Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#401 Post by Dizlexus »

Fingal The Garrulous

Fingal quickly goes to the opposite door and presses his ear against it.
10% HN
[1d100] = 10 WOW! (Done on Sunshine's sheet)
In the LL rules, hear noise is 1-2 -- I don't know what that means, 50/50? I'll try to stop playing 1st edition.
Last edited by Dizlexus on Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#402 Post by Dizlexus »

Foracor The Fleet

Foracor too is worried about what might be beyond the door. He waits beside Fingal, in case something comes through.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#403 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Albertus, Cleric, Dead Goblin Room***

"Now that we cleared out this room let's go to the next."Pointing toward the back door, "where is our burglar? We need him to take a out at this door, and fast like!"
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#404 Post by Grognardsw »

The adventurers pause for but a moment, knowing dangers may be near in response to the goblin massacre. Some in the party consider the moral dimension of these killings. It's a tough, grey world in the Borderlands. Let evil grow, and it will later consume you. So say the humanoids about the human incursions into their ancestral home. And so say the humans.

For others, there is no moral dilemma. All think again on the rumors about the Caves; the disturbing allegations about Castellan the Keep commander and his collusion with the evil wizard; and the newly acquired information from the late Bene the goblin.

The adventurers consider how to grapple with these issues. Sword, spell, and time will tell what is true.


Fingal listens at the far door. It is quiet. The door is inlocked.
Past rumor and intelligence...

From Bene the goblin 

"Goblins in southeast caves. Orcs, hobgoblins in central and north caves. "Wizard boss and his creatures in west."

- A powerful Wizard lives in the Caves of Chaos and destroys all intruders.
- The evil cult in caves is said to have undead guardians.
- There are Orcs, Goblins and the like in great numbers in the caves.
- A beautiful maiden is lost in the caves, but she suffers from a terrible curse.
- There is also said to be a maze near the caves where you lose all sense of direction once inside. A huge flesh-eating beastman dwells there. The maze is rumored to hold a great treasure.
- 100gp reward for each person rescued

Hamlin, in his own words...

"You could do one thing for me, but it's a tall order. Expose Castellan as the villain he is. He is in league with the dark sorcerer of the Caves. The very man who is suppose to be protecting these Borderlands is betraying us! Castellan is profiting by the humanoids' evil activities! After I discovered this secret I was forced to flee for my life."

This news is disturbing to you. Castellan is not unliked, and though you've heard he may be brutal at times. He has "managed" to prevent major infestations of evil in the Borderlands with his Keep and the efforts of militia and adventurers. Or has he? Strong proof would be needed to confront him.

Hamlin hesitates, almost sorry he brought Castellan up. "I should not involve you in this, lest your fate match mine, or worse."

"It was 20 years ago. I was a rogue adventurer making my way through the lands. I was set upon by bandits, almost killed, but saved by a priest and brought back to the Keep. Reformed my ways, I did. Helped the priest out at his small church in the Keep. Got to know the place. Got some god in me too, you could say. Started running errands into the Keep fortress where Castellan be. One day I got a shock - I saw one of the bandit men who almost killed me. He was an officer in Castellan's command. I told my priest. He believed me."

"We started to watch him. He came and went, often bringing covered wagons into the Keep. The priest had an acolyte inside the Keep who was a fine counter. Kept track of grains, supplies, that sort of thing. Told us the numbers didn't add up."

"Well then I started following this bandit. Used some of my old skills. Out near the old watchtower I spied him exchange sacks with a hobgoblin! I followed the creature to the those caves, they call 'em the Caves of Chaos these days."

"I returned to the priest. He counseled caution. I tried, but back then it wasn't my strong suit. I got the counter to show me the papers, and let me into the fortress Did some lurking. Found those wagons that go in and out. Hid under one of 'em when it left, loaded with weapons and food. Went to the caves, saw it exchanged for gold. A wizard-type (and I know what them types look like, I tangled with some before) gave the driver a scroll in a black case with a snake sigil."

"Back at the Keep I told the priest and counter. The next day the counter told us he saw that scroll case in the fortress. I didn't what to do. But then the counter just disappeared. No one knew where. The priest and I got scared. That night officers invaded the church. Captured the priest. Only with my old skills did I escape out of the Keep. Evaded their hunters. Found this weird old tree, I think it was fey made."

"I don't know how to prove Castellan's treachery. Need stronger swords and minds then I had. Rooting out and killing the evil in the Caves would break his plots."
Hit Points

Niles - fighter: 11/17 (3, 4 corridor monster. 5 from Ogrillon, 6 healed by Albertus)
Foracor (NPC) - elf: 12/12
Fingal - thief: 8/9 (1 corridor monster)
Bayard - cleric: 8/13 (8 corridor monster, CLW for 3)
Boddin - hobbit: 11/11
Albertus - cleric: 7/9 (7 Owlbear, healed 5)
Eli - elf: 4/6 (2 corridor monster)
Wulfhart - fighter: 10/10
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#405 Post by Dizlexus »

Fingal The Garrulous

I hear nothing. I'll open it.

Fingal opens the door slowly. He backs up to allow Foracor to use infravision. (assuming the next area is not lit)
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#406 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Albertus, Cleric, Caves***

Standing beside Fingal , Albertus waits for the sharp eyes of Foracor to look down the tunnel.

Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#407 Post by Eulalios »

Niles barges through the door, shield high, sword low, ready to gut something.
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Re: Chp. 2: The Adventure Continues...

#408 Post by Grognardsw »

The door swings open. Foracor looks and his eyebrows raise.

Continued in Chapter Three: In the Caves of Chaos! ( viewtopic.php?f=81&t=2581 )

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