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Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 1:13 am
by Mister-Kent
Indeed - SE Mound would be ideal.

Frekken confers with his comrades excitedly.

Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:26 pm
by Broggrim
Bart, MH

"What... what... bees!"Bart awakes swing his arms, looks at everyone, realize he was acting out his dream, clears throat, " We going or what?"

Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:33 am
by GreyWolfVT
Jack "Yup lets gather the gear and pack up. We're movin out towards that mound southeast of here closer to that canyon gorge thing."

Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:08 pm
by Urson

Belial pitches in, helping pack and load gear and the spoils from the beehive. When the group is enroute, he'll be flying what he calls 'low cover': about 100m up, slightly behind the group, and ranging side-to-side maybe 1/8th of a mile.

Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:52 pm
by Norjax

The Gam’A Zone, Day 55

Dawn breaks across the desolate, wind-swept plains of the Gam’A Zone. After gathering your supplies and loading the drot swyne 'Bacon', you head out for another hill exploration. Belial and Blixx fly cover as you travel steadily southeast, noting any features or objects they can see from their vantage point.

You reach the mound around noon time. Its familiar appearance and natural erosion would look like an ordinary hill, but you have learned that these regional hills contain buried structures used as power generators by the ancients. This hill does not reveal any artificially protrusions, and you assume it would take days or weeks to excavate into the hill and reveal its secrets.

The fliers can see a small, box canyon with a dry river bed approximately in the middle. From their observation point, the other side of the gorge is 4 miles away. The walls of the canyon drop 400 feet to the floor, which contains patches of apparent red and yellow foliage (first spotted by Blixx and Bruze back on day 30).

To the southwest, are several low hills of similar size running in the same direction.




Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:56 pm
by Mimdalf

"I can fly, over us and scout up ahead maybe" I really don't want to go out of everyone's sight, this is new and dangerous territory without friends."Blixx offers nervously. "The rusty roaches, nearly did me in." Blixx shudders

Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 2:10 am
by GreyWolfVT
Jack "Well based on the intel I was able to gather them roaches are but one of the groups in the zone fighting for control. Like we're in midst of a turf war out here."

Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 1:47 am
by Mister-Kent
Frekken approaches. "Okay, just be careful when flying over...I considered climbing down to scout around myself, and going all incognito-like with my skin. Do you think that would help? I don't think I have a rope long enough though..."

Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 5:15 pm
by Urson

You won't be alone, Brother Bug- I'll fly with you. Belial preps to join Blixx on his recon flight.

Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:54 pm
by Norjax

The Gam’A Zone, Day 55 – Early Morning

Blixx and Belial fly a reconnaissance forward of your position and over the canyon.

The floor of the canyon is similar to the areas you have traveled trough with one exception; there are several patches of foliage growing in the ground. Closer examination reveals this foliage to be fungi - mushrooms. The tallest of these mushrooms is 12 feet and they are surrounded by many smaller varieties. The fungi are colored in different shades of red and yellow.

The two fliers also spot several cave entrances in the walls of the canyon, most at ground level but some in the cliff faces. The entrances are between 10 and 2 feet high, black and unlit by the sun. A dry river channel is cut into the center of the gorge and continues east, out of sight.

Their quick recon does not stir or spot any activity from animals or beings.





Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:41 pm
by Urson
Belial lets out a short bark of laughter. Dude! Like, Loomis was right! The Mushroom Kingdom is real! That is so awesome!

He actually begins spiralling down toward the fungi before he catches himself and flaps back up to Blixx.

Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 9:03 pm
by Mimdalf

"Let's head back to the others, did that trader say something about any valuable mushrooms?" Blixx heads back to the group to pass on what he and Belial have seen.

Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:30 pm
by Urson

Like, what trader? Belial asks, completely serious.

Re: CHAPTER 5: Return to the Gam'A Zone

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:19 pm
by Broggrim
Bart, MH

Bart watches the two flyers return and give report.

More caves, do we mean to explorer them? ...only thing I know about srooms, they grow on dead things... must of been a lot of death in this canyon.
Bart then realize he was being ominous, so he grins to show he has no worries.