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Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:34 pm
by SterlingBlake
Jack wrote:How do magic levels work?

Table 6 (p. 9) has 2 different types of levels, the cleric level (CL) on the left, and what I think is the cleric spell levels (CSL) at the top.
Alfri is CL1 and so is at CSL0.
A CL2 can have 1 spell from CSL1.
A CL4 can have 2 CSL1 spells and 1 CSL2 spell.

So "Cure Light Wounds" (p. 52) is a CSL1, which means a CL1 can't cast it, only a CL2+. Do clerics just pray for something in their CSL or lower? Do CL2+s have slots?

Daro is a magic-user level (MUL) 1, and can have 1 MUSL1 spell (p. 13). At MUL3 he can have 2 MUSL1 spells and 1 MUSL2 spell. His 16 INT allows him to only advance to MUSL8 (p. 6). What does "Minimum / Maximum Number of Basic Spells Understandable per Level" mean?
The table is a matrix and you've interpreted it correctly. The numbers in the cells are the number of spells of each spell level a cleric of the class level for that row may pray for. So at 3rd level, Alfri will be able to pray for 2 first level cleric spells in the morning, selecting which spells at that time, and then cast them when he chooses to during that day.

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:18 pm
by Jack

Is "Turning the undead" an attack during battle, or a spell that's cast (which is lost if PC receives damage before it's their turn in the initiative order)?

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:26 pm
by Tamerlaine
It is an action. It is not a spell.

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:33 am
by SterlingBlake
Dave, I think we have at least tacit agreement to standard marching orders and watches as:

1. Alfri
2. Sammy
3. Daro
4. Duin
5. Alastair (well behind)

1. Alastair
2. Alfri
3. Sammy
4. Daro
5. Duin

Watches (double):
1. Daro + Duin
2. Duin + Alastair
3. Alastair + Alfri
4. Alfri + Sammy
5. Sammy + Daro

Single watches will be same order as second except with the first person only.

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:45 pm
by Tamerlaine
SterlingBlake wrote:Dave, I think we have at least tacit agreement to standard marching orders and watches as:

1. Alfri
2. Sammy
3. Daro
4. Duin
5. Alastair (well behind)

1. Alastair
2. Alfri
3. Sammy
4. Daro
5. Duin

Watches (double):
1. Daro + Duin
2. Duin + Alastair
3. Alastair + Alfri
4. Alfri + Sammy
5. Sammy + Daro

Single watches will be same order as second except with the first person only.
If there are no objections, I will go ahead and post this in an appropriate area.

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:59 pm
by Jack
I tried to draw a map of the keep, but I'm not sure where the doors of the courtyard are. The courtyard has a gate N (where we entered), doors W and E, and double doors S. The W courtyard door leads to the base of the NW tower which has a passageway S.

The interior of the courtyard is 18x18m, and the interior of the towers are 12x12m, so is the courtyard's N edge flush to the N edges of the NW and NE towers, with the E door leading into the NE tower, and no way from the courtyard into the SW and SE towers?

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:45 pm
by mumble
Erm... guys, this is going to sound super dodgy, but I've got a couple of questions...
1. What's happened to Deldo? Did herostyle manage to indicate he won't be able to participate after all, before we cracked on to the keep?
2. Why's Jack running both Sammy and Alfri? Who are we missing? :oops:

Admittedly, I might have missed the post where this was explained. And it's not a concern as much as it's just confusing the hell out of me...

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:59 pm
by Jack
mumble wrote:2. Why's Jack running both Sammy and Alfri?
herostyle is moving so doesn't currently have constant internet access, so for now I'm also playing Alfri, but if herostyle can join us again I'll go back to just Sammy (if he survives).

I don't know about Abegray, but Deldo's recuperating in town with Zara for now.

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:29 pm
by mumble
Ah, that's where the confusion came in. I forgot about Abe, and thought herostyle was running Deldo. Cool, thanks!

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:55 pm
by mumble
Erm... just in case everyone's waiting on me/Daro, I'm waiting on the results of those attacks to see what Daro's best course of action would be.

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:35 am
by Tamerlaine
Jack wrote:I tried to draw a map of the keep, but I'm not sure where the doors of the courtyard are. The courtyard has a gate N (where we entered), doors W and E, and double doors S. The W courtyard door leads to the base of the NW tower which has a passageway S.

The interior of the courtyard is 18x18m, and the interior of the towers are 12x12m, so is the courtyard's N edge flush to the N edges of the NW and NE towers, with the E door leading into the NE tower, and no way from the courtyard into the SW and SE towers?
Been trying to find a way to copy and paste an image of the keep from a pdf file, but no joy here. If anyone can tell me in very easy terms how to do it, please enlighten me! Still working on this. I gotta buddy of mine I need to get call...

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:42 am
by SterlingBlake
Tamerlaine wrote:
Jack wrote:I tried to draw a map of the keep, but I'm not sure where the doors of the courtyard are. The courtyard has a gate N (where we entered), doors W and E, and double doors S. The W courtyard door leads to the base of the NW tower which has a passageway S.

The interior of the courtyard is 18x18m, and the interior of the towers are 12x12m, so is the courtyard's N edge flush to the N edges of the NW and NE towers, with the E door leading into the NE tower, and no way from the courtyard into the SW and SE towers?
Been trying to find a way to copy and paste an image of the keep from a pdf file, but no joy here. If anyone can tell me in very easy terms how to do it, please enlighten me! Still working on this. I gotta buddy of mine I need to get call...
You can include the PDF as an attachment to a post. The next blue bar below the editing window is "Upload attachment." Just browse to it, add the file and submit.

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:54 am
by Jack
Tamerlaine wrote:Been trying to find a way to copy and paste an image of the keep from a pdf file
You can press the [Prt Sc] button when the map is on the screen, then in an image program (like Paint or GIMP) do Edit, Paste, File, Save; and then upload just that saved print screen file here instead of the whole PDF which may have spoilers.

If you want to hide certain parts of the map, you can make the PDF viewer program smaller to show just the bits you want.

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:13 pm
by Tamerlaine
I had posted a map of the keep and some, if not all, saw the whole shebang. I was okay at first but as I learned how to block off areas I decided to give it away piecemeal.

Thanks guys, for showing me how to do this.

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:25 pm
by Tamerlaine
Just a reminder, folks, about death and damage as it is written in the Core rules...

When a character (or creature) is hit, the amount of damage
is deducted from hit points. When total hit points reach 0,
the character is unconscious. The unconscious character
remains alive but is bleeding to death at the rate of 1
hp/round if no assistance is rendered. Death takes place
when the character reaches negative hit points equal to the
character’s level. In other words, a fifth-level character
actually dies only upon reaching -5 hit points.

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:41 pm
by SterlingBlake
Tamerlaine wrote:Just a reminder, folks, about death and damage as it is written in the Core rules...

When a character (or creature) is hit, the amount of damage
is deducted from hit points. When total hit points reach 0,
the character is unconscious. The unconscious character
remains alive but is bleeding to death at the rate of 1
hp/round if no assistance is rendered. Death takes place
when the character reaches negative hit points equal to the
character’s level. In other words, a fifth-level character
actually dies only upon reaching -5 hit points.
So as 1st level characters we're dead at -1 which happens 1 round after being knocked down at the latest!

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 8:04 pm
by Tamerlaine
Forgot that bows get 2 arrows a round, so the party had it good that first round.

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:36 am
by Jack
I don't think Daro was hit in this last round - could he try to finish off the goblin before it flees?

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 2:01 pm
by Tamerlaine
Daro was hit in the first round while attempting to cast a spell, which ruined the attempt. He has no other spells to use. Plus, he is in the courtyard (too far away).

Re: OOC Lounge

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 3:02 pm
by mumble
So would Daro have to spend another (entire) turn to ready another spell?