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Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 7:14 pm
by ravenn4544
Thoril will check to make sure the downed drow are dead and not just unconscious. He will make sure they are indeed dead. He follows into he guard room after.

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:16 am
by Pulpatoon
If the horn looks valuable, Sabyllos will pocket it. Otherwise he will ask for Thoril and Jimjar to help him tie together enough rope to reach the bottom, tie some knots in the rope to act as handholds, and secure it to the post. Then he suggests that they tie the bags of supplies to the rope and lower it down first, before climbing down. "That will both lighten our burden and act as an anchor, keeping the rope from swing around as a we descend."

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:52 pm
by ravenn4544
Thoril nods. "good idea, let's do it"

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 8:41 pm
by drpete
The drow did, indeed, seem dead, but Thoril makes sure of it...

The horn doesn't appear to have much intrinsic value. It's just a tool for alerting the base to danger, so you leave it and the board game behind.

You set to work tying several knots in the rope, attaching the bag of weapons, etc. This goes smoothly, but takes several minutes. The battle between the creatures continues, but there seem to be fewer of the creatures, and the battle now involves extended periods of silence followed by occasional confrontations rather than a pitched battle.

Finally, the rope is ready... what order do you want to descend in?

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:43 am
by ravenn4544
Thoril will go first...

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:54 pm
by Pulpatoon
Sabyllos tries not to let his relief show to blatantly when Thoril volunteers to go first. "By the depths, take your time, and good luck."

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 11:13 pm
by drpete
Thoril makes it to the bottom without incident, and finds that the end of the rope, along with the bag, have been submerged in a pool, the top of which has a layer of some kind of scum covering it.

It looks like the flying insect creatures may have won the battle. They seem to be searching around, and the droning of their wings continues, but they don't seem to be fighting anything at the moment.

When he reaches the bottom, Thoril hears the roar of a quaggoth coming from the south.
Insect Monster.jpg
Insect Monster.jpg (53.78 KiB) Viewed 1750 times

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 2:54 am
by Pulpatoon
Sabyllos descends with a wary look to the flying creatures.

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:18 pm
by drpete
Thoril descends into the water, which is actually quite deep. Fortunately, he only needs to swim about 10 feet to get to shore.

Sabyllos also makes his way down, followed by Jimjar and Shuushar.

As Sabyllos makes his way across to the edge, Jimjar shouts "Hurry!! In the water!!"

This warning gives Sabyllos just enough time to rush up out of the water before a dark, amorphous shape sloshes up and swings a massive pseudopod at him, missing!

Stealth: [1d20+2] = 12+2 = 14 Seen by Jimjar
Pseudopod [1d20+3] = 2+3 = 5[1d6+1] = 1+1 = 2

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:01 am
by ravenn4544
Thoril shuffles over and lunges with his sword at the attacking creature:

Weapon Attack [1d20+5] = 8+5 = 13
Sword Damage [1d6+5] = 2+5 = 7

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:41 pm
by Pulpatoon
Sabyllos moves away from the water,dragging the bag of supplies, and then fires an Eldritch Blast at the pseudopod.
Eldritch Blast: [1d20+5] = 15+5 = 20, Damage: [1d10] = 2

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:22 pm
by drpete
Round One

As Jimjar and Shuushar dangle from the rope, Sabyllos drags the end of the rope, tied to the bag of supplies, up out of the water. His eldritch blast strikes the slick stone-like creature, but does not seem to harm it much (2 damage).

Thoril strikes at the thing and his sword slices a gash in it (7 damage). Thoril's sword comes away hissing, covered in the stone-y goo of the creature, which seems to be dissolving it (The sword takes a -1 damage penalty going forward)!

In your heads, you hear the sound of a voice. howling. "The Faceless One is upon us! Join him! Flesh for the Faceless One!

A chunk of liquid rock creature swings and smashes into Thoril (5 bludgeoning+3 acid). In addition to the force of the blow, Thoril feels a burning where the creature hit him.

Dice Rolls/Notes
Init: players - [1d20] = 14 monster [1d20] = 11
pseudopod [1d20+3] = 19+3 = 22 [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5
Acid Damage [2d6] = 3

Thoril was wearing studded leather, right?

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:57 pm
by ravenn4544
Good question - i think he put on whatever he could find. chain maybe?

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:50 pm
by drpete
There was studded leather and chain... so chain then, right? (It won't effect whether that one blow hit you, but for going forward)

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:21 pm
by Pulpatoon
My recollection is that Thoril put on chain. Sabyllos picked studded leather. Also, glad to see Shuushar is still with us!

Sabyllos waves for Jimjar and Shuushar to hurry up. "Slide down the rope! Quickly! We need to get out of this thing's range!"

Eldritch Blast: [1d20+5] = 2+5 = 7, Damage: [1d10] = 9

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:24 pm
by ravenn4544
Thoril glares at his sizzling sword but, with no time to change weapons, strikes again at the foul creature.

Weapon Attack [1d20+5] = 19+5 = 24
Sword Damage [1d6+5] = 6+5 = 11 -1 = 10

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:14 am
by drpete
Round Two

Sabyllos calls for the others to quickly come down the rope, and lets off another blast, but it is unclear if this hits the rock-like creature or the rock around it.

For their part, Jimjar and Shuushar make their way down the rope and into the water, hoping that Thoril and Sabyllos can keep it busy.

Thoril hacks away at the acidic creature (10 damage). Again, his sword comes out hissing and dripping with acid, and continues to corrode (Sword is now at -2 damage).

The stony blob unleashes another attack on Thoril, downing him (7 bludgeoning + 9 acid) and burning a big hole in his chainmail.

Again, you hear the voice in your head "Lord of Nothing, accept this offering!

Jimjar swims up to the stone thing and attacks it with his shortsword (6 damage, 3 damage), killing it! You hear a horrible shriek in your minds as it seemingly melts away.

Rolls and Notes
Players have initiative
Pseudopod [1d20+3] = 17+3 = 20[1d6+1] = 6+1 = 7
Acid Damage [2d6] = 9

Jimjar [1d20+4] = 17+4 = 21 dam [1d6+2] = 4+2 = 6
Jimjar [1d20+4] = 11+4 = 15 dam [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3

It's dead!

Thoril, we'll need you to make a death save...

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:08 pm
by Pulpatoon
Dragging Thoril well away from the water, Sabyllos wipes away any remaining slime, and attempts to tend to his wounds.

Will a medicine roll help stabilize Thoril?
Wisdom [1d20+1] = 3+1 = 4
Well, clearly that medicine roll won't help anyone.

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 1:25 pm
by ravenn4544

[1d20] = 4

Re: Utility Detail - Thoril, Sabyllos

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 2:13 am
by drpete
Jimjar joins Sabyllos in tending to Thoril. Together, you are able to stabilize him. (Thoril is unconscious. Raven, please feel free to play Jimjar for the time being.)

As you work, Shuushar climbs out of the pool.

Suddenly, from the south comes the sound of several running feet. After a moment, a big group of your fellow prisoners comes running over to you! Doing a quick inventory, you see that of your original group, only Ront, the Orc, is missing!

Please continue in the "On The Cavern Floor" thread!

Aid [1d20+1] = 9+1 = 10