Game Session Writeups

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Game Session Writeups

#1 Post by VonAlric »

This thread is is solely for Game Session writeups for the Basilisk Hills Breakdown game. For the latest writeups, go to ... ctual-play.
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Re: Game Session Writeups

#2 Post by VonAlric »

This is the session play report summing up four or five different sessions before losing two of the four starting players and picking up three new players. The cast of characters are as follows (the character with a single asterisk are the main PCs; those with a double asterisk are retainers):

Evil Jeff's Characters
*Velsind Flere- Warlock 6
**Barbat Rauta - Ironskin 3
**Amagar Cacar- Scout 3

Max's Characters
*Nerhgui - Fighter 6
**Kalan - Cleric 3
**Safa - Destrier 2
**Blodwyn - Bard 2
**Vygr Bloodtooth - Gnoll Sorcerer 1

Kalstone's Characters
*Ciaran - Magic-User 6
**Ruarc - Assassin 3
**Slainte - ''Cerves'' Brave 3

Redcap's Characters
*Orpheus - Assassin, Level 6
** Vallistra - Godborn (Eladrin) Level 4

Jon G's Character
*Sir Keyan Telva - Knight 6
**Blix - Goblin 3
**Ugla - Goblin Mage 4

Adventurers gather together in Liwil. The group begins with Velsind, Nerhgui, Farad, each with their henchmen and Babulaala. They meet with the Basilisk Knights to learn about the situation in the area. They meet with the commander, Balcar, and Anven, second in command. Information is learned about the abandoned keep north of Liwil that is currently occupied by a large contingent of troglodytes. They also learn of a manticore and a dragon that is also found somewhere to the north of Liwil and a village of orcs to the northwest. Information about reopening the road that goes north to the town of Junction and a village along the way is given with some weight. The rumors of a cursed plateau west of Liwil and a village named Sin in the haunted forest of the Darkwoods to the east are shared. Finally, the Knights are looking for an artifact, a medallion, that was stolen from them and they are eager for its return but know not where the thief went to. After some discussion, the group decides that dealing with the troglodytes would be their first move.

The next morning, the group heads north and locates the keep. They send forth three of their stealthiest members to scout of the keep. They note a number of trogs around the keep and see two items that are significant to them: a set of trogs guarding a small building on the left side of the keep and that a tree on the back right side of the keep seems to being avoided by the trogs. They also sneak into the keep to try and observe how many and where they are inside. The stench is enough that they realize they need something to help them face their foes in close quarters.

Returning to town, they visit the local alchemist. Here they encounter Selah Raz, an owfolk. They learn that she has a concoction that can allow the user to block the smell of the trogs for a short time. She only has two doses but could make four more doses but will take at least three days. In order to get a lower price on the salve, she asks them to obtain a special fungus that grows in the forests to the east. It is that this point that Farad leaves the group for other adventures.

The group heads to the east towards the town of the Owlfolks, Highglade. Along the way, they surprise some goblins fishing in a stream in the forest. They run before the party can make contact. They arrive in the owlfolk village, built into, on, and under a huge set of trees, and is found welcoming. The group meet with Zindar, a resident who helps them navigate the unusual town. They meet with Renald Reney, their leader, who agrees to send a guide, Zindar, to help find the fungus that grows on the carcasses of dead giant spiders. The next morning, they wake to find that one of the mercs had succumbed to a special drug that the owlfolk use for "dream walking". They left the merc there to be tended by a special dream walking priest, Dalshal, with hopes that his mind can be returned to his body.

The group heads into the woods east of the town and searches several areas that had spider activity. They luck out and find enough of the fungus and head back to town. Along the way, they encounter a strange building that gives off a bad vibe. They are told that some creature lives in this thing and comes out at night to roam around, killing whatever it happens to find. An investigation around the building turns up tracks that go in and out of the building, with no set path leading away. The party decides to mark this place for future investigation and probably elimination of whatever creature it may be.

Return to the town brings good news as the merc was able to have his mind rejoin his body. The party agree that no party member will take the drug again. Learning what trade items the owlfolk want, they return to Lewil. It is at this point that Babulaala leaves the party and new members, Ciaran, Orpheus, and Sir Keyan, plus all their retainers, join. They are brought up to speed with the plan to oust the trogs. Another day of scouting occurs to verify that the assault plan will work and the next day it is put into motion.

The trogs are beaten and eight or so are left alive. One trog, named Maduruk, is given the leader's club and instructed to head west and never come back on forfeit of life. They leave, somewhat gratefully. Cleaning out the keep is a smelly task but reveals some money and a few magical items and a ring that bears the symbol of the Basilisk Knights. The group investigates both the tree and the small building on the left side of the keep. The tree is found to be a dead dryad tree, now only useful for creating magic items. The small building is found to have a deep pit with what they believe is a black pudding (they have never encountered one but have heard of it) that seems to be staying inside the pit. Information from the trogs before their forced departure informed them that the trogs had given it food every few days which seemed to placate it. The group decides to leave it in there and feed it a little less occasionally.

Cleanup of all outlying buildings is done first then the main keep. Mercs are rotated with this job for the time being. The party heads back to Liwil and meets with the Basilisk Knights and returns the ring. This brings them good favor with the Knights and this is exploited by having their mage Huten begin to identify a ring and dagger found in the keep. Exploration of the town allows them to meet with the horse trainer used by the Knights and with the alchemist again. The labor force to repair the keep is not present in Liwil so henchmen are dispatched to head to Dry Gulch to hire workers.

The main party begins the process of clearing out the area surrounding the keep. It is decided that they start in the south then go in a clockwise fashion. This allows them time to clear things and not face the manticore in the southeast part of the area or possibly encounter the dragon that is said to be in the woods that start to the east of the keep. During the process of exploring and clearing the area, the group encounters a mountain lion and cubs sleeping in their den. The mother is dispatched and the cubs taken back to the keep to be raised as potential pets/familiars.

In the northwest area from the keep, the main group finds what appears to be an old slate mine. They adventure in and are quickly confronted with two paths to follow. The right path seems to have a colder feel to it which leads the group to feeling that it descends into the earth further. They go to the left to explore. They encounter and kill some crab spiders then harvest useful parts from them. Encountering the end of the mine, they turn back and head down the right path. After a few moments, they find some interesting shells growing on the walls of the tunnel. Some experimentation lets them determine that these creatures (some weird shellfish possibly) spit acid then close up. The team uses this to their advantage to make them use this attack to no avail then kill them. It is only after destroying all of them that they realize leaving them alive might have allowed them to harvest the acid or other items. A few pearls are found in their shells.

Reaching a steep incline, the cold has increased a significant amount. The incline has timbers every five feet which allows the group easier access down than first thought. They still use a good amount of rope to help get down and to allow for a quicker exit. At the bottom, the cold seems unnatural. The party moves forward a bit and is able to see a figure sitting against the far wall with a small mound of stacked slate rocks a short way over to one side. Talking and movement near it does not cause the figure to stir. The group readies itself as the mound of stone is touched. A form rises up from the body and begins to tell the group to leave his belongings.

The ghost causes a couple of party members to flee. With the thought that the ghost came up from the corpse, Kalan threw holy water onto it. The ghost shrieked and the party began striking at the ghost. Amazingly, the party was able to damage and destroy the ghost without the use of magical weapons. The pile of slate was found to cover up a large amount of platinum plus a few magic items. The adventurers also collect some bones from the corpse, reasoning that such objects could be turned into potent magical items.

At the same time the main party was in the mine, the remaining mercs at the keep with Barbat and Vygr noted some movement to the west of the keep. A small force rode out to meet what happened to be a party of orcs waving a white flag. The orcs introduce themselves as members of the Gangrenous Orc tribe, with Drero, a warlock, speaking for them. They also see that the troglodyte Maduruk is with the orcs. The orcs make it know that they are not looking for a conflict but warn the keep not to come west, but the undertone of a future conflict is apparent. A subtle warning is given to the trog before the two sides break off.

The main party continues their clearing of the land around the keep, finishing up in the north and coming down to the eastern side. They find some evidence of the rumored dragon in the forest to the east as they are heading back to the keep. Then, in the distance to the south, they see the manticore flying about. They watch as long as they can and mark roughly where the manticore finally drops towards the ground. The party then plans to head and scout the area where they feel the manticore is lairing. They decide to keep inside the trees to provide cover from the manticore as they head southeast.

About two thirds of the way to where they saw the manticore, they encounter the dragon. The green, sinewy wyrm coils up and the two sides stare at each other. That is, until Sir Keyan charges the dragon on horseback. The knight and dragon clash, doing damage to each other, then the rest of the party begin their attack. Forturnately for them, the knight is able to deal another blow along with some other attacks and takes the young dragon down before it can attack again. They harvest parts from the dragon then begin to track where the dragon came from.

After half a day, they arrive at a mound in the forest. It takes a little time but they find an entrance into the hill behind some bushes. They wind their way into the hillside, snaking back and forth through the tunnel. In the center of the mound, they find the dragon's horde. They also note two tunnels that lead away from the central chamber. Noting that both other routes have not been used recently, they explore them one at a time. Dispatching some shrews at one entrance and crisping up a black widow at another, they decided that they were safe enough inside. They then turned to figuring out how to get the massive amount of coinage back to civilization.

The second party began their journey towards Dry Gulch. It was a two day trip for them and they took care to look for signs of the bandits that were said to be roaming in this area. Early on the second day, the party noted some tracks and got an idea of the area that the bandits operated in. It was decided that they would take care in this area when returning.

They make it to Dry Gulch as night begins to fall and camp for the night. The next day they split up into separate tasks. Laborers, carpenters, and masons are secured for service at the keep. They learn more about horses and what it might take to hire a competent horse trainer. They also visit a sage who gives them some good history of the area around Dry Gulch. They also learn of the town's leadership structure but fail to meet any of the leaders that first day.

The group makes contact with Joferth, leader of a caravan that is heading towards Lewil in the next few days. He is so impressed with the group and the new possibility of trading and extending their reach towards the owlfolk town that he gives them another wagon and six more steeds. The party agrees to lend their strength to guarding the caravan which overjoys Joferth. The party does meet with Wilsea, the leader of the Merchant guild, and learns of some of the items that they are interested in.

Feeling that there might be some sort of spy that watches the actions in Dry Gulch and informs the Red Foot gang, the party makes plans to watch for anyone leaving early. When the day comes, they ride out with the caravan and stop for the night at a spot that seems to be a regular stopping spot along the route to Liwil.
It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.
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Re: Game Session Writeups

#3 Post by VonAlric »

Session Play writeup for Feb. 19th, 2023.

The cast of characters are as follows (the character with a single asterisk are the main PCs; those with a double asterisk are retainers):

Evil Jeff's Characters
*Velsind Flere- Warlock 6
**Barbat Rauta - Ironskin 3
**Amagar Cacar- Scout 3

Max's Characters
*Nerhgui - Fighter 6
**Kalan - Cleric 3
**Safa - Destrier 2
**Blodwyn - Bard 2
**Vygr Bloodtooth - Gnoll Sorcerer 1

Kalstone's Characters
*Ciaran - Magic-User 6
**Ruarc - Assassin 3
**Slainte - ''Cerves'' Brave 3

Redcap's Characters
*Orpheus - Assassin, Level 6
** Vallistra - Godborn (Eladrin) Level 4

Jon G's Character
*Sir Keyan Telva - Knight 6
**Blix - Goblin 3
**Ugla - Goblin Mage 4

The team consisting of Amagar, Blodwyn, Ruarc, Vallistra, and Blix with 30(?) mercs are with the caravan from Dry Gulch and have stopped for the night at a place that seems to be one of the resting stops along the route to Lewil. After some discussion, the group decides to station two members, Vallistra and Blix, a mile or so further up the trail in watch to see if a potential spy leaves the caravan to give the bandits any intel. Blodwyn spends time in the camp, trying to sense any malevolent motives that could indicate a potential spy but senses none. After a few hours of watching the trail that is bathed in the light of a full moon, members return to camp.

The group and fifteen mercs ride out as first light begins to break the sky and heads up the trail. Amagar goes ahead a half mile or so as point. When he reaches a spot that is still over five miles away, he turns north and picks his way through the hills, then turns and follows, as best as possible, a parallel course with the trail, a mile or so north of it. After a short while, he spies to the north a set of three columns and a large stone plug that would indicate the entrance to a barrow mound. Amagar quickly looks for other landmarks that would allow him to locate this place in the future.

A short time later, Amagar spies small columns of cooking fires. Guessing that it would mark the position of the bandits, he turns to the south and tries to find the most direct path to the main trail. Once there, he marks the position and heads south to the war band. After joining up with the group, Amagar leads the band back along his previous path then towards the cooking fires.

Arriving near the camp, Amagar sneaks alone to a hilltop that allows him to observe the bandit camp. He observes that there are two wooden structures, a wooden structure being built, a horse paddock, a couple of tables for eating, a few regular and a yurt-like tent. He takes note of the number of guards and other bandits that are in the open and returns to the group.

A discussion of possible tactics occurs. Once an agreement is reached, everyone takes position near the top of the hill that is south of the entrance track of the camp. Blodwyn casts sleep on the group of bandits at a central table then on the group of bandits building the wooden structure. All members are put to sleep and none of the guards nor other bandits takes notice. All members of the band with missile attack capabilities then aim for the guards. After two volleys, the guards are taken out but a couple are able to sound an alarm. The band then charges on horseback into the camp and splits into two, heading north and south, to make use of the tents as potential cover. Blodwyn takes the opportunity to cut some ropes holding the yurt up, which collapses into an odd shape, suggesting that there are crates and such inside. From the northern wooden structure emerged an older woman in platemail (assumed to the be leader) followed by three men, and from the southern wooden structure emerged a set of twins. Taking in the sight of several guards killed and others laying on the ground motionless, all five decide the wisest thing to do it raise their hands in the air and surrender.

The bandits are ordered to lay face down, and they begrudgingly complied. The bandits are tied up so they cannot move and a search of the bandits and the wooden structures are done. After the initial restraining of the bandits are done, they are then searched and stripped of weapons and armor and anything interesting like jewelry and rings, such as one that was found on the female leader. During this time, Amagar rides away from the camp, following the track, assuming this would be the fastest way to the main trail, in hopes of catching the caravan before they passed by. Nearing the end of the trail, he immediately takes note of at least a dozen bandits on the hilltop that looks down on the main trail. Seeing that there is one bandit looking his direction, he quickly makes a friendly wave and turns his horse around and heads back to the camp in a nonchalant manner. Once out of sight of the bandits, he gallops back to the camp at top speed.

Upon arrival, all bandits had been stripped, searched, gagged, and all buildings searched for items. Amagar quickly describes the situation. A quick discussion is held about potential tactics. The following plan is agreed upon. Amagar would put on some red soled boots, a cloak of one of the bandits, and switch over to one of the bandit's horses to ride back to the group that is watching the trail. A small table is chopped up as well. Amagar would head back to the remaining bandits and the table would be thrown onto the cooking fire to let up a column of smoke. Once reaching the bandits, Amagar would then call out to the group about trouble at the camp and for them to return. The mercs would be on either side of the trail and shoot to kill as they come back into camp.

Amagar rides up and notes that there are three bandits watching back in his direction. As he shouts his warning, the bandits can see the smoke that helps lend credence to his story. Not waiting for them to determine he is not one of them, Amagar rides back hard. Nine of the returning bandits are slain upon their return and the rest captured. Amagar immediately returns back down the trail to intercept the caravan.

He meets up with the caravan and speaks to Joferth. Explaining the situation, the caravan master is delighted and put greatly at ease. After learning of the crates and items that were found at the camp, Joferth declares them property of the group. The rest of the mercs that were accompanying the caravan follow Amagar to the camp and the laborers, carpenters, and masons would continue with the caravan to Lewil. The party would use the magic mirror to speak to the Factor in Lewil, explain the situtation, direct him to get the workers to the keep, and pass along the message that they would be returning to Dry Gulch to gain the reward for the bandits and sell off some of the items. They would then be returning to gather up the crates and such at the bandit camp on their way back to Lewil. They then march the prisoners back towards Dry Gulch, ending up making camp at the spot where they camped the previous night. Any interrogations of the prisoners would be held in the morning and detection of magic items would be held then as well. This ended the 14th day of the month for this group.

At the newly christened Black Pit Keep, the 15th day breaks and Barbat and Vygr head to Lewil to pick up the magic items that were being identified by Huten of the Basilisk Knights. They learn that the dagger is called the Fang of the Hunter which can track anything after having its blood placed on it. The ring is a Ring of Fire Resistance. They head to the factor who informs them of the Dry Gulch team's progress and plans. The two return to Black Pit Keep to await the return of the main group.

The main group decide that they would leave one person and ten mercs at the dragon's den to keep guard on the horde. The rest would load up as much of the coinage as they could and return to the Keep. Upon return, one person would stay with ten of the remaining mercs to keep guard and the rest would return to the den to gather more coinage and repeat as necessary.
It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.
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Re: Game Session Writeups

#4 Post by VonAlric »

Session Play for March 5th, 2023

This is an actual play report (submitted by Jeff) of a game I am running set in the world of Absalom and using the Basilisk Hills and Lake of Abomination hexcrawls. I hope to put episodes out as a podcast in the near future, as I think they do a decent job of illustrating high-level play in a hexcrawl/sandbox. The cast of characters are as follows (the character with a single asterisk are the main PCs; those with a double asterisk are retainers):

Evil Jeff's Characters
*Velsind Flere- Warlock 6
**Barbat Rauta - Ironskin 3
**Amagar Cacar- Scout 3

Max's Characters
*Nerhgui - Fighter 6
**Kalan - Cleric 3
**Safa - Destrier 2
**Blodwyn - Bard 2
**Vygr Bloodtooth - Gnoll Sorcerer 1

Kalstone's Characters
*Ciaran - Magic-User 6
**Ruarc - Assassin 3
**Slainte - ''Cerves'' Brave 3

Redcap's Characters
*Orpheus - Assassin, Level 6
**Vallistra - Godborn (Eladrin) Level 4

Jon G's Character
*Sir Keyan Telva - Knight 6
**Blix - Goblin 3
**Ugla - Goblin Mage 4

The Session

The team of Amagar, Blix, Blodwyn, Ruarc, Vallistra, along with the thirty mercs keep watch over the prisoners throughout the night. As they begin to stir for the day, they begin to interrogate the bandits. The leader's name is Wilfred and she, along with her main bodyguards are very reluctant to speak. This is not the case with the twins, Tofria & Tokas. They are rather forward with information and letting the party know things about the Red Foot Gang.

The gang is spread out over several areas, probably totaling up to 150 brigands. Two areas that are noted is an old keep somewhere farther north towards the mountains that house the town of Rocky Peak. The leader is Renmar the Red, he is also accompanied by an advisor that could be a sorcerer or warlock. The peculiar part of the advisor is that no one has seen his face. The other location that is brought up is the town of Syn, a town far to the east of the Basilisk Hills. It is here one would find Thasrol Tim, the brigand in charge. The group learns that the gang is basically trying to be the main source of gems flowing through the area.

As the twins were forthcoming with information, the team feels that they could be turned to a more productive state and the idea that they become henchman, such as the team is, could be ideal. They decide to make sure to keep them away from the general population. The team then performs the cast magic spell over the loot they obtained and look over the bandits for anything they missed. The sword and ring from Wilfred turn up magical, along with the shield that came from one of the twins. The potion that was found hidden is also seen to be magical.

Looking at the bandits, they notice a small bag glowing under the spell effects that they missed before on Wilfred. She is rather put out when it is taken. Examination of the pouch yields that it is a bag of holding and it contains almost 3000 GP of coinage and gems. The group takes extra care to search the rest of the gang for any other small items that might be hidden, magical or not. Mounting up, the gang is marched towards Dry Gulch.

As the approach the town, citizens along the outskirts see this awkward parade and begin to follow. Soon, a decent size crowd is found along with the team, making sure the gang heads into town. They are met at the edge of town by a man who states he is Egar, captain of the guards of Dry Gulch. The parade is led to the jail area and the gang is turned over to the guard. A quiet whisper to the captain is made to try and hold the twins away from the rest of the gang as the group thinks they will take them back to Liwil with them. They are asked about their plans and inform the captain that they can stay for a short while but intend to leave the next morning to head back to the bandit's camp to gather more items then return to Liwil.

The group relaxes for the rest of the day, the mercs given some coin to enjoy themselves. Late in the evening, the group is summoned to the council chambers as an emergency session is being held. Upon arrival in the chambers, they see the council seated in seven large wooden chairs, each with a motif carved in them that designates their area of concern. The councilors hide their identity with the use of veils. A Master Thyber, who leads the Wisdom Guild, speaks first, seemingly the one who leads the council. He thanks the team and asks for the actions that led them to capturing the gang. A limited outline of how the bandits were found then captured was given. He then lets the group know some information that was learned from the council's interrogation of the bandits.

The group is asked if they would like anything else, along with the monetary reward, of course. They ask for first right for craftsmen to come to the keep for rebuilding, to which the Craft Guild leader, who they know is Mistress Vestry, agrees to and will send an assistant to help with that request. They also ask for the twins to be released to them, which is agreed to. The last thing that is asked is to consider their group first whenever there is any issue that the Dry Gulch cannot or does not wish to deal with. When asked for how to contact them, they say their group is working along with the Basilisk Knights. Taking the monetary reward, the group retires to their rooms and awaits the morning of the 16th(?) day to observe the punishment to be meted out to the gang then head back to the bandit camp.

The main group at the dragon's lair gather up as much treasure as they can, leaving Orpheus and 10 mercs to guard the remainder, and head out in the morning. They arrive just after mid-day at the keep, dump the treasure and return with more mercs and all of the horses and bags they can. They are informed about the magic items that were identified by the Hewtim, the dagger and the ring. It is decided that the rapier found previously would be used by Nerguhi in an attempt to identify it. This leaves ten mercs with Barbat and Vygr to guard things. Barbat rushes to Liwil to have Hewtim identify the wand. In the short casual conversation, Barbat mentions that the group had killed a green dragon. Hewtim became very excited about the possibility to gain possible dragon parts. He is invited to come to the keep three days hence to see things.

The main group returned almost immediately to dragon's den after gathering more men and horses. They reach the den at evening and set up a cold camp outside to wait out the night. Late into the first watch, Velsind spies several sets of animal eyes out of the range of torch light. Casting sleep twice, he causes four of the pairs of eyes to fall but the largest set is able to escape. They go out and find four wolves that they then skin and leave the rest to the side. In the morning, the rest of the treasure is gathered and the entire group then returns to the keep. Along the way back, they feel like something is watching them but it does not present itself. This ends the 17th day.
It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.
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