Wrin's Wonders

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Wrin's Wonders

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

With a couple of guides, the newest member of the Osprey Club, Tumbler, heads north through the port town of Otari. As they walk, Orleg draws a lot of looks, a few glares, and handful of scared faces. Tumbler's sharp ears catch "The Blade" and "The Osprey Assassin" as they walk; Orleg ignores it all and instead asks Tumbler a few questions:
"So, where did you say you were from?"
"How long you been in town?"
"And who is this Eel person you are searching for?"

And to Tumbler's discomfort, Orleg asks these questions quite loudly, especially the one about the Eel. The young Ellis says nothing, but instead keeps his eyes roving among the townsfolk they pass on the street. As they walk, the trio comes upon a brewery and tavern on the left (#9 on the map). "That's Crow's Casks. Not a bad place for a drink," Orleg says.
Turning left past the brewery, Orleg leads the group along the road by the river. A few lads are trying their hand at fishing, but having little luck it seems. The road comes to a "T" and Orleg turns to the right.
And on the right side is a forge, with the ringing of hammer on steel (#6 on the map). "Unless you want to pay out the ass for a blade, I'd stay away from that smithy. The owner's a prick from hell."
A few yards on, there is a domed building on the left with a sign on the outside that seems to sparkle in the sunlight. It reads Wrin's Wonders.

"This here is the place. Want us to go inside with you?" asks Orleg, who is looking at a column of smoke a block or two further on.
Otari Numbered Map.jpg
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#2 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler follows along and aside from the loudness of Orleg with things that should be said more quietly, he is happy enough. I'm from Highhelm, eh the biggest city in the Five Kings Mountains. Grew up there and learned me trade there.. He carries along and continues, Only been in town a day or two. Didn't mean ta end up here. The ship I came in on way piushed by the storm then we ran into pirates. Nasty business, we barely made it here to dock..

At the mention of a forge Tumbler can't help to look over with a big of longing. He brushes off even the idea of buying a blade, there is no way it could be as well made as a dwarven blade. Why waste the money on inferior goods?

As for the Eel question, he answers more softly. Its not me who is lookin' its yer own crew. Mind ya be quiet talking about it, seems a slippery one already. Don't need to make any more noise about it.\

Outside the building Tumbler offers his hand. Thank ye Orleg. I can manage from here, its just a goodbye message that I am passing on. See ya back at the guild fer a pint.
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#3 Post by hedgeknight »

Orleg nods, "I'll wait fer ya. Got nothin' else to do."
Ellis doesn't say anything; he's too busy people watching.

It's not called Wrin's Wonders for nothing and as Tumbler walks inside, he just stops and stares at shelves and tables and wall hangings of all sorts, even things hanging from the ceiling. The dome allows in multi-colored light and the place is...well...magical.

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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#4 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler can't help looking in awe at the magical visual feast on display. One of his deepest dreams is to be able to fuse together technology and magic to create the greatest locks ever made. Even hints about his ideas brought nothing but arguments with his Father, with a shake of his head he dispels his own childish ideas and get to business.
He asks loudly, Uhhh is there a Wrin here? I come with a message fer ya.. He looks around to see if anyone appears...
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#5 Post by hedgeknight »

"Yes, just a minute," comes the reply, and in less than that time, a woman appears through a door in the back of the shop.

Wrin Sivinxi.jpeg
Wrin Sivinxi.jpeg (47.15 KiB) Viewed 279 times

Holding a rather large scroll, the Tiefling smiles and says, "I am Wrin. How may I help you today?"
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#6 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler takes a moment to study Wrin before starting to speak. Me name is Tumbler Metalcaster from HighHelm. I was on a ship headed to Absalom that got pushed off course. I met a man named Crave onboard and he and I used to chat to pass the time. We, well, we was attacked by pirates an' Crave didn't make it.. Tumbler's voice cracks a bit at the memory of Crave's death so he pauses and fumbles in his pouch to take out the object wrapped in cloth. He gave me this as and asked that I bring it to ye as his last request.. He hands the object over. He told me to tell ya "The stars never lie".

Tumbler waits to see Wrin's reaction.
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#7 Post by hedgeknight »


Wrin takes the object in her hands and sighs. She flips the top open and Tumbler can see it is a compass of sorts. She closes it gently and runs her fingers over the top of it, tracing the outline of the symbol. "The stars never lie."
Her voice is barely above a whisper. When she turns her white eyes upon Tumbler, he can see some pain there.
"Crave was my friend. We were...oh, it's been years now, but we were companions in an adventuring group a long time ago. We were Pathfinders...and we thought ourselves to be invincible. Ah, that was...that was a long time ago."
She sighs again and says, "Would you like some tea?"
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#8 Post by Computer +1 »

Tea is not something that tumbler enjoys. Flavorless pizzle water is how he would describe it. A hot strong mug of Kaf is more fitting for a dwarf but, Tumbler does have a heart under his gruffness. Ya, a tea would be great. My thanks..

He knows Wrin must be hurting so he can drink some tea and give up some time.
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#9 Post by hedgeknight »

Wrin shows Tumbler to a small table with three chairs and soon returns with a steaming pot of tea and two cups. The tea is black and smells slightly of licorice as she pours. There is a small glass jar of honey and a little cup of cream. There are also biscuits (cookies). Wrin adds a dollop of honey to her cup, stirs and sips, sitting back in her chair. She looks again at the wayfinder and then places it on the table.
"Tell me Tumbler, how did a Dwarf from Highhelm come to board a ship to Absalom? You are way off course, my friend."
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#10 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler quietly takes a seat with Wrin, the small dwarf feeling sympathy for the Tiefling. As far as he can recall he doesn't think he has ever spoken with one before. If he is honest with himself his interactions with most races has been kind of limited.

He isn't sure how to make the tea better so he copies Wrin's lead and adds some honey to his as well. He reaches out and take a biscuit, or two. He is between bites when Wrin asks him about his travels and he quickly swallows the mouthful of cookie before answering. Well I left home to see, uh see things I guess. I been apprenticing fer a while but I didn't always see eye to eye on things and I wanted to try things me own way. I thought the experience from home would help my craft and all. I'm a locksmith by trade.. He touches the simple lock on his belt and looks into the distance a bit Locks are mighty interesting. Not just simple ones like this but ones that can adapt against someone trying to break it. A lock with multiple measure to safeguard. Locks that combine the best of craftsmanship, cunning and trickery.. He looks back at Wrin, At least thats what I dream of making you see.. He munches on a cookie. When I left I honestly didn't even know which way to go so I just headed South. Absalom seemed as good a place as any but then the ship went off course and we ran into pirates... he trails off.
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#11 Post by hedgeknight »

Wrin listens carefully, sipping her tea. Tumbler can feel as if she is weighing something in her mind, although her solid creamy white eyes offer nothing else. After he trails off, Wrin looks at him over her tea cup and says, "A locksmith? I imagine that would be a tedious profession. What sort of tools would one need to create a lock? Metal assuredly, but what else?"
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#12 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler becomes a bit excited, Building a lock is simple. Some metal bent together can serve. You could make a lock with a pair of forks to keep a door closed.. He laughs. To do real work you would need a forge to melt the metals and proper casts for the forms. The more intricate the lock the harder the work of course. The greater the amount of moving parts. And its not just one type of metal at all. You need different metals for the casing as you would for the pins.
He looks at Wrin, The real art of it is the building the casts, the picks and tools you need to fix, tune and open.
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#13 Post by hedgeknight »

Wrin listens and smiles slightly. "And do you have the tools you need to fashion a lock? There is a forge just across the street. Carman is a surly sort of fellow, but his wares are good. Perhaps he would let you use his forge and some scrap metal."
She refills her cup, and offers to refill Tumbler's, as she continues. "I have need of a lock for a...special delivery. I received a request from a colleague in Absalom and must ship a small box to them. Although I trust the ship captain who will be taking the cargo, I do not trust all of his crew and do not want the box tampered with on the trip. Do you think you could construct such a lock for me? I would pay you, naturally."
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#14 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler mulls the offer over. He is excited but hesitant. He doesn't have a single cast ready. He knows that specs, had plenty of notes, but it will take him a lot of time to set up just to be ready to forge. Can he promise a quality working lock with what he has available now? Sadly he knows he can't.
Errrrr Wrin I appreciate the offer but the truth is I don't have a workshop or tools ready. Home at HighHelm this would be a snap but, I need a lot of time and money to build a proper setup.
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#15 Post by hedgeknight »

Wrin nods and sighs. "Not to worry. I'm sorry to put you on the spot. Let's discuss something else...if you have time?"
She looks around her shop and asks, "Besides myself, have you met any other Otarians since you arrived? This can be a quite friendly port town...at times."
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#16 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler feels bad about not being able to make the lock at this time so he keeps chatting as a way to make it up. I uh met some folk at the Fishery. Actually got involved in a clear out of the tunnels under it. There is a whole complex down there. And I met a few of the other ehhhh locals..
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#17 Post by hedgeknight »

"Ah yes, the Fishery. Tamily runs a lively place, does she not? I did not know about an underground complex. Underneath the Fishery, you say? What did you find down there?" Wrin seems really curious.
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#18 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler isn't sure how to respond considering he had no idea what the purpose of the underground complex was. Well right under the Fishery we started in caves as ye may expect. Ran into Kobolds. We went deeper and the place was finished halls and rooms. There were statues holding coins, a series of pulleys and gears that operated something I couldn't make out how to operate.... He pauses for a moment The whole thing was a mess. A group of strangers exploring who knows what. I woulda' skipped it but I needed the coin and the meal.
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#19 Post by hedgeknight »

Wrin giggles at Tumbler's explanation as to why he went exploring below the Fishery. Then she says, "Kobolds under the Fishery...I wonder what else is down there? There has to be more to it than them just stealing a few fish."
She looks at the Pathfinder compass in her hand, turning it over and over, her fingers rubbing the inscriptions and runes. "How would you like to join the Pathfinder Society?"
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Re: Wrin's Wonders

#20 Post by Computer +1 »

Is this something that Tumbler may have heard of before?
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