gives the tall man a friendly nod as he draws his pistol and gives the cylinder a spin. He pops it open and tips the gun back, emptying the bullets into his side bag.

The last thing we want to do is to upset the law here in town there big fella. So then, where did ya say the sheriff was at the moment?
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#26 Post by onlyme »

Greene, feeling much more relaxed after a shot of pine tar, empties his rounds into his pocket,

Say, we could just wait here till he shows up, s'spose... there is room at the bar.
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#27 Post by YamItheonly1 »

Maurice looks very pleased to see you cooperate with his demands, taking a more jolly tone he replies "I guess I can see that you aren't banditos or such, asking for work from the law and all. I also can't deny that working for the Sheriff 'n Me would give you a good standing with the townsfolk. Perhaps after supper you could make your way down to my office and we can talk it out a bit more down there. Stopping just a moment to stare at a few boys who were getting a bit to rowdy he continues "Sheriff Walker is vising family in Dove Ohio for a bit, He's supposed to return next month. Now if you'll excuse me gentleman I need to speak to them boys over there." The giant deputy makes his way over the trio of boys and grabs all three by the back of their shirts and drags them out of the bar into a heap on the street.

A young lady with the same eyes and hair as the bartender walks up to you guys "Now that everythin's peaceful-like with you and the deputy would ya'll like a table together? Tonight for supper we're havin' my delicious pintos n' steaks from Mr. McNett's last haul."
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#28 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Pete eyes up the purty female.

Well that sounds right fine by me! A table, a bottle, a supper, and a chat about some work.! In that order!

He winks at the waitress and scopes out the other patrons nearby them.
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#29 Post by onlyme »

Greene moves over to the table as well, attempting to sit facing the crowd.
Let's discuss how we can help the most. Me... on a horse of course.
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#30 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Mose was pleased to see Maurice gave voice to thinking about his idea. It seemed that much more possible. Perhaps buying him dinner and drinks would seal the deal. There was one problem though. As Maurice was dealing with the rowdy trio, Mose whispered to Pete and Greene. We gotst no story of where we hail from, ner how we met. Pete, kin you make somethin' up and we'll back ya. Jes git us the job. As the waitress approached, Mose found himself staring too. He found himself yearning to look good. Shore thing, miss. If he hasn't already et, we three'd be proud buy the deputy sheriff dinner and eat with him. Beans'n'steak sound 'might good ta me. Mose then followed everyone else to a table and waited for Maurice to sit first.

It seems to me that certain things - like social conventions about how to act to an authority figure - would have been beaten into Mose at an early age. If that is too polite for a character with such a low charisma, let me know and i will be ruder. :)
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#31 Post by YamItheonly1 »

Go ahead and collaborate a story if you guys wish, by the looks of things the Deputy will be busy yelling at the trio of scoundrels for a few more minutes at least. Once you guys are finished we'll go on ahead :)
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#32 Post by onlyme »

Greene whispers a story...
Dont know about y'all, but me I was just pushing 500 head over to the territory when I musta drunk a couple too many during a break. I woke up bruised and bloody with a judge telling me I could swing or sign up for this outfit. Not sure what it is, but it sounded better'n swinging...
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#33 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Weasly Pete looks a might confused.

Well, hell. I don't think we needs ta make up no dang story. We just tell him who we really are an they'll be a lot less chance of screwing it up.

What we DONT want to do is tell him how we all met. We's just strangers that came to town at the same time is all.

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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#34 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Seeing the deputy sheriff taking longer than he had assumed, Mose didn't wait any longer to sit. Met on the stagecoach then? That's a right-fine story, old timer. I jes didn't want 'im figgerin' out he wuz right that we're all convicts come for a bounty. He poured himself a small glass of whiskey when the bottle arrived. He preferred beer, knowing it was less likely to go to his head.
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#35 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The rugged ol' Pete lets a smile escape his leathery face.

Stagecoach story sounds fine by me friend!
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#36 Post by onlyme »

Oh, you were asking about a made up story? Well shoot... I cant think of anything but the truth.
Greene confides.
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#37 Post by YamItheonly1 »

As the conversation dies down Deputy Maurice walks back and takes a seat at the table. Carefully pouring himself a small amount of whiskey into a flask he looks around the table. "So friends, what brings you here anyways? We don't got much in the way of jobs or new business opportunities with the Ortiz family owning all the farm-able land and the McNett Family having a monopoly on everything else. I dare say we don't have anything to interest strangers such as yourselves."

The pinto beans are perfectly cooked with a healthy dose of brown sugar and maple to flavor them up, and the steaks are large and juicy, but tougher than your average farm cow.
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#38 Post by onlyme »

Greene answers,
Well, I had just finished riding down a fairly decent herd and had some time to waste before heading back out. Been asking around for work to pass the days before next season.
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#39 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Ol' Pete

Come on deputy, you sure you aint got nuthin fer us?

We don't mind getting our hands dirty, if'n you know what I mean.

No bother to me either way, I just thought maybe you would have a certain job that might require "special" services?
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Re: Aguas Buenas Part 1

#40 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

"Name's Mose, sir. Ah'm from Kentucky. Hollow County. My whole fambly got kill't in a fire from a feudin' fambly. I took what I could find and runnoft. Aguas Buenas was as far as the money could git me from thar. Guess ah didn't think far enough ahead on that, huh? Had jes enough left over to git this outfit. But it's like they say... I don't mind hard work."
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