Dalin Silverhand: Rotten to the core.

Rider of Rohan
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Re: Dalin Silverhand: Rotten to the core.

#121 Post by Spearmint »

Attack on Bhaz'rad Dur

The frantic melee continues. Surroundrd by three stabbing foes, the chief priest Katka is forced into melee rather than being able to cast his divine spells.

In the next round of combat, Dalin takes a wound, -5hp which brings him to just above minimal health. Valiantly the trio still engage the stronger and more armoured foe, the lepers inflicting a -10hp on Katka.

In the following round, disaster strikes as the dwarf is hit again, -4hp and on negative health (-2hp), you bite the dust and begin to bleed out, unconscious and staring with unseeing eyes as the battle proceeds.

The leper spearmen continue their pincer attack. Though one receives a wound, both standing close to death themselves but they inflict another -9hp on the Red Fang nemesis.

Suffering 30+ damage, the priest totters on his legs, raises his hands to the sky in a forlorn cry for his death god's salvation, then falls prone to lie next to the bleeding dwarf. -1hp.
Elsewhere, druid Clive, a leper and Hunnicot fight staff, spear and arrow shaft against the horny tentacles, claws and fangs of the Displacer Beast. The three rounds of combat are resolved as follows:

The attacking trio brutally inflict -18hp on the beast who fails to grapple the druid. The second round the druid is clawed for -3hp and it then savages the ranger for -9hp. The old fox though is a hardy frontiersman and despite grievous wounds can still stand albeit on minimal health.

The fight draws to a conclusion as winning initiative is so vital. Despite leper and ranger missing the displacing creature, an oaken club blessed with righteous druidic anger and a skull cracking aim, whacks the creature and it succumbs to its numerous injuries. Finally giving up the ghost with a growl and rolls over.
The attack on Bhaz'rad Dur is over. As Dalin bleeds out a little more, -1hp, the victors rejoice in their surprising success.

Here is how I resolved the other Lepers who charge the Red Fang cultists. I rolled a simple opposed [1d20] roll, the highest score winning the combat. I faced a single leper vs two Red Fangs so a 33% chance of winning each combat. Rolling twenty opposed rolls as seen in the dice roller archive, the final score came from comparing results: 11 Lepers are slain but they manage to kill 24 Red Fangs.

The lepers emerge victorious, driving off the Red Fang cultists from Bhaz'rad Dur though just a handful remain alive.

Dalin is found and attended to. Your wounds addressed by first aid from Clive.

Clive 1st Aid upon Dalin: vs 15 [4d6]=18[1d4]=1

With no healing aids to hand, the triage is minimal, +1hp, stopping immediate blood loss.

By chance, the healing honey salve carried as a ransom to liberate Clive are located in Katka's quarters and these are applied to the many wounded.

Potion of Healing: Dalin [1d8]=7

This enables the dwarf to recover a few hours later and join in the celebration.

well done. The group of lepers, each with minimal health took on a force twice their size and with aid from ranger, druid & dwarf defeated Katka (equated to a 4HD chief) and his 6HD animal companion. Every survivor critically injured but importantly, survive you did. The Red Fangs are driven out of the village, perhaps under new leadership they will return, maybe the cultist resurgence is broken and in offering a home and healing to the congenital lepers, peace can be truly established on the frontier.

Mummy Rot healed, Katka priest of Set slain, Red Fangs in disarray, lepers given hope. I think that concludes your expedition!

actions and comments.

I will wrap this up with an XP summary and reward.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Dalin Silverhand: Rotten to the core.

#122 Post by Spearmint »

Summary of Dalin's Expedition.


Dodge bandit Bugbears on trail from Helix. +50xp
Kill large spider in forest. +120xp/^
Kill two adolescent Bugbears. +120xp
Kill three patrol Bugbears. +360xp
Encounter with giant bats. +30xp/^

Kill two Red Fangs in Bhaz'rad Dur. 240xp/^
Kill Katka, priest of Set. 360xp/^

Roleplay Awards:

Locate and disarm traps by cave. +25xp
Rescue Clive and Hunnicot. +50xp
Receive healing for Mummy Rot. +50xp
Convince Lepers to aid in fight. +25xp
Scout and explore map regions. +50xp

Totals and Prime Requisite bonus: 730xp plus 750xp/ divided by full share to Dalin & Hunnicot and 1/2 share to lepers. 375xp to Dalin. Total of 1105xp + 110 prime requisite bonus equals: 1215xp

Character participation in expedition. +100xp.

Expedition Experience Award: Dalin receives 1315xp.

Congratulations, I think you level up. Please adjust your character sheet accordingly with new rogue skill levels, roll for new hp, THAC0 adjustments and Saving Throws if applicable.
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Re: Dalin Silverhand: Rotten to the core.

#123 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin once back in the grove with the druid, ranger and leper bugbear will stay for a few days resting and healing, while also trying to learn more about the bugbear tribe and how they were before things changed as well as trying to learn all he can from the ranger and druid about the honey and how to use it as healing salve as well as learning about tracking from the ranger. The dwarf will eventually say his goodbyes and take his stored stuff and the wagon/cart back to Helix to see of any of his new or old friends have returned and are still around.

adjusted HP and provided roll working on Saves, THAC0 and thief skill level ups if any apply.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
DM - GreyWolf's Mystara Adventures - AD&D 2e
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Dalin Silverhand: Rotten to the core.

#124 Post by Spearmint »

Crooked Yew, Duchy of Aerik.

June 4th 1066.

The Bugbear village of Bhaz'rad Dur has been attacked by an alliance of leprous Bugbears and the character trio. Despite odds stacked against them, the 'do-or-die' attempt to halt the Red Fang tribe's cultist ambitions and to defeat Katka, chief priest of Set is a resounding success.

The priest lies dead in the centre of the village, next to him the many pierced body of the strange panther like Displacer Beast. The creature's fur is skinned and given to the ranger to craft into some exotic garb. The priest is also frisked and several items taken from him and from a search of his hut. Clerical parchments and scrolls regarding Set and various Bugbear politics are located which Clive will take to study and pass on to Lord Krothos' resident advisor.

The dead are gathered and burned in one community funeral pyre. The surviving tribal Bugbears, mostly women and children disperse into the forest, heading for other villages where they may rebuild lives free of the death cult's tenets.

Their wounds are addressed and with some compassion, they are provided for using the 'Bugbear marbles ', small gemstones used as currency in the humanoid economy that are banked in Katka's vault.

The leprosy afflicted survivors, a dozen of them commit to accompanying the trio back to Crooked Yew and assist in the local farming and labouring as they are ministered to in regard to their health conditions.

Dalin spends a week almost in resting and research back at the village. Investing in his skills, you can add a rudimentary level of Hobgoblin (Bugbear), to your linguist repertoire.

The production of hive honey to healing salves is a long process with several stages. You can however help harvest the honey from the hives and learn Beekeeping as a trade skill.

To learn Tracking will take more time than you can currently invest, but Hunnicot is happy to teach you basics should you winter in the settlement.

A study of the discovered literature details a cult of Set resident in a portion of labyrinth beneath the Barrow Mounds and ongoing conflict with acolytes of Orcus. The cult is led by Nathalas, a necromancer of high stature. He is trading secrets on creating golem constructs with a commune rancher in Helix and conducting experiments using vivisection to harvest body parts from sacrificial victims. This knowledge may provoke further exploration options.

When you leave the village, you are equipped with a honeyed Potion of Extra-Healing, a share of the Bugbear marbles (20 small uncut quartz gemstones), a letter from Clive to Moriartus. You are restocked with any supplies, hand axes, crossbow bolts, equipment that you need.

Those Bonsai tanks, grafting stalks and wineskin' of fountain water are studied. Initial reports will be generated by the end of the month.

Dalin, you arrive back in Helix on the evening of June 4th. Please post your arrival back in the Brazen Strumpet Tavern and any village actions you want to take.

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