Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#541 Post by jemmus »

Theo notices that the gnome brothers haven't once replied to him when he's asked them for information. So he ignores them and their tantrums and replies to Maag, It's worth a try. Maybe changing back to the star pattern would assist Andron somehow.

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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#542 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The control panel AND THE STAR DOOR disappeared along with the rest of the vault.

The Ethereal Job
Greed is #3
The Dark Rock

Grumble seems to becoming almost furious by this point, tearing around looking through the void in vain while huffing to himself loudly.

Grimble listens to the suggestions, but his tone is getting nasty as well. "I don't think the treasure was disintegrated, but I know it's no longer here for us to take!"

When the gnomes are admonished by Feanol, they become downright angry. "We told you everything we know! We also told you this would be dangerous! But you came along and......" The gnome suddenly cuts himself off, looking to his brother and speaking in gnomish for a moment.
"Holy shite! You don't think the alien guy was in on this, do you? Did that little bastard have a plan worked out to rob us of our greatest treasure find EVER?"
Both gnomes stop talking and look over the group with a good deal of suspicion in their eyes. "As I mentioned before, we are stuck here for a few more days now." Grimble pulls out his strange pocket watch along with another unknown device and ponders them both for a moment. "We need to wait here for the next 4 days in fact, before we can get back into the floyd current that will deliver us back to the tavern."

Grumble joins his brother outside the void again, slapping his club into the palm of his hand in a concerning fashion. Grimble taps his little foot impatiently and asks with a sneer. "Were you onto us this whole time? Where did your strange looking friend run off to with our treasure?"

The less violent in the room can sense that things may escalate out of control here shortly if an agreed upon solution isn't suggested quickly.


Alordan AC3 4/22
Torbath (M3) AC8 2/18 RM, CL, DM, 1st 1/2 2nd 0/1 (top of backpack/inside helmet) Comet AC:7 4/4
Feanol (MU3) AC:10 3/14 RM, CL, DM 0/4 1st 0/2 2nd
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#543 Post by jemmus »

Tension between the party and gnomes seems to have about reached a boiling point. As does normally mellow Theo's temper. He's about to strike a belligerent go on, come at us pose*, but then he looks around at Alordan, Torbath, Feanol and Maag and their poor, bloodied conditions. Then he realizes another fact about their leader Andron's disappearance-- they not only lost is deductive powers, but their only healer. "Not so fast," he thinks.

He replies to Grimble and his little tapping foot, Er... you know as well we do that we didn't do anything to rip you off. If we wanted to do that, why we help save either Grimble or Grumble when you were poisoned or whatever that was? What kind of sense would that make? And don't forget it was us-- well, one of us-- who solved the mystery of the control panel. And it was us who hauled this treasure out to this hallway-- after seeing our friend reduced to ashes. If we wanted to rip you off, I guess we would have just left it all in the room and ridden along with all of it to the next portal. Instead of being stuck here somewhere in the Floyd with you guys.

He casually looks around to Alordan, Torbath, Feanol and Maag with a kind of shrug and "Best I could do, come on guys" look.

Theo almost blew his top and went into a blind rage.Image

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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#544 Post by ravenn4544 »

Alordan imparts his own dose of wisdom to the unexpected situation, "I find that when you lower your expectations - or if you don't have any for that matter - you can never be disappointed. It's surprising how often this comes to be..."

"Four days you say? Perhaps that's a blessing really. Give us some time to look through this booty here, rest up our bones for the next stage of this adventure - I figure we aren't out of the woods, for lack of a better word, yet - so we need to rely on each other to see our way out of here...."
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#545 Post by Ahlmzhad »


Taking advantage of the fact the Gnomes are too greedy to think someone might know Gnomish will quietly let the others know what they said to each other about Andron.

"If even catastrophe won't get the truth out of them lets head back and secure ourselves and wait. Rest up try the magic. I can at least get some spells back and we'll need that if we have to fight again."
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#546 Post by Jernau35 »


Maag stares at the brothers for a few moments. Still outwardly calm, he calculates if he should rip off Grimble's arms and strangle Grumble with them, or the other way around.

Then Maag bursts out laughing. "Rip you off?!!!, he says. " 'You are jokin', right? 'ave you actually paid attention to Andron? ' all 'e is interested in is knowin' stuff! 'e might nick a book off yer but dat is about it. 'e probably jumped in der to find out where 'e would end up. Or to talk to whoever is waitin' on der other end."

" 'ow many times 'ave you seen 'im risk 'is neck in der last few days, tryin' to do der right fing? It is sickenin' really".
Maag shakes his head. " 'e is as honest 'as der day is long. 'e will show up 'ere eventually".

He smiles at the two gnomes and shrugs, outwardly relaxed. Inwardly however, he makes a promise. Take one more step toward me wiv dat club fella, an' you will be floatin' 'ome wivvout a mask.
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#547 Post by gurusql »


Torbath sees that things are getting a little on the tense side. He remembers a thought from what seems like 6-7 months ago, that we are all now at the mercy of these two gnomes if we ever want to leave this place again, as none of us have any idea how to get back to the city. Torbath tries to change the subject.

"First, before we go anywhere let us count the treasure we DID get not what we think we lost.

Second, Grumble when we arrived at the rock you said something like 'Our scrying has informed us this rock is filled with treasure.' My question to you is now that you so that room is that what you saw in your scrying?"

Torbath will lead the counting and identifying the treasure he did pull out of the room.
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#548 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Ethereal Job
The Spoils
The Dark Rock

Both the gnomes seem extremely upset that this happened, but after everyone chimes in, especially Maag, they stand down a bit. Grimble answers Torbath honestly. "We could not actually see the treasure through scrying, probably because of those thick gold walls, but somehow Syd knew that it was here. He always had a knack for things like that. And, of course, he was right again."

The gnomes settle down a bit more, but they still seem very upset about missing out on all the things they didn't get. Once the group starts going through the spoils they did recover, Grimble and Grumble join in on the counting.

The total treasure haul ends up looking like this:
Approximately 14,000gp in gold or platinum coins, gems, jewelry, and trinkets.
A locked platinum coffer with the initials GWT etched into the lid.
*A beautiful looking Longsword.
*An equally beautiful looking set of Chainmail.
*A very fine shield.
*A wooden Staff.
A Brass Horn.
A Silver Tork.
A velvet bag containing a few oddly shaped colored stones.
One Ring: this ring is pure gold and has 3 indentations where small gems might have once been set. Only one tiny diamond remains in a final fourth setting.

* = checked out as magical

The gnomes stand back quietly once the treasure has been sorted, watching the actions of the group closely.


Alordan AC3 4/22
Torbath (M3) AC8 2/18 RM, CL, DM, 1st 1/2 2nd 0/1 (top of backpack/inside helmet) Comet AC:7 4/4
Feanol (MU3) AC:10 3/14 RM, CL, DM 0/4 1st 0/2 2nd
Maag AC4 1/20
Theo AC:5 10/13 (Sword)
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#549 Post by gurusql »


"So the deal was 50% for the two gnomes and 50% for our group

That sounds like about 7,000gp in gold or platinum coins, gems, jewelry, and trinkets for each group

Each group getting two of the magical items longsword, chainmail, shield and staff

With a few additional items to haggle over the locked platinum coffer, brass horn, silver tork velvet bag and the ring.

Since we have to stay here for four days if someone has pearls I could identify the items."
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#550 Post by Ahlmzhad »


We probably need someone to open that platinum box, so we can appraise its full value.
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#551 Post by Jernau35 »


Maag looks at the platinum coffer from several angles, looking for any kind of lock.

"I 'ave a very particular set of skills dat would be of use in openin' dis box. 'owever, der first step in der process is determinin' if it is trapped".

" 'avin' observed der box an' noted dat it is made of platinum, kept in a solid gold vault on a rock in some kind of weird pink floatin' place, an' 'as der owner's initials carved in it, I 'ave reached der followin' conclusion: of course it bleedin' is!"

Maag looks at the others and makes a sour face. "I am not messin' around wiv' dat. I will get me 'ands blown off or turned to stone or sumfin'".
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#552 Post by gurusql »


"You are the expert on that of course. The only positive point is that it did not detect as magical, so most likely a gas or dart than straight magic"
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#553 Post by Jernau35 »


"Not magic? Yer sure?" Maag eyes the box again. "Maybe I will 'ave a look at it den. But not right now. Right now I am too knackered to mess wiv it".
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#554 Post by ravenn4544 »

Alordan looks over the pile in awe. "That is...amazing. Maag's right - we should definitely rest up before messing with this stuff."
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#555 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Some of the items on the list have not been checked for magic yet.

The Ethereal Job
The Spoils
The Dark Rock

Still in terrible physical condition, the party decides to wait for a while before they get too far into sorting the spoils.

The gnomes don't have the same intentions however, wishing to know what these items do before any decisions are made about their division. Never one to play it safe, Grumble digs into the bag of weird stones and pulls one of them out, peering through its opaque, dull grey surface. With a wink at Grimble, he tosses the prism into the air above his head, only to watch it drop to the floor and shatter into dozens of tiny shards of broken glass. The gnome just shrugs. "Must'a been a dead one?" He reaches in the bag again, about to try another.

Grimble seems a bit more preoccupied than usual, going through all the new items as well. He barely even notices the antics of his brother, holding up the silver tork as he looks it over. "I wonder what this thing does."

When nobody seems interested in looking the locked box over, the tiny gnome holds out his hand. "I can give it a look, if ye like."

After the discussion about resting, Grimble nods. "If ye want to set up your shack for a nap, go right ahead. Grumble and I can figure this stuff out eventually."


The total treasure haul ends up looking like this:
Approximately 14,000gp in gold or platinum coins, gems, jewelry, and trinkets.
A locked platinum coffer with the initials GWT etched into the lid.
*A beautiful looking Longsword.
*An equally beautiful looking set of Chainmail.
*A very fine shield.
*A wooden Staff.
A Brass Horn.
A Silver Tork.
A velvet bag containing a few oddly shaped colored stones. (less the one Grumble broke)
One Ring: this ring is pure gold and has 3 indentations where small gems might have once been set. Only one tiny diamond remains in a final fourth setting.

* = checked out as magical

Alordan AC3 4/22
Torbath (M3) AC8 2/18 RM, CL, DM, 1st 1/2 2nd 0/1 (top of backpack/inside helmet) Comet AC:7 4/4
Feanol (MU3) AC:10 3/14 RM, CL, DM 0/4 1st 0/2 2nd
Maag AC4 1/20
Theo AC:5 10/13 (Sword)
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#556 Post by gurusql »


"Feanol, have you used your Detect Magic for today. I guess there are a few items I did not get to check."

OM - I did use mine
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#557 Post by OGRE MAGE »



I must do better at remembering to mark those off.
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#558 Post by Ahlmzhad »


I haven't cast one in ages so I would say I have one.

Will assist Torbath with her detect magic, using it on any items he indicates.
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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#559 Post by jemmus »

Er, hey Grumble, Theo says. You want to maybe hold off on breaking stuff until our guys can take a look at them? He looks at the platinum coffer and wonders about the initials engraved on it: GWT. He says to the gnomes, By the way, who's Syd?

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Re: Quest #44 "The Ethereal Job"

#560 Post by Jernau35 »


"GWT?" ponders Maag. "Wot do yer reckon? Great Wizard Tommy? Terrance? Ted?"

He gives Theo a nudge. "Keep an eye on dem slippery little bar...bicans. Dey might try slippin' sumfin in der pockets when we are not lookin'. Dat is wot I would do".
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