WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

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WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#1 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 6 AM, 16 February, 1944; Town of Borgo Santa Maria, Italy

While yesterday had been a day of smiling and morale raising as the First Special Service Force gained a new nickname, the night brought with a deluge of rain, which dampened everyone's spirits......and then more ominously, in the wee hours before dawn, in the distance, the sounds of vehicles engines could be heard.....LOTS of vehicle engines.....

The members of SST 11 were up at about 5:30 AM and as a cheerless breakfast was being eaten, soon a massive German bombardment opened up and the entire line was soon scrambling and ducking down as German 105mm rounds were impacting, mostly high explosive, but also numerous smoke rounds. The barrage lasted for over half-an-hour and in that time, a runner found LT Chisholm and told him Colonel Walker of the 3rd Regiment wanted to see them ASAP....

A few minutes later, the wet and miserable, but geared up half dozen members of SST 11 (Chisholm, Koda, Nado, Heuron, Goodfox and Battaglia) were all in the 3rd Regiment's HQ where Walker quickly directed them over to a map of the area.....

"Okay, looks like Jerry is launching a massive counterattack all along the Anzio perimeter. We're here-", he points to a position near Canal Bridges 4 and 5, centered on the town of Borgo Santa Maria; "-and the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment is here. The Krauts are gonna try to split right between us and hit both units in the flanks.....scouts indicate Panzer IVs and lots of Panzergrenadiers....Motorized Infantry.....in Half-Tracks coming our way."

Walker looked hard at each man, "I've got a call in to the 849th Tank Destroyer Battalion, but no word yet if or when they can reach us. I've got a Section of Men in an Outpost 2 across Bridge 5......they're gonna be right in the thick of it. I need you to try and see if you can pull them out." He looks over at a waiting aide and nods his head and then turns back as the aide turns to grab a large bundle. "I can't offer you much except for one Bazooka and 3 rockets for it......but do the best you can with what you've got. Good Hunting", he finishes as the aide staggers under the weight of the Bazooka and the bag of rockets.....

Battaglia quckly moves over and takes the Bazooka and bag of rounds as a couple of jeeps roll up outside. In mere moments, the members of SST 11 are driving over the muddy terrain towards the canal, wincing at the whining of the shells falling all around and occasionally close to them as they got closer and closer to the Mussolini Canal.....

Soon they were there and scrambling out to cross the bridge and rushing towards the dug-in position of 'Outpost 2', which was a pair of large foxholes and a small stone building that had sand-bags surrounding it. The whole area had a dozen troops, led by a SSGT Simard who was VERY happy to see them....

"Boy am I glad to see YOU guys! All I've got is one 60mm mortar-", he nods to one foxhole with 3 Forcmen and a single Mortar Tube; "-one 30 cal-", he nods to the other foxhole holding a pair of troops manning a belt-fed light machinegun; "-me with 'Claudia' here-', he taps his Thompson SMG, "-and half a dozen Riflemen in the 'house' there against whatever tanks and half-tracks Jerry is gonna throw at us. Now at least, we got you Supers here!"

As he finishes talking, a last volley of smoke rounds hits a few hundred yards out and a wall of smoke is formed and then the artillery stops and the sounds of engines and treads in motion could be heard. Only some vague outlines of the armored vehicles could be seen through the smoke screen at this point as Simard grimly nods to Chisholm, "Wherever you wanna deploy sir, we'll hold the best we can......"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#2 Post by Rex »


"We need to get everyone out of here and fall back. We will lay cover fire with the boozka and mortar as you fall back, then we will follow. Now get your men moving, those in the house first, machine gun and mortar last."

Chisholm starts spreading everyone out so they can cover the men of outpost 2 as they fall back.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#3 Post by ateno »

Koda pulls out one of his javelins and walks over to the foxhole with the mg.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#4 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 6:30 AM, 16 February, 1944; Town of Borgo Santa Maria, Italy

Just as 2nd LT Chisholm and his Special Services Team 11 arrived at Outpost 2 across the Bridge over the Mussolini Canal and he started to order them to evacuate, the most massive artillery bombardment any of the Forcemen had ever been subjected too suddenly came screaming in like Freight Trains and exploding all around them....

Everyone hit the dirt, many subconsciously assumed the fetal position and clutched themselves tightly and just hoped and prayed it would all be over soon....

It WAS in fact over very quickly, the German 105mm Artillery rounds had raised massive clouds of dust and created numerous shell holes all around them, but of far more interest to the men at the moment, the shells had hit and destroyed the Bridge crossing the Canal.....they were stuck on this side for the time being.....with German vehicles rushing towards them!*

The members of SST 11 quickly moved to slide into the foxholes, or behind the sand-bags covering the small little building and everyone's attention turned to the smoke screen, from which a quartet of silhouettes could be seen; two of which stopped and smaller silhouettes started breaking off from it.....clearly these were half-tracks holding squads of troops!

The other two silhouettes broke through the screen of smoke and both caused the heart-rates of all the Forcemen at Outpost 2 to start racing....

The larger of the two was a Panzer IV and with a flash of flame and a crack of sound, it fired its main 75mm gun and a moment later, the shell slammed into the stone building, causing even MORE deafening sound to assault the ears of the Forcemen and members of SST 11 stuck at Outpost 2, while also causing bits of rock to come falling down on their backs like rain....but luckily, not hard enough to cause any serious damage....

The other vehicle that broke through the smoke screen was a half-track, but it was a 'Flak Panzer' armed with a quad 20mm turret on the rear deck, made for shooting down low-flying aircraft but also a HORRIBLY effective anti-personnel weapon as well! This was demonstrated in graphic fashion as the weapon opened up at the positions of Outpost 2 and the rounds kicked up tons of dirt, but also tore apart the trio of Mortarmen that had just started to rise up to fall back towards the now destroyed Canal bridge. Parts of people and crimson mist sprayed everywhere and one of the other Forcemen quickly lost his breakfast at the sight.....

The two men manning the .30 cal bravely opened up on the Flak-Panzer half-track while everyone else scrambled to spread out and engage the enemy. Battaglia started to load up the Bazooka and yelled over at Chisholm; "WHICH TARGET DO YOU WANT ME TO SHOOT AT FIRST EL-TEE? THE HALF-TRACK OR THE KRAUT ARMOR?" He was partly yelling due to the loud cacophony of battle noise and partly due to everyone's ears still ringing from the Artillery and the Tank and cannon rounds exploding all around them.....

'Flak Panzer/Flak Half-Track'

OOC: * Okay, everyone lost 5 Willpower points from the Intense Artillery Barrage and right now there are the two obvious targets; the Tank and the Flak-Panzer Half-Track out there about 50 yards away. The smoke screen is out there about 100 yards away and two regular Half-Tracks are dumping troops out (each can hold 10 troops) behind the wall of smoke as well....
Last edited by max_vale on Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#5 Post by Rex »


"Take out the heavy weapons first."

Since he has no weapon useful at the moment Nahum moves to get any wounded to cover.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#6 Post by ateno »


Koda prepares and throws at near his max range his spirit powered lighting javelin at the killing machine, the quad 20mm, using a luck point.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#7 Post by kipper »

Phil focuses his powers [spending 2WP] and attempts to freeze Mike/Mark's target, so that the bazooka blast will be more effective.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#8 Post by jemmus »

Junior Goodfox peers through the steel sights of his M1 rifle and looks for a chance to sharpshoot the gunner or loader on the deck of the Nebelwerfer AA halftrack.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#9 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 6:35 AM, 16 February, 1944; Town of Borgo Santa Maria, Italy

The Forcemen reacted quickly to their current, desperate situation in different ways.....

2nd LT Nahum Chisholm moved quickly to a Riflemen howling in pain and clutching a crushed leg where a chunk of wall had landed on it thanks to the tank shell from the Panzer IV bearing down on them. As gently as he could, the SST Leader moved the badly wounded PFC to as safe a spot as he could find while wincing and doing his best to not be overwhelmed by the buzzing of rounds flying this way and that, weapons fire ringing in his ears and shouts and screams of pain coming from seemingly every direction.....

SGT Koda noticed in his peripheral vision that some 20 dismounted German soldiers had rushed through the smoke screen and were charing their position, but the Canadian 1st Nations soldier kept his attention on the Flak Panzer as he readied one of his Javelins and he called on his ancestors and felt his vision narrow and his arm grow strong as they spoke to him and guided his aim and infused his arm and the weapon with power. Rising up he pulled his arm back and hurled the weapon forward, watching as it slammed into and THROUGH the engine block of the half-track, then exiting with enough power to impale the driver in the cabin and force the vehicle to come to a sudden halt, causing the gunner and loaders on the back deck to nearly go flying off as they managed to stay aboard the vehicle, but not to continue firing the deadly quad 20mm weapon.....

SGT Tom Nado, like the other members of SST 11, all felt/heard/smelled the familiar Talent Power of Koda being utilized, but he wasn't paying attention to that at the moment, he was noticing the 20 German soldiers racing out of the smoke screen and charing their position. The two Forcemen manning the .30 caliber LMG opened up on them and they dropped a trio of the approaching troops as Tom raised the powerful Johnson LMG to his solider. He cut loose one burst of 5 rounds and then a second, dropping two more German troops before his attention was caught and he instinctively hit the dirt when a spray of 7.92mm bullets fired from the Panzer IV's MG suppressed him and the .30 cal crew*.....

CPL Luke Goodfox took aim through the peep-hole sights of his M1 Garand at one of the Germans on the gun-deck of the 'Flak-Panzer' Half-Track, but when it came to a sudden halt, his shot was fired and it zipped in between the scrambling soldiers, leaving him to quietly curse in his native Pawnee at his luck.....

CPL Phil Heuron reached deep within himself to activate his Ice Ray power and right after the German Panzer IV tanks sprayed fire with its Bow MG he cut loose a blast of blue-white ice that engulfed the treads of the vehicle and caused it to come to a sliding, halt. A moment later, Mark/Mike Battaglia fired the Bazooka, but the rocket slammed into the side of the turret and literally 'bounced' off the armor and exploded, doing no damage to the German vehicle. "SHIT! Hey, carry this and follow me!", Battaglia said to Phil as he slammed the back holding two more rockets into the Canadian's hand and he got up and started to rush out of the foxhole and running parallel to the Tank, clearly intending to get around behind it. The Tank's Turret, ominously began to turn in a tracking manner......

The handful of Riflemen, with encouragement from CPL Simard, opened up on the rushing German troops, but the situation didn't look good......**


*Okay, if Tom wants to do anything other than hugging the ground, staying low, etc. this round, he needs to make a PER roll to beat a 15; his PER is 3D+2, a Luck point may be spent if so desired....if it's beaten, he can take any action he chooses with no penalty)

**The Situation is this:

A pair of immobilized (for good: the Half-Track Flak-Panzer; for now: The Panzer IV) German Vehicles are 50 yards away from everybody. The Flak Panzer still has the Gun Crew on the back manning the 20mm Quad cannon (also protected by a gun-shield, so hitting them is harder than it otherwise would be) and the Panzer IV is reloading its Main Gun (starting to move to track Mike/Mark and possibly Phil if he follows) and still has a Bow MG that is pointing towards everyone else.

-Battaglia is trying to move to get behind it where the armor is thin, but right now his Bazooka is unloaded and Phil has the bag with 2 more rockets in it.

There are about 15 German Troops now at 75 yards (will get to within 50 yards at the end of the round) racing for the Forcemen's position.....with the 2 MG gunner's suppressed this round, there's you guys, Simard and 3 other Riflemen who will start firing on them....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#10 Post by ateno »

Koda swears in his native language. "TEMOCHIS!"

And tries not to think of the tank, it is a behemoth, but the quad is more deadly to the infantry at this range.

He immediately throws his powered javelin at the quad weapon, hoping to destroy it.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#11 Post by Rex »


Once he has the Rifleman to cover he we activate his hyper dex talent and start firing bursts at the charging German soldiers.

He will spend enough will to make sure it activates.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#12 Post by kipper »

Phil runs to follow "Mike".
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#13 Post by Zhym »

If Nado can get out from the suppressing fire, he'll fire another burst at the onrushing German soldiers.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#14 Post by jemmus »

Luther Goodfox swears in Pawnee at his missed shot, Kitaw![/dialog] There are two many dangers to choose from: the flak panzer, the Panzer IV, and the charging infantry men. The most help he can provide is to take out the Nebelwerfer AA panzer's guns. He teleports to a position flanking the vehicle's gun shield and draws a bead on the gunner.
Kitaw is real Pawnee, but it's not a swear word. It means "Quit it!" It's the only Pawnee word I know. :)

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#15 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 6:40 AM, 16 February, 1944; Town of Borgo Santa Maria, Italy

The intense early-morning battle between the members of SST 11 and some Forcemen vs. a German Panzer IV, a 'Flak-Panzer' Half-track and some dismounted German troops continued to rage....

LT Nahum Chisholm took a deep breath, let it out and activated his Hyper-Dex ability and snatched up his Thompson and as the dismounted and charging German troops got to a range of 50 yards away, he cut loose 10 rounds of .45 ACP and watched a pair of German soldiers get snatched off their feet and fall in short-lived spams on the ground before they ceased moving forever afterwards......

Tom Nado rolled a bit away from the pair of Forcemanning manning the LMG and with the echoes of the German MG fire still ringing in his ears, he underway a massive force of will and forced himself to rise up and seeing the charging troops getting closer and closer, he cut loose a burst of 5 powerful .30-06 rounds and watched with satisfaction as his fire dropped a German Rifleman....

CPL Simard and his 3 Forcemen Riflemen opened up on the charging German troops as well and they cheered as two more of the Infantrymen were put down, leaving only a squad of 10 still charing them. However their cheers were rapidly ended by what happened next....

The quad 20mm cannons on the back of the AA Half-Track barked again and every member of SST 11 involuntarily flinched and shoot their heads as the echoes of the weapon's rounds going off so close assaulted them with physical force. The powerful rounds smashed into the position where Simard the Riflemen were located and the Corporal was luckily not hurt, though the detonations threw him to the bottom of his foxhole with enough force to leave him stunned and grasping his ears in painful shock for the moment. Of the other 3 men, two where torn to literally bits of hamburger; the gore enough to almost cause Chisholm and Nado to vomit; while the last had most of the bottom of one leg blown off and he was screaming with pain, clutching his ruined leg, trying to stop the bleeding as best he could....

SGT Koda, the spirits of his ancestors still whispering in his ear and powering up his shoulder and javelin, took one of the two remaining small spears he still carried and letting out a breath, he rose up and hurled his second weapon at the massive, four barreled weapon that was devastating his fellow soldiers. His weapon flew true and it smashed into the exact center of the weapon, burned its way thru and came out with enough force to impale the Gunner on the firing seat mounted behind the barrels. His brief moment of relief was quickly ended when he saw the 10 rushing German soldiers 50 yards away and closing starting to level rifles and an MP 40 SMG his way and one of them fired a shot that whistled right past his ear....

CPL Luther 'Luke' Goodfox took a breath, closed his eyes and attempted to find his 'center', where he could activate his Talent Powers. He successfully did so and a moment later he 'popped' out of where he was and Teleported to a position some 20 yards away from and on the opposite side of the Half-Track Flak vehicle. He was raising his M1 Garand when the powered up Javelin hurled by his fellow SST 11 member SGT Koda slammed into and destroyed the weapon while also taking out one of the half-dozen gun crew members. The remaining 5 German troops, after realizing the weapon was now useless, snatched up side-arms and one of them had an MP 40 SMG and they moved down to get behind the vehicle and were bunched up, clearly intending to contribute to the fight in a different way....

CPL Phil Heuron raced after TSGT Mike/Mark Battaglia, the bag holding the two rockets for the Bazooka in his hands and his M1A1 Carbine bouncing against his back on its strap as they ran around to get into flanking position of the Panzer IV tank. His run was fueled by the whine of ricochets and zipping 7.92mm rounds being fired at him from the co-axial MG on the Tank's turret as it moved to follow them. Diving behind a large rock, Battaglia quickly got to his knees and opened up the bag Phil was holding and took a rocket out and loaded it into the rear of the Bazooka tube. Calmly, but loudly due to the cacophony of battle sounds, he said, "Okay Phil, you're gonna have to hook up the charging wire while I aim at this bastard tank's engine deck. Tap my helmet when you're done and I'll fire and send this Hun machine up in flames!" Heuron also noted the whine of the tank motors and the sounds of its treads breaking up ice and he figured the machine was starting to move out of his brief 'trap' he created for it using his Power....

OOC: Okay, so the situation is this....the Half-Track Flak vehicle is basically disarmed and the 5 surviving gun crew are dismounting and formed in a group arming themselves and figuring out where to go from here. Only Luke knows this, he's about 20 yards away and they have yet to notice he's there....

The Panzer IV tank is starting to break out of the Ice it was in thanks to Phil and it has moved its turret to face back and to the left (JFK movie reference, anyone?...No?...sigh, I'm old...) to follow the progress of Phil and Battaglia who has a loaded, but not yet fully armed Bazooka. He needs Phil to do this (a Heavy Weapons roll) and then he'll fire at the rear, less armored Engine Deck of the tank to attempt to knock it out.

Nahum, Koda and Tom Nado are able to act, as are the two no-longer suppressed Forcemen MG team at the 10 German troops about 50 yards away and still charging their position, but also now firing weapons themselves in return. CPL Simard and one Rifleman on the front line are still alive but the former is stunned for this round and the latter is badly wounded.

Please let me know if anyone has any questions/concerns, thanks!
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#16 Post by Rex »


Nahum continues to fire on the charging Germans (2 bursts).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#17 Post by ateno »

Koda feeling the desperation and knowing his team mates feel the same and knows its dangerous and turns and wakes his spirits again and turns and focuses on the flank of the panzer and throws his last javelin, using the last force point.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#18 Post by kipper »

Phil attempts to quickly hook up the charging wire, before the tank becomes mobile again.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#19 Post by jemmus »

Luke watches the flakpanzer crew dismount and start to group up and grab weapons. He drops to the ground, behind what cover is available, and watches them through the sights of his M1. They haven't seen him, so it's not that much different than back home hunting rabbits on the prairie with his single shot .22. He quickly aims and fires, changes targets, aims and fires, trying to take out the entire group of five before they know what hit them.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#20 Post by Zhym »

Nado fires at the approaching German troops.
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