The Walking Dead

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The Walking Dead

#1 Post by Spearmint »

Steban Rolfson

Deceased: May 4th 1066. Barrow Mounds. Duchy of Aerik.

Died an ignominious death at the fangs and claws of some rabid ghouls, fell defending the entrance passage of the Mound of Silas, 'Bear of the North'.

Poisoned by their touch and paralyzed, sadly he saw his end coming and could do little about it.

A token memorial was erected in his honour. A small figurine of a soldier on guard, etched with his name and placed in one of the Barrow alcoves.

An Augury predicted his potential demise, though he failed to slay that which he may become. To halt his undead resurrection, his body was beheaded and remains burned upon the Barrow Moor.

Steban Rolfson
Steban Rolfson
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Re: The Walking Dead

#2 Post by Spearmint »

Friar John, itinerant preacher of Ygg. Joined the expedition to solve the mystery of the virus affecting the bee hives around the Crooked Yew settlement.

After trekking in the Barrow Moors, the camp was attacked by feral vultures and a soothing harpy whose comforting song seduced several of the party's men. They gladly followed her song as she led them astray in the mist.

M.I.A. presumed dead April 30th 1066

It would later be revealed Friar John became guest of honour at the harpy flock's Mayday banquet and he was last seen spit roasted like a suckling pig with an apple in his mouth.

The fate of the Bennerjake twins remained a mystery.

Friar John
Friar John
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Re: The Walking Dead

#3 Post by Spearmint »

Fapp Bublu

An enterprising halfling first enrolled by Osen to spy on a business rival, he escaped a the wrath of hobgoblin's by riding away on a half-feral warg.

It set him in a vocation to 'tame the beast', speaking of the warg and also, 'release the beast within', controlling his inner rages and berserk nature to channel barbarian skills and survive in the wilderness.

On an expedition to scout out a forest ruin, the Hobbit fell foul of some tricksy Kobolds and though he slew the chief with a critical shot and half the warrior tribe, his luck ran out in the ravine edge and he succumbed to his wounds.

Deceased: May 16th 1066.

it was later found that naughty children around kobold campfires were warned that if they misbehaved, the Hobbit Beastmaster would ride into camp and steal them away. 'Legends & Stories' as told by Old Bone-Crutch.

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Re: The Walking Dead

#4 Post by Spearmint »

Savant, an itinerant warrior from the Elven Thornswild commune, his self exile caused him to wander and join explorations to the Barrow Mounds.

During one fateful trip, the group encountered some strange skeletal figures animated by spore belching fungal humanoids that had birthed inside them. Poisoned by the spores, Savant was hospitalised in the Helix hospice but with other local calamities at hand and few resources to buy his healing, he was left to be nursed in palliative care as the rampant bacteria infected his organs and took over his withering body.

His mercenerary comrade Redruth succumbing also, both respawned as Fungicide 'mushroom men'. The duo were later slain by Duchy militia, their bodies burned and ashes scattered in the Ygg Garden of Memorial.

Deceased: May 20th 1066.

Savant pre-Fungicide transformation
Savant pre-Fungicide transformation
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Re: The Walking Dead

#5 Post by Spearmint »

Marcel Gerald Desrosiers

An itinerant friar and Acolyte of St Ygg. The journeyman ventured to the Barrow Mounds and helped in the burial of those caught up in the Hospice blaze. Seconded by his superiors to aid the 'Snake-Men' expedition. He met his fate ironically in a cavern of healing Hurtloam, savagely disemboweled by a feasting Darkmantle before he could be plastered in the healing mud.

Deceased: May 29th 1066
“Per istam sanctan unctionem et suam piissimam misericordiam, indulgeat tibi Dominus quidquid per (visum, audtiotum, odorátum, gustum et locutiónem, tactum, gressum deliquisti).”

Marcel, priest of St Ygg
Marcel, priest of St Ygg
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Re: The Walking Dead

#6 Post by Spearmint »


Former abattoirs apprentice, the hugely muscled half-orc warrior ventured firstly on a spy mission for Osen the Mercenary Guildmaster before signing on permanently (as an NPC after his player withdrew).

Seconded to accompany Dalin on a journey to Bogtown, they joined forces with another expedition team investigating cult activity and a possible connection to wanted brigandine Renata. Journeying to fact find information from a secluded druid, the combined team came across a lynching of suspected dwarven brigands upon the Old Dwarf Bridge. Their attempted rescue went awry, coming at the cost of Dalin's two mercenerary hires and one rogue.

Knatchbull fought two guards but despite his martial prowess, the conscript militia bettered him with savage wounds and when clambering into an escaping wagon, he was cut down in a hail of crossbow bolts.

Deceased: June 7th 1066.

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Re: The Walking Dead

#7 Post by Spearmint »


A half-orc warrior, initially found accompanying Dalin Silverhand to Bogtown in order to locate a notorious bandit. The pair arrived in the settlement to find it under the baleful influence of an Impurax cult and they joined forces with a local cleric to root out the cultists lair and raid the Embassy they had taken over.

For Johka it culminated in a deadly duel with an elven cultist whose equal dexterous agility, speed, initiative and weapon factors meant both combatants struck each other simultaneously, causing them to bleed out in the Mess Hall before help could be applied.

Despite having a favoured odds to make life or death saving throws, poor rolls ultimately decided his fate.

Johka: deceased June 8th 1066, Silvanus Embassy, Bogtown.

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Re: The Walking Dead

#8 Post by Spearmint »

Traeliorn Petroris

A young elven warrior, arriving in Helix on the day of the Hospice catastrophe, he aided the town militia to defeat the Myconid Fungicides that had birthed from diseased corpses, later discovering the blaze intentionally started by Vicar Othar as a way to cleanse the village from spreading the contagion of lycanthropic and fungicidal victims.

Seconded on behalf of the church to accompany the expedition to seek and destroy the Orphidian menace, he helped navigate the Barrow Moor dangers and defeating the Naga Mistress.

He was rewarded for his contribution by becoming seconded to a local ranger as an apprentice and latterly helped guide a scouting mission to map runes upon a Nergal Obelisk.

Encountering lizardmen on the trek home, he joined a dwarven war party to assist Cosmo and Callen negotiate a prisoner exchange on behalf of the dwarves.

Unfortunately the Barrow Moor hazards struck and afflicted by hallucinogenic spores, the ranger was waylaid and dragged off into the night as others unknowingly acted out their own nightmarish visions.

Deceased: June 28th 1066: Barrow Moor, westward trail to Barrow Mounds.

His body was never recovered.

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Re: The Walking Dead

#9 Post by Spearmint »

Yubroh 'the apprentice'

May 20th 1066.

Arriving only briefly in Helix, his appearance as fleeting as the summer rays upon the misty Moor.

His remains were found by the village swineherd, circa July 1066, in the pig pens behind the Foul Pheasant, buried under the hog's compost mulch. Discovered approximately six weeks after he was last seen alive, entering the Helix Hospice on the day of the blaze (May 20th). Identified only by the ring given him by Azzopardi after freeing the merchant from the bed bondage tryst in the brothel's upper rooms.

Given a pauper's funeral in the Chapel, his ashes scattered to the winds.
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Re: The Walking Dead

#10 Post by Spearmint »


A elf; diminutive and svelte, nevertheless she carries herself and her weapons with calm and ease. Of 'wood elf' in racial heritage with a nominal Silvanus faith and interest in the finer arts and arcane literary expressions.

She shoulders a bow, looking competent if a little inexperienced in its use.

Actually the truth was, Scarlett was completely incompetent and fluffed eight out of nine attacks, getting battered by the Undead Sauron Chingacharz'ad and beheaded upon the altar slab of the not-so-abandoned Lizardman camp. Her head placed upon a spear as a trophy, he body torn apart and fed to zombies and vultures.

Deceased: July 13th 1066, abandoned Sauron Camp, Barrow Moor, south of Helix.

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Re: The Walking Dead

#11 Post by Spearmint »

Theraxx Hammerhand

The dwarven warrior a comrade of Scarlett, together they recruited Finngael & Ranndark to go and explore Lizardmen excavations but found that the derelict camp was anything but abandoned.

Slaying foes, Theraxx had the opportunity to withdraw from combat and leave his unconscious comrades to grisly and certain fates. Stalwart, he committed to save his kin and adventuring colleagues, slaying the last minions of the Undead Sauron Captain Chingacharz'ad but alas, he could not bring his hammer to bear upon the zombiefied Lizardman and in a brief flurry, was knocked unconscious and summarily despatched.

Theraxx's profuse dark brown beard now streaked with crimson stains contrasts with his bleached bald head, and his deep-set, almost invariably frowning, dulled blue eyes staring sightless from its place as a decapitated trophy placed upon the point of a spear in the derelict tabernacle of the Lizardmen's 'Draconic Aspect'.

Deceased: July 13th 1066: the Not-so-abandoned Sauron camp, Barrow Moor, South of Helix.

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Re: The Walking Dead

#12 Post by Spearmint »

Yngvar the Mad

His chosen title was an ill portent of doom as the novice Prestidigitator fell to temptation and placed his palm upon the Obelisk, thereby gaining both the knowledge he sought but also the bane of Feeblemindedness.

Ironically a summoned Daemon enlightened his colleagues upon the whereabouts of the remains of Sir Guy O'Veargne and in doing so took 'payment' for his coercion in the form of a new soul. Yngvar was chosen and taken to the Abyss, his last gasped words another vital key. And then he was gone, leaving behind astonished comrades and his faithfull mastiff Brutus.

Deceased: July 12th 1066: Barrowmaze, Halls beyond the Harpy Shaft.

Yngvar 'the Mad'
Yngvar 'the Mad'
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Re: The Walking Dead

#13 Post by Spearmint »

Veronica Talboth.

Stunningly pretty, a lithe figure, olive tanned skinned and long brunette locks which flowed over her shoulders and fringed her brown eyes brow. Gifted, strong, charismatic; her natural traits belied her aspirations as a warrior queen.

Joining with the seventh Barrow Maze delve, she met an untimely death, falling victim to the necrotic chill touch of a Barrow Wight. Her mortal comeliness fading to gray flaked skin, as withered as a desert prune; eyes turning to burn coal-fire embers, her unkempt hair now reeking and matted.

Facing a fate worse than death, the negative energy still coursing her bones and frame. Unless ritually blessed and decapitated, the abyssal necrosis will cause her to animate under the eerie coercion of her baneful nemesis and she will walk the Barrowmaze crypts in her own mournful Wightish state.

A mercy then to end her affliction.

Deceased: July 15th 1066. Mausoleum Crypts, Barrowmaze.

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