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Re: Chapter 3: on the station

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:50 pm
by ybn1197
Can we hear the general direction the sounds are coming from?

Re: Chapter 3: on the station

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 5:10 am
by spanningtree

Will make his way back to the air raft and try to hide inside. Chiree, come with me.

Re: Chapter 3: on the station

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 3:28 pm
by Jernau35

Jrec is paralyzed by indecision for a moment. He knows that moving the exam tables is an obvious giveaway. And he has no intention of going into a holding cell, certainly not voluntarily.

When he sees Ringar heading for the air-raft, Jrec snaps out of it. He follows and ducks behind the air-raft for cover.

Re: Chapter 3: on the station

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 6:24 pm
by ffilz
Ducking behind the air/raft sounds like a good idea.

Re: Chapter 3: on the station

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 10:46 pm
by SpinwardMarch
The sound seems to be coming from area #11 on the printed floor plan. see maps.

You all hide in or behind the air/raft. Fortunately for you, the sound is approaching slowly. It seems to stop, make what seems like electronic hicup; gears grind and thunk. Then it continues, seemingly just on patrol. The warning sound has shut off. It sounds like it is continuing past your location, around the elevevator shaft. area #3 around to #20.

You have temporarily avoided a meeting with one of the security bots.

If one of you chances to sneak a peek at it, you will get to see:

AN-427 Maximum Security Robot
2 m. high, 200 kg mass., it is armed with a pulse laser (laser carbine-2) and a grapple to grab intruders. It looks dangerous (and is!). You do note that it looks top-heavy, and not very agile.

What do you do?

Re: Chapter 3: on the station

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:50 am
by spanningtree

Gets close to his comrades for an impromptu meeting, staying close to the air raft. That was close... not sure my shotty would even dent that thing. We also have to assume there is probably more that one. Um, what are we trying to find on this level if we know Chiree's kind are below us?

Re: Chapter 3: on the station

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:55 pm
by Jernau35

"Well, I was hoping we'd find a computer
that might have a list or map of the place. So we don't have to go to every floor."

"Maybe a scientist we could interrogate. Tie him up and lock him in a closet afterwards."