WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#141 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He points at the hangar in the distance. "They're over there, and can you feel that? Someone new is acting up. Be on guard." Marvin moves everyone to a bit of cover, possibly the burning fighter, as they wait for the others and cover their advance.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#142 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 8:50 AM, May 5th, 1943; Bloody Bay, Platok Island, Solomon Islands Chain, South West Pacific

Captain Marvin Acme waited for a moment, crouched behind the wrecks of the 'Tony' Planes, one of which was burning....and part of the Marine Officer KNEW that meant this was a DANGEROUS place to be taking cover in, but the other part just waited until the rest of SST 4 gathered up around him. They did so after a long moment....and as that was happening the strange Talent Power they had all felt, made itself known in the form of clouds, no more than 30 or 40 feet over their heads and a rain began to fall on them....

Panting, keyed up on adrenaline and now soaking in the rain falling from the Talent Power, the members of SST 4 were all together again as SGT Havelsky and his remaining half-dozen Marines started coming up over the Earth Berm. Taking a quick gander to the far side of their cover, they could see two groups of enemy troops. The fleeing pilots and IJAAF (Imperial Japanese Army Air Force) crewmen had re-grouped and met up with a squad of IJA troops to the far left, maybe a couple of hundred yards away. To the right were a group of 5 men, moving in the open, spread out in a Wedge formation, all with the distinctive armbands on their shoulders.....clearly the group of Talents were making their last stand....in the form of an attack....

Acme called out to Havelsky; "Ski! Take your men and circle to the left and take care of that group...we'll take the Talents!" "Aye-aye Cap'n!" and the Marines moved to do that as the American Talent Officer took a gander at their opposition.....

On the far left of the wedge, and hanging back was a short and scrawny guy holding a Carbine awkwardly with a couple of satchels hanging from his belt and torso. Even from this range (maybe 100-120 yards) he didn't look like he was really liking this 'Last Charge" idea. Next was a stocky guy holding a Type 96 LMG with its strap over one arm and his hand curled around the pistol grip while his other hand was free and starting to point their way. In the cener was the obvious leader, a sword in one hand and a Nambu pistol in the other...his eyes were glowing and a moment later the rain came down even harder, being BLOWN right into SST 4's faces, rain coming almost sideways....CLEARLY he was the 'Rain Man'. To his right was the Archer, with his massive, re-curved Bow in hand and a quiver of arrows hanging on his hip and looking FINE despite the fact that some of SST 4 had seen him in a BAD way not too long ago. Finally, on the Far Right was a soldier with a sneer on his face and a rare Type 100 SMG in one hand while the other hand was raised up and pointing their way...

Acme JUST had time to tell everyone to jump back and spread out as a series of Talent Powers could suddenly be felt as the IJA Talents used them. First, the familiar energy beam blasted out from the SMG wielder's hand and the non-burned Tony Fighter was suddenly split in half and smoking and Gurung and Van Horn could feel the heat from the beam as they were the closest to it even thru the rain. Next, the ground under the burning Tony Fighter opened up and the fighter sank into the ground, exploding as the aviation fuel ignited and a brief fire-ball came up through the hole in the ground, luckily the rain extinguished it quickly. Finally, the Archer drew and smoothly launched an arrow that arced and came down to slam into Elias Tucker's torso, causing the Coastguardsman to drop his Springfield Rifle and suddenly find his breathing hard and painful as the arrow punched all the way thru him*.....

Manny Corman yelled out, "Tucker!" and raced over, quickly going to work on the badly wounded Elias even as the others noted the IJA Talents suddenly all dropped low and spread out even further, raising weapons up and getting ready to go to battle like the veteran warriors they were.....

*OOC: Okay, Elias was Seriously Wounded from the attack (sorry man, I rolled REALLY high for him and REALLY low for you!)....so he can't do a lot, but any action he DOES take will be at -2D....luckily, Manny Corman the Corpsman is right there....for now.....

They opponents are all about 100 yards away, all prone, all spread out AND you've got rain driving into your faces (i.e making all actions -1D if directed into the rain...i.e. attacking them)......there is still a LITTLE bit of cover in the form of the two blasted in half Tony pieces that are still on the same level as you guys, each piece could provide cover for 1 of you.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#143 Post by Urson »

Dutch drops flat, taking a moment to activate his Talent. His Eagle Eye is ramped up, so he can hopefully see better through the rain. He low crawls, keeping himself flat as he angles to the right. He hopes to get closer to the enemy Talents without directly engaging them.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#144 Post by Rex »


Gurung goes prone as well. Activating his armor talent.

He spends enough Will to guarantee it activates.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#145 Post by ateno »

Tucker will lie out letting Doc take care of him.

"My rifle, .... my rifle is near?"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#146 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Scatter!" He yells out while trying to clear the rain from his eyes. Acme dives for cover behind a half Tony. "I'll lay down some cover fire!"

Acme sprays a burst toward the IJAs, hoping to keep them occupied while his guys get situated. "We don't have the firepower to engage at this distance. We need to flank em!

Is anyone still at the mortars? Could we call in support?
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#147 Post by Rex »

I think the Marines we left with the mortars were spiking them.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#148 Post by Zhym »

Roker follows orders, stays low, and spreads out.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#149 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 8:55 AM, May 5th, 1943; Bloody Bay, Platok Island, Solomon Islands Chain, South West Pacific

On a small island in the Solomons Archipelago in the South West Pacific Ocean, a battle between Talents of the Allies and Talents of the Axis proceeded to reach a high intensity....

With rain blowing right into his face thanks to the Talent Powers of the IJA Leader of the 5 Talents some 100 yards away, Captain Marvin Acme cut loose a spray of 10 rounds from his Thompson SMG, pleased to see the silhouette of the Talent on the extreme left of the formation, with a Carbine in his hands, drop to the ground and roll for cover, even though the .45 rounds didn't really come close to hitting him. Unfortunately, the Talent carrying the big Type 96 LMG next to him didn't even flinch and instead he pointed his hand towards Gurung's position and the Marine Officer saw the Armored-Up Gurkha fall into a pit that appeared at his feet. Marvin cursed even as he dove behind the Half-a-Tony plane hulk for cover and he was glad he did as a moment later an arrow-head slammed out of the plane hull, mere INCHES from his own body....clearly fired by that damn IJA 'Robin Hood'.....

Gurung dropped prone and reached deep within himself and activated his Armor Talent Power and a moment later his body was covered in hard scales. He cautiously took a look at the enemy line of Talents and the big man carrying an LMG pointed a hand in his direction and a moment later, the Gurkha found himself falling into a pit that had suddenly appeared all around him. Luckily, his Armor prevented him from being anything more than bruised*, but no he was ten feet lower than everyone else and out of the action, for the moment.....

Chief Fred Roker dropped prone and he did his best to squint through the rain blowing directly into his face at the enemy Talents and the first thing he noticed was the Enemy Leader with the Sword and Pistol in his hands and his glowing eyes showing him as the culprit of the 'Rain Storm' they were dealing with and the man was moving quickly, but hunched over and darting from side to side. He stopped behind a thick clump of grass maybe 75 yards away and dropped down and a moment later, the rain stopped....

Coastguardsman Tucker clutched his Scoped Springfield Rifle in his hand and closed his eyes and did his best to ignore the rain, pain and the crazy wheeling disorienting feeling he had even as he lay on his back as Corpsman Manny Corman rushed over and used his Healing Talent Powers on Elias' bad wound. The Marine turned Navy Corpsman quickly broke off the arrow and pulled the pointed end out of Tucker's body, causing a yell of pain from Elias and then Manny laid his hand over the wound and called on his Talent Power. Tucker DID begin to feel MUCH better, though he was still quite sore and stinging** and his eyes opened again to see Corman give him a weary grin and then Tucker had to close his eyes from the intense bright light and heat as a beam of golden yellow light seemed to engulf poor Manny. The heat and brightness ended a moment later, as did the rain and Elias blinked several times and looked over and a few yards away lay Corman, half ash and half completely burned and still smoking corpse.....

Gunny Charlie 'Dutch' VanHorn dropped to the ground and activated his Eagle Eye Power, which enabled him to see quite clearly the sequence of events, even through the rain of what happened in rapid succession all around him. First, he saw Acme run for the cover of the section of fuselage of the Japanese plane while firing a spray of rounds from his Thompson SMG. The rounds managed to suppress the Carbine-wielding IJA Talent, but not the LMG wielder next to him, who pointed his had towards Gurung and suddenly Gurung dropped into a hole in the ground that hadn't been there a moment before. Luckily, the Marine NCO noticed his Teammate had managed to 'Armor Up' before he fell. Next, Dutch saw the IJA Officer in the lead, eyes glowing and hands filled with Pistol and Katana, race forward and then throw himself behind a thick clump of four foot high kunai grass. The weather stopped shortly afterwards. Before it did, the Archer launched an arrow at Acme that had enough power to pass almost entirely thru the Plane's hull, narrowly missing his CO. Finally, the IJA Talent on the far right, carrying an SMG, raised a hand and put a blast of light and heat directly into poor Manny Corman-the-Corpsman, who had just worked on a prone Elias Tucker. Corman was thrown back from the blast and VanHorn didn't need his Eagle Eye power to tell him that Manny was gone.....


*Gurung is just bruised from the fall, he'll be at -1D for all actions for 3 rounds. The Pit can be climbed out, this uses the STR skill of Climbing.

**Elias is now healed, but will be at -1D for all actions for a few hours as his body copes with the sudden change of status. Poor Corman is KIA

Most of the IJA Talents are about 100 yards away now, the rain has stopped....the officer is 75 yards away, but behind some thick cover. All of the IJA Talents are either prone or kneeling as well.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#150 Post by Rex »


Gurung will climb his way out on the right side of the pit, staying low/prone/crawl as he exits the pit.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#151 Post by ateno »

Elias will push his terror and grief below, take his rifle and turn on his focus Using will and aiming at the bow and arrow talent and firing.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#152 Post by Urson »

Dutch takes careful aim and squeezes off a burst at the "Heat Ray" Talent, hoping to drop him quickly. As soon as he does, he'll roll right about 2 yards to try and avoid return fire.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#153 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Marvin curses and focuses his attention on the heat miser, the cause of so much death today. He fires a burst at him, using a luck point, then ducks back behind the tory fighter.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#154 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 09:00 AM, May 5th, 1943; Bloody Bay, Platok Island, Solomon Islands Chain, South West Pacific

On the tiny island of Platok in the Solomons Archipelago, the battle between two veteran 'Talent' teams continued to blaze....

Chief Fred 'Mediocre' Roker started to rise up and swing his M1 Garand towards the enemy, but a burst of 8mm rounds fired from 'Ray Beam' caused him to re-think his situation and he dropped back down quickly as the rounds tore up clumps of dirt and grass all around him....

A moment later, 'Ray-Beam' winced and dropped a bit as a .303 round, part of a 5 round burst fired from Gunny Van Horn, clipped him in the side and drove him down to one knee. 100 yards away, Van Horn swore a bit at his aim and quickly rolled to the side, JUST in time to hear a 6.5mm round fired from the clumsy looking IJA Talent with the Type 44 carbine narrowly miss him.....

Popping up and around the 'half-a-Tony' plane he was crouching behind, Captain Marvin Acme made a SPECTACULAR piece of marksmanship by managing to put most of a 5 round burst of .45 rounds from his Thompson fly 100 yards down-range and stitch the 'Ray Beam' Unit 781 Talent 'Dutch' had just wounded and drop him with blood stains all over his chest....

Unfortunately, Marvin didn't have long to bask in the glory of the moment though as the IJA 'Robin Hood' Talent managed to put another arrow completely through the plane wreckage and THIS time, it sank into his left thigh, dropping the Marine Officer to the ground with a cry of pain*. Luckily, the armor from the cover must've slowed the missile down though, as it had only punctured deep enough in to cause pain and discomfort and NOT puncture any important arteries.....

Digging deep into his pool of willpower, Elias Tucker ignored the pain from his wounds and called on his Talent Power of Super-Human Focus and he centered his Springfield Rifle on the Japanese Talent who had just loosed an arrow at his commanding officer. He pulled the trigger and he put a heavy, .30-06 round into the man's side, dropping him to the ground, but he could tell his shot wasn't fatal. He cursed, even as he worked the bolt to put another round into the chamber of his scoped rifle....

The big IJA Talent carrying the Type 96 LMG, raised his hand and a section of Earth rose up out of the ground and formed a 10 foot long, by 10 foot high section of Earth Wall that looked EXACTLY like the berm surrounding the Airfield and he and the IJA Officer raced forward and ducked behind it; now only about 50 yards from the various members of SST 11.....

Gurung managed to climb out of his pit and staying low, he could see the raised Earth Wall with a pair of IJA Talents taking cover behind it and then to one side, they clumsy looking Talent with the Carbine in hand and to the other, the Bow-and-Arrow Talent, obviously staying low and moving painfully, clearly wounded....

OOC: Okay, Acme is Wounded (-1D to all actions until Treated).....the IJA Officer (Rain Man) and Earth-Mover are about 50 yards away, behind some heavy cover. The suspected Healer/clumsy Carbine Talent and the Wounded 'Robin Hood' Talent are both about 100 yards away. Acme and Van Horn both have 5 round left in their Mags.....Tucker has 3.....just thought I'd mention it, 'cause I'm nice like that.....:)
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#155 Post by Rex »


Gurung tries to put a round from his Enfield into the closest Talent.

He will use a luck point if he has one left.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#156 Post by ateno »

Elias thinks about sprinting to the berm but with him being wounded he knows he would be slow, and he is not sure that he can sustain it while running, so he continues his focus and fires on the 'clumsy' solider.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#157 Post by Urson »

Dutch stays low to the ground, crawling to the right. He's trying to get an angle on the Bad Guys behind the berm.
IF he can get line-of-sight on 'Robin Hood', he'll squeeze off a round.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#158 Post by Zhym »

Roker tries again to get a shot off, if he can. Any target will do.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#159 Post by max_vale »

Approximately 09:05 AM, May 5th, 1943; Bloody Bay, Platok Island, Solomon Islands Chain, South West Pacific

As the Axis and Allied Talent members continued to face off in a deadly show-down, sounds of panicked screams and scattered gunfire could be heard wafting over from the flank, but no one had time to focus on that in the moment.....

From his position, Fred 'Mediocre' Roker rose up and fired a shot at the nearest enemy Talent; one of the two behind the Earth Wall, but his shot just clipped the top of the berm, knocking a clod of dirt over and the Radioman cursed to himself....

Captain Marvin Acme ignored his wound and attempted to pop up and put the last 5 round burst of ammo from his Thompson's mag into an IJA Talent, but instead, a spray of 6.5mm rounds from the Type 96 LMG wielded by the 'Earth Mover' Talent behind the berm tore into the 'half-a-Tony' he was using as cover and he was forced to drop down and hug the ground to avoid the fusillade of fire that sounded like hail hitting a tin roof.....

'Coastie' Elias Tucker grunted and hissed at the pain of his wounds as he shifted his Scoped Springfield Rifle over to point at the clumsy IJA Talent who was awkwardly working the bolt of his Arisaka Carbine. Centering the sights on his target, he took a breath, exhaled and let fly a .30-06 round that flew down range and hit the Japanese Unit 781 member in the hip, dropping him to one knee and sending a 6.5mm shot harmlessly up and into the sky....

Ignoring the exhaustion in his limbs from pulling himself up and out of the hole he had been dropped into, Gurung looked for a target and he saw the clumsy IJA Talent with a Carbine and he took aim with his SMLE. He let fly a 7.7mm round a second or two after Tucker did and his round hit the IJA Talent high in the chest, after he had dropped to one knee. The Japanese Talent stiffened up and then fell stiffly to the ground and didn't rise again.....

Gunnery Sergeant 'Dutch' Van Horn crawled to one side and then saw the wounded IJA Talent with the bow pop up and take aim at him, so he did as well and both let fly at the same time. Van Horn's clip ran dry as the last 5 rounds flew out and stitched themselves all across the 'Robin Hood's torso, ending the threat forever....but then Dutch found himself falling back on his ass and dropping the LMG from his hands as he involuntarily took hold of the shaft that was deep in his side. Everything suddenly seemed a bit fuzzy and while the pain hadn't kicked in yet, the veteran NCO KNEW his wound was serious*.....

All of the members of SST 4 suddenly felt a now-familiar Talent Power activate and a moment later, driving rain was blowing into their face and Roker, who was the closest, saw the IJA leader with his Nambu Pistol in one hand and a Sword in the other running forward from behind the Earth Berm, his eyes glowing as he sent the rain flying into his opponent's face and covering the distance quickly**......


Okay, there are only two IJA Talents still standing; the 'Earth Mover', who is behind the Earth Berm cover some 50 yards away and armed with an LMG and the IJA Leader ('Rain Man') who is racing forward.....more or less directly towards Roker and will be within Melee Range in a round.

*Dutch is Seriously Wounded (-2D to all actions until Treated....and some things will be TOUGH to do in this condition)....also, his Bren just ran dry of ammo.

**Because of the driving rain in their faces, anyone attempting to hit 'Rain Man' will be doing so with a penalty to their skill rolls, just be aware of that. Roker is the guy he is more less racing towards. Roker can attempt to hit him at a distance this round...or if he rushed forward, they'd be in Melee range next round.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#160 Post by Rex »


Gurung lets a round fly at the charging Rain Man IJA.

He will spend a Luck Point.
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