

Re: Ibrahim

#21 Post by Eulalios »

Late afternoon, 13th of Truces
One of the older women approaches and seizes your stirrup with a steady but withered hand. She informs you in heavily-accented Mozarabic that the Brigand holds the third village south from here. That is all she says before dropping her hand from the stirrup and walking away.

Continuing southward, you pass the orchard, and ride over the ridge of the hill, onto a highland slightly greener than the valley of goats. You ride a couple of hours to reach the next village, which is surrounded by fields of wheat and barley and has healthy gardens among about twenty huts. "Time about to rest the horses," Ogier comments. "I see here they have a well." There is no stream, but the huts surround a roughly circular yard about forty five yards across. At the center of the yard stands a tile-roofed stone cabana, under which you can see the gantry and crank of a bucket well. To the left of the well house, eastward, is a clean swept plaza paved with stones.

You and your horses also could do with an evening meal.

What do you do?
Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:29 pm

Re: Ibrahim

#22 Post by Anarion55 »

"Right indeed, friend." Ibrahim ride to the center of town towards the well and dismounted. Watering the horses was the first order of business, then they coukd concern themselves with where to settle themselves for the night. Ibrahim called out a hail to the people living there as he rode in. They were not hostile and he wanted no doubts about his friendly intentions. He finished by asking to receive shelter for a single evening for himself and his companion. The rules of hospitality were old indeed and it would be a strange thing for the people to refuse him a single night's room.

Re: Ibrahim

#23 Post by Eulalios »

You join the villagers at prayer on the pavement while Ogier skulks by the fire. Then you dine with the village chieftain, Daoud bin Daoud. You and Ogier may sleep on the clean swept but hard packed dirt floor of his hut. Or you may camp in one of the fallow grass strips that run among the fields of wheat and barley. Either way it is an easy evening.

Next day is

Warm dry summer morning, 14th of Truces

Riding further south you pass uneventful through a third village, its folk all out weeding the fields. By mid day you've crested a knobby hill that is one of a family scattered along a ridge. At the hill top are buildings, the typical stone built peasant huts. These are roofless and not only weeds but brambles grow among them. But smoke drifts up on a thin straight wisp from one of the roofless stone huts.
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