Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#121 Post by Pulpatoon »

GUys, I keep hoping to have a chance to read through all the previous threads, but large enough a chunk of time just refuses to make itself available. Would you mind providing a quick summary of your adventures?

The Professor's summary: At the behest of an old family friend, Joseph Arikas, the head of Arikas Shipping, the Professor met with Maximillian Arikas, a young demigod. The Professor took Max on as a graduate assistant, and together they travelled to The Underwater City of Lost Gorillapolis to study some macguffin or other.

Once there, they found the telepathic moon gorillas ready to quit the planet because of the threat posed by ichnorite. They also discovered that the Arikas-supplied submarine crew that accompanied them was trying to steal as much Moon Gorilla technology as possible.

The gorillas teleported/time shifted the Professor and Max back to Arikas HQ, where they confronted Max's father, and were met with assurances that all was well, but hey, would you check out this warehouse for me? Max went off to the warehouse, but the Professor insisted on researching the ichnorite/vibranium matter further, thus finding himself on Sheldon's doorstep.
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#122 Post by MonkeyWrench »

lol, moon gorillas? Well then....

Raven wakes up and crawls out of a mountain side complex that goes underground. Meeting with Elsa(permafrost) at the entrance they decide to delve into the place for some answers, finding dead bodies and a horrible creature at first it seems that they find more questions than answers.

Delving further in they are attacked by more humanoid green glowing creatures, Elsa using her ice powers and Raven simply punching things they fought their way to a main room with controls, standing there was the guy leading and making the green monster people, it was then that Hot Streak(villain) broke in throwing fireballs and stuff talking about how he knows Raven and such. The green maker super jumps out and Hot Streak says that he is exploding the place to kill Raven before super speeding out. Raven and Elsa just barely make it out alive.

After getting a hotel room, I think it was Hot Streak, a messenger comes to the door. Raven teleported away to see who it was without being spotted while Elsa opened the door, turns out the package was a bomb. Raven teleported Elsa out of the room right before it exploded, Raven lost all of his stuff though, he used to be a detective of some sort, working with supers. Elsa helped put the fire out and got hailed as a hero by the town and Raven hid in an alley, Elsa found him and then they both got on a jet and flew to the docks where they met Miss. Cortez and did the warehouse shenanigans, landing them there and Raven with a cool sword.
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#123 Post by Pulpatoon »

MW, Thanks for the summary! When you say "woke up," do you mean that he doesn't have memories prior to that moment? Also, what were the warehouse shenanigans?
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#124 Post by MonkeyWrench »

No memories, it seems he was a detective, working with supers and possibly a super himself, he lost his best friend and everyone else moved on so he investigated Rook Industries alone, getting in too deep and getting captured. They experimented on him and turned him into what he is now. He literally crawled out of the place, over dead bodies and everything.

He now sees himself as Raven, the man he was before was killed by Rook Industries, and they will reap his vengeance.

Warehouse shenanigans is what everyone just finished prior to meeting the professor, Raven and Elsa were kind of along for the ride so I don't really know too much of the picture, killed some guards and disarmed a bunch of bombs. You know, casual Tuesday stuff :)
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#125 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Not sure if were waiting on anyone or something, seems things just kind of stopped. So here Raven goes!
Raven, making sure his sword is steady and covered by his coat, walks over to the group again. "Elsa and I are stopping Rook Industries. Can you get us onto the super island? I will help you if you help us."
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#126 Post by Rukellian »

I will provide an update for the hero side of this campaign tomorrow, I need to make sure things tie in nicely. You all may continue reading each others arcs so long as you stay within the heroic content. I realize it may take a lot longer for some people, which I can completely understand considering my own position right now.

I will be moving things forward in the direction that Raven took, since he took the initiative in stating a clear goal for the group. It seems to align with everyone else's motives in some way so I will assume that everyone will agree.
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#127 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Yep, that's Raven... all Clarity. :lol:
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#128 Post by Pulpatoon »

The Professor says to Raven, "A super island? As in an island inhabited by prodigies with colorful soubriquets, or an island that is itself endowed with powers beyond that of ordinary mid-ocean prominences? Please tell me more."
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#129 Post by Rukellian »

Though Raven would not remember such a place or what this meant, Permafrost, and most of the world is very familiar with the city. It boasts a level of technology and way of living that far surpasses even the best of cities in our current world, most likely due to what was brought over from the super filled dimension. New advances in technology and medicine are constantly being churned out of that city, bettering the lives of everyone, mostly. Just as it is a haven for super heroes and great scientific minds, so it is for super villians and other criminal organizations that would seek to exploit such technologies.

It comes to no surprise that Rook Industries main complex is situated in such an environment.
Here is an actual snip it from Raven and Perma's earlier arc.

Permafrost chimes in, helping explain what Atlas City really is. "The island is actually a giant floating city on the ocean, maintained and stabilized by advanced technologies. It is home to almost every popular super that we know of in this world, most of which were originally from the other dimension, a home big enough to be considered its own nation if it wished. But that's about as much as I know really, common knowledge about its exports and imports and all that."
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#130 Post by Pulpatoon »

The Professor nods, "Atlas City, you mean? Yes, of course. Quite."
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#131 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Raven looks at both of them, then simply states, "Yes."
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#132 Post by Pulpatoon »

The Professor wrings his hands. "Dr. Feldon seems to have the research well in hand, and the most pressing needs at present are stopping those who would profit by hastening the world's demise. I'm afraid there is nothing for it other than more field work. And, I suppose," he says with audible distaste, "direct intervention, with all its attendant heroics and derring do and tommyrot."

Wiping his glasses off on a shirttail, the old man peers around the room. "Well, the gentleman has his sword. I've had my tea. Is there anything else we need before we go? Snacks? Maps? Transportation?"
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#133 Post by Zhym »

Hey all — just a note that it's Dr. Maurice Feldon, not Sheldon. I took the name from City of Heroes. Ruke had him as Sheldon for a while but graciously went back and corrected his name in past posts.

As for S.C.A.M.P., I'm not sure when or if I'll have a chance to go read through old posts. His story, in very brief: Dr. Feldon sent S.C.A.M.P. out to retrieve the Ichnorite. That's about it, I think.
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#134 Post by Pulpatoon »

Thanks for the head's up!
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#135 Post by Rukellian »

The exchanging of stories was enlightening for many, but also drew up more questions than the group liked. Who is this mysterious green man that Raven and Permafrost found at the military complex. Does he have ties with Rook Industries or even that fiery villian, Hot Streak, that they encountered? And what does the coming of ichnorite mean? According to Maurice Feldon's reports, it wasn't suppose to exist for another thousand years or so. Was it forced somehow by the dimensional crossing made by supers and individuals like himself?

Fortunately though, the group of supers have a lot going for them as well. Permafrost has connections with a small island nation of her own in the tundras of the north. Being the main exporter of Vibranium, an alloy needed in stopping ichnorite and ultimately destroying it, the small country will prove essential in the Dr's/Professors' plans of saving the world. Rook industries, a weapons manufacturing company, previously owned by Steve Sanderson's family, seems to be the main group pulling the strings in the background right now. The mission is clear now. The supers, having come together under different motives and agendas, now seek to bring down Rook Industries and avert the ichnorite disaster that could ruin the planet as they know it. It is through this, that Raven will hopefully learn more about his past and what happened to him, Steve will finally get vengeance for all the wrongs done to his family and friends, and the Arikas family name may yet be cleared.

With a set of new hero licences, graciously given by the local police force, the group can now enter Atlas City by normal means instead of trying to break or sneak in. With Dr. Feldon's knowledge and other-dimensional experience, he will prove a valuable contact for the missions to come. Even as they speak, a interpol agent is looking into Rook Industries on behalf of Permafrost, her connections shining through once again, and Miss Cortez has decided to come with the group, to assist Steve in properly maintaining his Flicker suit.


After having taken care of all other loose ends.... you disembark and arrive by ship at the great Atlas City!
atlas city from afar.jpg
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#136 Post by Rukellian »

I'm going to be locking this thread down shortly and move on to the new one "A city of wonder... and dangers!"

If there are any loose ends that I missed, do speak up in-game. I will leave this open for a week to allow such posts, then lock it.
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#137 Post by PyroArrow »

Maximillian Arikas [Aether]:

If there was anything said between Max & his Dad about the foreman & the warehouse & the Ichnorite (Galactic Gloop, Max likes to call it), that's one loose end.
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#138 Post by Rukellian »

PyroArrow wrote:Maximillian Arikas [Aether]:

If there was anything said between Max & his Dad about the foreman & the warehouse & the Ichnorite (Galactic Gloop, Max likes to call it), that's one loose end.
Ah, thanks for the reminder! I will get back to you on that sometime today or tomorrow.
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#139 Post by Pulpatoon »

Max is still not among us, however, right? Are we meeting up with him on the way to AC? In which case, could Pyro provide a quick summary of what transpired for him since he left the Professor's company?
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Re: Atlas City (Max, Raven, Elsa, Professor)

#140 Post by Rukellian »

Pulpatoon wrote:Max is still not among us, however, right? Are we meeting up with him on the way to AC? In which case, could Pyro provide a quick summary of what transpired for him since he left the Professor's company?
Right, I'm going to have it set up so that you bump into him again at the Police Station when everyone recieves their hero licences. Max will be there himself obtaining such a licence, by his father's request. This all takes place before arriving at Atlas City. On the next thread I made for the hero arc, everyone will be together.


Maximillian Arikas' venture back to his father's workplace is uneventful on the way. Using his abilities of aerial movement, he reaches the office in record time, and is quick to set up a meeting with Joseph Arikas. It is later in the day in which Max set out for the warehouse. Mr. Arikas is anxious to hear his son's report on the whole situation. Aether/Max goes over in detail how he met the group of heroes, and how he worked together with them to figure out what happened. The incriminating evidence found in the plant's offices, the records found in the foreman's computer, it all leads to Rook Industries corrupt activities and their true goals revolving around Ichnorite, or the 'Galactic Goop' as Max refers to it as.

It is a lot to take in, but his father is strangely understanding and does not lash out on the boy for jailing his own subordinate. "Yes, Arikas Shipping did have a hand in facilitating these illegal exchanges, but our intentions were entirely different. You did good to turn him into the authorities and to help uncover all of that evidence. I have a feeling that these supers you spoke of will become valuable allies to you in the near future. As for the company's safety in these recent events, know that I have that taken care of. You need not worry about it anymore."

Mr. Arikas then turns around with this hands folded behind his back. He stares out of the windows surrounding his office and sighs. "The family business will eventually need to be passed down to you, but as it stands, you have your own goals that you want to pursue. I shall have to respect that. You will remain under Professor Perryton's tutelage and learn more of the world through him and his activities, even if it means becoming a licensed hero and traveling to Atlas City. Remember this Max, you cannot avoid your future. The family business will be passed down to you one day, for I have no other heirs."
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