Festivals and Celebration Days.

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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#181 Post by Spearmint »

Barrowmaze Advent Quiz

Q23: What precious commodity do the Moorwash River clam-fishers trawl for?
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#182 Post by Spearmint »

Barrowmaze Advent Quiz.

Q24. Who is Ananxyrus Greenback?
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#183 Post by Spearmint »

Barrowmaze Advent Quiz

Q25: Who is being kept prisoner by the Gnolls in the cistern of their temple ruin?

And that folks brings me to wish you all a Happy Christmas! I will tot up awards for answering questions and adjust the experience tally totals.

And, to add to the season of joy and merriment, a bonus question for all you game sleuths:

Which character player actually died and is currently being played in disguise as a Doppleganger?
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#184 Post by Spearmint »

Barrowmaze Advent Quiz

Here are the answers and some background to lesser known answers:

Dec 1st: What is the name of the innkeeper at the Brazen Strumpet Tavern? Bollo

2nd: Who is the beggar who sits upon the tavern verandah? Alastar

3rd: What rare commodity does Valeron commission people to get from the forest?
Spider Silk from giant Golden Orb Weaver arachnids.

4th: Who is Helix village's Mud Wrestling champion? Sun Tsieng Roy, monk npc.

5th: What blood sport takes place in the courtyard of the Foul Pheasant? Cockfighting overseen by 'Rooster' Rogan. Lord Krothos is a regular participant as well as the dwarves from the Forge.

6th: What is the name of the apothecary in Bogtown? Verne, a herbalist and pharmacist.

7th: What type of wooden creatures were found looking after the deceased treant in the Barrow Moor glade? Gnolems or Wood Golems, named as Ash, Birch (Silver Birch) and 'Conker' (Chesney, carved from a Horse Chestnut tree).

8th: What instrument did the bardic troll, Saltheart-Walks-Far play? Bagpipes, the troll follows a vocation to appease the gods and end the regenerative curse which prohibits trolls dying and entering celestial heavens

9th: Where was the flayed body of Old Basil the poacher found hanging? The Old Dwarf Bridge along with his apprentice rangers. Bharazd'had, Sauron soothsayer was captured and charged with their murder.

10th: What type of hybrid creature was slain by characters at the abandoned Logging Camp? Owlwolves, the first of a number of strange hybrid creatures thought to be the result of the Thornswild Elves' genetic experiments.

11th: What was the name of the Bugbear tribe that followed the Set Cult? The Red Fangs Katka, a priest was first encountered by the Crooked Yew expedition team and later slain by Dalin and druid Clive.

12th: What is the name of the ancient black dragon that reigned over the Moor at the time of the desolation? Ossithrax The dragon held sway over the wilderness, rumoured to have been slain in a great fight by Mercian barbarians and buried in a great mound. The first mention of his name caused a minor quake in the Barrowmaze. A refurbished tapestry with his 3-D image hangs in the Banquets Suite of Duke Kell's citadel Keep.

13th: What sort of radioactive rock does the Svirfneblin chief Trakratos carry about with him?
A meteorite, the Moonstone. A radioactive rock that potentially is the root cause of the illnesses, barrenness, feeble-mindedness and strange behaviours within the gnome-kin community at the Sinkhole.

14th: Who is Mephistoffol? Mazzah's cat and contrary to popular opinion. He is not s Familiar but a former associate polymorphed into feline form.

15th: What pirate dice game can you play in the Foul Pheasant? Liar's Dice, played firstly by Dalin who gained favour and won an increase in his Constitution attribute.

16th: The font at the St Ygg's Chapel was upgraded to silver standard in memoriam of which deceased cleric? Truro Cornwallis, acolyte and evangel of St Ygg and mercenary at the Guild. He was first bitten by giant toads then torn apart and feasted upon by the blood-frenzied Deucalion whilst he was still in his Ravenous Zombie state.

17th: What is the name of the healing mud that can be plastered into casts to restore player's health? Hurtloam Nature's blessing, a cave of Hurtloam has been located along the banks of the Merisc River, cleric Marcel des Rosier dying within the cavern, feasted upon by cave rays.

18th: Who swam with mermaids in the Barrowmere? Sven, Orgoth & Isvand

Only the latter pair were subsequently afflicted by the blown 'Sands of Forgetfulness', and so lost all memory of that experience.

19th: The Chapel of St Ygg's has a stained glass window in honour of which ancient knight whose shield Durgo now carries? Sir Guy O'Veargne . The knight was slain on an expedition that aimed to close the Pit of Chaos using the relic known as the Fount of Law

20th: What happened to the Helix Hospice?
It burned down in a blaze. The rumour is the blaze started as Duchy guards fought patients who were turning into Orphidians or Fungicide Mushroom-men.

21st: Who is the unseen friend of the Ogre who lives in the Quarry tunnels? The ghost of Spoonie the dwarf miner. An Easter-egg character as Spoonie the npc occurs in many of my campaigns.

22nd: What do the Sauron lizardmen accuse Karl Barrelgut of stealing from them? A dragon egg. The Saurons were gifted an inert dragon egg as a peace offering, exchanging their own unhatched offspring to bind a treaty with the Thornswild Elves.

23rd: What precious item do the Moorwash River clam-fishers trawl for? Pearls, specifically those able to be used in arcane Identity spells.

24th: Who is Ananxyrus Greenback? Bullywug chief, presently charmed by druid Raust and in her vassal-ship. Her Orphidian tribe and the Bullywugs have engaged in a joint Tadhemoth hunting expedition.

25th: Who is being kept prisoner in the Gnolls cistern? The two lost orphans of Rayo Paterson The Gnolls speak of them as being 'God-touched' and the conclusion is they are being kept prisoner so as to be used in some Gnoll Cthulhu-type ritual later. The orphans are thought to have become Orphidian too but also have manifested innate magic ability.

Bonus question: Which character died and is actually being played as a doppelganger? that would be telling ....
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#185 Post by Spearmint »

Barrowmaze Advent Quiz

Thank you to all participants in the Quiz. I hoped it filled a few gaps in knowledge and shared a few snippets of Interesting information.

I have adjusted the Experience Points awarded to players and added it to your characters.

Balto +500xp
Bluetongue +500xp
GreywolfIV +70xp
Mr Rose +400xp
Quo +500xp
Raven5455 +500xp
Rex +10xp
Stirling +500xp
Straither +500xp
Tanker +340xp
Tristenc +340xp
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#186 Post by Spearmint »

Barrowmaze 3rd Anniversary

So we have a celebration tomorrow of our third campaign birthday, begun on the 31st May 2021.

Here then is a slice of birthday cake for each character and a surprise birthday trinket.

🎂 The cake will give +1d4 temporary hp, please roll and post here so I can acknowledge and adjust my records.

Here is a random trinket. I rolled a [1d100] and trawled through many a list of class based boons. You may equip these and use them as you see fit. I tried to balance them against the length of time a player has been around and character level, hence differing values in terms of worth but all should provided interesting boons at some stage. Enjoy.

just a reminder! all character players were gifted an Easter Egg, which gave a +4 bonus vs any attack, skill check or Saving Throw. If you have not yet used yours, please do remember to include it in your next roll before its 'eat by date' expires.

So, here is your Lucky Bag randon trinket.

Amos: a double-headed silver coin that when tossed onto a table or flat surface, lands to spin upon its side for [1d4+1] rounds, during which you gain a single +1 bonus to any Attack or Saving Throw and modifying any Skill Check by -1. Daily use.

Berrgon Chiselrock: a single lump of coal imbued with forge-fire that enables you to Resist Cold as per spell.

Bhelnus Marblehelm: a wedging spike that when struck with your Heirloom hammer, acts as a Hold Portal spell.

Blaze Horner: a harvested gland of Bombardier Beetle, sewn into a wineskin that can be squeezed to squirt a stream of acid (as per Vial of Acid) [1d4] doses.

Cadeweed Dale: a piece of the magic mirror that when cast upon the ground, produces [1d4+1] 'Zombie-Cadeweed' Mirror Images, acting as per spell effect.

Cosmo Snag: a black felt magician's glove that when worn, enables you to steal a singular random spell from another mage's memory and cast it yourself. You only need touch them but they get a Save vs Spells against the spell theft attempt. (If they fail, they are however unaware of the heist).

Dadely Grimes: a crafted pencil sharpener that allows you to sharpen any twig into a quill like pencil that writes with invisible ink (that you alone can see normally).

Dalin Silverhand: small baton made of aluminium that enables you to cast Warp Metal (as Warp Wood spell but effective upon swords), usable once per day.

Dougal: a wreath made from lengths of blessed gnarled roots from the One Tree that when thrown creates a zone of Entanglement, as per druidic spell of similar name. Daily use

Dufr Far-Traveller: a lined scabbard for a dagger that silvers any blade to make it effective against Were-types and iron resistant creatures.

Durgo Brightboon: the Holy Symbol of the slain Paladin (Mummy), which still radiates a Protection from Evil if held forth boldly while uttering St Ygg litany and prayers. Daily use

Elbart: A small quiver which holds a dozen arrows but when emptied in a combat scenario, magically produces two bonus +1 arrows.

Fydmar: a shimmy cloth that can be used daily to shine or clean an item or object, imbuing it with Leomund's Trap spell or to erase the effect if that spell is already in place.

Genaromes: a pair of spurs that fix to your boot heels which when clicked together causes you to Blink (as per spell) in a random direction upto 20'ft away. Useable as a daily function.

Golgarth: (probably a map to the Barrow Mounds, as the only original character in three years not to set foot in the area. :lol: ) A set of skeleton keys shaped into runes that when traced upon a wall or object, imbues it with a Glyph of Warding emitting an electrical charge on triggering should unauthorised access be attempted. Daily use.

Gunter the Red: a hand-held crossbow that you draw to trigger a Magic Missile (as per spell) once per day.

Hedrak: a poultice of wild herbs that act as a 1st Aid Kit and can draw poison (as in Slow Poison) out from a victim's wound.

Isvand: a piece of jerky made from Basilisk steak that when you chew on, effects a state of Petrification upon you for one turn. (Useable daily, just don't swallow it!)

Jorly: a neckerchief / bandana embroidered with 'third eye' pictorials, that when worn allows you to focus upon a scene and survey it for discrepancies. It is imbued with Detect Illusions, as per spell and useable as a daily item.

Moriartus: a torc made of Weirwood that is imbued with blessed amber sap which reverses the negative energy from Wightish touches (and like creatures). Useable for one single touch per day.

Orgoth Stonewall: a thin black cloth like a sheet that when covering a person allows them to phase into 2-D rather than 3-D form and thus enable you to slink into crevices and under doors. Useable once daily.

Perseverance Hake: a piece of stone, taken from the foundation of the new St Ygg chapel that when clutched invokes your ability to cast a bonus daily 1st level cleric spell of choice.

Raust: a set of crafted bracelets made of vulture and Harpy feathers that when worn triggers once per day as Feather Fall should mishap happen.

Raven: a Snowglobe that when shaken will create a zone of blizzard like conditions around you, (20'ft radius), chilling others severely though you are personally immune to the freezing effects.

Rum Lightbender: a metal gauntlet, rubber lined, that is imbued with a daily Shocking Grasp ability.

Selina: a tuning fork which once struck will vibrate when pointed in the direction of snares and traps, (as Detect Snares & Traps spell). Daily use.

Sigrid Mryvka: a triskaidecagon knucklebone that when rolled creates a random effect (just don't roll 13 ...)

Sir Dewey: a small ornamental aspergillus that filled with holy water, allows you to pray over an anointed figure and subject to piety (both giver & receiver), remove a mundane curse placed upon them.

Sven Jolly: a cloth pouch that fixes to your belt. Inside is a random furry flush toy animal. (As per Bag of Tricks but only allowing a daily usage).

Veryn Esuran: a set of clockwork chattering teeth that when wound up and released, will babble gibberish for [1d4] rounds, causing those within audible range (30'ft) to save vs Spells or become Confused (as per Spell).

Wrathbone: a large iron spoon whose handle when twisted grows into a spade that if wielded halves any excavation time. (Daily use)
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#187 Post by ateno »

I did not get a lot of frosting it seems. :)

BD Cake [1d4]=1

Glove added, Thank you!

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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#188 Post by Rex »

Thanks Kris!


I have used my Easter egg.

Temp hp [1d4]=2

Sheet updated.

Added PC name to keep them separate.
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#189 Post by Straither »


I have a feeling some bonus hp and a spade to quickly dig graves might be very useful about now ...

Wrathbone: birthday cake temporary hp [1d4]=4
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#190 Post by Rex »


I think he used his Easter egg.

Temp hp [1d4]=3

Sheet updated.
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#191 Post by Quonundrum »



A very apropos gift considering his recent experiences!

Birthday Cake: [1d4]=1
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#192 Post by Kenjosephus »


Birthday cake [1d4]=2

Thanks for the cake and trinket.
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#193 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven is thankful for anything he gets.....

Hit Die [1d4]=1

Even that. :lol:

His Bag of Tricks should bring plenty of hilarity to the group. :mrgreen:
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#194 Post by OGRE MAGE »


Let's make it 2 for 2.

D4 [1d4]=1 :roll: :lol:

Thanks for the cake and goodies!!!
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#195 Post by Craigers07 »

Thank you Spearmint!

3rd Anniversary temp HP [1d4]=3
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#196 Post by Bluetongue »


Golgarth: birthday cake temporary hp [1d4]=2

Birthday present trinket:
(probably a map to the Barrow Mounds, as the only original character in three years not to set foot in the area. :lol: ) so true!

A set of skeleton keys shaped into runes that when traced upon a wall or object, imbues it with a Glyph of Warding emitting an electrical charge on triggering should unauthorised access be attempted. Daily use.
will be useful, thanks.
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#197 Post by BaltoBruiser »

Bhlenus Marblehelm

Thanks Spearmint!

Barrowmaze Birthday Bonus:

Also, he has used his Easter Egg bonus.
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#198 Post by Jernau35 »


Thank you Spearmint!

Birthday HP [1d4]=2

Easter egg bonus not yet used. I shall endeavor to use it asap.
Chance of being Suprised: 33%
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#199 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

Blaze Horner: birthday cake [1d4]=3

Nice big piece!

Easter Egg +4 bonus, will use on next attack or save.

a harvested gland of Bombardier Beetle, sewn into a wineskin that can be squeezed to squirt a stream of acid. [1d4] doses.

Blaze Horner: Bombardier acid doses [1d4]=1

Enough to melt someone.
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Re: Festivals and Celebration Days.

#200 Post by kwll »

Thank you Spearmint!

Birthday HP [1d4]=1
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