Chapter 0: The Gathering

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Chapter 0: The Gathering

#1 Post by gurusql »

The Beginning
Meeting the Spokeman
Mid-Morning Waterday, 5th day of Planting, 597

The seven of you (6 PCs and Franny Stonegirdle) were returning from a successful adventure where you killed a band of 6 trolls in the foothills of the CrystalMist Mountains on the western edge of the Yeomanry League. It was a good thing that Garrant the Gaunt had learned why the trolls are so feared in this part of the land. They cannot be killed from steel alone. They will not even fall without some damage from fire, acid or magic. Bringing this knowledge turned what could have been a deadly task into a successful one.

You party has been a man down since Jorson is completing some much needed training in the town of North Reach. The original plan after your troll hunt was to back track from Kelzad north to Farvale and use the military trails to cross the High Crags to Emberton and then north to the town of North Reach where Jorson is waiting for you.

For the past three weeks your group has felt a total of seven tremors and you heard from a bartender in Kelzad (a town of less than a thousand souls) that there was an eighth when you had been coming down from the foothills. It was also became known to you that the Council of Common Grosspokesmen are looking for some hearty adventurers to do something about these earthquakes.

Your group decided that it was not much out of your way go south of the High Crags and to head to Loftwick the capital of The Yeomanry League to find out if this could be a profitable endever.

The group arrived at the Loftwick and entered through the western gate. It did not take long to find out that the government buildings are on the higest ground in the northeastern part of the city. The trip through the city of more than 8000 souls was pretty uneventful, until you got to the central marketplace, there are multiple vendors trying to all get your attention.

"Fresh baked bread!"
"Feel this cloth, it is the finest in all of kingdom!"
"Do you need a new weapon, for course you do!"
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#2 Post by cybersavant »

Nah Olos led the group through the crowded city market. He looked neither right nor left, but allowed his usually off-putting appearance to keep most people away. He strode with purpose, not bothering to check if the others kept up with him. Why change old habits now" Upon reaching the Councilhouse he shifted to the rear of the group. Best let the others handle the intereactions, as always.
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#3 Post by Spearmint »


"Ooh a big city! Why the rush. So many sight to see, things to taste, smell. Err ... unwashed bodies. My that is a big pair of melons madam. Excuse me sir, don't dangle your aubergine at me like that!"

She pauses in the market. "What do you mean that is not an aubergine?"

She buys a few preserves to snack upon. Preserved salami sausage (spiced with the odd chilli pepper and onions, garlic), fresh bread, a few pies she can store away later or nibble on a midnight feast. Soap too, hair dye, latest body woad to look fierce.

Easy for her to get lost in a crowded market.
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Boff and Fanny, a pair of dwarven kin from the Barrier Peaks region, enter the marketplace with trepidation. Both secure their belongings and keep on full alert for pickpockets and the like.

Boff scans the area for any sign of a thieves guild presence or activity, knowing there must be some kind of black market in a city this size.

Franny looks for anyone claiming to sell magical trinkets or religious fare.

If Boff finds another dwarf or any guild types around the area, he risks a quick conversation.

"Aye, what might ye know bout the tremors whats been happening lately? Any damage from em caused ere in Loftwick?"
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#5 Post by Rex »


Qleceec moves through the streets with care, a little on edge in places with far to many people living there.
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#6 Post by shaidar »


As the group reaches the marketplace he strokes the mane of his horse to calm her and whispers in her ear "Don't worry, Daisy, just think of the warm stables and the apples."

He straightens and pulls his cloak around himself to protect from pick pockets and prying eyes. He uses the vantage of height to look for the best route through to the council Hall and for anyone paying them particular attention.
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#7 Post by Quonundrum »


He pointedly ignores the merchants hawking their wares, keeping one hand on the hilt of his sword as a subtle warning to would be pickpockets. The lure of the market stalls that so enraptured Siouxsie barely registered in his thoughts. He was more accustomed to dealing with supply seargents than haggling with merchants, which he finds particularly distasteful. As they make their way through the throng of shoppers, he remains vigilant to any uncouth street rats.
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#8 Post by gurusql »

The Beginning
Meeting the Spokeman
Mid-Morning Waterday, 5th day of Planting, 597

As often happens when a group enters a crowd there is a little chaos and confusion. Nah Olos, Garrant, Qleceec and Androgost stick together and try to move through the market with urgency. Garrant does not see any thieving activity, but is pretty sure it is there under the surface. Qleceec wants to stay away from the crowds and while there is no great path the best path does appear to be near the center to stay out of the arms reach of the booths and behind Nah Olos and Androgost that are making others get out of their way.

Siouxsie finds a vegetable seller that is selling Nightshade, but the Druid gets into a discussion with the merchant that it is really aubergine. Siouxsie knows she is right, but there are some hills to far for the Initiate of the Seventh Circle. The merchant is offering to sell 1 Nightshade for 2 sp or 2 for 3 sp. Siouxsie is able to find another merchant selling preserved stick meats, more like a salami then what she was looking for and definitely no kick! They are 3 sp each. The best she can do on the pie front is more of a quiche with spinach and pig's ears for 7 sp.

Boff finds a dwarven smith selling bladed weapons (swords and axes), he seems to be taken with Boff and tells him, "I have lived here in Loftwick 7 months now. I was a blacksmith for a small group of dwarves, almost 50 men strong that mined in the Jotens to the northwest of here. Our settlement was attacked by hill giants and then a few weeks later we were over run with ghouls that came from the mines. Not even 20 of us escaped to Loftwick. The recent tremors have been more than normal for this surface land, we dwarves are used to a little ground movement when you are mining, am I right?! There have been at least four or five of them here in Loftwick in the past few weeks. There are some cracks in the walls and the like. Nothing major."

Fanny finds a merchant selling incense and candles with incense that will make the air smell like cinnamon for 1 and 5 sp respectively.

The lead group gets to the end market and notices they have lost three of their number and will have to decide to wait or let them catch-up.
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#9 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Franny buys 2 of the 1sp candles, because she likes the way they smell, before hurrying back to Boff at the smithy. -2 sp

Boff nods at the dwarf solemnly, knowing mining is no easy task compared to his current line of work. "Ye lost therty dwarves? Ye have me deepest sympathies, friend."

"Giants is normal enough in the Jotens, I suppose, but ghouls is another matter entirely. Da ya think yer minin had anything ta do with the creatures? Or the quakes? Can ye tell me where exactly ye were doing yer diggin?"

"Oh, and I suppose this is a stupid question, but are the authorities doing anything about em yet? Ye ever hear of sumpthin called the Council of Common Grosspokesmen?"
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#10 Post by Quonundrum »


He reins in his riding horse when he notices the stragglers still amok in the market. "We've lost cohesion, our group is split," he says matter of factly to the others with him. While they wait, he scans the surroundings for signs of a horse trader or breeder. Warhorses, specifically.
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#11 Post by gurusql »

OGRE MAGE wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:28 pm Franny buys 2 of the 1sp candles, because she likes the way they smell, before hurrying back to Boff at the smithy. -2 sp

Boff nods at the dwarf solemnly, knowing mining is no easy task compared to his current line of work. "Ye lost therty dwarves? Ye have me deepest sympathies, friend."

"Giants is normal enough in the Jotens, I suppose, but ghouls is another matter entirely. Da ya think yer minin had anything ta do with the creatures? Or the quakes? Can ye tell me where exactly ye were doing yer diggin?"

"Oh, and I suppose this is a stupid question, but are the authorities doing anything about em yet? Ye ever hear of sumpthin called the Council of Common Grosspokesmen?"
Franny tries to buy two of the candles for 2 sp, but realizes the incense sticks are 1 sp each and the candles are 5 sp each.

The dwarven smith continues, "Yes we lost 31 to be exact, 31 of me friends." he says with a solemn tone. "Thank you, thank you. I of course was not in the mine, since I was smithing but I have to assume we opened up a huge crypt of them ghouls or something. All the miners on the lowest level were lost so we never completely knew the reason. This was long before the quakes, they only started like a month ago. The mine, our home was a day and half march northwest of Farvale in the foothills of the Jotens."

"Authorities? Most of the mining settlements in the hills and mountains are independent of the Yeomanry League. Oh, the Yeomanry League would like them to be part of things so that they can get their taxes but no we stay independent. Sure there is risk, but the reward! Am I right?! Sure the Council is the govment in these parts. Honest and true as much as govments go. Can I interest you in a new sword, that hilt is looking a little worn?"
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#12 Post by shaidar »

Garrant looks around for a guard or somebody currently unoccupied who he can ask:

"Excuse me, what churches do you have in Loftwick?"
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#13 Post by cybersavant »

Quonundrum wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:50 pm Androgost

He reins in his riding horse when he notices the stragglers still amok in the market. "We've lost cohesion, our group is split," he says matter of factly to the others with him. While they wait, he scans the surroundings for signs of a horse trader or breeder. Warhorses, specifically.
Nah Olos swivels at Androgost's words, but takes few more strides before he stops and sighs, knowing the rant he'll go in if the group splits up. Nah Olos turns back to face toward their destination, watching the crowd in front.
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#14 Post by Rex »


Qleceec remains mounted so that she has an elevated view and tries to keep track of all her companions.

"Keep close!"
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#15 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Franny likes the way the incense smells too. :)


Committing *a day and half march northwest of Farvale in the foothills of the Jotens* to memory, the gruff dwarf nods his thanks at the smith, scoffing at the comment about his sword. “This ere blades killed fifty men. FIFTY! Me thinks her hilt’s just fine.”

The highly trained thief looks around the forge a bit while doing the mountain dwarf arm clasp with his kin before taking his leave.

“Whats yer name, friend? I’ll try ta send work yer way if‘n I’m ever able.”

With that, he finds Franny and proceeds towards the rest of the group, looking for the shiny fellers atop the tall ponys.
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#16 Post by Spearmint »


Buys a few goods. Once the bazaar starts looking a bit thin, she returns to matters at hand and the suggested appearance at the Council.

She has been thinking regarding the tremors. If they are not a natural event but inspired by men (generically meaning humans, humanoids, demi-human), just what the Counsel wish us to do.
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#17 Post by gurusql »

The Beginning
Journey through the Loftwick
Mid-Morning Waterday, 5th day of Planting, 597

Nah Olos, Androgost and Qleceec wait at the eastern most end of the central market (#10 on the map), as they look back they both notice a four-story structure (#11) with a large clock face that is facing toward the government buildings. Currently there is a group of five gnomes that appear to be working on the clock which currently reads 2:07 even though it is mid-morning! Garrant starts looking around for someone that would know where the churches would be and does notice (the un-numbered building to the right of #13) is in fact the High Church of Heironeous. He does find a guard that will point him to two other churches in town, The Temple of Phaulkon in the southern part of town and The Shrine of Zilchus which is also the primary Bank which is located within the government area.

Siouxsie finishes her shopping (anything you want you can subtract the purchase cost) and begins to catch up to her party members. On the way there a young girl (about 8 years of age) is running across the open with her head looking backward and she trips over the leg of Siouxsie falling face first onto the ground. A group of four slightly older children (9-12) come running after the young one and gather around her. The young girl although she is stunned does not appear to be seriously injured and the five kids quickly keep going. Siouxsie does not make a bigger deal than the kids on the event.

Boff finishes his conversation with the dwarven smith, "I have to try and make a living friend. My name is Lomner Orehand if you have business that you can send my way." and Boff and Franny rejoin the group as well.

The group exits the bazaar and then heads east. Eventually that road splits into two roads one heading east toward the east gate and one heading northeast toward the government area (#15). The group of adventurers reaches the outer wall. The outer walls of government area is guarded by two Crimson Guards (elite guards of the Yeomanry League). They are called Crimson Guards because of the dark red cloaks they all wear. Within the government area there are three main sections, the City Hall and Council Hall and the forementioned Shrine of Zilchus. The Council Hall is almost one third larger than the city hall, and twice as extravagant. The hall is made out of black and white marble where the City Halls is finely crafted stone. As the group approaches the entrance to the Council Hall there are another six Crimson Guards with racks of weapons behind them. To the right are stables for the horses. It become clear the guards are collecting weapons and recording them in a log.
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#18 Post by cybersavant »

Nah Olos "Hmpphhh! Figured so. Do we all need go inside?"
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#19 Post by Spearmint »


Picks the girl up, dusting her down and pulling her ear aside as her 'friends' gather around.
"Scruffy little urchins who faux-fall, dipping hands into pockets are liable to get fingers cut off.

Perhaps I should take this off the side of your head in lieu of any gold missing and add it to my belt of lucky charms?"

She looks down inside her cloak, a leather belt corseting her waist and holding her pouches and weapons. From it dangles a rabbits foot, a coon tail, sprigs of mistletoe or Holly berries, finger bones and a string of ears; a kobold long lobe, pointy drow elf, Hobgoblin one with a tattoo.

She hopes any light fingered group of cobblestone kids get the idea.

At the council, catching up with the others and eating one of her pies. Shrugs. Guards and duty.

"You need my gear? Got a big stick to lean upon. Got to write it in your book correctly, don't won't no rickety wormwood given back.

So Oak Staff-sling, 5'ft, trimmed bark and seasoned in lacquer, gnarly ends. Carved in runes and wide span sling pouch made of leathered hide and rabbit tendon drawstring.

Sling stones, smooth pebbles from the riverbed. One, two, three, ...

Shillelagh, holy druidical club. Looks like a giants 'dongle', tapered shaft, round head, well battered, attached curly hairs, (?).

Javelins. Three. Sharp pointy ends. Inscribed in Orcish with the words 'point and throw that way'.

Have you got this? What next. Round shield, wooden, embossed with cranium of unknown creature. Leather strap. Graffiti on the face says 'if you can read this you are too close' in Gnollic.

Ceremonial blade. You don't need that. Blunt religious device for harvesting corn.

Second pouch of sling stones. Uncut egg sized rocks. One, two, three ..."
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Re: Chapter 0: The Gathering

#20 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Boff grumbles as the group approach the guards.

"I aint too keen on giving up me sword. Even to these bright red governmental bastards."

He looks around for any other alternatives before approaching the weapon racks.

"Maybe young Franny here can stay outside ta keep her eye on things if were forced ta leave our tools-o-the-trade behind?"

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