Rangers in danger:

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Re: Rangers in danger:

#101 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin nods his head agreeing with Vann, then follows Renata for introductions.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Rangers in danger:

#102 Post by Spearmint »

April 29th 1066

Moorwash Overlook: Duchy of Aerik.


You walk through the courtyard, (5) the wind whispering the howls of the unseen wolves, a flock of black carrion birds squawking from perches among the derelict rafters. The firefly lantern buzzes with hostility but nothing untoward hampers the quartet who approach the closed double doors that adjoin the two wings of the ruin.

Pushing the doors you enter a hallway (6) where
a large fearsome bear awaits, a tall grizzly, standing upright and shaking. Renata holds back her arm as you reach for weapons. The bear writhes in the floor and in a haze of stretching and contortion, metamorphs into the form of a naked human. The man, breathes hard and ragged then looks you over.

"A pretty sight am I. And you Rene, delicious as always. Who hunts you or me? A bounty on my furry hide and yours? Well, you don't disturb my meditations for pleasure, at least not any more. What business brings you are your hoary men here?"

He asks, not threateningly, more like an irritation. From the right an open corridor leads beyond some derelict rooms to a den of wolves. (12) It is dark but a strange laughter echoes down the corridor. It goes quiet then after a minute a naked lady walks in, unabashed at her state of undress.

"Guests. Why didn't you say we would have company?" she chides the man then waves you all through to another resting room (7) beyond where a fire rages in a hearth, offering you seats and pouring some wine from a crystal decanter. "Please, be at home. I shall set about dinner."

Actions everyone please.

Interior of moathouse
Interior of moathouse
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#103 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

His eyes widen and he can't help fingering the hilt of his sword. Not that he thinks it will be effective against werewolves?

He takes a drink, a big one. It might be his last then thinks if he is being poisoned?

He tries to make 'small talk' regarding their situation and the ruin, staying polite and letting Renata do the chitchat with the hosts. He goes around to the other three, making sure they stay in their guard.
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#104 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin watches the exchange and refrains from reaching for any weapons on his person, not wanting to offend the hosts. He listens, watches with caution and alertness of his roguish trainings. The dwarf clears his throat "Ahem, Renata might you introduce us to these kind hosts?"
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#105 Post by Spearmint »

ok, I will move this on.

April 29th 1066

Moorwash Overlook: Duchy of Aerik.


Renata introduces the group as 'my men' and then by name, "Hector, Rondahl, Dalin, Dawg." she says with a wave of her hand and gestures towards ,"Bjornark. master of these here ruins. Lady Azul, noble daughter of the House of Ravenlys, Ironguard. And her ... cohorts.".

"Nameless vagabonds, renegades. Shaede is no more and Reisling held by the Bogtown Inquisition. It bodes not well for him." the naked woman interrupts.

characters may be familiar with the 'Inquisition' being the term for the religious militia that act as bounty hunters for the Duchy.

The lady nods to the boisterous noise coming from the corridor. She leaves the lounge to return dressed and bring trays of food. You eat in quiet as Renata shares her 'adventure' in Helix with the Lord's notice, the chase and the rescue by the characters. You are vouched for as 'stout men of good reputations and skill' but in need of help for your wounds.

"Well it appears fortunate for you that we can accommodate. On conditions, we too are also in need of timely help and how fortunate for us you have arrived. Perhaps some reciprocal agreement can be made?

We have need of you and your men. Blood for blood and skin for skin, I can heal your hides as long as you rescue Reisling from the penal stage as it commutes him tomorrow. They would flay him for sport and quarter him before the crowd at noon."

The druid looks at you all expecting an answer. Will you attempt to rescue this man from the clutches of the Duchy guards in exchange for being healed?

actions and questions please
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#106 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin tugging at his facial hair tries to think it over.... finally not liking the choices before him he reluctantly agrees "I am willing to agree to that. Though I must admit we were on a mission already came into some really rough areas and had to turn back for more men when we aided Renata here."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#107 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

"I must confess I am new to the Duchy lands, knowing little of the parochial laws. I only heard stories of gold and glory to be found within the Barrows and thought to make good. Though you can see I have scant reward for my endeavours.

Dalin, Dawg Dann and Rondahl have indeed proved stout men, ones to have in your side in a fight."
the elf eats and relaxes a little as the introductions happen and no immediate threat to their safety is made. He pours another glass of wine.

" Bjornark, did I hear you comment that 'you are wanted or that a bounty is on your head? I suspect then that is why you and the Lady cannot dare a rescue of your friend though no doubt you are both singularly the equal of all four of us put together.

So while I would reciprocate, I would like to know more."

hoping a more difficult check might work in our favour.

Vann Hector charisma check vs 9 [3d6]=12 [4d6]=9
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#108 Post by Spearmint »

April 29th 1066

Moorwash Overlook: Duchy of Aerik.


Bjornark "By the gods we have a man of backbone. He stands on his last legs but still bargains his worth." the druid guffaws at the ice cool manner of the elf Vann Hector. Dalin typically more pragmatic as dwarven custom is. The other pair just nod in silence.

"Answers you want, answers you shall get."

Lady Azul pulls a little map of the region from a desk, unfolding the scroll and you gather around. She points to the moathouse and locales of Bogtown and Ironguard Motte.

" Between them lie the old bridge then a straight run to the citadel. Reisling will be transported by a prepared stagecoach. It is hallmarked by agents of Silvanus who view our bloodcurse as anathema. They will be carrying various protections and wards which repel our kind so we cannot approach as discreetly or ferociously as we may otherwise. But you could, and for that your aid is needed.

We expect the militia to escort the stage from the Bogtown gaol to the bridge. It is only a short road after but that gives you a window of opportunity to halt the coach and free the prisoner.

Bring him here and you will be rewarded handsomely."

actions and questions please. Include a charisma check in your post
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#109 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Vann Hector charisma check vs 9 [3d6]=8 [4d6]=20

Hoping a lower check suffices.

The elven rogue, at least happy he is not fed to the werewolves for dinner, looks at the map. Holding up a stage coach might be the easy but. Getting your fellow out of any licks and stocks another thing. Going up against possible spellcasters and armed guards. Not only helping a fugitive lady we are now in league with a renegade druid and his werewolf clan. (I presume the bear form we met means Bjornark is a werebear?).

Treasure and reward though appeal, as does healing. He dislikes abandoning the search for the rangers. I will ask Bjornark and Lady Azul if they are familiar with the old poacher Basil and what bulkywug trouble they have had locally.

If Dalin & Rondahl agree, we could try to rescue the werewolf Reisling. I don't think sneaking away will be an option.

Specifically I ask about the stagecoach. How many horses pull it. It is armoured, reinforced, number of guards, outriders? Who are there contacts in Bogtown. What info can we get on the bounty hunters of Silvanus?
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#110 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin hears the information and digests it for a time. "I have some ideas as to how to stop the stagecoach, but there like many things are chances the ploys will not work. Such as someone pretending to be injured and in need of help and another trying to hail the coach or anyone on the road for aid. Granted that is the ploy part. While distracted someone else sneaks to the coach, and works on freeing Reisling. My other ideas involve more trap building to try and damage the coach enough that they have to stop. That option I am a bit more hesitant to attempt. Now are you shape changing druid types? Or eh lycanthrope types? I only ask as I had another idea but it would involve one of a druidic nature, that can i think I've heard use nature itself to grab or entangle things."

CHA 10 [4d6]=8
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#111 Post by Spearmint »

April 29th 1066

Moorwash Overlook: Duchy of Aerik.


You ask a few questions and begin to strategize regarding holding up a stagecoach. You pry a few answers.

Basil the old poacher turned ranger and his two apprentices are known to Bjornark but he has not seen them this season. He suspects if they have not returned they may well be dead though some of the Moor tribes capture and ransom folk, trading their lives for goods, weapons or treasures.

Bullywugs and smaller frogling cousins dwell along the river, retreating to the Moor. They semi-hibernate so spring and summer sees more trouble from their tribes.

The biggest humanoid tribe on the Moor are lizardfolk. Indeed the moathouse origins were as a military outpost against lizardmen incursions, built centuries ago before Ironguard Motte was established.

The river denizens and creatures who lair in the vicinity have 'an affiliation' with the druid, so act as a natural guard to anyone crossing from the south side of the Moorwash and the Moor.

Lady Azul asserts that her state of lycanthropic affliction was not always so. Those afflicted are hunted down, despised as criminals as evildoers by those in high authority, particularly from the Angarach faiths who predominantly see it as an aberration of nature. Yggites less so but that is a mainly 'human' faith unlike Silvanus which has elven roots and the disease kills rather than metamorphs demi-human races. "Perhaps if elves suffered lycanthropy they would be more compassionate?" You note she has four youthful men in her pack who look like many of the scruffy vagrant types found in seedy taverns across the land.

It is unclear what the actual relationship between Lady Azul and Bjornark is, maybe 'friends with benefits', allies, mentor and student. The prisoner Reisling seems to be a love interest of the she-wolf and appears also known to Renata.

As far as aid goes, Bjornark gives you a scroll which is a 'Protection from Normal Missiles' spell. Neither him nor any of the werewolves will come along. They state the 'Inquisitors' have silvered weapons which act in more powerful ways against them. (think kryptonite to superman)

However there is a caveat to letting you go from the moathouse. They will hold Rondahl as a 'house guest' so that you may have extra imperative to be successful in the prison break attempt.

any more questions or strategy to add?
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#112 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Well his plan of 'making a name for himself' seems to have taken a tangent from tomb robbing to highwayman. Still, nothing ventured nothing gained.

"So my understanding is they will cross the Old Dwarf Bridge and then some guards will turn back to Bogtown. We hijack the stagecoach somewhere along the stretch of five miles from bridge to Motte.

Maybe we hit the coach. Gain control of it and race it away, past Ironguard towards Helix, we can dump it in the forest somewhere. If we have a magic shield against missiles then we need to advantage that and I can only see it by getting any guards to chase us nit engage in melee with them. So then from the carriage roof we trade volleys of arrows and whittle them down or until they give up.

If the interior of the prison carriage has guards. It may be locked anyway so they might not be able to get out.

Anyway, that is my plan. Stop the coach, hijack it, rude it away and deal with guards as we flee rather than trying to spring the prisoner at source."
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#113 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin listens to Vann. "Hmm well yes I suppose now that we are one person down we will have to chance tactics... I don't quite like it being left up to just the four of us but I guess we have little options in the matter."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#114 Post by Spearmint »

April 29th 1066

Moorwash Overlook: Duchy of Aerik.


"I like the idea. We give it a go, that is all we can do. Strike the coachmen and whip those horses to gallop away, deal with guards who chase us. Now to plan how to stop the coach or board it in transit."

You can plan a few details and swap ideas, discuss a few pro's and con's. There are a lot of unknowns and in the back of your mind obvious questions regarding the inability of the lycanthropes to carry out the task themselves.

More wine is served and supper of breads and soup. The druid Bjornark takes his leave as does Lady Azul. She gives a warning not to leave the moathouse, "for your safety as guests. Besides, we need to reciprocate your aid and minister to your needs."

With that they exit and you are left in the room alone. It is roughly s 30'ft x 30'ft room with the SW corner actually part of the reception hallway. A single door, oak panelled and iron bound stands in a stone arched frame. Around the room, arrow slits give a slim modicum of light as early evening settles outside. A hearth fire set back against an elaborate chimney in the north wall. In the SE corner of the room, there is a large curtain placed over a breach in the wall from which you can exit the room and moathouse over a series of large stepping stones. Several large toads, each the size of a dwarf, perch on the stones, croaking and watching the waters.

The room has some old portraits in dusty frames, old sofas and chaisse lounges against the walls. Various trinkets such as candlesticks and ornaments line shelves and in one corner a dusty bookcase is filled with lots of never read tomes.

actions and comments please
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#115 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Will make the small talk about the suggested attack on the prison stagecoach. Not sure I can add much without actually being in situ and seeing the trail that the coach takes and the number of guards. Maybe keep any plan simple. Each swing into it from a tree as it passes underneath, stretching a rope across at head height to the wagon drivers to debilitate them and we jump on in their place. Simple and straightforward seems best.

Anyway that seems to be for the next day. Being healed up is necessary. The elf doesn't like being held as a 'house guest' either. Sneaking out and doing a runner with hungry toads and wolves in our tails, not sure we could achieve that.

So I want to explore the room and investigate the place we are staying in. Check the chimney, secret doors, under the carpets, behind the portraits.
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#116 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin not overly impressed at their situation sighs and takes a moment to clear his mind. Then starts checking to make sure he is not being watched, or any secret or hidden spots in the room.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#117 Post by Spearmint »

April 29th 1066

Moorwash Overlook: Duchy of Aerik.


Playing a dangerous game to search for hidden niches whilst the druid and werewolves are absent, the rogue pair of characters check shelves, hearths and walls for secret openings. If course one revealed opening is the breach in the wall overlooking the moat. From the curtain, Dawg Dann watches the lurking creatures and denizens of the moat with interest. Rondahl listens at the main door. He can hear the 'pack' of Lady Azul going about various activities. You may wonder about your horses but you have been assured of their safety.

Renata copies the map. She is less ill at ease than Dalin or Vann Hector but clearly does not enjoy the restrictions. You may figure that their may be some rivalry between the two ladies.

The elf, after several turns of searching does indeed find a skirting board trigger which releases a panel in the east wall. Beyond that a spiral stone staircase descends sharply into the unknown. A musty smell is emitted from the depths, lichen and cobwebs cover the steps and walls. Clearly, no one has passed this way in a while.

actions Vann & Dalin please.
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#118 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

"Well we might find something of value or a dead end crypt. I was hoping for a tunnel under the moat and maybe breaking for Bogtown or an old vault full of goodies we can liberate."

He will venture down the steps, hoping his infravision is enough to distinguish the path and dangers ahead. He will take a torch just in case he needs help seeing.
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#119 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin "I was hoping for something useful myself, and to see if we were trapped or being spied upon. But I suppose if we wan to go down and check it out we can."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
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Re: Rangers in danger:

#120 Post by Spearmint »

April 29th 1066

Moorwash Overlook: Duchy of Aerik.


With Dawg Dann and Rondahl staying in the room to call if the main door to the room is approached, the trio of Dalin, Renata and Vann Hector descend the cobwebbed stairs from the moathouse reception room.

It is a narrow, 3'ft wide secret door and steps beyond, so you have to breathe in to squeeze through. It descends sharply before turning 180° and proceeds back under the building rather than continuing to go under the river.

It proceeds about 10'ft west then ends abruptly. The wall in front of you is padded and frisked, finally the elf determines that the wall is a stone block like a pillar that moves, being fixed onto a floor plate rather than dug into the earth. With a grinding of stone upon stone, you can push the door open and enter into a dark chamber about twenty feet square. There is a passage off to the west. The chamber is fetid and damp, water drops down the lichen covered walls. To one side is a long wooden bench or table with some boards attached like bookends. A closer inspection reveals manacles and a crank handle. Alarmingly the cellar is a torture cell with a rack in the corner, though thankfully it seems not to have seen much use over the last century.

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