Character Sheets

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Character Sheets

#1 Post by JobaTett »

Jacob Male Half-Elf Bard
STR: 12 (12 Stamina /12 Muscle); Weight Allow 45, Max Press 140, Open Doors 7, Bend Bars/Lift Gates 4
DEX: 15 (14 Aim / 16 Balance); Reaction +1, Defense Bonus -2
CON: 13 (11 Health / 15 Fitness); System Shock 75, Hit Points Adjustment +1, Resurrection Chance 94%
INT: 16 (14 Reason / 18 Knowledge); Bonus NWP 7, Learn Spell 85%
WIS: 13 (15 Intuition / 11 Willpower)
CHR: 17 (15 Leadership / 19 Appearance); Loyalty +3, Max Hench 7, Reaction +7

Hit Points: 6/6
AC: 6/6/8
Alignment: N.G.

Distinct Identifications: Basically average looks. A tattoo on his left arm of the Elven word for "Lute". A dashing young Half-Elf with brightly colored clothes designed to attract attention. He has mesmerising eyes and a smile to match. His goatee and moustache work wonders on the ladies ;)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 124 lbs
Hair: Black, combed back
Eyes: Green
Age: 18

Racial Abilities: Detect Secret Doors, Infravision, Resistance, Sword Bonus
Class Abilities: Alter Moods(Save vs Paralyzation), Charm Resistance(+1 Save), Counter Effects(30'), Detect Noise, History(5%), Pick Pockets, Read Languages(13), Scroll Use(10%), Sound Resistance(+2 Save/Magic Attacks), Wizard Spells

Languages: Common, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Hobgoblin, Human - Regional dialect, Orc
Weapon/Armor Proficiencies: Short Sword, Leather Armor
Non-weapon Proficiencies:Appraising (10), Dancing (11), Etiquette (13), Fishing (11), Forgery (6), Juggling (8), Local History (13), Musical Instrument-Lute (12), Reading/Writing-common (13), Singing (10), Spellcraft (8)
Traits: Ambidexterity (off hand penalty -2); Disadvantages: Severe Spider Phobia
Spells in Bardic Spellbook:
-Cantrip; 1; 10 ft; Special; V, S, M;
-Change Self; 1; 0; The caster; V, S, M;
-Comprehend Languages; 1 rd; Touch; 1 speaking creature or written text; V, S, M;
-Dancing Lights; 2 rds; 50 yds; Special; V, S, M
-Mending; Permanent; 30 yds; 1 Object; V, S, M
-Unseen Servant; 1; 0; 30-ft radius; V, S, M;
Spell Points: 0/0 12 ( upon reaching 2nd level )

Rogue Skills,,,,,,,Base; Racial Mods; Ability Scores; Discretionary Points; Armor; Final;
Detect noise................20.....+0..............+0.................+5.........................+0......25%;
Pick pockets................10.....+10.............+0.................+7.........................+0......27%;
Read languages............5.......+0..............+0.................+8.........................+0......13%;

Saving Throws:
-Rod,Staff, Wand: 18
-Breath Weapons: 20
-Death/Paralysis/Poison: 16
-Petrification/Polymorph: 17
-Spells: 19

Animals Pigeon on shoulder
Daily Food and Lodging
Ale (lg. barrel) stored in inn
Common wine (pitcher) stored in inn
Inn lodging, common (week) bought weeks in advanced
Items Carried
- Dry rations (1 week)
- Fishhook
-Flint and steel
-Paper(1 sheet)
-Writing ink(1 vial)
Sword, short
Items Readied
Sword, short
Items Stored
Salt(1 lb) stored in inn
Salted Herring(100) stored in inn
Items Worn
Common Clothes
Full armor, leather
Scabbard, hanger, baldric
Scabbard, hanger, baldric
* Copper Pieces
* Gold Pieces x3
* Silver Pieces
Encumbrance: 27.92 pounds
Movement: 13
History Background: Comes from the Duchy of Ulek. 32% of population is Half-elf.
Ruled by His Noble Radience, Duke Grenowin, a male Elf fighter/mage ... E+Bard.jpg
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Re: Character Sheets

#2 Post by Vargr1105 »


Weight Allowance: 45
Max Press 195
+1 to Melee Damage
Open Doors 9
BBLG 10%
+2 Reaction Adjustment
–4 AC
System Shock 80%
Resurection 96%
+2 hp/HD
4 Henchmen Max
+2 Reaction Adjustment (social)
XP: 175 (Background)
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Re: Character Sheets

#3 Post by Shonuff »


Skuzz Grukmokk
Half-Orc Fighter (sharpshooter kit)
True Nuetral
Level: 1

Stats: STR:16, DEX:16, CON:16, INT:14, WIS:15, CHA:12
STR: 16 0 | +1 | 70lbs | 195 press | 9 OD | 10% BBLG
DEX: 16 +1 RAdj | +1 Matt Adj | -2 Def Adj
CON: 16 +2 HP | 95% SS | 96% Res | 0 Pois | 0 Regen
INT: 14 4 Lang | 7th SL | 60% learn | 9 Max lvl |
WIS: 15 +1 Mag Def | 1,1,2 Spells | 0 Spell fail
CHA: 12 5 Hench | 0 | 0 React

Languages: Common, Orc, Dwarf, Elf
AC: 5 ( armor + Dex)
Type: Studded leather
Racial Abilities: Att Bns +1 (5), Dmg Bns +1 (5), acute sense of smell (5)
(-2 reaction penalty in human circles)
Class Abilities: Weapon specialization (5) multiple specialization (10)
Traits: Ambidexterity, Keen Eyesight, Keen hearing, Lucky
Distinguishing features: Cut ear tip on left side. scar of three claw marks across cheek on left side.
skin:greyish tan | eyes: brown | hair: reddish brown in ponytail
Homeland: Sterich
Xp: 150 / 2000

Saving Throws:
-Rod,Staff, Wand: 16
-Breath Weapons: 18
-Death/Paralysis/Poison: 17
-Petrification/Polymorph: 20
-Spells: 19


cloak w/hood, Breeches, belt,
vest, tunic, High hard boots,
gloves (fingerless)

Darts x50
Bastard sword

Belt pouches x3
Large Sack
bandolier strap/belt x2
fletcher kit
20' hemp rope
torch x3
vials oil x3
empty vial x2
iron rations x2
scrolltube w cap

Non weapon profc: 7 pts class+5 carried over from above+16 disadvantages=28
Weaponsmithing 5/5, Survival 3/6, Blind Fighting 4/6,
Fire Building 2/8, Swimming 2/9, Cooking 3/7,
Orienteering 3/7, Rope use 2/8, Hunting 2/7,
Common Grayhawk tongue 1
(1 left over for leveling later)

Weapon Proficiencies:
Dart profc (2) Dart spclzd (2) Bast swd profc (2) Thrown Weapon Style (prof) Unarmed Style(prof)
Dart specialized rof 4/1 | +2 Attk | +4dmg bns | spd 2 | d4/d3
Bastard sword (used 1hnd) (-1 initiative) 1att | -att | +1 dmg bns | spd 6 | d8/1d12
Unarmed 2/1 | +1 Attk | +3 Dmg | small =1d2 / large = 1

Disadvantages: Bad Tempered (6), Irritating personality (6), Phobia-dragons (4) ,(+16)
Encumberance: 57.85

Born and raised in a small hamlet In North Sterich, Skuzz's father was not...around. His mother, shamed for the crime committed upon her during an Orc raid, she moved her and her son to the countryside. The boy grew up throwing rocks and playing with cast off iron from the blacksmith's shop his mother and he lived above. His mother died on his thirteenth year, and he stayed on, to learn the trade. Skuzz was soon enlisted into battle against the pomarj Orcs by Sterich soldiers, and his skills at forging ahead of the main force was put to use. For his size, Skuzz's speed was amazing. His skills helped in a few battles. One night, while on patrol, his unit was flanked and wiped out. Skuzz returned to report and was captured, taken as a hostage, but not before killing a man. The pomarj kept Skuzz alive, at first because of his half Orc lineage, but then the Pomarj used his ability to translate between the men and the Orc horde, making Skuzz keep the other captives in line and understood.
Skuzz was taken to Grayhawk and released to greyhawk forces in exchange for the pomarj diplomat who had been arrested and held by Keoland.
Skuzz has now been released, after being questioned and grilled to be sure he is not a Pomarj orc infiltrator, and left free to make his way through the city of Grayhawk.
Last edited by Shonuff on Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:21 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Character Sheets

#4 Post by Epichicken »

Fighter/Weapon Master
Social rank- upper middle class
STRENGTH -16 Stamina- 16 Muscle- 16
-Allowed weight = 70
- attack adjustment= 0, damage adjustment +1, max press.= 195, open doors=9, bend bars/ lift gates= 10%
INTELLIGENCE- 8 Reason-6 Knowledge- 10
+2 bonus professions
WISDOM- 11 Intuition- 9 Willpower- 13
-Magic def. adjustment- +0
DEXTERITY- 13 Aim- 11 Balance- 15
-reaction adjustment +0, Defensive adjustment -1
CONSTITUTION- 15 Health- 13 Fitness 17
-System shock- 85%
-Hit point adjust +2(+3)
-Resurrection chance= 98%
CHARISMA-13 Leadership- 13 Appearance- 13
-Loyalty base- 0, # of henchmen- 5
-Reaction adjustment +1
Languages- hill dwarf, dwarven dialects, goblin, orc, gnome, gnoll.
Racial Abilities: Hill dwarf skill package (+ age =45, good)
Infravision (night vision up to 60 feet)
Saving throw bonuses (+4 to saving throws against poison and magical attacks from wands, rods, and spells)
Melee combat bonuses (+1 bonus to attack rolls vs orcs, half-orcs, goblins, hobgoblins. when ogres, half-ogres, ogre magi, trolls, giants, or titans fight dwarves, these aggressors suffer a –4 penalty on all attack rolls.)
Mining detection abilities ( A character with this skill is familiar with mining, tunneling and stonework. By concentrating for one round the character can:
Determine the approximate depth underground, 1–3 on 1d6. Detect any sliding or shifting walls or rooms, 1–4 on 1d6.
Detect any grade or slope in the passage they are passing through, 1–5 on 1d6.
Detect stonework traps, pits, and deadfalls, 1–3 on 1d6.
Detect new construction in stonework., 1–5 on 1d6.)
Determine age - By examining a building or ruins, the dwarf stands an excellent chance of determining the approximate age of the structure. The chance of success is 1–5 on 1d6.
Racial Penalty: –2 penalty to reaction rolls when they are in or adjacent to rivers, lakes, and seas.
Class skills : Weapon Specialization (5)
Weapon Proficiencies: (8 total)
Badriche specialization (kit/(2) points)
Weapon group proficiency-polearms (4)
Fighting Style -two-handed weapons (slicing only) (2)
(-3 speed factor of (slicing) two handed weapon equiped)
Battle axe Specialization (2 points)
Nonweapon Proficiencies:(8 total)
Endurance (3) -Weaponsmithing (5) -Blind-Fighting (4) -Stonemasonry (4)
Disadvantages: Moderate phobia of water (+6 points)
Traits : Keen eyesight (5) Keen smell (6)
Equipment- starting gold- 150 gp [5d4] = 15x10
Encumbrance- 71
1 cp left
[1d100] = 81 Homeland - Duchy Palantine of Urnst.
Ruled by His Most Lordly Grace, Duke Karil Lorinar, Warden of the Abbor-Alz (human Ranger)
XP: 75
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Last edited by Epichicken on Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:19 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Character Sheets

#5 Post by Computer +1 »

Daruis "Brother" Maynard
Human Male Pugilist Cleric of Healing
STR:15 (0, 0, 55, 170, 8, 7%)
DEX:16 (+1, +1, -2)
CON:16 (+2, 95%, 96%, 0, Nil)
INT:13 (3)
WIS:17 (+3 mag D, 3rd bonus spell, 0%)
CHA:13 (5, 0, +3)

Alignment: NG

Hitpoints: current/max: 12/12

AC: ( armor + Dex) Type: none, -2 dex = 8

Racial Abilities: Attack bonus (10): +2 to attack with fists

Class Abilities: 1. Pugilists are skilled at fighting armed opponents and monsters with their bare hands; they are treated as if they were armed when making unarmed attacks.
2. -1/-2 reaction to middle/upper class
3. Hit point bonus (10): Clerics with this ability use 1d10 to determine their hit points rather than 1d8.
4. Turn undead (10)
5. Expert healer (5): This ability allows the character to cast one cure light wounds spell a day in addition to the number of spells the priest can normally cast.
6. Detect evil (10): Clerics with this ability can see emanations of evil from creatures or objects within a path 10 feet wide by 60 feet long. It takes one round to scan a direction, and the cleric cannot be attempting other actions.
7. Weapon specialization (15) Unarmed Combat

Traits: Empathy, Light Sleeper

Disadvantages: Powerful Enemy

Distinguishing features: Shaved head, bushy beard,Crystal blue eyes, Scarring on knuckles. Large frame with firm but rounded belly.
height: 6'
weight: 200lbs
Age: 25

Languages: Common,

Saving Throws:
-Rod,Staff, Wand: 14
-Breath Weapons: 16
-Death/Paralysis/Poison: 10
-Petrification/Polymorph: 13
-Spells: 15

Wealth: pp: gp: 30 sp: cp:

Non weapon profc:
Healing (14)
Swimming (13)
Ceremony (14)
Endurance (10)
Herbalism (15)
Musical Instrument (12) flute

Weapon Proficiencies: Unarmed Specialization 2/1 +1 attack, +2 damage
Bare hands 1d2 (With spec bonus and racial bonus +3 to hit, +2 damage)
Mailed Fist 1d3
Proficient with Club

Major Spheres: All, Healing, Necromantic
Minor Spheres: Protection
Spell Points: Current/Total 0/12
Spells Fixed:Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Purify food/drink (bonus CLW*)
Components: Holy symbol on chain, holy symbol
Holy Symbol (on chain around neck)
Traveling Clothes (Pants, socks, shirt, belt, underwear)
Spare set of clothes (backpack)
Clerical vestments (backpack)
Healing Bag (filled with bandages, cloth strips, flask of clean water)
Herb pouch (with herbs gathered with proficency)
Component bag
Knife (sheathed on belt)
Holy Symbol (in backpack)
Wedge of cheese (backpack)
Bag of nuts (backpack)
Blanket (rolled and tied to backpack)
Reed flute

Encumberance: 10
Social Class: Lower Class
Homeland:Dorakaa (Capital of the Empire of Iuz) is home to some of the Evilest of Evil Evil-doers.
Ruled by the evil demigod Iuz.
guess thats powerful enough for a Powerful Enemy.
When he finds out one of his subjects is praying to Pelor, he's gonna be pizzed...
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
: 175 / 1500 (pic and bg)

Background: Darius was born in the slums of Dorakaa, an unnamed abandoned orphan. At a young age he began fighting for money. He did well and was able to survive based on his toughness and aggression. Full of youth and bravado he managed to get into a fight with a group of young nobles leaving one of them dead. Daruis fled from his birthplace and vowed to find a better way. Starving and alone he was given shelter at a Temple of Healing. Along with the physical scars the clerics helped Darius recover from the mental scars. Darius became a eager student and began his life's work, healing those around him. He was adopted by one of the clerics and given his name, a break from the past.
Unfortunately the past came back to haunt Darius as the family of the noble he killed hunted after him. Darius fled the temple to avoid his past destroying the place he loved. Alone he wanders as a healer trying to atone for the mistake he made.
Last edited by Computer +1 on Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:06 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Character Sheets

#6 Post by NJWilliam »

Character Points
10 . . . Human
5 . . . .Phobia: spiders
5 . . . .limited magic item use, necromantic
20. . . .remaining cp
(10) . .Tough hide AC8
10 . . .remaining cp

40 . . .Mage
50 . . .remaining cp

(10) . .Improved hit die, d6
(15) . .4 schools
. . . . . . . alteration
. . . . . . . conjuration/summoning
. . . . . . . evocation/invocation
(2) . . .automatic spells, evocation
(10) . .detect magic, daily 1/2 levels
(5) . . .read magic, daily 1/2 levels
8 . . .remaining cp

8 . . . .Mage NWP
4 . . . .Bonus
20 . . .remaining cp

Scholar kit: reduced cp cost for: Reading/writing, history (any), languages (any), heraldry, astrology, astronomy, herbalism, engineering, gem cutting, religion, spellcraft, brewing, etiquette, musical instrument

(1). . .Reading/writing - 8+1 int/know
(2). . .Spellcraft - 7+3 int/reason
(3). . .Tactics of Magic - 6+1 (knowledge) or 6+3 (reason)? reason
17. . .remaining cp
(4) . .Ambidexterity
(4) . .Obsc. Knowledge
(4) . .Precise Memory

5 . . .remaining cp
3 . . .Mage Wpn prof

(3). .Dagger

5 . . .remaining cp

Additional Languages (5+4):
- Ket Common
- Ancient Baklunish, R/W
- Common Greyhawk, R/W
- Nyrondese (traders' common)
- Ancient Suloise
- Draconic, R/W

0 . . .remaining cp

Spell points: 12 (8 + 4 knowledge)
Spells: 1 each level must be a "wild magic" spell
Memorized: Nahal’s Reckless Dweomer; Grease; Color Spray

Spell book:
Color Spray – alteration VSM pinch of red, blue, and yellow sand
Comprehend Languages – alt VSM* soot and salt
Feather Fall
Find Familiar – conj/sum VSM* 1,000 gp of incense, etc.
Grease - conjurarion VSM* bit of pork rind or butter
Hold Portal
Magic Missile – evocation VS*
Nahal’s Reckless Dweomer - Invocation/evocation VS
Patternweave – divination VSM small hand lens

*Level variable for range, duration, area of effect, or damage
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Last edited by NJWilliam on Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Sheets

#7 Post by Nuke66 »


Sword, Scimitar (4lbs) - 1d8
Sling (0lbs) - 1d4+1 - Bullet (25) (2.5lbs)
Dagger (1lb) - nonprof.
Staff (3lbs) - nonprof.

Clothing (5lbs) - Tunic, breeches, soft boots and cloak

Backpack (2lbs)
--Spellbook (6lbs)
--Sack, Small (2) (1lb)
--Scroll case (2) (1lb)
-- Papyrus (5)
-- Quill
--Torch (2) (2lb)
--Tunic and Breeches spare (2lbs)
--Week - Dry Rations (5lbs)
--Silver Sickle (.5lbs)
TOTAL=19.5 lbs

Belt pouch (S) #1 (.5lbs)
-- candle (3)
-- chalk
-- tinderbox
-- writing ink

Belt pouch (S) #2 (.5lbs)
--Greater Mistletoe (30)
--Lesser Mistletoe (30)


Belt pouch (S) #3 (.5lbs)
--PP = 10 roughly 2lbs
--GP = 17
--SP = 53
--CP = 24

Belt pouch (S)#4 (.5lbs)
--Common Material Components - (25) -


Belt Pouch, Small (.5lbs)
--Belt Pouch, Large (1lb) rolled up.

----Wineskin ((2) (2lb)

Clothing: 5
Adventuring Gear: 20
Armor & Shields: 0
Weapons & Ammunition: 7.5
Class-Related Items: 6
Provisions: 5
Wealth: 2
Misc. Items: 0
Total Carried: ~~45lbs

Base - 12
Current - 11

Spells Known: component
Armor: 10
Hold Portal: na
Identify: 5
Magic Missile: na
Sleep: 10

* Armor is in effect almost all the time. The day it is dispelled, he studies it the next day.
* If engaged (or threatened to become engaged) in melee combat, Garth would defend himself with a Scimitar. He would withdraw from melee combat and cast.
* Range, cast or sling. Outside Entangle then sling.
* Entangle, Sleep and Magic Missile

Non-Human: [1d4] = 3 [1d4] = 4 [1d4] = 1 [1d4] = 2 [1d4] = 4
Non-Human: [1d4] = 4 [1d4] = 3 [1d4] = 3 [1d4] = 4 [1d4] = 2
Human: [1d4] = 3
[1d8] = 1 druid HP [1d4] = 2 MU HP(edit: Max HP's in 'The Inn of the Unseen Servant.)
Greater Mistletoe: [2d4+24] = 7+24 = 31 Lesser Mistletoe: [2d6] = 9 Holy Leaves: [2d6] = 9 Oak Leaves: [2d6] = 9
Common Material Components: [3d4+35] = 11+35 = 46 Rare or Expensive Material Components: [5d4] = 10
[1d100] = 56 75% change to learn Sleep
[1d100] = 25 75% chance to learn Armor
[5d6+100] = 17+100 = 117 Starting Age
[1d10+55] = 7+55 = 62 Height
[3d10+90] = 12+90 = 102 Weight

LEVEL TWO notes:

Thinking of just adding Armored Wizard for 15 CP, but just to wear leather.....idk.


Spell Abilities (15): Once a day the elf can cast faerie fire, dancing lights, and darkness as a priest or wizard of the same level. When the character reaches 4th level, he can add, levitate, detect magic, and know alignment.
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Re: Character Sheets

#8 Post by ragnboneshopper »


Glad to be on board!
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Re: Character Sheets

#9 Post by Recklessfireball »

A little portrait of my character:
And you thought the priestess of Iuz was terrifying... :mrgreen:

And the Character Sheet (Please note that the AC calculations on the PC Basics tab do not include his -4 bonus when fighting creatures that are man-sized or larger. In this case, his AC is -2/2/0, respectively)-
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Re: Character Sheets

#10 Post by grey_starr »

Benson Greystarr (Human Male Figther)

10 CP - Human
4 Cp - Int
15 CP - Fighter Class
8 CP - WP for Warrior
6 CP - NWP for Warrior
5 CP - LvL 2
4 CP - Phobia - Kobalds
8 CP - Compulsive Honesty
60 total
5 - level 3
3 - Bonus
68 total

CP Spent:
-0-2 CP - Club (Specialized +1/+2)
-0 CP - Polearms
-10 CP - 1d12 HP
-10 CP - Multiple specialization
-6 CP - Swords
-2 CP - Shield
-2 CP - Longsword (Specialized +1/+2)
-2 CP - weapon and shield style
-2 CP - Two-Weapon Style
-4 CP - Ambidextrous
-2(-1) CP - Swimming - 9+5+1=15 Strength/Stamina
-2(-1) CP - Rope Use - 8+2+1=11 Dexterity/Aim, Wisdom/Intuition
-2(-1) CP - Riding , Land - 8+2+1=11 Wisdom/Willpower, Dexterity/Balance
-4 CP - Blind-Fighting - NA/6+2=8 Wisdom/Intuition, Dexterity/Balance
-2(-2)(-1) CP - Jumping - 7+5+1=13 Strength/Muscle, Dexterity/Balance
-6 CP - Fast Healer
-2 CP - Endurance 3+3=6 Constitution/Fitness
-66 total
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Re: Character Sheets

#11 Post by wolfpack »

Phineus Cobbler
Fighter (Peasant Hero)
Level 1

St 16
Int 12
Wis 11
Dex 17
Con 14
Chm 13

HP: 10
AC: 2 with armor/1 with shield

Gp: 3


Weapon - (4 + 2 from int)
Two weapon style (1)
spear(specialized) (2)
dagger (1)
short bow (1)

non-weapon – (3 + bonus and 1 from int)
animal lore(bonus)
swimming (1)
set snares(1)


2 spear
Small shield
Chain mail
Short bow
12 flight arrow
12 sheath arrow
Soft boots
Large belt pouch
Hooded lantern
2 flask lamp oil
2 flask greek fire
Large sack
Winter blanket
50’ hemp rope
Small metal mirror
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Re: Character Sheets

#12 Post by Stonjuz »

just pushing this thread ahead , getting it off of the bottom the only way i know how
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Re: Character Sheets

#13 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Well here is the character sheet so far I'll re-post in OOC as requested via pm.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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