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Re: Action Thread #6 - The Great Stair

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:46 pm
by saalaria
Swil lights a torch from his pack and then passes to whoever will carry it.

Re: Action Thread #6 - The Great Stair

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:46 pm
by zebediah
Ogirdor picks the torch offered by Swilbosh and moves in.
zebediah wrote:
(...) Ogirdor turns to face the valley below (...) trying to see if there are any ways out of the valley visible.
OOC: Did the ranger's observation attempt above bear any fruit?

Re: Action Thread #6 - The Great Stair

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:40 am
by ragnboneshopper
Thurinor considers lighting his candle anyway, then shrugs, re-stows his things, and re-checks his crossbow as he waits to fall into line, grinning. "This promises to be a highly interesting endeavor. I should think we may not all come out alive..."

Re: Action Thread #6 - The Great Stair

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:27 am
by Stonjuz
The torch negates the dwarf's infravision, so he will fall back to his normal middle position, carrying his staff at the ready.

Re: Action Thread #6 - The Great Stair

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:16 pm
by Vargr1105
Day 4 - Mid-to-Late Morning - The Mountain Tunnel

Musical Theme: A Mile in Darkness

Leaving the light of day behind the party penetrates the tunnel, soon even the gleam of the entrance falls beyond sight and only Swilbosh's, torch carried aloft by Ogirdor, provides illumination for the journey. It is deathly silent inside. The only noises heard are the ones made by the adventurers themselves as they walk.

For some the voyage is uncomfortable, for a few remarkably so. The tunnel being only 6' in height means Malone's helmet is scraping the ceiling and he must either tilt his head down or remove it. Ogirdor has the same problem but one inch greater in severity. Ozborn doesn't have to tilt his head...he needs to bow to walk along and Swilbosh...poor Swilbosh is traveling along hunched and making a marvelous job of killing his backside. Only Andrin, Thurinor and Stonjuz, the most height-challenged party members, can be said to be traveling with no discomfort.

The tunnel is as straight as it is unchanging. It never curves, twists, rises or descends in any manner. There are no markings on the walls and nothing to be found except dust and the occasional animal dropping or discarded feather.

[1d100] = 52

While walking along the tunnel it is beyond the keen of man, elf, half-elf or lizardman to notice it but Stonjuz earth-attuned senses tell him the tunnel since its beginning has a very slight, regular inclination upwards. As they walk the companions are actually climbing up in relation to sea level.

Dwarven racial abilities FTW! I had never seen Detect Slope/Grade actually beeing used before.

And how long does this trip take? Longer than anyone wished, especially poor Swilbosh which is developing an insidious back pain. The passage seem to continue on and on and on forever.
When the torch that Ogirdor carries is all but sputtering the end of its useful life at last! a stronger source of light is seen at the distance. It is unequivocally daylight. Spurred by the possibility of exiting this gloomy passage the companions pick up their pace (specially the ones that are getting back or neck cramps) and emerge into...

New thread coming along. Will post link here when it is up.

Edit: New thread started: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1174