Spider Silk

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Re: Spider Silk

#161 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Sir Dewey

"Ah. I must confess I did not think of that outcome, Mai. You may be right. And if so, we should return them. Does anyone know what else could be mined here, unless chalk was the target? Surely the gold can't have laid here for years."

"Camping is a fine idea. Those shacks will suit our needs nicely. That area beyond the waterfall intrigues me, though. Perhaps we start there in the morning? How many spools do we have left?"

If there are no objections or offers to scramble up to peek at the area beyond, Sir Dewey will lead the group back towards the entrance. However, he will stop a good ten feet back and make sure that the area is clear.
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Re: Spider Silk

#162 Post by Bluetongue »


Agrees with the halfling. Maximising profit, I like the sound of that.

"May I check out the pick. I have a little knowledge of construction tools and masonry."

He will be happy to go back to the abandoned cabins and find a corner he can set up as a shrine to Cromm and meditate at.

Perhaps during the rest time, we can apply those healing swathes of bandages upon the injured.
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Re: Spider Silk

#163 Post by Urson »

Mai Ronin
I would prefer to sleep under a roof- with a door to block noctournal spiders. The shacks are a good start- we can investigate the waterfall tomorrow. But we must be careful we do not over- extend. That is proabably what happened to the owner of the pick and the coins.

(is the pick a miner's pick? or a military pick?)
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Re: Spider Silk

#164 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Sir Dewey

"Have at it." He hands the pick over to Golgarth. "Can you check it for magic?

"Ok then. Let's head out."
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Re: Spider Silk

#165 Post by Spearmint »

How many spools do we have left?"

I think I noted one spool per person so you have 7, but feasibly you could carry a couple more between the group.
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Re: Spider Silk

#166 Post by Nordbo »

Upon leaving the area,


helps Sir Dewey scan and check the surroundings for any further nasty surprises.
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Re: Spider Silk

#167 Post by gurusql »


Since the group has decided to camp back at the huts, Cadeweed will take his position within the group to head to the huts. As the journey starts, he holds his stomach for a few moments as working an entire day has left him hungry and ready for dinner.
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Re: Spider Silk

#168 Post by Spearmint »

April 29th 1066.

Cabins in the quarry.

Evening: 7.00pm
Weather: Dark and cloudy, light rain.
Light: Torch carried by Solly. Lantern by Mai.

Conditions: Golgarth -5hp, Sir Dewey -5hp

The group exit the 'waterfall' passage, retracing their steps out of this mine shaft. You go by the dark, fetid tunnel and past the mounds of shale where the limpet clams nibble on the cave lichen and mosses. After a check at the entrance that no spiders or even gnolls and their hyena packs lurk to ambush you, eventually you enter the bunkhouse cabin.

Solly attends to camp duties, making a hearth fire and addressing some food for everyone.

You take with you the pack of coins and Golgarth checks the pick. It looks small in his hands, perhaps designed and weighted for a shorter person. It looks like a hybrid 'bisacuta' with tailored spikes on either side of the haft. One a short tapered crowbill, the other having an upper serrated edge. Certainly in the right hands it could punch through a rock wall or plate armour with equal aplomb. Sigrid might be able to test if it radiates any specific dweomer.

You check in the collected spools of silk. Once a reel is full they are carefully placed in linen sacks to protect the valuable threads. The harvesting process is a learning experience. Obvious dangers from being bitten and a slow drawing process handicapped by your own wrangling dexterity to keep subdued the entangled spiders. You can estimate that the collectors are at the thin end of the profit margin when it comes to producing garb or items using the protein enriched silk.

The early evening passes without incident. Time comes when folk need to sleep or rest. The scholars among you taking time to pray and study.

You could each take an hour's watch through the night or pair up and take a double shift. Tell me how you set up the nightwatch and your plans for the morning.

any discussions, actions, questions and everyone include a [1d6] with their post please.

The team casually search, turning over mattresses, checking cupboards, rooting through debris. It looks at though the gnoll may have camped here too as embers are warm from a hearth fire, a couple of skewered rat remains tossed aside. There must be a rat nest under the floorboards as several scratching sounds and squeaks are heard from rodents who flee from your presence.

Checking the store you can cobble together a few bits of stock equipment if you need. Wedging spikes, old rope, small hammers and some loose headed picks. All rusty with age but functional. The office cabin is the only one still 'lived in'. As you can hear a slight humming or buzz coming from inside. The cause is easily noted by the sporadic coming and going of large (cat sized) bees which flit through the broken portals and out into the surrounding forest. You can prudently evade exploring the interior of the office cabin in favour of not exciting a bee nest or take a risk to search for any wealth hidden from emperors and commoners alike.

Your assessment is that the cabins, while full of detritus and in some cases excrement, could give you a sheltered place if needed.
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Re: Spider Silk

#169 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed will take any watch that someone else does not want. (In other words will take any of the watches without a preference.) During his watch he plans to climb up and sit on the roof, so he will check the best and safest way up when it is still light out.

Random d6 [1d6]=1
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Re: Spider Silk

#170 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Sir Dewey

"Nice work back there, everyone. Now let's get settled and ready for tomorrow." Sir Dewey suggests that the nets be checked and repaired if necessary.

"I suggest paring up for watch tonight. This place isn't bad, but it's far from secure. I can take the middle watch, which may help our casters rest. Speaking of, I'm out of healing, but do you have any left?"

Cosmo and Mai first watch
Dewey and Cadeweed second
Golgarth and Sigrid third
I think that gives the casters enough time to rest and covers the night.

The Knight will collect some rope, spikes, and a hammer for later use.


In the morning, the Knight will freshen up and say his prayers at sunrise. He rouses the group, trying to put a good spin on the outlook for the day. "Let's get in and out today, I think we only need another three spiders. Let's take a peek at the one we saw outside first. Unless anyone has a preference?"
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Re: Spider Silk

#171 Post by Spearmint »

the two swathes of healing spider silk bandages may be applied over cuts and diseased wounds to restore d4+1 hp.
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Re: Spider Silk

#172 Post by Urson »


Mai frowns I do NOT.. she begins to say, then catches herself. Your idea is a good one, Sir Dewey.
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Re: Spider Silk

#173 Post by gurusql »


“Sounds like a good plan to me.” Cadeweed works on his dinner and hits the sack early since he has the middle shift.
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Re: Spider Silk

#174 Post by Bluetongue »


He will take a large block of chalk stone from inside the tunnel and spend the free time sculpturing it with a hand chisel into a vague statuette form.

Then set it in a corner, anoint it with oil and use that as a focus for his Cromm Cruach prayers. His faith celebrates trades, skills, construction as being divine aids on mankind to bring civilization to a wilderness. He prays for the souls of those who laboured here, asks for divine guidance for the day ahead, protection for the night vigil.

He will take his alloted watch.

who has those bandaids and are they being applied? If he can use one to cover his wound from the cannibal apes he will.

Golgarth healing from bandages & random roll [1d4+1]=2+1=3 [1d6]=6
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Re: Spider Silk

#175 Post by Nordbo »


nods neutrally to the suggested watch rota. "...if that is all right with Mai?"

1 to 6 dice roll [1d6]=2
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Re: Spider Silk

#176 Post by Darithe »

During their watch, Sigrid will cast Detect Magic on the pick if Golgarth finds this agreeable.
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Re: Spider Silk

#177 Post by Urson »

Mai nods in response to Cosmo. Of course. She seems to be blushing.
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Re: Spider Silk

#178 Post by Nordbo »


knowing only too well from experience that elves at best merely tolerate gnomes, is at first slightly taken aback by Mai's apparent bashfulness - but then shrugs it off as imaginary, and takes up his post while laconically whistling a bit of 'Gnome on the range', his infravision fixed on the darkness out there.
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Re: Spider Silk

#179 Post by Spearmint »

April 30th 1066.

Cabins in the quarry.

After midnight: 04.00am
Weather: Dark and cloudy, light rain.
Light: Torch carried by Solly. Lantern by Mai.

Conditions: Golgarth -2hp, Sir Dewey -5hp

Housekeeping: Golgarth recovers overnight from the healing bandages. You have 1 unused one left.Sigrid casts a spell to study the pick which radiates an aura of enhanced artisan craftsmanship, from which you could analyse it gives an increase in proficiency or accuracy and extra power in its usage.

During the night hours, the guards note that a community of small primates come to graze upon the fruit bushes that fringe the quarry perimeter. A painful screech might indicate a lurking predator now grazes upon an unwary ape in return.

A fly pass by large bats swoop low over the gable roofs of the cabins. In larger numbers they might threaten some of the smaller party members but the flock seem more intent on easier prey and as quickly as they descend to check you out on your perches, they ascend to fly over the forest.

Early in the morning a sound like a distant rock fall is heard, something falling down from or scrambling across the chalky cliff. Despite some intent listening and peering into the darkness, nothing sinister is seen or heard.

The random encounters staying away from directly confronting the group allows you all to rest and recover spells.

cast any you need and mark on your sheets and changes in spell lists for cleric or new memorized spells for mages. It is daybreak and you breakfast (-1 rations).

Actions and plan for the day please.
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Re: Spider Silk

#180 Post by gurusql »


Subtracted rations from sheet

Cadeweed will prepare breakfast and and then make sure the net is in good shape and is ready for another day in the mines.

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