Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#121 Post by Hvalreki »


May 20th 1066

Farrier's Yard

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter's burns still smart after the first aid kit. As he's about to shrug back into his mail he remembers the healing bar purchased from Verne the Apothecary. A bit suspicious because of the strange garments he spotted there and now here at the Farriers, he tests a small area of the burn with some water and the bar and waits for any ill effects.

If it seems soothing he'll apply to the burned area before he puts his armor back on.
"Put it on and chuck one at the next skeleton you see. Who knows it might crack a skull or bring us luck."
Feeling a bit ridiculous at wearing a belt strung with horse shoes, Gunter takes the proffered item and cinches it around his waist and adjusts the rest of his gear.

Bogtown Well

Back in the darkness of the well Gunter tightens his armor and secures his gear for battle. He turns to the group smiling, "Once more into the breach, eh boys?" And moves into the widened crevasse ready for action.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#122 Post by Spearmint »

you can take the loam. Helps heal cuts and sites and sooth skin conditions. Secret ingredient, Basilisk gland. Well not so secret now. Rub it all over, leave to dry."
The bar of carbolic mud, enhanced with the not so secret ingredient and mixed with local spring water from the Well does two of the medical triage conditions. (Breathing, bleeding, burns, bones). Applied to the skin and left to dry as a mini cast, the Hurtloam type product restores +1hp of burn damage immediately and +1hp of bleeding or wound damage over the next hour. I am fine with you applying this aid along with the 1st Aid kit at the Farrier's Yard so you can gain both hit points back.

The bar is good for another two applications you think.

Bogtown Well Cistern.

May 20th 1066.

The group advance, widening the crevice though it takes a while to do so. Eventually the rotund priest Golgarth can skip through sideways followed by the more dextrous allies. Solly brings up the rear, firebrand and sword in hand. Kolt the mangy dog accompanies the dwarf Froed. Thommo, a wizened rogue keeps to the cavern shadows, Sidkrake and Gunter vanguard the exploration.

Here is information from before:
Skeleton Cave

Gunter investigates the four skeletons, trying to inspect their features and any indication of what happened or is happening to them.

Sidkrake raises a torch to view down the narrow passage as it continues to wind its way into the dark.

The skeletons are human though unlike any other skeletons you have encountered. They are dressed in rotten clothes, eroded over time by the constant dripping of water and mould. The bones of the skeletons have flaky lumps all over them as the water slowly flows over skulls and shoulders leaving behind hardened mineral deposits to calcify bones together. They are also sitting in strange positions, ones that might otherwise indicate they are in prayer or mediation such as kneeling with head bowed to the floor or sitting cross-legged with open palms testing in a lotus blossom yoga position.

As they are, each under a constant drip of water. Sidkrake waves a hand across one of their faces. The skeleton's visage, fixed in a rictus grimace of embracing death shows no emotion but some inner spark of undead life in the hollowed empty eyes seems to awaken to your presence in the chamber. The four move jerkily, fracturing the mineral deposits with little crunchy noises like egg shells being trodden underfoot.

You suddenly get the impression you are not wanted here and being squashed underfoot into little broken pieces might be on the skeletons minds.
The narrow crevice opens to a small chamber. The pitter-patter of water droplets is loud here, dripping in slow falling teardrops from the ceiling ledges above. Little pools have hollowed the floor over time, eroding the rock basin before drawing away. There are too long calcified stalactites like thin brittle icicles, crystallized minerals contained within the droplets. When you came here before, a quartet of Skeletons were resting in some undead trance like state but forewarned of your approach but the hammering in the rock, the group ready themselves to attack you intruders into their subterranean solace.

They walk forward, over large hands like rock hard gauntlets and torsos shielded over with the encrusted mineral.

actions please

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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#123 Post by Hvalreki »


May 20th 1066

Bogtown Well

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter attacks the nearest of the undead but his foot slips in the muck and the blow goes wild.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#124 Post by Bluetongue »


Cleric of Cromm Cruach. the novice priest faces down the Fossilized undead. I am aware that even with some health returned our ability to take many hits is still reduced so rather than smash these with my Warhammer I will smite them with holy words.

Golgarth: Turn Undead [1d20]=17 number turned [1d12]=9 rounds turned [3d4]=7

"Flee from us for the wrath of Cromm compels you." he feels a bit more empowered in this place, near the holy spring dedicated by the elder.

"Follow them, they might lead us to an unholy shrine. We shall smite that too."
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#125 Post by Spearmint »

Meditation Cave

Speaking a word of deliverance and casting the undead forth, the Fossilized Skeletons about turn and flee from the wrath of Cromm. They have only one exit since the crevice to the cistern cavern is blocked and so move down a rear passage that winds many yards in a narrow file. The skeletons, even buffed up with armoured calcite deposits are still a lot thinner than those in the group. They can fit through the angled passage, cut out over years by the erosion of water. Though even they must flee in single file and as such the rear skeleton may be caught and bested. Though it claws in fear, it is smashed under a hail of hammer and axe blows.

Thommo hoists a lantern, you need light in this place as the flaming firebrand is dimmed by much of the damp atmosphere and water droplets. Cautiously you proceed knowing that sooner or later the rebuked undead may return to their haunt. A hundred yards then a hundred more, the crevice winds as a stream meanders, taking the route of least resistance. Above you the settlement of Bogtown though with the twisting and turning it is hard to assess just how far you have gone from the Well and under which residence or business you may be trespassing.

any actions you might like to take or questions to ask as you move along?
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#126 Post by Hvalreki »

Bogtown Well Cistern.

May 20th 1066

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter finishes the grim task of smashing the rearmost skeleton into oblivion. He pauses for a moment to adjust his gear and puts a quick edge back on the axe with his whetstone. " Stonefather, can you take the vanguard with me and look for anything unusual about the catacombs? Careful as we go lads. Try and move softly and keep yer eyes and ears open for traps and ambuscades."
Clerics of Cromm minister in stone built chapels, erecting permanent structures never a temporary one. They use a Warhammer as a favoured weapon and gain an ability to stun opponents that they successfully hit with a % roll equal in value to the damage they deal plus 1% per level. Clerics may interpret constructions and masonry just as a dwarf does from his racial ability.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#127 Post by Bluetongue »


Yes, that is a good idea. Even in a natural cave we might stumble upon a more constructed chamber.

Golgarth: Cromm skill stonework investigations [1d100]=23 [1d100]=19

Martial skills aside, he seems to excel in remembering his masonry apprenticeship and dwarven-like stonesmanship.

I concentrate on finding traps and physical man-made work.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#128 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring beyond the Cistern.


May 20th 1066.

Chasing the rebuked Fossilized Skeletons through a narrow passage is fraught with dangers. Heads and helmets bang on protruding rock or low ceiling, ankles twist on uneven ground.

It is obvious the tunnel is naturally carved so Golgarth can use his detection skills in a more appropriate area.
good thought Gunter so take +25xp.
Abruptly the passage ends and three Fossilized Skeletons with nowhere to run about turn to face the assault of their pursuers. Behind them you see an exit, but it has been blocked up with stone and mortar to prevent passage.

combat actions please
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#129 Post by Hvalreki »


Exploring beyond the Cistern

May 20th 1066

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter sees the passage ending and the skeletons turning to face the party. Curious as to the outcome, he takes the opportunity to hurl one of the horseshoes at the nearest opponent. "May Cromm Cruach ring yer bell devils!"
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#130 Post by Bluetongue »

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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#131 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring beyond the Cistern.


May 20th 1066.

In the dead end of the cistern cave passage, the group hope to bring 'the Dead' to a proper end.

Flinging an iron horseshoe in hope, Gunter funds the traditional 'good luck' of horseshoe actually manifests on his behalf and the implement used for shoeing horses or playing Quoits impacts upon the skull of the Fossilized Skeleton with a hammer blow. -5hp

Reeling from the strike, the skeleton is subject to another powerful hit as Golgarth whacks it also and sends it to eternal rest. -8hp.

Sidkrake tackles a second, stabbing it though his edged blade penetrates empty ribcages not vital organs. -3hp


Golgarth: 5/8 spells: Bless, Detect Evil, CLW, Sanctuary
Gunter: 9/10
Sidkrake: 6/6
Solly: 3/6
Froed:. 1/6
Kolt the dog: 6/6.

next attacks please
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#132 Post by Hvalreki »

Exploring beyond the Cistern


May 20th 1066

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter follows up with a mighty overhead axe blow but the calcified skeleton swats it aside harmlessly.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#134 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring beyond the Cistern.


May 20th 1066.

The struggle is brief. The skeletons are outnumbered three to one plus a dog and are soon overwhelmed. A succession of hits clatter upon the undead bones before they can retort and in short order, the passage and Meditation Cave are free of the undead fiends.
The skeletons do not have anything of value upon them. The interesting feature is the scaly plates of hardened minerals which have formed upon them in weird lumps. It just seems a feature of the water dripping in that part of the cave system, an oddness that is quite apart from the blessed spring water that bubbles at the bottom of the Well.

The dead end in the passage has been deliberately blocked up. Golgarth studies the masonry and can conclude it is amateurishly built, a basic wall to close off an area. It does the job of course and will need knocking through if you want to progress. You have tools with you, used for widening the crevice so Solly and Thommo can set to and within a few turns the brickwork can crumble providing a slim access.

A few rats scurry at your feet, fleeing from you and the fangs of the hunting dog who gives chase to those that are slowest. He catches some with aplomb, receiving "Good boy" accolades from the group. You are in some kind of cellar, a damp chill environment used for storage. The now unblocked wall is behind some crates under a staircase. In the middle of the room and old well. Not a Bogtown Well sized shaft but a typical circular shaft about the size of a large shield. Old rusted buckets and ropes are casually tossed among the crates and boxes. Looking down the well shaft it descends about thirty feet to a scummy, dirty reservoir. You don't think anyone has drank from this water for some time.

While some check out the garbage for interesting things, those with keener ears can climb the stairs and listen at the cellar door.

actions in the cellar.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#135 Post by Bluetongue »


Well finding a constructed wall is obvious sign of people being present unless we have broken into some random person's cellar.

We do have the cloaks and masks found in the Farrier's chest. I suggest Solly, Gunter and myself use them as disguise allowing the three thieves to stick to shadows and do what rogues do best.

If there is only one exit then up the stairs and beyond is the way to go. Perhaps a thief can scout ahead.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#136 Post by Spearmint »

I will wait one more day then update this before the weekend.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#137 Post by Hvalreki »

Exploring beyond the Cistern


May 20th 1066

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter and Sidrake search through the cellar quietly leaving Solly to monitor the door while they look.

Once the search is complete, Gunter dresses in the festival outfit and adjusts the scarf to cover his head, wincing as he pulls the strange leather mask over his face.

When Golgarth and Solly are ready Gunter carefully opens the door and moves beyond leaving the rouges to sneak in the shadows behind them.
Sorry about the wait, RL got quite busy for me this week - Cheers!
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#138 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring beyond the Cistern


May 20th 1066

The cellar door, sodden and swollen from years of damp takes a hefty barge to open. It creaks softly but no one seems alerted to the noise. You find yourself in a small hallway. To the left more stone stairs ascend to a ground level floor, you can tell as at the top, a narrow arrow slit window sheds a modicum of sunlight. On the walls of the hall are faded frescoes, pictures of various elven pastoral scenes, by one wall some wooden cabinets and bookshelves. The dusty tomes look unread in quite a while judging by the thick layer of dust which on top of them. There are two doors to the right. One is a single wooden door in a typical common stone frame, the second is a more grandiose double doors, the panel has a shiny veneer and the furnishings like door knob and hinges are of artisan craftsmanship. Above the door though is a defaced image of Silvanus, the visage disfigured by several hacks.

Considering the geography of Bogtown, you may actually conclude the cellar room is connected to a lower level of the Silvanus embassy.

Everyone enters the hallway. Those sneaky stick to shadows, one checks out the stone stairs, another rogue each listen at one of the doors. The three disguised figures wait anxiously for any development.

With fingers to lips to hush, Sidkrake signals that he hears voices beyond the double doors. A rhythmic chanting like a liturgical prayer being spoken. Behind the single door, no noise is heard.

actions please.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#139 Post by Hvalreki »

Exploring beyond the Cistern


May 20th 1066

frowns at the defacement on the door. Even though Silvanus is not his God, villainy such as this roils his peasant sensibilities of right and wrong.

Quietly to the group "Let's go through the smaller side door, don't want to walk into the middle of whatever is going on in there. Maybe we can get the drop on them."

He waits for the rogues to search for traps or alarms then opens the side door as quietly as he is able.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#140 Post by Bluetongue »


Ok. Sending one guy to check up the stairs and keeping others guarding the other door, he goes into the side room too.

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