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Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 5:07 pm
by Rex

Muscle +2 Brownie Points [4d6] = 13 + [2d6] = 8 Ghost [1d6] = 2

Wasn't sure if I could use BP for this so rolled them separate.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 5:14 pm
by Bluehorse
Rex wrote: Mon Aug 17, 2020 5:07 pm Mac

Muscle +2 Brownie Points [4d6] = 13 + [2d6] = 8 Ghost [1d6] = 2

Wasn't sure if I could use BP for this so rolled them separate.
Not in this case. Sorry. He had a round to prepare his trap.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:00 pm
by Taaz
Jason is diligently frosting the walls as he hears a giant explosion, some shouting and a painful yelp from inside the room, Hey is everyone oh... He catches the ghost fly out trough the hole left in front of the maintenance room, and he sees Jaime go down. MAN DOWN, MAN DOWN he shouts and steps up to square his shoulders aiming to get the ghost away from Jamie, waiting until Jack has the other ghosts back turned twords him Jason fires into the mass of the ghost.
I also noticed when doing this I had the "Fire Weapon" talent, haven't used it because i was sure it was fire proton pack before lol.
Moves: [1d6] = 2 Ghost:[1d6] = 3 BP:[4d6] = 14
Get away from her you bitch!

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:53 pm
by GreyWolfVT

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:23 pm
by Bluehorse
Taaz wrote: Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:00 pm I also noticed when doing this I had the "Fire Weapon" talent, haven't used it because i was sure it was fire proton pack before lol.
Moves: [1d6] = 2 Ghost:[1d6] = 3 BP:[4d6] = 14
no worries! Also an applicable skill is 5d6 not 4d6. So roll me 1 more for fun!

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:21 pm
by Scott308
Lionel "Freight Train" Williams

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:37 pm
by Urson

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:38 pm
by Urson
annnd... crap!

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:49 pm
by Bluehorse

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:15 pm
by Bluehorse
Steam Damage: [4d6] = 11

Steam Damage: [4d6] = 10

Brownie Point Spending:
Jamie -6 to damage.
Mac: 0 = 15 v 11 No Damage.
Lionel: 3 = 20 v 17.
Joker: 5 = 10 v 5

Because of the Ghost Die on Lionel and Joker's rolls, both are stunned for one round.

Brownie Point Pool:
Roy O'Dowd: 115/115 @
Dr. Jason O'Roarke: 134/156 @
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: 116/136
David "Mac" McAuslan 120/137
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal 138/168 @
Sam Strickland 15/24

Jamie Roth 5/20

Effects in place:
@ - Action Point - ReRoll without a Ghost Die - Merry Xmas 2019!

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:31 pm
by Taaz
Sure thing
Moves: [1d6] = 3

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 5:01 am
by Rex

Mac will try and get a shot on the BBG with his proton pack, but will only take it if its safe.

Moves +4 Brownie Points [7d6] = 28

Forgot his fire weapon talent.
Fire weapon talent [2d6] = 11
39 total

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 1:52 pm
by Samwell Turleton
Sam Strickland

Sam is going to assist Jamie, after seeing her crumple to the floor, while speaking reassuringly and positively about the situation they are all in.

“Jamie, are you alright?

Can you tell me if you are hurt and where?

Everything is going to be alright. The situation is going to be under control real soon...

Real soon...
, Sam trails off a little bit shifting focus.

Sam directs his next dialog to the nun and tries to get her assistance with her higher power,

”We could use your prayers here sister... can you help me look after Jamie?

Help Jamie - Moves [3d6] = 7, Ghost [1d6] = 3

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 3:24 pm
by Urson
Joker is knocked flat, his eyes going a bit unfocused. He attempts to move, but he's had his bell rung good and proper. He gasps lika a fish, trying to get his breath.
ne oldu baba? he mutters, only half aware.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:18 pm
by Bluehorse
Spelunking with Sam... Wise?
The underground tunnels: Downtown.
Investigating the Hospital Tunnel
August 26, 2018, 11 am.
Storming outside, cool, dank & dark.

Sorry this has taken so long. I have had to do a lot of adjusting for the new job lately.

The scene erupts into a flurry of activity as it often does in this point. Jamie, Joker, and Lionel all go down for a moment as the steam hits them, stunning them. They came to and can wipe the sweat from their eyes in time to see the action on the main floor.

Jason & Mac quickly try to get shots off on the B.B.E.G. and do indeed get a good spray of slime and a good beam on the their oponent, they also manage to get Jack in the mix. Mac can feel the ghosts struggling with each other and the B.B.E.G. is definately trying to get loose. The ghostbuster can feel him pulling and fighting every bit as much as he was the first time in the old Laundry room, but he can also feel Jack wrestling with him at the same time. Both ghosts are screaming and cursing at one another and despite the urgency of the moment, it is a hell of a fight to watch and Mac knows he is every bit engaged as Jack is.

Sam moves to Jamie which is no easy feat as the slime splatters on them both here and there, but it is possitively charged, so at worst they will feel like a million bucks later. He begins administering 1st aid even as she rather grogily keeps her phone focused on the action.

That is when The Nun moves in, careful to avoid the other two ghosts. She looks at Jamie then Sam and trying to shield them from the proton blast, points urgently... and though she seems to be yelling, Sam only hears it as a faint whisper: We have to move her away...

Roy can turn and see all this. Everyone that was stunned is free to move now.

Basement12.jpg (117.21 KiB) Viewed 983 times

Roy O'Dowd: Phone + Proton Pack + Trap + Flashlight
Dr. Jason O'Roarke: Phone + Slime Blower + Trap + Ecto Keys + Flashlight
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: Phone + Proton Pack + Trap
David "Mac" McAuslan: Phone + Proton Pack + Trap + Headlamp
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal: Phone + Proton Pack + Trap
Sam Strickland: Phone + Proton Pack + Sticky Left Hand + Empty Trashbag in Pocket + Reading Glasses in Shirt Pocket + Notebook & Pen + Corkscrew Drillbit.

Jamie Roth: Phone + Battery Pack + Car Keys[/color]
Brownie Point Spending:
Mac: -4 to rolls.
Jason: -4 to rolls.

Brownie Point Pool:
Roy O'Dowd: 115/115 @
Dr. Jason O'Roarke: 134/156 @
Lionel 'Freight Train' Williams: 116/136
David "Mac" McAuslan 116/137
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal 138/168 @
Sam Strickland 15/24

Jamie Roth 5/20

Effects in place:
@ - Action Point - ReRoll without a Ghost Die - Merry Xmas 2019!

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:50 am
by Rex

Mac tries to hold him with the beam for dear life.

"We need more beams on him NOW! I don't know how long I can hold him."

Not sure if I need to roll anything here, he will spend whatever BP he needs to to have an excellent chance of success.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:26 pm
by Taaz
No worries on the time, real life comes first!

Jason concentrates on keeping the stream focused on the BBEG but moving to his right clockwise around the ghost trying to avoid hitting Jaime, Sam, Jack and the nun.
He is basically moving to the south of the BBEG on the map so we can get some more room for the others.
Fire Weapon: [5d6] = 19 Ghost:[1d6] = 2 BP:[4d6] = 11
Jason grits his teeth and keeps piling on the slime.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:05 pm
by Samwell Turleton
Sam Strickland

Sam is going to crouch in a position behind Jamie, grab her under her arms, and try to scoot together to safety towards Roy and the records room.

Roy, give me a hand!

Muscle [1d6] = 1, ghost [1d6] = 2, BP [1d6] = 4

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:14 pm
by Bluehorse
Rex wrote: Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:50 am Mac

Not sure if I need to roll anything here, he will spend whatever BP he needs to to have an excellent chance of success.
go ahead and give me a muscle roll, with Jack helping you have the advantage, and it will compound as others get a stream on him.

Re: Spelunking with Sam... Wise?

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:34 pm
by Rex