Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#141 Post by Stonjuz »

He over-does it, but the mage coats the hinges well. The overabundant oil slick doesnt add much of a change here at the dripping exit. The remainder of the party watches as the petro soaks into and around the corrosion. Instead of trying to bend their way thru, the group now pulls open the bar's door. The noise is not nearly as noticable as had it been Branc not grease it.
The sound does travel to an experienced ear however, and the heroes are noticed by the dwarf who happens to be passing along.
Strongarm, new to the unemployment lines, eyes the group attempting to do something that he is certain would be considered against union regulations. The regulations themselves have gotten too burdensome and the dwarf has found himself unable to gain work here in the City. He considers himself overly qualified for all of the duties listed for the sewerworkers here in Greyhawk, but the union heiarchy, heavy dues and taxation, weighed against the extreme workload requirements, have forced him to look elsewhere for profitable work. He stands at the docks waiting for the next caravan leaving for Dyvers, the fast growing town to the west when he sees the five.

level 2/2 will work fine. Again, wlecome.
Hope this intro doesnt ruin any plans for the background of Strongarm. If so, I could possibly change it tonight.
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#142 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Hearin (Hare-in) Strongarm is pleased with the intro.

With a semi-quizzical look on his face Haerin will approach the 5 cautiously and says "Hey what ye doin' there folks?" no threat in the sound of his deep dwarf voice. A bit of a smile upon his bearded face and one eyebrow raised as if to be a question mark upon his face. (Haerin looks like my new avatar ie like Bofur from the Hobbit movies.)
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― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#143 Post by Rukellian »

"Studying the properties of the sewage, hoping to gleam some insight into possible solutions for a cure disease potion, don't mind me..." (The doctor is putting up his pre-planned act, thinking the dwarf part of the guard or something)
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#144 Post by GreyWolfVT »

"Ah don't worry I aint part o the guard. Just a hardworking skilled dwarf hard on luck and out of a job for the moment. If ya need a skilled hand and some healin aid I be yer dwarf." ;)
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#145 Post by Majik »

Gilnes looks over at the hospital dwarf and smiles a welcoming smile. "Greetings Master dwarf. My name is Gilnes." With a flourish he removes his wide brimmed hat befor placing it back .

"You wouldn't by chance be familiar with the twists and turns of the sewers? We would be appreciative if you could provide us a map?" He finishes with an innocent smile

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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#146 Post by GreyWolfVT »

"Well met Gilnes, I am Haerin son of Baelin. But most just call me Strongarm." With a slight bow he removes his "strange looking" hat then then shortly there after replaces it upon his head. "I have no map nor could I draw ya one, see I was tryin to get a job with the Sewerman's Union but they had no job opportunities, they couldn't tell a good thing when it was right in their faces."While saying all of this Stongarm starts waving around a strange looking small shovel (a trowel for those who would recognize it) and then while moving around pointing back at the dock area in mid sentence you notice a larger shovel sticking out from behind the pack on Strongarm's back.
"I can tell ya after the Great Burn there are a lot of us without homes or a job looking for work." Strongarm has a sad look upon his face as he says that last sentence. "I can tell ya what I do know about them sewers if yer goin in there, I've overheard the other workers talkin about 3 separate sections and it looks like you'd be enterin the northern section. I know that the entrances from the city streets are covered by large grates locked in place. These locks are well maintained and the grates lead to 6' diameter vertical tunnels. Ladder rungs are set into these pipes which open to the main 10' pipes." With that said Strongarm gives a bit of a bow and says well I guess I should go wait for the boat again since ya don't be needin me or so it appears that one there at least doesn't trust a word I'm sayin'.
(He points to Fezuul) then turns as if to walk away. :(
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#147 Post by Stonjuz »

The others hear the dwarf mention a Great Burn. Having avoided the fire over a week ago, and instead being ambushed by the spellcaster and his street gang, the party did not ever really hear the details of the fire in the southern section. Having only one days contact with the dockworkers, to get supplies, the party has learned little of what is quickly becoming known as the Great Burn.
Knowledgable, history buff sorts (roll?) will, may, could, perhaps find that Greyhawk suffered another such fire during the early days of the Greyhawk Wars, also referred to as the Great Burn.
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#148 Post by Rukellian »

The doctor is taken aback by the dwarf's words. "Please, don't mistake my attitude as the group's; it is but one person's. I am not as trusting as the other's might be and when dealing with all sorts of characters in my line of work, it can be dangerous to open up to someone quickly. Even now, I am still trying to figure out this group of people. They might also think poorly of me due to my not wanting to reveal every single little secret of mine; it is what it is." Fezuul looks directly at Benson when he says this. "Now that I think about it, I don't have much experience in dealing with your folk either; not many dwarves come in to get treated by doctors now-a-days." The doctor ends with a shrug as he gets back to "checking the sewage".

[1d100] = 97 [1d20] = 8 [1d10] = 3 [1d8] = 2 [1d6] = 2 [1d4] = 4
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#149 Post by grey_starr »

*Benson stands aside... letting the others have their say. Fez is right, he does not trust him yet... it is too soon. Trust is earned... but he does understand the strategic advantage of the diversity of knowledge, and this Dwarf fills in the underground gap* Strongarm... wait. I do believe I have need of your services. Would you mind being our guide? A lobourers wage for the week? this will of course include reasonable room and board. (1 sp per week DMG). *If Benson wasn't quite so average looking, his pose might have been impressive* We have work ahead, dangerous work... but for the good of all the people of Greyhawk we must do it.

[1d20] = 9, [1d12] = 4, [1d10] = 5, [1d8] = 2, [1d6] = 2, [1d4] = 1
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#150 Post by GreyWolfVT »

"Aye for the good of Greyhawk, I'll join up with ya. Pays not a bad thing either." Strongarm says with a smile and a nod. "sure I'll guide you guys." As Strongarm turns back around a bucket flops around hanging off the end of his pack.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#151 Post by Majik »

Gilnes chuckles to himself as he listens to the thoughts of the Doctor and Benson.

The elegant elf shakes his head as he stands aside for Strongarm to lead the way. And takes an appraising look of both the mage and fighter.

For the DM: [1d100] = 21[1d20] = 1[1d10] = 2[1d8] = 7[1d6] = 6[1d4] = 2
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#152 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Strongarm heads on in first and lights a torch after inside the sewers. Strongarm looks back at the new employers and says "Hope ya don't have sensitive noses cause it's gonna get smelly down here." then turns and starts walking slowly figuring the others will follow after a small distance lead from them.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#153 Post by Stonjuz »

Light sources?
The first section of sewer that is mapped is a straight pipe which seems to go in a southeastern angle, which would go along very nicely with the groups plan to get towards the temple.
[1d100] = 45 [1d20] = 18 [1d10] = 7 [1d8] = 3 [1d6] = 3 [1d4] = 1
[1d100] = 68 [1d20] = 3 [1d10] = 6 [1d8] = 3 [1d6] = 1 [1d4] = 4
Uneventful, except for the occasional footing and the constant smell, the sewers here seem to be in relatively good shape.
Dexterity/Balance checks to avoid wetness above a boot..
Although still venturing in a southeastern pattern, Strongarm can easily sense the party is heading ever-so-slightly more to the east.
When coming to the first vertical shaft, you soon learn that the Sacred Temple of St. Cuthbert is indeed nearby and that the group has passed it's location and must travel across a large open grass field.
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#154 Post by GreyWolfVT »

(Yeah used a torch we are after all under ground in a dank and dingy sewer, might help to see if the rest are not infravision folk I don't imagine lots of daylight in a sewer.) lets see if a newbie can do the rolls right Dex/Balance [1d20] = 15 FAIL :shock:
(Splunk, splash) "Eh watch your step folks or that'll be you copying my misstep, nasty smelling can't get it outta my clothing easily." Strongarm grumbles a little more but less coherently.
[1d100] = 90
[1d20] = 4[1d12] = 8[1d10] = 10[1d8] = 1[1d6] = 2[1d4] = 2
Last edited by GreyWolfVT on Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#155 Post by grey_starr »

(Just to be clear here... there is no way in Hades Benson would have gone in without first going and getting the adventuring gear)

Benson dictated the marching order as follows:

Haerin Strongarm (Dwarf Fighter\Cleric), Gilnes (Elf Thief)
Phineous Cobbler (Human Fighter), Branc Temugen (Human Wild Mage)
Fezuul Lokvin (Human Mage), Benson Greystarr (Human Fighter)

Single file:
Haerin Strongarm (Dwarf Fighter\Cleric)
Gilnes (Elf Thief)
Phineous Cobbler (Human Fighter)
Branc Temugen (Human Wild Mage)
Fezuul Lokvin (Human Mage)
Benson Greystarr (Human Fighter)

Benson has two torches in stock... and 2 wax candles. He carries one sword ready in hand with his shield on his back - one hand free and ready for support and to help out Fex or Branc as needed (he assumes them "soft"). He has Gilnes and either Branc or Fez carrying torches.

Balance 17 [1d20] = 6
[1d20] = 18, [1d12] = 11, [1d10] = 5, [1d8] = 2, [1d6] = 3, [1d4] = 3
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#156 Post by Rukellian »

While following the group through the sewers, the doctor takes on a paranoia fitting for a mad man. The slightest drop of water in this dank place, the sounds sloshing through water, the echoes that follow, it all makes Fezuul jump every single time. "What was that!?" :shock: He darts his attention to yet another cascade of water droplets. "Ugh... almost sounded like something scurrying around..."

[1d100] = 66 [1d20] = 4 [1d10] = 1 [1d8] = 7 [1d6] = 3 [1d4] = 3

If handed a torch, the doctor will keep it up for the group in the back.
Last edited by Rukellian on Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#157 Post by wolfpack »

cobbler should be in the 2nd rank, he can attack from second rank with spears.

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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#158 Post by Majik »

With a cringe Gilnes watches as the Dwarf falls into the filth. “Don’t mind the stumble friend, I am sure mine is not far off now” he finishes with a grin that says not likely.

For the DM: [1d100] = 57[1d20] = 14[1d10] = 10[1d8] = 6[1d6] = 3[1d4] = 1

Checking for traps (55%)
[1d100] = 30
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#159 Post by Stonjuz »

At the first vertical tunnel, Gilness undoes the lock with ease, almost as fast as the one he escaped through weeks earlier.
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Re: Chapter 7: Something Rotten In Greyhawk

#160 Post by GreyWolfVT »

"Sorry us dwarves aren't exactly light on our feet like some folk Gilnes." Strongarm quips with a funny grin and a slightly cocked head. :mrgreen:
Last edited by GreyWolfVT on Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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