(3) Grotto Of Rel

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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#21 Post by redwarrior »

I think we should find more information about this temple of Helios. Even if we can't get the name of the man she mentioned - and I think we should try, if there is something or SOMEONE rotten there, I expect that many of the unseen 'little' people will know of it, and will tell us if they think we can be trusted. This is a huge city, at least compared to those I've seen. If I knew who put their finger on the scale in the market the next village over, someone knows if young women disappear. Let's head back to the tavern for the evening, and see if we can find anything out. Oh, and some magic probably can't hurt either. I guess.
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#22 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The old woman just nods and sobs, assuring Tuurma that she will return as instructed.

The priests remain quiet on the subject, but their expressions over the suggested deed seems favorable. “It is no secret the priests of Helios are not all as pious as they pretend. We have had unfortunate…….dealings with their lot before. The scoundrels.”

Just as the duo is leaving the grotto to talk, they see a stymied Amos returning to the meditation pool room with another man at his side.

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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#23 Post by sastaz »

Tuurma leaves the grotto with Cormag, turning her head throwing a long glance in Amos' direction, until she turns a corner and he drops out of sight. Somehow she feels a little bit worried for him, which is strange, since their not friends really.

"I can't wrap my head around that Amos guy. What do you make of him Cormag? I can never tell what he's up to, and I'm not sure he knows himself. Anyway, about the corrupt priest. We need some sort of proof, I think. We need someone we can trust, someone who can read a person's mind or make them tell the truth. I guess we need Belloc and his ilk. What do you say?"

If Cormag does not object, the two of them tries to find Belloc at the usual suspects (Tower, Inn etctera).
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#24 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The last thing Tuurma sees as she exits the Grotto is Amos holding his hands up with a dejected look on his face.

Do you want me to wait for Cormag’s response?

In case you aren’t following the others, Belloc is already out on a mission.
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#25 Post by redwarrior »

Cormag shrugs Mooreen is the only person in town I really know, other than our little group, but she told us true with the blacksmith, and she's in a position to overhear much as people are in their cups and allow their tongues to wander. As far as the one-eye, I know not what to think. He seems to see much and be wherever you turn. You, especially, he seems to have many eyes for, though friend or foe, I cannot say.

You might get the impression that he just wants to see Mooreen again. :P
I did a little spelunking through the treads, and yeah, he seems quite focused on Tuurma
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#26 Post by sastaz »


To keep things flowing, let's just say Tuurma just remembered Belloc mentioning at some point he was leaving.

Tuurma turns to Cormag with raised eyebrows, leaning slightly backwards.

"You know what? That's actually not a bad idea at all. No time to waste, let's see if we can get her opinion on this matter right away. If the man is the type of scum the poor parents claim him to be, half the city should know it by now."

They leave to visit Mooreen :)

"How do you know her, by the way? And why do you speak about her so often? Let me guess, it's because she has HUGE net of contacts in the city?"
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#27 Post by redwarrior »

sastaz wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:52 pm "How do you know her, by the way? And why do you speak about her so often? Let me guess, it's because she has HUGE net of contacts in the city?"

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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#28 Post by OGRE MAGE »

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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#29 Post by sastaz »

Tuurma comes running back just minutes after she left.

She tries to get hold of one of the priests, or asking the guards to see Amos again.

"I think there was a misunderstanding, can you get me Amos again? Please."
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#30 Post by OGRE MAGE »

One of the priests is still speaking with the elderly couple at the fountain. He looks up at Tuurma in confusion.

“Weren’t you just…..”

“Ummmmm, Amos has gone back to his post on the streets. After upsetting our master again apparently.”
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#31 Post by sastaz »

Tuurma shakes her head.

"Yes, but then you told me that only 'professionals' come here, that we were only mere warriors, and you did not seem impressed with Amos and that old woman....nevermind! It was probably just a misunderstanding. If your master would still consider seeing me, I'm here now and all ears. I'm actually quite curious about what Amos was talking about. He's quite verbose, that one, not always easy to follow."
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#32 Post by OGRE MAGE »

“Verbose? Are you certain we are speaking of the same Amos? The man hardly says a word.”

“What does he actually want of you? Did he say?”

The old woman at the fountain tugs on your armor. “You’ll still help us, right?”
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#33 Post by sastaz »

Tuurma quickly turns her head towards the woman, back to the priest, but not being able to take in what he's saying with someone pulling her armor, looking back at the old woman again. Breathing faster now and gaining some color to her pale, almost white, face, she removes the woman's hand, firmly.

"WOMAN please. I assure you that if I find the bastard that did this to your daughter I will squash his face like a ripe plum and then throw him from the wizard's tower, but you will have to leave me alone, or I will not even be able to remember my own name."

She spins around, kicking up some dust from the floor unintentionally as she does, and faces the priest again, visibly irritated.

"What is the problem with you?! You call me here, then you don't want me here. And Amos is gone. What did you do to him? Did you kill him and covered your tracks, is that what you did?!"

Her one feet keeps kicking at the ground, like a boar setting up for a charge.

"WHAT?! I can't hear you with all this noise!! Fuck! Do you have incense here, or what's that smell, I can't breathe properly!"
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#34 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The old woman gasps and gets up to leave while the priest steps back. He throws one hand up and shouts a single word at you. “Relax!”

You will need to make a Sorcery Save to act.

Amos rushes back into the grotto, panting. “I saw you returning! Why did you leave? I will go get my master……..again. WAIT HERE THIS TIME!!!”

Again, he rushes into the next chamber and is soon gone.

Action? (if you save)
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#35 Post by sastaz »

Save vs. spell (14): [1d20]=6

Calming down (phew).
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#36 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Unable to do anything else, Tuurma calms down. The priest scoffs at Amos when he goes to get the Guildmaster a second time.

He calls out something loudly, causing several people to suddenly enter the meditation area on full alert from the same area Amos just went.

Once his magic has run its course, allowing Tuurma to react again, the priest speaks. “We don’t want any trouble here. I suggest you control yourself.”
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#37 Post by sastaz »

Tuurma replies grumpily.

"Well I was invited, until I wasn't. And there is a peculiar smell here. What are you cooking anyway? Oh, food?"

Obviously extremely lousy at small talk in this state of mind, she let's the conversation trail off until Amos returns.
Last edited by sastaz on Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#38 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The priest just stares at Tuurma with a perturbed expression, not wishing to provoke her further.

Amos arrives again with the other man, who cordially introduces himself as Guildmaster Rjoi'den. This tan-skinned common man looks important, wearing studded leather armor with an interesting looking metal belt. A matching pair of falcatas hang from his side, and he appears willing and able to use them. He looks you over carefully before suddenly and violently slapping Amos so hard across his face that it sends the weaker man sprawling to the floor.

"Amos you fucking dolt! This woman isn't even HYPERBOREAN!!!"

He takes a deep breath and tries to compose himself. "Forgive us, ma'am. This is obviously not one of our brighter moments. Did he promise you anything to get you here?"
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#39 Post by sastaz »

Tuurma is not entirely unimpressed with the man's sudden outburst. But then again she feels a little bit sorry for Amos as well. Mixed feelings.

"Oh. I see. No, I am not, I think. Although my descent strangely enough is one of the reasons I got here in the first place. But no, he did not promise me anything, more than possibly false hopes of getting answers about myself. While we're at it, actually, you don't happen to know anything about the disease, or curse, that is plaguing this city? I mean what's causing the dead to rise? I'm not saying you would know, of course, but you might have heard some rumors? I'm new here so I have not. In either case, thanks for your time, and....don't punish Amos too hard. I feel I'm partly to blame."
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Re: (3) Grotto Of Rel

#40 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Guildmaster Rjoi'den raises an eyebrow at the questioning.

“Strange you should ask, as seeing you made me think about our rambling undead. My sources have told me that a large group of recently arrived strangers found an ancient tomb in the outer reaches, recently unburied by the winds. They said a crazed Hyperborean woman killed fifty zombies, enough to rid the town of this menace almost single-handedly.”

He looks over your gear carefully and continues. You wouldn’t know anything about that yourself, would you?”
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