Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#81 Post by Rex »


"I would love some beef and beans My Sykes. Then I will take a turn keep watch, I plan on being up most of the night just in case."
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#82 Post by Bluetongue »

'Sarge' Ezekiel

A plate of beans and hard tack will suit him just fine. He is polite and reserved while womenfolk and children skip around the camp but wants to gather the key folk together for a 'chat'.
If they've got a camp nearby with a lot of warriors, they might come back with overwhelming numbers. They could have a big camp not so far away.
Ezekiel: Indian Contact (13) skill check: [1d20]=3

He has his rifle with him, cleaning it as he speaks.

"Gentleman. You, we, might be in dire straits. The dog soldiers scouting earlier were enough to signal a greater band and as we dine here now, they probably dance around campfires, cutting themselves and hyping up their ferocity before raiding these wagons for horses, oxen and scalps.", he doesn't mince words.

"We can wait them out here, hoping to spot them before they fill the skies with flaming arrows to burn the wagons or ... we can go on the front foot. Or hoof, so to speak."

If given space after hushing any murmurs, he suggests a few guys ride out to the Comanche camp, disrupt it by driving off their horses and limiting their ability to strike the wagon.

He chambers a round in his rifle.

"We can end any conflict before it starts with a preemptive raid of our own."

Sarge Ezekiel: Stature (7) [1d20]=6

He offers a suggestion to just waiting out the night hoping they don't raid us.
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#83 Post by Rex »


Charlie waits to see what comes of Ezekiel's suggestion.
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#84 Post by jemmus »

The settler men respond to Ezekiel's suggestion with comments such as, "I ain't no Indian fighter," "I ain't leavin my family here unprotected," and "Ain't that the Army's job? That's part of why we pay taxes, for them to keep things safe."

Sykes says, It seems that it would be good if we could do that, Mr. Ezekiel. But we don't have the men for it. If we were going against a few outlaws as a loose posse, it would be one thing. But going against wily and fast-ridin Comanches-- I don't think we're up to it. Campbell replies, I imagine some of these men might be up to it. But we don't know how many Comanches there might be, or where their camp is. A group wandering out looking for it could be invitin a disaster.

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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#85 Post by Rex »


Charlie finishes his meal, "Probably for the best. I will help keep look out now."

He gets up and finds a spot to watch from.
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#86 Post by Bluetongue »

'Sarge' Ezekiel
"Ain't that the Army's job? That's part of why we pay taxes, for them to keep things safe."
"Well if you had sent a rider ahead to the Fort, the Army might have sent Cavalry to come on patrol. But you choose not to."

He is a bit disappointed that excuses and fear mark their decisions, really indecisiveness to stay and wait, hoping for the best but fearing the worst.

Ezekiel is convinced we could have found the camp and driven off enough horses to make a raid on the wagon unsustainable and allowing us to move in early and put enough distance between us to ensure a better measure of safety. As it is, he offers then to put some extra defensive measures in place.

Each wagon needs readily available buckets of water or sand, dust, whatever can be thrown over canvas wagon covers hit by flaming arrows.

Each man and boy (aged 12+) needs to sleep with his weapon loaded and women need hand guns too.

Barricades established with the cargo boxes to create walls adjoining wagons together so it is more difficult for Indians to get among us.

Stakes of sharpening long sticks made to create a wall of spears which will impale any horse that fords a barricade.

A picket guard rota set up. I will take a guard watch myself.

He prepares as best he can to improve any defence ahead of an expected raid during the night.
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#87 Post by jemmus »

A settler says, Mr. Campbell, it'll be dark long before we can git all a that done! And I fer one ain't sendin out my boys to gather branches in the dark for whittlin stakes, to git nabbed by Comanches!
Campbell replies, I understand, Mr. Johnson. We'll start with unloadin stuff and buildin barricades between the wagons, as Sergeant Ezekiel suggested. Git yer bulky stuff out of yer wagons and make em stand tall. Mattress, planted shovels, things like that.
Sykes says, Git yer livestock outside of the wagons circle. Cattle, mules, chickens, ducks, geese, what have ya. Whatever might make confusion for a Comanche rider and his horse.
A settler raises a complaint. Yer tellin us to sacrifice our livestock to raidin heathens? We need them cow and mules fer breedin, feed, and haulin on them farmsteads!
We paid good money fer y'all to git there! Y'all didn't say nothin about "U.S, Army" and "patrols'" when we paid up good money at y'all's office in San Antone!

Some men in the circle murmur in agreement. Others seem more thoughtful.

One says, Ah trust mah boys. They'll unload and stack through the evenin. And stand watch with a loaded shotgun through the night. And Mr. Ezekiel, I'll take my turn standin with this rifle through the night. More men murmur in approval.
We don't got no handguns fer the missus. But that gal is surprisin sharp with a firearm. Ah wouldn't mess with her-- Comanche or not! The men all chuckle.

Sykes says, Well gentlemen, I guess that's it. We circle the wagons, build barrier between them, and wait fer dawn. Then move toward Camp Mason, just a few hous up the road tomorra. Dous yer wagons' canvas might be a good idea, I think. Can't hurt, no. Anyway, we need rifles and shotgun ready. It's gonna be a terrible long night. Mr. Campbell and myself will ride outside circuit. Mr. Charlie, Mr. Ezekiel, do ya want ta join us?

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#88 Post by Rex »


"I will join you. Probably a good idea to keep shifting direction and timing up over the course of the night."
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#89 Post by Bluetongue »

'Sarge' Ezekiel

Joins the patrol, making sure his rifle is clean and less prone to untimely fumbles or duds.
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#90 Post by jemmus »

Sykes says, We appreciate that, Mr. Ezekiel, Mr. Charlie. Older Campbell looks the newcomer men in the eye and nods his weathered old hat in respect. He says, Probably best if ride outside the circle in pairs a two. If one man gits bushwhacked and goes down, the other can still call the alarm and ride. What you choose to do in that situation is yer own choice gentlemen. Ah'd also guess that it would be better if the pair rode in the direction, followin each other head ta tail and tail ta head. Counter-clockwise, because that's contrary for a Comanche. They see clockwise facin north as proper. Accordin to the path of the Sun and Moon in the sky ever day. I guess we do too, with our compasses and watches always pointin up fer North and Midnight and noon.

Anyway, these horse are gonna need spellin before the night's done. Mr. Sykes, ah' like to what you have to say, if ya would.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#91 Post by Rex »


Charlie nods, "Sounds good."

He prepares to mount up on Pict.
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#92 Post by jemmus »

The full moon is over the horizon, and the stars have come out in the clear sky. Charlie and Sykes set out circling around the wagon, around 10 feet from them. When the Ezekiel and Campbell guess that they've reach the other side of the ring, they set out in the same direction. They walk their horses for an hour, then they see a dozen or so mounted Comanches standing on the road ahead. They're at maybe 600 yards, out of rifle shot. Their rifles, bows and lances are visible under the Comanche Moon. A murmur goes through the settler men and boys watching from behind and under their wagons, then spreads to the women and children. Farm dogs and hunting hounds run outside of the circle and stand in the road bark at the distant intruders. The higher-pitched yapping of what may be the terrier Mr. Grant is heard from inside a wagon. Somebody takes a pot shot with a rifle, to no apparent effect. The Comanche riders don't move. They just stand their watching on the road to Camp Mason and the new homestead. Steady, y'all, Campbell says. Trust in yer firearms.

Charlie and Sykes come up at a lope and assess the situation. Let's keep up with ridin the perimeter, Campbell says. Can't let em think they got us scared. Sykes nods.

Soon there a dozen more riders are on the road behind, to the south. Standing, showing themselves, and watching. Another murmur goes through the wagon train, and the dogs, now a pack, run to investigate the new intruders. The stand on the road and bark, continuous. A baby in the train begins wailing, then another. There's a call from the front, to the north, They're comin! They're comin! Eight or so rifles boom in succession from the front section of the circle of wagon, with a sound like a blanket tearing, along with one hopeless shotgun shot. Campbell and Sykes, on opposite sides of the ring, set spurs to flanks and break into gallops toward the road to the north.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#93 Post by Rex »


Charlie races his horse around to the shooting and will try to stop the shooting if the Comanche are out of range. If they are in range he will try to hit the closest one with a shot of his own.

Rifle 1 (15 coordination) [1d20]=18
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#94 Post by Bluetongue »

'Sarge' Ezekiel

Fires a dud shot as he rides on patrol

Sarge Ezekiel: Riding (19) [1d20]=14Ezekiel: Rifle (4): Careful Shot vs Dex 17 [1d20]=1 3

Right ho, a fumble to start with.
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#95 Post by jemmus »

A 1 is actually a perfect success in BH. But the Comanches are beyond Extreme range.

Charlie, Ezekiel, Campbell and Sykes ride up to the outside of the front third of the wagons circle. Sykes yells, They're out a range! Don't waste yer ammo! Charlie similarly admonishes the settler men and boys. In the white light of the full Comanche Moon, Ezekiel sees the man he was aiming at rock back slightly and and look down at his chest. But he seems still fit. The Comanches charge to the edge of rifle range, shaking rifles and lances over their heads, challenging the foe. Then the break apart, each rider circling back on his own path, some gracefully leaping their horses over tall bushes or rocks.

There are cries from the rear third of the circle. They're comin'! They're chargin' us! Ten or so rifle shots ring out from the flattish southern crescent of the ring of wagons. The loose dog pack seems confused, with intruders to both the front and back. The alpha male decides to confront the enemy behind, and breaks into a run cutting through the wagons circle, the other dogs following. There's a gasp and wail of frightened female child voices inside the circle. Mr. Grant's yapping turns from the north to the south, then follows south, cutting across the interior of the circle behind the pack. All babies in the train are now uncomfortably bawling at with all the power of their lungs. Sykes and Campbell look at each other with concern, their faces aghast, as if they're afraid they might have been duped into a catastrophe. They break into a gallop, following the counter-clockwise path outside the circle of wagons, teams and baggage and cargo barriers.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#96 Post by Bluetongue »

'Sarge' Ezekiel

Ezekiel: Rifle (4): Careful Shot vs Dex 17 [1d20]=5

We don't need to be riding circles around the wagons. Lets get back behind cover and position ourselves for their assault.

He will shoot at whoever is in range.
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#97 Post by Rex »


Agreed. Charlie moves into the wagon circle and will shoot only when someone is in range.
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#98 Post by jemmus »

The lay of the land, if it might be helpful. 30 yards per hex. Please ignore the green dashed line (it's a state border in the BH map). GM post coming.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#99 Post by jemmus »

Ezekiel and Charlie ride into circle of the wagons. The Comanches to the south do the same as those to the north just did-- charged to just out of rifle range, then broke up and separated and circled back.

Campbell and Sykes join the scouts inside the ring. Campbell says,Y'all have the right idea. No use patrolin around the wagons. We know they're out there. Sykes replies, Yeah. They're makin their presence clear enough.

The night continues like that, with the two groups feinting at the wagons, charging with war whoops, the fading away to the rear. The group to the north never leaves from its position blocking the road. But one to the south disappears from some time, then feints from a different direction: the southeast, southwest, or west. It's hard to tell if it's the same Comanche riders all the time, or if the members change.

Campbell says, These men and boys are goin to need some sleep. We can't have em dog tired muddle-headed in the mornin, when it's time to move. If we can. Sykes replies, Same for us four. We better split into four watches of one man each. One watchin, three restin. What do we do about the men and boys? Campbell says, We got two dozen guns on the line, not countin our four. And I count 25 Comanches, 12 to the north and 13 to the south. If we make three watches of em, that would be eight guns watchin at a time. Enough to fire off a warning shot.

Sykes is quiet for a while. He replies, Not optimal against 25 Comanches, but I guess we don't have much other choice. I imagine the restin men won't be sleepin no deep sleeps, they'd rouse up with their firearms quick. And could be that them Comanches don't know exactly how many guns we got. The men are behind teams and wagons, or under them. Not prancing around in the moonlight makin a show like them.

Campbell says, Mr. Charlie, Mr. Ezekiel, y'all got an suggestions? We're sure enough open to any good ideas or possible solutions.

Please roll an Observation roll.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter IV - Comancheria (Charlie & Ezekiel)

#100 Post by Rex »


"A reasonable plan. I only need an hour of sleep, I am used to it. We need to try and find weapons, anything for those who are not yet armed. Shovels, axes, whatever tools we can improvise."

Observation (16) [1d20]=5
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