[001] - A Spot of Gardening

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Re: [001] - A Spot of Gardening

#121 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros waits for Agnar, Odo, and Silas to return safely. Concerned with the timely delivery of the cargo to ensure we get paid (and secretly dismayed by the survival of all the crew that they can't salvage the nice ships outside), he's ready to go.

"Hey..." opens Damian, trusting to engage his new-found friends, "Our ship, the Vale of Tears, got impounded and stolen on Kakimedes," he pauses and sighs deeply; they'll understand the pain of losing a ship, certainly. "Does your station have long range sensors that might be able to pick up the transponder or recent squawks? You guys have any contacts there? I'd like to iron out the misunderstanding, you know?"
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Re: [001] - A Spot of Gardening

#122 Post by explosiveghast »

Hesitantly, Agnahr accepts the spike. After all, he considers, a sampling of the station's output should prove informative. "Thanks for this hospitality. I shall relay your offer. Now do tell me of your exploits with the Heartbreaker!"

He handles the stimpak and injector with apparent routine, though he has not spiked in more than a year. Agnahr steers Larsik through the station as the spacer regales any in earshot with accounts of his exploits. Agnahr checks in with his crew mates and relays the news of their new infirm crewman.

Later, when Larsik has begun to slow in his tales, Agnahr attends to Skunk. In more hushed tones, something approaching pirate bedside manner, Agnahr explains the situation to the unconscious boy with the hopes that it will somehow ease the transition. He confirms Skunk's readiness for transport with Larsik before moving Skunk to a gurney.
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Re: [001] - A Spot of Gardening

#123 Post by eirei »

Parting with captain Rose, Silas turns down the offer of free stims. Instead, he looks around for some pirates willing to share a drink and some tales with a stranger, hoping to find one with a loose enough tongue to tell him a bit more about the captain and her operation. And maybe Bao, if they've had enough to drink.
After a while, he saunters back to the ship and makes sure it's ready for takeoff.
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Re: [001] - A Spot of Gardening

#124 Post by Faanku »

Taussas-class Shuttle, Deep Space, Ankanju Ratri System
Thursday 20-01-3200

As the shuttle enters signal range of an intermediate Mejoan mining station, a recorded message from Kal lights up in the crew's collective inboxes. It's voice only, but the man still manages to wink knowingly at you. Got a tightbeam from our 'gardening friend' just now. Sounds like I chose the right people for this delivery. Get yourselves home and we can have a little chat; I think you might like what I have to say. The message is accompanied by a short snippet of text confirming that your destination is the same landing pad you launched from.

Leaning back in the pilot seat, Silas recalls what the Flowerbed's crew had to say about this mysterious Bao figure, a conversation from almost a day ago now; not much, all in all, though one spiked pirate did admit that his brother was scouted to work 'up a level.' "He was always smarter than me, Micky was, healthier too. Had the brains and the body for getting ahead in this game, but one day he pulled a job that crossed someone on the Board. Had barely taken one step off the yard before these guys in full gear show up, gravcopters, full body armour, you name it. Haven't seen shit like that outside them war holos, ya know, like Strike Force and Xenohunters? Scared the shit out of us, though that was it, but some fella who was obviously their leader just asks us who was in charge of planning the job. Micky holds his hands up, as he would, and they have him away in one of the copters, heard one of them say that 'Mr Bao wishes to speak to him'. Rest of us are left their with our dicks out, waiting for the bullets, but nope, just a sharp ejection and then they was gone. Fucking mental... Oh yeah, Bao. So anyways, Micky is gone for a couple of days, no word, nothing. We all assume the worst, until suddenly he comes back home, dressed to the fucking nines and telling us that he'd be going away for a while, got a new job, moved up a level. He 'works for Bao now, and that's more than he should be telling me'. Barely see the cunt now, but fair play to him, eh?" Not much to go on, but it definitely confirms suspicions that this Bao is incredibly well connected and very, very powerful.

Elsewhere on the ship, an unconscious Skunk sleeps soundly. His wounds are healing well now they've been properly treated and he has some bed rest, though it will be a few weeks before he's back to his best. The rest of the crew have been killing time however they saw fit, but there is only a couple of hours before the team will reach Mejo.
The Board are the ruling council of Mejo, some 99 men and women who decide planetary policy and defer only to the Head of State, known as the Director. Off the top of your head, there is nobody on the publicly available registrar of Board members named Bao.

Damian: You offered the transponder ID to Hollen, who runs a match query which comes back negative, as he expected. Ships are rare this far out in the black that aren't coming here purposefully.
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Re: [001] - A Spot of Gardening

#125 Post by eirei »

As the vessel approaches the spaceport, Silas turns off the engine and switches to automated docking mode. He turns to his new companions and makes small-talk about the job while keeping one eye on the navcom. Any worry seems to be unwarranted, as the shuttle smoothly glides towards a docking bay indicated by an array of flashing lights.

"Home at last. Thank you for flying Mallory!"

He turns off all the subsystems, and soon the ever-present droning of the main power supply subsides as the lights blink into non-existence. The only illumination now comes from the bright neon of Mejo's port, flowing in through the open airlock.

"Shall we get paid? And then, I do believe I owe you a drink, old man", Silas says cheerfully, patting Odo on the back.

I wasn't really sure where to pick up so I just fast forwarded to Mejo, feel free to jump in if you wanted to do something before that.
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Re: [001] - A Spot of Gardening

#126 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 1/1, AC: 14)

Damian sits at a terminal and keeps himself busy on the return trip, eschewing the simple chitchat and small talk of the others. He checks known records and newsfeeds about the planet Daphion and sets up a scanning protocol to monitor for any indication of the transponder codes or ship signature of the Vale of Tears.

As the trip drags on and his search results become tedius, he reaches into his duffle once more, but this time pulls out an actual book, with thick real pages and what looks like a leather binding. He puts up his knees to balance it and keep it from casual view, studying it intently by himself.

As the ship comes into dock, he tucks the book back into his duffle and shoulders it, joining the others. "Getting paid always sounds good," he smiles affiably. His thoughts return to the antique dealer's shop. I hope the painting remains...
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Re: [001] - A Spot of Gardening

#127 Post by explosiveghast »

Visions of the Heartbreaker continue to dance in Agnahr's head. He distracts himself with some stretching and exercise between visits to the rest of the crew. He performs frequent monitor checks on Skunk. He chats with Odo and Damian about the Vale of Tears. He asks Pilfer what he thinks about Kal. Finally, he finds himself in the cockpit as Silas guides the shuttle toward the landing pad on Mejo.
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Re: [001] - A Spot of Gardening

#128 Post by Faanku »

Bay 3, Helden Lane Starport, Mejo
Friday 21-01-3200

Silas takes the shuttle in with well-practiced ease, a barely audible hiss of compress suspension and a pleasant *ding* from the cockpit signaling that the mag-landers are secured let you know you're home, or at least as close to it as some of you have at the moment. Skunk has managed to get to his feet and joins you as you exit the shuttle into the landing bay, leaving the stims secured in the smuggling compartment as requested. No sooner have you set foot outside the shuttle than one of the cargo doors opens, and the grinning face of Kal Kasama strolls towards you, arms outstretched in jubilant welcome. "My friends, welcome back to civilisation! Everything's where it should be, I assume? Of course it is, you're professionals! Dyed in the wool, true blue men of action, eh?" Seemingly happy enough to have answered his own question, Kal nods towards the shuttle and two of the large thugs accompanying him head towards the gangway, presumably to check on the status of the package. "My client is very pleased with this job, very happy. And when my clients are happy, well that makes me happy, doesn't it? In fact, so happy were we both with your performance out there, that I did a little negotiation with my client on your behalves; all free of charge for good friends of mine like yourselves, of course! I impressed upon them the merits of having capable people such as yourselves available when needed, and my client saw the wisdom in my words. So, without further adoings..." Kal nods to another one of his bodyguards who reaches into his jacket pocket and produces several credsticks, and then proceeds to hand two to each of you. "500, as promised, and another 500 on top of that; consider yourselves..." He twirls his finger in the air searching for the right word. "...on retainer. You keep yourselves local for the time being, and when my client requires your services once more, you'll be right there and waiting, first dibs on the juiciest gigs. Now am I good to you or what?"

Taking the looks on your faces for gratitude, Kal laughs happily to himself, still waiting for his goons to report back. "So, any questions for your old pal Kal?"
+3xp for successfully completing the job
+500 credits payment for successful delivery
+500 credits retainer fee from Kal's client

+1xp for successfully completing minor goal (Establish trade partners: Nina Rose)

If any of you feel you accomplished any of your goals, or would like to set new ones, please let me know. Odo's goal to build a trade network is considered ongoing.
The plan now is to have around 3 weeks of 'downtime' where you are free to split up, engage in side projects, seek out contacts or equipment and generally allow me to take our first faction turn (which is something I've been wanting to do for years now).
The basic cost of food, water and rundown lodgings on Mejo comes in at 10 credits a day (Poor Lifestyle, page 77) so unless you wish to slum it hard (which carries inherent risk to your health and ownership of your possessions) or splash out a bit to celebrate, let's say there are 20 days of downtime for a nice even 200 credits cost. Of course, you are free to roleplay your way to more comfortable housing if you wish!
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Re: [001] - A Spot of Gardening

#129 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 1/1, AC: 14)
I think I hit my goal with stealing the memory cores off the robot?
Goal: To discover pre-tech truths; no others could understand them.
I pursued my other objective in getting the crew to the dealer, and am completing it now that we just got paid.
That art dealer didn't know what he had - his painting contained the map to the Artificers Vertices and I will get it one way or another.
The other goal wasn't possible because we had no opportunity to recover the Vale of Tears (though I tried).
I must recover the artifacts I left on the ship - the Ithilien Cortex cannot fall into any hands but my own.

Leveling Up
Level two hit points [2d6] = 5, or
[1d6-1] = 1-1 = 0[1d6-1] = 2-1 = 1
So that's 2hp or 3hp total, depending on your preferred rolling method.

He assigns three skill points and picks one focus. He can't add to his existing skills (Fix-1, Connect-1, Magic-1), which are capped at 1.

I will fill our gapped Medic role by taking the Healer focus. I then will open Know and raise it to 1 (all three skill points), rounding out his academic/esoteric nature.

New skill list: Fix-1, Connect-1, Magic-1, Know-1, Heal-0
(Roll 3/drop 1 for both Fix and Heal)

At second level he gains no extra spells, but raises to casting 4x a day.
The agreeable mechanic, Damian leaves the negotiations of retainers and future jobs to Odo, content to take his credits and depart.
Street_Illustration02_1600_c.jpeg (248.74 KiB) Viewed 2249 times
Wandering the virtual-district, Damian enjoys the anonymity, watching the crowds willingly lost in computer generated illusions. He secures a motel room in a VR-hub, where he won't be bothered. A cheap studio with no frills, to be sure, the kind of place for folks with nothing to steal and who don't care what the real surroundings look like. He texts Odo the room number... He can crash there, too, or at least find the mechanic if need arises. He pays in real credits to ensure he avoids complications. (-200)

After showering and putting on fresh clothes -- trading his coveralls for a simple button-down and slacks -- he heads back to Costine's Trove Antiques, Sleepless Market, ensuring his painting is still there. He holds his credit stick, leery of handing over everything he just earned, but knowing the cranky proprietor has already proven resistant to his charms.

He makes a choice. He begins his patter, shaking the old man's hand as they begin negotiations.
[2d6+2] = 9+2 = 11 magic...
"Still hanging there, eh? We both know it's worth half that..." The suggestion wiggles into his conscious...Been in inventory too long, half price is a good deal.
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Re: [001] - A Spot of Gardening

#130 Post by eirei »

As promised, Silas takes the crew (or at least those willing to join in on the celebration) to his favourite hole-in-the-wall for a round of drinks.

"Here's to the finest crew this side of the sector!", he proclaims, downing another cup of liquor.


After securing accommodations at a decent looking room and filling its fridge, he sets out to follow up on a thought he'd had for a while now. Just as the party was leaving for the Flowerbed, Silas had seen a poster for this year's Lorina Open, Lorina's annual planetside race. For years now he'd been mulling joining the race over - testing his piloting skills against like-minded individuals. Every year he'd find an excuse, but this year - today - he's feeling strangely confident. He takes a credstick out of his pocket, flicks it into the air and catches it again.

"Hell, why not."

He sets out to learn more details about the application process.
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Re: [001] - A Spot of Gardening

#131 Post by Enoch »

Odo swallows hard at the words "on retainer", but manages a sickly smile. "That's...wonderful. The extra credits are always appreciated. Hard enough to make a living out here, and half the time an honest job doesn't even pay for the fuel needed for it."

The grizzled trader clears his throat, as if preparing to raise an uncomfortable subject. "My ship, the Vale of Tears, was impounded on Kakimedes due to a, well, misunderstanding with the local authorities over some of the intricacies of import law and taxation. While we appreciate the loan of your ship--and our pilot assured us it was a very fine craft--I'm sure you have other uses for it, long-term. Do you, perhaps, have any contacts on Kakimedes who might be able to help us? Or some influence yourself, perhaps?"

Talk (Charisma): [2d6+1] = 5+1 = 6
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
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