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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 6:21 pm
by ffilz
Remember also that armor can subtract up to 10 from attack BCS...

And yes, I made a strategic choice in choosing Karma Yoga...

And now that we're remembering to use Blessing, I'm feeling a lot better about Taisho and combat.

It's also only a 1/day thing per character (twice per day if you also do stuff at night). I normally don't cast them at night. Due to the situation at the inn, Taisho chose to do Blessing this night and it paid off.

Do remember that not all PCs have a Blessing, Taisho didn't succeed in the roll for all PCs.

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:40 am
by jemmus
We need Hiroshi first action for Turn 2, then we can proceed.

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 2:45 am
by ffilz
jemmus wrote: Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:40 am We need Hiroshi first action for Turn 2, then we can proceed.
I think we're on Turn 3. There's a Turn 2 above already with Hiroshi's strike.

Almost certainly a hit:

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 4:52 pm
by jemmus
Sorry for the delay. I lost a long OOC and IC draft post when the power flickered during a storm. This one will have to be OOC, because of lack of time and because there's so much going on in this scene.

The struggle in the flickering firelight of the cold warehouse. The sound of the cries of men and sharp steel and blunt wood striking flesh fill the air.

Buru - Stands from prone
Yakuza boss – Unconscious from tonfa and ox subdual damage.
Hiroshi – Hits Yakuza 2 (“Y2”) for 3 damage.
Y2 – Attacks Hiroshi w/ wakizashi, crit fail, stunned the rest of this turn and next turn.
Y3 – Stands from prone after being thrown by ox
Y4 – Attacks porter foreman w/ club, crit success, x3 damage. Foreman drops unconscious from subdual damage
Y5 – Misses ox drover w/ bo
Y6 – Misses ox drover w/ bo
Y7 – Moves to in front of Porter 2 (“P2”)
Buru – Misses Y4, second strike hits for 8 damage
Foreman – Unconscious
Drover – Misses Y5 with work knife
P1 – Misses Y3
P2 – Misses Y6
P3 – Misses Y7
P4 – Moves from behind P2 to engage Y2

Hiroshi's second action is up. Then yakuza's second actions, oxen's actions, and Buru's third attack.

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:14 pm
by Marullus
Buru comes around and swings again at the man he just struck, trying to knock him out for sure this time.
(Secondary Action) Atemi-Tonfa Attack (base BCS 9) [1d20]=16 [1d10+3]=7+3=10+[1d3]=3

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 2:38 pm
by ffilz
Hiroshi will strike again. I'm losing track of all the math, so I'll just roll...

I think that's going to be a hit no matter the math...

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 12:53 am
by jemmus
The yojimbo and their porter charges-allies struggle side-by-side against the attacking yakuza. Hiroshi sees that the gangsters by the bodies of their prone comrades turn their club blows toward him, and not to the porters to his right. The men have repeatedly and specifically targeted him. Buru hears the sound of wood striking silk-corded steel. Low grunts, higher gasps, and the sickening sound of impact of hard wood on flesh echo off of the walls of the cold, dark, narrow warehouse.

Outside, an ox bellows to his herdmates and his breath makes a bucketful of steam above the moonlit snow. Behind the yojimbo, the oxen in the warehouse low back to the one outside, their unease apparent in their great, deep voices.

Hiroshi's katana attack hits Yakuza 2's body, but the AC 3 winter clothing barely prevents any HP damage.
Yakuza secondary actions for this turn.
Yakuza boss - Unconscious
Yakuza 2 - Stunned (off balance after a swing). No action this turn or next. Passive target (+5 to BCS).
Yakuza 3 (club) - Roll of 1 crit success attack on Hiroshi from Long range for his club. 4 subdual damage, 4 HP of 24 remaining. Target is stunned and must make a health ST to remain conscious. Stunned= no actions for Hiroshi next turn. Passive target.
Yakuza 4 - roll of 1 crit success on Porter 3. x3 damage. (For only 6 total damage. Clubs aren't very effective weapons). The porter is still standing, gasping and grunting, and wielding his work knife.
Y5 (bo) - Hits the ox drover for 4 damage.
Y6 (bo) - Misses Porter 2.
Y7 - Misses Porter 3
Buru - 2nd secondary action. Misses with tonfa at Y3.
Oxen – Observe and hold.

Buru up for actions next round. Need a Health ST for Hiroshi to remain conscious.

Sorry for the long delay for this post. I shouldn't have delays like this again, as far as is foreseeable.

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 1:15 am
by jemmus
The postman-innkeeper's wife lights a lantern and re-illuminates the kitchen. Akemi nods to her, Haruto, and Taisho, then dashes through the kitchen and through the doorway to the main room and guest rooms. She soon returns. Haruto-san, Taisho-san. The yakuza are gone. I'll check the warehouse.

The inn is still around 3 - 3.5 minutes ahead of the warehouse in time. The current action at the warehouse is happening at around the time that around the time Haruto extinguished the fire at the front of the inn. Taisho and Haruto can take actions now in their own time chronology now, though.

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 4:03 am
by Marullus
Haruto observes to see if the innkeeper or his wife have any burns that he might treat and heal to aid them further. If they do not, then he moves to follow Akemi, suspicious.

Buru continues to do his best to subdue the yakuza as swiftly as possible...

(Action Phase 13)
Base Atemi-Tonfa: Strike (base BCS 19) [1d20]=6 [1d10+3]=6+3=9+[1d3]=3 Second Strike (base BCS 9) [1d20]=11 [1d10+3]=8+3=11+[1d3]=1

(Action Phase 8)
Base Atemi-Tonfa: Strike (base BCS 19) [1d20]=20 [1d10+3]=1+3=4+[1d3]=2 Second Strike (base BCS 9) [1d20]=10 [1d10+3]=8+3=11+[1d3]=3

(Action Phase 4)
(Secondary Action) Atemi-Tonfa Attack (base BCS 9) [1d20]=14 [1d10+3]=9+3=12+[1d3]=3

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:50 pm
by jemmus
Need Hiroshi's Health ST to see if he stays conscious, then we can go to Buru's rolled attacks. This might be an important roll for the outcome of this fight.
The yakuza guys' boss is down, but so is the porters' boss and another porter. Whether the armored bushi stands or drops could have an affect on NPC morale. Yakuza fight for loot, not honor or the thrill of a martial contest. It seems unlikely that many of the porters have ever been in a real fight with weapons before. And they laborers aren't getting many hits in on the thugs. Eyes glance at the bushi, after the sound of a very solid impact of wood on flesh and bone. They see the trained warrior reel and his arm with the katana fall limp. Whether he crashes to the floor or stands upright could be a matter of being cheered by some people, and cowed by some others.

Hiroshi will be stunned next turn, with no actions.

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:41 pm
by ffilz

Looks like Hiroshi goes down.

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 12:48 am
by Marullus

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 1:04 am
by jemmus
The bushi, crushed by a stunning blow to the face, goes onto a backfoot, loses footing and balance, and drops. The weight of the kabuto helmet and the hundreds of steel plates of the o-yoriu press his head, shoulders, and entire body down. There was the battle at Okitsu. And crossing the mountain range into Neno or Kai, or whatever.... But to be killed by yakuza, on this winter night, in a lonely winter warehouse....

Oh sh*te... Hiroshi is unconcscious out for the rest of the fight. Buru might need to watch the next illustration of the PCs' and NPC's positions pretty closely. And make some tactical decisions of his own.

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 1:31 am
by Marullus
Can he spend a Ki point?

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 7:07 pm
by jemmus

The map shows the situation after Buru's first attack. It took out Y4. I made a mistake with the last map. P1 was taken out by a crit success.

Buru's tonfa strikes the man in front hard and knocks him to the floor, unconscious.
The man to his far right with the wakizashi works at regaining his balance.
The yakuza to his front right (Y3) runs forward and manages to strike the budoka with his polished club. (2 HP damage)
The thug battling the drover hits with his bo, but the peasant's thick clothing pads the blow.
The yakuza to Buru's far right gets the same result.
The oxen inside the warehouse and the one outside continue to low and bellow to each other.

Buru has two crit failures during the second action. Please roll the results. Depending what happens with the first failure, the second one may not happen at all. If it does, please roll it also.

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:08 pm
by jemmus
Haruto releases the elemental magical forces and the mire dissipates, revealing blackened flagstones in the kitchen and charred tatami mats in the dining room. He and Akemi hasten toward the warehouse.


Good luck to Buru on his crit failure rolls!

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:57 pm
by Marullus

Okay. Buru is doing tonfa-enhanced unarmed strikes, so I'm going to assume we use the unarmed table instead of the armed table.
Critical Failure [1d20]=12 [1d20]=9
On either table, that's "Attacker falls down and suffers a Daze Special Effect"
...dazed is defined above as "Target forfeits next Available Action Phase"

So, I think we're adjudicating these rolls? I only see one 20, which is on the primary action in Phase 8. His secondary strike still has a chance that it hit simultaneously, I think. Then he loses Phase 4 from being dazed. I don't see a second 20 rolled, so I'm not sure what the second critical failure roll is for?

If he isn't kicked to death on the ground and he makes it to his next action after that in Phase 13 of the next round, he needs a speed ST to get up if he's engaged.
Speed ST (BCS 11) [1d20]=17
...which he fails. So, if he's engaged he can't stand up until Phase 8.

Speed ST (BCS 11) [1d20]=3 he can still do a primary action (Alter Position) on Phase 8, and he succeeds.

Let me know if he makes it that far, and he gets a secondary action next turn on Phase 4...
(Secondary Action) Atemi-Tonfa Attack (base BCS 9) [1d20]=10 [1d10+3]=3+3=6+[1d3]=1

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:13 pm
by jemmus
You're right, I misread, there's only one 20.
Agreed on your determinations of Buru's next action phases. The secondary action in phase 8 does hit.

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 12:15 am
by jemmus
Buru's tonfa hits Yakuza 3 for 3 damage.
Dazed Buru's AC saves him from a second action hit by Y3 (phase 5).
Y5, Y6, Y7 all miss on their second action attacks on porters.

One of uneasy herd of three oxen at at the back of the warehouse bellows and breaks into a charge straight for the open doorway to the outside. Their handler the drover had foreseen this coming, senses the swift and powerful motion from behind, deftly steps away to leave his wards a clear path. Deftness ST, with a bonus. A yakuza to Buru's right tumbles, but another reels and keeps his two feet under him. The fight in the warehouse continues, backlit by the flames of a humble wood fire in a kettle. The budoka sees that that the number of men lying face down on the floor now exceed the number of those still standing.

A wild-eyed yakuza man's widens his eyes, their whites wildly showing. It's no good! Get out! But a grunting voice from Buru's far left screams, No, fight! Get the goods! Anything else the man says is lost in the frantic shuffle of blow on blow, tonfa versus wakizashi, club versus work knife. Muscle versus muscle.

Black lines indicates that the character is prone.

Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:36 pm
by Marullus
I think that finishes this round, and my rolls already cover the next round. Let me know when I can script more rolls/actions... At this point I think I am still prone and failing my save to rise. If I am not engaged, he's up on Phase 13.