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#1 Post by tibbius »

Here, let's post our characters.
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Characters!

#2 Post by cybersavant »

Califax Cymrillian Swordmage Aeromancer

male, 6'04" 190lbs golden eyes, pale green hair, green skin; has a wicked-looking scar along most of his left arm, from wrist to mid upper arm

STR +1 DEX +2 PER +1 CHA -2 INT +2 WIL 0 SPD 0 100'/rnd CON +1
CR +3 MR +3 HP 22
Wizardry or Elemental Magic:
<3 Modes of choice>
Aeromancy Move +2
Aeromancy Reveal +2
Aeromancy Transform +2
Longsword +3
Characters may use similar weapons at minimal or no penalty, as determined by the GM. Weapon skills may be used for both attack and defense. Training Period: ten weeks for additional weapons or 50 weeks for the first weapon. Attribute Modifier: Combat Rating.
Dagger +2
Characters may use similar weapons at minimal or no penalty, as determined by the GM. Weapon skills may be used for both attack and defense. Training Period: ten weeks for additional weapons or 50 weeks for the first weapon. Attribute Modifier: Combat Rating.
Brawling +2
Proficiency in an unsophisticated form of handtohand combat. Brawling is typically used for Close Attacks and Grappling, although characters can also use it to employ make-shift weapons, such as broken bottles or furniture, or to use such “dirty tricks” as eyegouging and biting. The Damage Rating and Action Table penalty for such weapons and tactics is at the discretion of the GM. Individuals can also use Brawling to attack with natural weaponry, such as claws or tails. Training Period: ten weeks. Attribute Modifier: Combat Rating.
Pilot (Windship) +5
Ability to operate and navigate a duneship, windship, or other type of vessel (one type only). Pilots can read any type of chart or map needed to navigate their vessels and can recognize familiar hazards, such as obstructions and coming storms. A cursory inspection is sufficient for any pilot to determine if a given vessel is in good condition. Attribute Modifier: PER.
Arcane Lore +4
Knowledge of Talislantan myths, folk beliefs, and legends, particularly those steeped in magical lore. Individuals skilled in this field will be able to decipher runes and magical scripts, identify and appraise magical artifacts, determine the authenticity of magical tomes and scrolls, and so on.
Etiquette +4
Knowledge of proper protocol and custom for specific situations within a given culture. Characters may use their Etiquette skill rather than their CHA rating when rolling for reaction from those of similar cultures. Training Period: 50 weeks. Attribute Modifier: CHA.
Fashion +4
Indicates familiarity with a type of fashion, including the knowledge of how to dress in order to simulate a particular “look” or social position (bohemian, working class, middle class, affluent, aristocratic, etc.). Individuals with this skill keep up with the latest trends and styles in a given culture, and are aware of what is and is not currently in vogue. Characters can use their Fashion skill rather than their CHA rating when rolling for reaction from those of similar cultures. Attribute Modifier: CHA.
Ride +4
Ability to ride one type of steed, such as an equs or strider. This skill does not allow a character to take advantage of a steed’s abilities in combat, which is covered under Mounted Combat. Attribute Modifier: DEX.

You’ll need to choose a Background skill, based on the type of culture in which your character was raised (Nomadic, Rural, Urban, etc.). You’re also allowed 2 additional Common Skills of your choice.
Basic ability to climb rocks, walls, trees, ladders, ropes, etc. The availability of hand-holds, the condition of the surface or object being scaled, and similar factors can all contibute to the Degree of Difficulty for this skill (GM’s ruling). Attribute Modifier: DEX.

Staying afloat and getting from place to place in the water. Characters can attempt lifesaving techniques using this skill, with negative modifiers dependent on conditions in the water, size and weight of the victim, and so forth. Attribute Modifier: DEX.

High Talislan, fluent +3
Attribute Modifier: INT
Low Talislan, native +10
Attribute Modifier: INT
Archaen, fluent +3
Attribute Modifier: INT

This common tongue is spoken throughout much of central and western Talislanta and is often learned as a second language in the rest of the continent. Its use marks one as a person of low to average social standing, and as such is shunned by most nobles, intellectuals, bureaucrats, and scholars.
Essentially a more elaborate and flowery version of Low Talislan, High Talislan is employed throughout most of the continent. Its use marks one as a person of high social standing, education, or extreme
snobbishness. Speakers of Low and High Talislan can usually (but not always) understand each other.
The written language employed by most Talislantan magicians to record their spells and enchantments, Archaen dates back to the Forgotten Age. Many of the oldest known scrolls and stone tablets were written in this highly complex language, which is no longer employed except as pertains to the casting of spells.

High-collared cloak and garments of spangalor (metallic cloth); dyed leather boots; assorted jewelry; leather and silverbound spell book; pouch; +1 longsword; dagger; 2 magical trinkets; swordsmages based in Cymril may have access to a windship; 50 gold lumens in gold pentacles.

“The wind is a force today. It would toss a windrigger around like a leaf. I’m up for it.”

It’s difficult not to love magic. You are not so enamored of the theories behind it or the beauty of its form, as so many Cymrilians are. You love it for its effects, for the way in which you can use it in your chosen profession - as a swordsmage. You train intensely to improve your skill with the sword, and you have great respect for warriors such as the Thralls. Yet your arcane blade provides you with a keen advantage over others, and your own Order is a more potent weapon yet. The windship is your passion. Since you were a youth, fresh to the armada, you learned to climb riggings, care for levitationals, consult navigational charts, pilot riggers and skiffs. Someday you may take the time to visit other lands. Perhaps you and the companions you find will buy your own vessel to cross the skies for commerce or adventure. Such a life would hold many glories. Or perhaps you will become a captain of your own windship of war, leading the Seven Kingdoms into battle against its enemies. In the skies over fields of battle, you will show the world why you
love magic.

Elemental Magic is the catch-all Order for the various magical traditions that harness and manipulate one of the four elemental powers: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Magicians study a single element at a time, often
exclusively. Such magicians are known as Pyromancers, Aquamancers, Geomancers, or Aeromancers, respectively.
Elemental power is thought to originate on the Elemental Planes -- extra-dimensional realities comprised of pure energy. There is an Elemental Plane for each of the four primary elements, supposedly arranged in a ring around the sphere of the Primal Plane on which Talislanta sits. Magicians can learn to contact the Planes to draw forth raw elemental power, or to consort with the denizens of these realms (which are known as Elementals).

Elementalists often incorporate elemental substances into their spellcasting, such as a flute or fan for an aeromancer. Such physical acoutrements are not required, however. An elementalist must have their hands free to gesture in order to cast their spells.

Each elemental power bestows a special ability on magicians that study its ways. A magician must have at least one Elemental Mode rating of +10 or better to receive the abilities below. If a magician studies both
Air magic and Fire magic for example, he receives no special abilities.

Air Aeromancers are never bothered by natural winds of any intensity, and natural lightning never harms them, although magical lightning attacks will. Additionally, airborne toxins, gases, etc. are slower to reach them, giving them an extra round in which to act.

All spells of Elementalism lack subtlety. They produce loud noises, bright lights, and strong scents, and are impossible to conceal. Elemental magic is also very limited in the kinds of effects it can produce (see Mode restrictions, below).

Not available: Alter, Heal, Illusion, Influence
Bonuses: Conjure +3. plus one of Attack +3 (Pyromancy), Move +3 (Aeromancy), Defend +3 (Geomancy), or Transform +3 (Aquamancy)
Penalties: None
Alter Effects: N/A
Transform Effects: The magician's chosen element can be transmuted through its various forms. Fire may be turned to smoke or ash, and vice versa. Air may be transformed to fog, toxic gases may be changed to fresh breezes. Water can be purified or turned to solid ice or steam. Earth can be altered from oozing mud to solid stone.
Summon Effects: An Elementalist may summon an Elemental appropriate to the type of energy he studies. A Pyromancer may summon a fire elemental, a Geomancer may summon an earth elemental, etc.

Common enchanted items created with Elementalism include:
l Medallions that protect the wearer from a specific element (Ward)
l Wands or staves that project destructive elemental forces (Attack)
l Devices that can produce elemental matter, such as waterskins that fill themselves, masks or helms that produce fresh air, torches that light on command, etc. (Conjure)
l Weapons empowered with an elemental force (Attack)

Whirlwind (Move)
Duration: 5 rounds (30 seconds)
Range: 50 feet
Casting Modifiers: -15 (6th level for +2 Strength, -12 for increased speed, +3 due to element modifier for this mode)
Description: This spell allows an aeromancer to use the minor spirits that exist everywhere in the air to create a whirlwind that can be made to move individuals and objects weighing up to 150 lbs. At the caster's discretion, the whirlwind can be used like a spell of levitation to lift either the aeromancer or a designated subject into the air. Or it may be directed in a more forceful manner, to force back assailants, scatter small objects or creatures, disperse mists or gasses, and so forth. In the latter case, the vortex will cause up to 2hp of damage per round and move objects or creatures up to 50 feet per round (Speed rating of -5).

Windform (Transform)
Duration: 4 minutes
Range: Self
Casting Modifiers: -33 (20th level, +10 spell levels for Ability Level in Sunform, -3 for extra duration)
Description: Intangible and invisible. Cannot make attacks. Flight at +5 Speed.
Other elemental versions of this spell are:
Flameform: Only the most skilled pyromancers are capable of using this spell, which transforms the caster into living flame. Once transformed in this manner, the pyromancer is as intangible as fire and cannot manipulate objects or be hit by ordinary attacks (spell attacks and magic weapons still hit as normal). Anything touched by the Flameform takes normal fire damage and may be set alight. For the purposes of striking and dodging, the Flameform has a combat rating of +10. While in this state, the pyromancer cannot cast additional spells, but can communicate by speaking normally. Any items on the pyromancer's person when the spell is cast become part of the Flameform, but revert to their normal substance once the spell has lapsed.
Stoneform: Appears as a humanoid pile of stones. +5 Strength bonus. Can wield weapons. Armor Rating 12.
Seaform. Appears as humanoid fountain of water. Can pass through any opening or through porous materials. +5 Speed bonus in water. Immune to normal attacks. Can attack with jet of water (DR 4).

Windflight (Move) (Unique)
Base Difficulty -10
1st level base, Order bonus, Qualitas (Minor Change – SPD +0), Tempus (Rounds become Minutes), 10 minute duration
By casting the spell at a level great enough to lift the casters weight, the caster conjures strong winds close to their body, enabling them to fly at SPD +0 (100’ per round), for 10
minutes. This spell causes swirling winds that will knock over small items, blow away loose articles, extinguish candles and other small flames, and generally makes a lot of noise. This spell functions on the caster only.

Vortex (Move)
Base Difficulty -8
1st level base, Order bonus, 5’ radius, SPD-7
This spell creates high winds (SPD -7, 30 feet per round) in a small area that will pick up objects and swirl them around, possibly causing damage to those in within the vortex. When this spell expires, items in the vortex will be slung in whatever direction they were going at the time.

Mists of Obscurement (Reveal) (Conceal)
Base Difficulty -3
1st level base, 3 minute duration
This enchantment allows the caster to create billowing clouds of gray mist which obscure vision and dampen sound in the area of effect. Living creatures within the mists suffer a penalty to PER rolls equal to the spells level.

Whispers in the Wind (Reveal)
Base Difficulty -1
1st level base
By studying the flow of the air, the Aeromancer is able to visualize things around him in a much more precise way, thus giving the magician a PER bonus equal to the spells level as they can pick up sounds, perceive the channels of air created by people and objects, and feel changes in the airflow as creatures move around.

Detoxification[ (Transform)[/b]
Difficulty -10
10th level (Major Change)
By completing this incantation and physically touching a noxious gas, the Aeromancer is able to quickly dissipate the substance by transforming it into clean, breathable air.

Move in Brief:
STR: +0 (100 lbs.) (+1 STR per 3 Spell Levels)
Range: 50 feet (-1 to casting roll for every 10 feet of extra range.)
SPD: -9 (10 feet per round) (-3 to casting roll for each +1 SPD rating.)
Area: 0' radius (-1 to casting roll per foot of radius)
Duration: 5 rounds (-1 to casting roll per extra round of duration)
All spells that move or levitate objects or beings are based on this Mode. Move spells require the magician's full concentration in order to maintain control of the object or individual being moved. For example, it
is not possible for a magician to cast other spells while moving a sword through the air, though she could leave a levitated object suspended and turn her attention to other matters without canceling the spell.
A Move spell can effect up to 100 pounds of material at STR +0, and allows the magician to control the target to a range of 50 feet. Each +1 STR rating adds 25 pounds to the amount of weight the magician can lift.
Objects or beings manipulated with this Mode travel at a default Speed of -9 (10 feet per round) and can be moved anywhere within the spell’s effective range.
The STR rating of a move spell must be divided between holding onto the target and lifting the target.
For example, a magician might want to grab a struggling thief who was trying to run off with the magician’s purse. A level 9 spell would allow the magician to hold the thief with a STR rating of +3. If the magician wanted to also levitate the thief off the ground, he would have to add 6 more spell levels for a lifting STR of +2 (enough to lift 150 pounds).
Move can perform Grappling attacks such as throwing or choking. In this case, the magician cannot hold the target in place or restrain them in any way.
Distant manipulations are also possible; for example, pulling a lever from across a room. The default Strength Rating that can be applied at a distance is 0.
This effect can also be used to wield a weapon or employ a physical ability such as juggling or writing. In this case, the magician's applicable Skills or Attributes are used to determine the success or failure of the
manipulation. For example, a magician using a Move spell to pick a lock from across the room must first roll on the Action Table to cast the spell, then roll again for the lock picking attempt. If the magician has the skill, Locks, his Locks Skill Rating is used as a modifier on the lock-picking attempt. If he has no such skill, the magician's attempt is subject to the standard substitution penalty (q.v.).
Depending on the effects of their Order, some magicians can fly with this mode, by simply using enough STR to lift themselves. Range doesn't apply in this case. Flight Speed Rating is -9 unless increased, as per moving inanimate objects. Tricky aerobatic maneuvers may require a Dexterity or Acrobatics roll for the magician to maintain control, and a failed roll may result in a crash or other unfortunate mishap (GM's ruling).

"I invoke the Wings of Shadow! Wings of darkness unfurl from my shoulders, bearing me aloft."
"The Arcane Energies take the shape of my hands as they flow between the bars and take the keys from the guardpost."
"I create a vortex to scatter my enemies to the four winds."


Reveal in Brief:
Sense: +1 PER per Spell Level
Range: 50 feet (-1 to casting roll per 10 extra feet of range)
Scrying Range: 1 mile (-1 to casting roll for each extra mile of range)
Duration: 1 minute (-1 to casting roll for each extra minute of duration)
Reveal spells are used to simulate supernatural senses, such as the ability to detect lies, divine the location of lost objects, see in darkness, or see through illusions. For purposes of Opposed actions, a Reveal spell's Rating is equal to its Spell Level. For example, a Level 4 spell used to detect lies on a thief who has a Deception Skill Rating of +6 would be subject to a Degree of Difficulty penalty of -2 (4 - 6 = -2).
Reveal spells can also be used to detect the presence of other spells, such as illusions, wards, or curses. In such cases the level of the magic being detected is applied as the Degree of Difficulty vs the
level at which the Reveal spell is cast.
Another popular Reveal effect is Scrying -- the ability to see and hear what is happening in a distant locale, as if one was standing there. The range of a Scrying spell is usually limited to one mile per spell level, though certain ancient races such as the Black Savants know how to create scrying devices that have inter-planar capabilities (see Obsidian Mirrors, in the Equipment chapter). The caster must employ a reflective
surface of some kind in which to view the images, and cannot automatically locate a particular spot within the Scrying area unless he or she has previous knowledge of the location to use as reference. Only normal sight and hearing are effective while Scrying; supernatural senses are canceled while using such a spell.

The reverse of this Mode conceals objects, beings, or areas from normal senses and even other Reveal spells. For example, an individual or specific location can be protected against scrying, a lie can be masked with magic to make it seem more believable, or magical senses may be confused. Use the level of the Conceal spell as Degree of Difficulty modifier vs attempts to divine what is being hidden. Conceal cannot be used to make anything truly “invisible”. The Illusion Mode is used for that. However, Conceal could be employed to make it more difficult for guards to find someone who was hiding, for example.

“The Eyes of Urathor will discern the truth.”
"Oh holy Aa almighty, let thy all-seeing eye reveal any unholy presences in this room!”
“Let the flickering Hands of Night conceal us from those who would do us harm.”

Transform in Brief:
Level Required: 3-25+ (see table below)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute (-1 to casting roll for each extra minute of duration)
Transform spells turn one type of person or thing into another by changing the subject's shape and form. The level of the spell required to achieve the desired transformation depends on how great the difference is
between the subject's original form and the form into which it will be changed. For example, changing an insect into another type of insect is a lot easier than changing that insect into a giant sea dragon.
The following examples can be used to determine the required level of a Transform spell. Note that these modifiers are cumulative, and should be applied to determine the minimum spell level needed to affect a
Trivial Change (same species and sex; for inanimate objects, same material and form but enhanced appearance or minor change in size): Level 3.
Minor Change (same species but different facial features; same material but different form): Level 5.
Major Change (two humanoid species, small unnatural alteration such as feathers rather than hair; two objects of similar but different material and form, such as lead sinker to iron knife): Level 10.
Radical Change (two completely different species; two completely different materials like wood to stone): Level 15.
Total Change (Animate to Inanimate, such as humanoid to stone): Level 20.
Increased ability level: +1 levels per ability rating of new form.
Transformation can only be used to affect a single subject at a time. Animate subjects changed by a Transform spell retain their mental faculties while acquiring such physical abilities as their new forms will allow. The Ability Level of the new form is determined by the number of extra spell levels added by the magician. at a time. Animate subjects changed by a Transform spell retain their mental faculties while acquiring such physical abilities as their new forms will allow. The Ability Level of the new form is determined by the number of extra spell levels added by the magician. In order to take the form of a creature, the magician
must add enough spell levels to match the minimum Ability Level of that creature type. Spell levels cannot be added to increase a creature’s Ability Level beyond its normal maximum (if it has one).
If the subject was injured before transformation, it remains injured after being changed. Cast as a counterspell, this Mode can be used to return transformed subjects to their original forms. Each Magical Order has guidelines for what sort of metamorphosis it can accomplish. Regardless of Order, magicians can not take the form of extra-dimensional entities with this Mode.

"Before the necrophages break down the door, I transform into my totem animal-form and fly out the window."
"I attune to the water spirits, becoming one with my element, to let myself flow through the crack in the wall."
"I transform this old rug into a splendid robe, the better to impress the enchantress, Jasmeen."


Cymril is the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, this due as much to the country’s central location as anything else. Sweeping hills and light forest dominate much of the Cymrilian countryside, large portions of which remain uninhabited to the present day. The greatest part of the population lives in the enchanting capital of Cymril, a city of crystalline spires and archways. This is the home of the Cymrilians.

Cymrilians are not an especially devout people. Most are more interested in magic than religion, which is not surprising given the peculiarities of Cymrilian culture. Though practicing magicians make up less than one-tenth of the populace, Cymrilians of all ages possess an insatiable curiosity as pertains to magic.

Cymrilians are enamored of Magic in all its myriad forms, many of which have become integral to the culture of these people. Almost every Cymrilian owns at least one magical adjunct, and often more. The majority of these items are typically of limited power, and are either practical or frivolous in nature. Young children favor magical toys, such as dolls that “speak” a few simple phrases, or miniature animal-constructs that move of their own volition. Among adolescents, enchanted boots or slippers that levitate the wearer a foot or two above the ground are very popular, as are magical enhancements used to alter the color of the skin or hair, enchanted garments that sparkle or glow in the dark, and so forth.
Adult Cymrilians also use enhancements, though generally of a more elaborate and expensive sort; substances or items that enhance the user’s intelligence, memory, resistance to disease, sexual performance, or desirability are most popular. So are enchanted garments that confer protection from the elements, always appear freshly pressed and laundered, exhibit a variety of changing hues and patterns, and so forth.
Many popular forms of entertainment are also influenced by the Cymrilian love of magic. Among those held in the highest esteem are exhibitions of enchanted art, such as animate sculpture, paintings done with magical pigments that change colors or move about the canvas, prismatic arrangements that emanate holographic images or whorls of color, and so on. Illusionist-artists are also held in high regard for the fantastic panoplies of color, sound, and imagery that they create. One of the most accomplished artists of this sort was the great Faluche, whose works incorporate threedimensional illusory images with the music of the renowned Bodorian composer, Sola.

Individuals of this background were raised in a city or other relatively large and civilized settlement. They will have knowledge of the customs, laws, and mores of their particular city, and will understand the concepts of division of labor, monetary exchange, and taxation. More specific knowledge includes the ability to navigate city streets, identify figures of authority, find or avoid shadier parts of town, and follow public ordinances. Individuals who do not hail from this background can become lost or disoriented in any large or unfamiliar city. Conversely, city-dwellers are often woefully unsuited to survival in uncivilized locales.

Last edited by cybersavant on Thu Aug 18, 2022 6:36 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Characters!

#3 Post by cybersavant »

Magician characters begin the game with a number of spells for each Mode equal to that Mode’s rating. e.g. Coryx, a Stryx necromancer, has 3 modes at +2 each. He takes Attack, Heal, and Summon. He can choose six spells for his starting spellbook, two attack spells, two healing spells, and two summoning spells. Astrimar, a Cymrilian Magician, has 6 modes in Wizardry at +3 each, and 5 modes in Pyromancy at +1 each. His starting spellbook contains 23 spells, consisting of 18 wizardry spells (3 per mode) and 5 Pyromancy spells (1 per mode).
The starting spells may be chosen from the examples provided later in this chapter, or (at the GM’s discretion) original spells may be created by the player.

Spells can be learned in a number of ways. In all cases the magician must know the Order and Mode of the spell to be learned.
► Studying a spellbook, a magician can learn the spells there. The base time is 1 day plus 1 day per Base Difficulty of the spell.
► Magicians can teach one another their known spells. The base time is the same time as studying from a spellbook, but in this case the roll uses the higher skill rating of the two.
► Learning a spell from a scroll or similar device has a base time of 3 days plus 3 days per Base Difficulty of the spell.
► Researching the desired spell directly has a base time of 2 weeks plus 1 week per Base Difficulty of the spell. (See the section on Spell Research.)
► In all cases, when learning a spell that has any enhancement levels (see the section on Enhanced Spells), add the enhancement levels to the Base Difficulty for purposes of time required.
At the end of the base time, the student must make an MR+Mode rating check with a Degree of Difficulty equal to Base Difficulty of the spell. In the case where one magician is teaching another, use the higher rating of the two.
On a mishap, treat it as a spellcasting mishap. On a failure, the magician must continue studying the spell for another period before re-rolling. On a partial success, progress has been made - additional rolls are at a cumulative +5 - but the study must continue for another period. On a full success or better, the spell has been learned.
For example: Oriolus, a Zandir Charlatan, has come across the spell Glitterheal (a 4th level healing spell) on a scroll. His MR is +3 and his Heal Mode is +3, so he has a total of +2 to his roll to learn it (3+3-4). After 15 days of studying the scroll and practicing it, he rolls a 4, which after adding his +2 modifier is a partial success. He has made progress, and after another 15 days he may roll again, this time with a +7 to the roll. Until he learns the spell he may still use the scroll to cast the spell (see “Casting Spells from Written Works” above.)
Note that enhanced spells (see the section below) require an expenditure of 2xp per point of enhancement to learn. Thus an enhanced spell +4 would cost 8xp in addition to the study time involved. This is considerably less time and xp than the original magician spent to perform the initial research, and this is one reason why spellbooks are so carefully guarded.

Certain centers of magical study, such as Cymril, Zandu, and Dracarta, offer common spells on the open market. These spells range between 100 and 400 gold lumens, depending on the spell and the demand. Spells that have been enhanced through painstaking research by another magician are worth much more, if they are sold at all. In other lands, spells are available on the black market if they can be purchased at all, and prices can be ten times as much or higher. Spells are generally sold in the form of scrolls or notebooks, but with as much detail as a spellbook for purposes of studying.

Arkon’s Twister
This spell allows the caster to entrap a foe in a powerful vortex of magical forces. It is cast by speaking Arkon’s words of command and gesturing at the intended target with a circular motion. The speed at which the victim is made to spin can be controlled by the caster as follows:
Intensity One is sufficient to cause extreme vertigo and relieve the victim of handheld objects and items secured in pockets, pouches, and so on.
Intensity Two is sufficient to hurtle the victim ten feet per level in any direction; inflicting corresponding damage upon impact with any solid surface.
Intensity Three creates an arcane vortex of such velocity and force that it will propel the victim through the dimensional fabric and into another plane of existence of the caster’s choice.

Magical Field: Wizardry (move)
Difficulty: -10 (qualitas)
Range: 10 feet per level
Duration: 5 rounds (-1 to difficulty per extra round)
Magic Resistance: Roll versus DEX to dodge the vortex. The caster may attempt to entrap the victim once per round, until the vortex expires or is dispelled; this requires the caster to concentrate on the vortex, however.

This spell was created by either Koraq or Arkon; accounts differ as to which of the two first perfected this enchantment. It allows the caster to employ any crystal ball, mirror or other reflective surface as a magical scrying device. When cast, the enchantment allows the magician to view any single individual, creature or area up to 10 x 10 x10 feet, and allows the caster to see what is transpiring in the area being studied. The caster must have firsthand knowledge of the intended subject for the spell to be effective. The range is unlimited but the spell has no interdimensional capability.

Magical Field: Wizardry (reveal)
Difficulty: -9 (tractus)
Range: Unlimited
Duration: 1 minute (-1 to difficulty per extra minute)
Magic Resistance: None, though magics that negate the effects of scrying devices can be used to counter this spell.

Arkon’s Seeker
This spell allows the caster to locate any single living individual, creature, or being, provided the caster knows the specified target’s name. The spell’s range is unlimited, though the enchantment has no intradimensional capabilities and may be nullified by magics that are designed to counter spells of detection. To activate the spell, the caster takes a wand, sword, or other pointed object in hand marks one end and utters Arkon’s divination mantra. Then, speaking aloud the name of the subject, the caster tosses the object in the air. When it lands on the ground, the object will indicate the direction in which the subject can be found. It is well to note that the enchantment is not an indicator of distance, however.

Magical Field: Wizardry (reveal)
Difficulty: -9 (tractus)
Range: Unlimited.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Magic Resistance: None, though magics that negate the effects of scrying devices can be used to counter this spell.

This spell increases the subject’s sensory capabilities to a remarkable degree, allowing the beneficiary of this enchantment to see invisible, astral or ethereal presences or objects, detect illusions by touch, discern even the subtlest odours or scents, hear whispered conversations or other faint sounds, and detect magical emanations by sight. The recipient of the ultra-sensorial capabilities will also be invested with a type of “sixth sense” that will alert the individual if he or she is being watched by unseen agencies of any sort. To activate the spell, the caster places his or her right hand upon the forehead of the intended subject and speaks Koraq’s incantation.

Magical Field: Wizardry (reveal)
Difficulty: -5 (qualitas + tractus)
Range: Maximum range for all but the tactile ability is 500 feet (-1 per extra 100 feet)
Duration: 1 minute (-1 per extra minute)
Magic Resistance: None, though an unwilling recipient can void the enchantment by evading the caster’s touch. It should be noted that individuals affected by this spell are highly susceptible to damage by extreme sensory stimuli; in game terms treat this as a -10 penalty to resist the effects of loud noises, noxious vapors, extremely bright lights, or spells that cause effects such as these.

Unbreakable Rings
This spell enables the caster to conjure one or more unbreakable rings of magical energy that may be directed to encircle and confine any creature, being or object. The enchantment yields up to one ring per level, the maximum diameter of which cannot exceed two feet per level. To activate the spell, the caster points at the designated targets of the spell and utters Malderon’s activating incantation.

Magical Field: Wizardry (move)
Difficulty: -10 (qualitas)
Range: 50 feet (-1 per extra 10 feet)
Duration: 5 rounds (-1 per extra round)
Magic Resistance: Roll versus DEX to dodge the rings and escape the effect.

Obedient Servant
This spell conjures forth a magical servitor of humanoid semblance that can be instructed to perform menial household chores or pack and move possessions, equipment, or other items, as desired. The items to be moved can be loaded aboard a conveyance or steed, tucked into a closet or cabinet, and so forth. The servitor can lift up to one hundred pounds and moves with considerable alacrity, neatly packing one bag, satchel, drawer or chest full of items per round. It is not capable of speech or independent action. It is noted in Malderon’s accounts that Zanillo apparently used this spell when the rogue magician rifled tombs and vaults for valuable treasures.

Magical Field: Wizardry (move)
Difficulty: -5 (qualitas)
Range: The servitor manifests at the caster’s side.
Duration: 5 rounds (-1 per extra round)

The Black Mists of Malnagar
This dread incantation allows the caster to create a virulent cloud of black magical vapors. The volume of mist created by the spell is limited to one cubic feet per level, and the shape of the cloud is determined according to the caster’s designs; grasping hands, snaking tendrils and anthropomorphic forms are especially popular. The caster can cause the black vapors to issue forth from any point within the spell’s range. The mists are stationary unless the caster decides otherwise; by concentrating, the caster can cause the mists to change form, move up to ten feet per round in any desired direction, seep under doors or through keyholes, and so on. The Black Mists can be made to cause any of the following magical effects:
Paralysis: Roll vs Will to resist
Blindness: Roll vs Per to resist
Strangulation: One victim per level can be targeted, within the range limitations of this spell. Damage is DR8.

Magical Field: Necromancy (move)
Difficulty: -8 (qualitas + tempus)
Range: 50 feet (-1 per extra 10 feet)
Duration: 5 minutes (-1 per extra minute)
Magic Resistance: Roll versus SPD to elude the mists.
Note that as long as the caster maintains concentration, he or she may direct the mists to attack victims once per round for as long as such individuals remain within the range of the spell’s effects. If the caster is istracted from concentrating on the spell, the mists will dissolve into nothingness.

Alarums & Diversions
This minor enchantment allows the caster to place a special ward upon any door, chest, container or item. If the protected item is touched by any unauthorized person or entity, including a phantasmal felon, the ward is activated, yielding one of the following effects:
1. A sound like a great gong being struck is head.
2. An illusory spectral face of the caster’s choice appears and utters an angry warning, up to seven words of the caster’s choosing.
3. A nearby door designated by the caster slams shut and locks.
4. The sound of approaching footsteps is heard.
5. The warded item appears to burst into flame, an illusory effect.
6. Any single nonharmful effect devised by the caster will occur.
On additional effect can be produced every two spell levels (i.e. add one effect at levels 3, 5, 7 etc.). To activate the enchantment, the caster waves a hand over the object or item to be warded and utters Shaladin’s incantation.

Magical Field: Cryptomancy (illusion or move)
Difficulty: -14 (tempys + trigger effect)
Range: Cast by touch; effective range is a 10-foot diameter circle
Duration: 5 days (-1 per extra day)
Magic Resistance: None. Note that items warded in this manner radiate a faint aura of magic.
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Re: Characters!

#4 Post by ffilz »



STR +1 DEX +5 PER 0 CHA +2 INT 0 WIL -1 SPD +3 CON 0 CR +2 MR +2 HP 20

Spear +1
Knife +2
Dance +5
Acrobatics +5
Traps +2
Animal Handler +3
Artisan +1
Acting +4
Legerdemain +5
Deception +2
Locks +2
Swim +1
General Skills:
Climbing +3
Etiquette +3
Background: Wandering
Low Talislan, native
High Talislan, fluent
Thaecian, fluent

“Come dance with me, my friend, and let us drive the sadness from our hearts.”

To hear others tell of it, you spent your entire life on Eros Isle in dance and merriment, blind to the dangers and hardships of existence. The Imrians, so others believe, come to enslave your people as others pick fruit, choosing only the ripest and most sweet. There is some truth to such tales, and some foolishness as well.

Life on the island of your birth is truly joyous. Yet the creatures you train are not all as harmless as a quaal, and when the slavers come for you they often find Thiasian nets, spears, and knives. Eros Isle is no simple conquest as Batre was, and your people are not compliant slaves.

You return home on occasion, when it suits your mood and a ship is set to sail, but you have found more varied pleasures in your distant travels. Sometimes you dance with a troupe of Bodor; they may seem reserved in public, but they are lively in your company and always kind of heart. Other times, you prefer the roguishness of the Sarista, and you join them in their performances, and in their indiscretions, as well.

Whomever your companions may be, you don’t allow foolish rules to keep you from amusement and adventure. Existence is not just about dangers and hardships. It is a dance. To be celebrated and enjoyed for as long as it lasts.

Special Abilities: None.

Appearance: 5'-6', 80-170 lbs. Violet skin, black hair, lithe and slender physique, attractive features.

Costume of colored silkcloth; expressionless white vizard; balls of woven vines; juggler’s pins; two throwing knives; assorted additional props; quaal pet; 20 gold lumens in assorted coins and valuables.
Last edited by ffilz on Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
Calligraphy (Per) 1, Defense (Agil) 1, Herbalism (Int) 1, Horsemanship (Awar/Agil) 1, Hunting (Per) 1, Meditation (Void) 1, Kenjitsu (Agil) 1
Giotto Lombardi 856994 Age 26 (2 Terms) Electonics-1, Vacc Suit-0, Computer-1, Bribery-1, Shotgun-0, Cr 1000, Shotgun
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Re: Characters!

#5 Post by tibbius »

cybersavant wrote: Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:02 am Califax Cymrillian Swordmage Aeromancer
Choke (Move)
Base Difficulty -3
1st level base, Order bonus, 1 minute duration
By moving the air out of a targets lungs, an Aeromancer can render them unconscious for a period of time. Targets may resist using STR at –1/3 the spells level each round or fall unconscious, even if the roll to resist is successful, the target should suffer penalties to all action table rolls due to choking.

Unbreathable Air (Transform)
Difficulty -10
10th level (Minor Change), 5 minute duration
By stretching her fingers out and speaking a brief incantation, the Aeromancer can turn clean air into an unbreathable state for a period of 5 minutes. Anyone caught within the gas must make a CON roll or fall unconscious. This does not turn the air into any type of gas, it just makes the air unbreathable.

Move in Brief:
STR: +0 (100 lbs.) (+1 STR per 3 Spell Levels)
Range: 50 feet (-1 to casting roll for every 10 feet of extra range.)
SPD: -9 (10 feet per round) (-3 to casting roll for each +1 SPD rating.)
Area: 0' radius (-1 to casting roll per foot of radius)
Duration: 5 rounds (-1 to casting roll per extra round of duration)
All spells that move or levitate objects or beings are based on this Mode. Move spells require the magician's full concentration in order to maintain control of the object or individual being moved. For example, it
is not possible for a magician to cast other spells while moving a sword through the air, though she could leave a levitated object suspended and turn her attention to other matters without canceling the spell.
A Move spell can effect up to 100 pounds of material at STR +0, and allows the magician to control the target to a range of 50 feet. Each +1 STR rating adds 25 pounds to the amount of weight the magician can lift.
Objects or beings manipulated with this Mode travel at a default Speed of -9 (10 feet per round) and can be moved anywhere within the spell’s effective range.
The STR rating of a move spell must be divided between holding onto the target and lifting the target.
For example, a magician might want to grab a struggling thief who was trying to run off with the magician’s purse. A level 9 spell would allow the magician to hold the thief with a STR rating of +3. If the magician wanted to also levitate the thief off the ground, he would have to add 6 more spell levels for a lifting STR of +2 (enough to lift 150 pounds).
Move can perform Grappling attacks such as throwing or choking. In this case, the magician cannot hold the target in place or restrain them in any way.
Distant manipulations are also possible; for example, pulling a lever from across a room. The default Strength Rating that can be applied at a distance is 0.
This effect can also be used to wield a weapon or employ a physical ability such as juggling or writing. In this case, the magician's applicable Skills or Attributes are used to determine the success or failure of the
manipulation. For example, a magician using a Move spell to pick a lock from across the room must first roll on the Action Table to cast the spell, then roll again for the lock picking attempt. If the magician has the skill, Locks, his Locks Skill Rating is used as a modifier on the lock-picking attempt. If he has no such skill, the magician's attempt is subject to the standard substitution penalty (q.v.).
Depending on the effects of their Order, some magicians can fly with this mode, by simply using enough STR to lift themselves. Range doesn't apply in this case. Flight Speed Rating is -9 unless increased, as per moving inanimate objects. Tricky aerobatic maneuvers may require a Dexterity or Acrobatics roll for the magician to maintain control, and a failed roll may result in a crash or other unfortunate mishap (GM's ruling).

"I invoke the Wings of Shadow! Wings of darkness unfurl from my shoulders, bearing me aloft."
"The Arcane Energies take the shape of my hands as they flow between the bars and take the keys from the guardpost."
"I create a vortex to scatter my enemies to the four winds."
Tal 4e, Chapter 3:Magic:Modes wrote: Every spell that can be cast in Talislanta has one
primary effect, or Mode. This idea holds true regardless
of the outward form the spell takes. Does the spell heal
injury? Does it move objects? Does it create illusions?
Once you know the spell's primary effect, you know its
Mode, and how it works in the game. The following is a
list of the twelve Modes and their primary effects. Each
is described in detail later in this chapter.

Attack Projects destructive magical energy.

Move Affects all types of motion, including
flight, levitation, and telekinesis.
Based on the above, I'm going to disallow Choke and Unbreathable Air as using the Attack mode, which Califax does not know.
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Characters!

#6 Post by doppelganger »



male, 6'1", 165 lbs, mahogany hair, copper skin, dark brown eyes; always wears a sly, impish smile

STR +0, DEX +3, PER +1, CHA +2, CON +0, SPD +0 (100'/rd), WIL -1, INT +1, CR +0, MR +3, HP 18
Wizardry Modes:
Wizardry - Attack +3
Wizardry - Conjure +3
Wizardry - Defend +3
Wizardry - Influence +6 (Wizards pick one mode they specialize in - p. 84)
Doctrines (Paradoxy) +2
Alchemy +3
Weapon (Short Bow) +3
Deception +5
Legerdemain +5
Stealth +3
Oratory +6
Artificer (Icons) +4
Streetwise +5
Forgery +2
Low Talislan (Native) +10
High Talislan (Fluent)+3
Background (Merchant Class) +2
Common Skills:
Haggle +3
Etiquette +3

Silken brocade cape, velvet blousey shirt and trousers, curl-toed boots, hair confined in silver bands, leather-bound spell book, three elixirs of choice, pouch with various religious icons, choice of weapon, 50 gold lumens in Zandir crescents.
Elixirs: Poison Antidote (1), Healing Exilir (1), Soporific Elixir (1)
Weapon: Short Bow and Quiver

spells to come... looks like I have to come up with 15?
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Re: Characters!

#7 Post by doppelganger »

PHILABAR (Zandir Charlatan)


Arcane Aura (Defend)
Duration: 5 rounds
Range: Self/Touch
Casting Modifiers: -10 (10th level)
Description: A standard spell for all wizards, the Arcane
Aura spell causes the target's skin to shimmer with arcane
energies. Any blows or physical spell effects that strike
the target are absorbed by the magical aura, until 20hp
of damage has been taken, at which time the aura fades.

Wizards Wall (Barrier) (Defend)
Base Difficulty -6
1st level base, 1 minute duration
This spell has been used for centuries to block off an escape,
or to stop pursuers. By speaking a brief incantation and
pointing at an area, the wizard creates a shimmering wall
of arcane force that lasts for a single minute.

Protective Aura (Defend)
Base Difficulty -1
1st level base
When cast, the Wizard glows with an amber light and is
surrounded by crackling arcane energies, which will shield
him from physical and magical attacks that might otherwise
do damage

Arcane Bolt (Attack)
Arcane Bolt
Base Difficulty -1
Range: 50 feet
1st level base
The caster sends a bolt of arcane force towards the intended
target for the sole purpose of causing harm. The color of
the bolt is decided upon by the Wizard when they learn
the spell and cannot be changed without researching the
spell anew. Also, many Wizards will add sound, such as
crackling or high pitched whistle to the bolt. [1 hp damage per level]

Zora's Starburst (Attack)
Duration: Instant
Range: 50 feet
Area of Effect: 10 foot radius
Casting Modifiers: -13 (3rd level, -10 for area of effect)
Description: Zora was a Zandir Certament, a magical
duelist. Some claim that she stole the formula for this
spell from a competitor who later died in a mysterious
duel. Regardless, this spell has since fallen into other
hands, and is now in common use. Arcane energies are
released in a flash of intense light, dealing 3 hp damage
to all in a 20 foot diameter circle, roll Perception at -10 for
half damage. On a botched resistance roll, the targets
are blinded for 1 round

Topsy's Energetic Strands of Power (Attack)
[Renamed Necromancer Spell]
Base Difficulty -1
1st level base
Blue crackling bolts of arcane energy envelop the target. The victim will
writhe in shock for 1/3 the spells level in rounds unless a
WIL roll minus the spells level is successful.

Wizard’s Rope
Base Difficulty –5
1st level base, 5 Minute Duration
Upon completion of this incantation, the Wizard conjures
a rope made of sparkling energy that can be used for any
of a multitude of purposes. The rope disappears after 5

Glittering Cloud
Base Difficulty -2
1st level base, 2 minute duration
With the spell, the Wizard conjures a 1 cubic foot cloud of
sparkling glitter that swirls around the area of effect for 2
minutes that will reducing visibility. This cloud will act
in all ways as normal glitter, and may be blown about by

Arcane Armament (Conjuration)
Duration: 10 minutes
Range: 50 feet
For a sword:
Casting Modifiers: -10 (1st level, -9 for extra duration)
Description: A favorite of swordsmages everywhere,
this spell is taught throughout the continent. When it
is cast, a sword made of glowing energy forms in the
hands of the caster or any chosen recipient within range.
The blade has a weight of 6lbs, a DR of 8, a minimum
strength of 0, and sheds a faint nimbus of light equal to
a candle flame.
For a suit of armor:
Casting Modifiers: -15 (6th level, -9 for extra duration)
Description: When this spell is cast, a suit of chain mail
forms around the body of the caster or any chosen
recipient in range. The armor weighs 40 lbs, a PR of 5, a
minimum strength of +3, and sheds an arcane light equal
to an oil lamp.

Induce Sleep
Base Difficulty -5
1st level base, 5 round duration
When cast, a sparkling cloud will fall around the target,
causing them to become drowsy and sleep for 5 rounds.
At the end of the duration, the target will remain asleep
until awoken normally. WIL save at –1/2 the spells level
to resist.

Base Difficulty -5
1st level base, 5 round duration
Upon casting, the magicians eyes glow with a sparkling
blue light, capturing the intended targets attention and
sending them into a trance-like state, unable to act for 5

Solomnent Radiance (Influence)
Duration: 5 rounds (30 seconds, plus see below)
Range: 5 feet
Casting Modifiers: -8 (8th level)
Description: The caster holds his hand out, and with a
soft word of Power a glowing ball of soft light springs
into being in the wizard's palm. The target's eyes are
drawn to it, and feels a drowsiness come over him as his
eyes sink into it's depths. When the target falls asleep,
the glowing ball will float over his resting head until the
spell expires. The target resists with a Will roll at -4. On
a partial success, the target can be wakened by sounds
or a gentle nudge, and will awaken at the end of the
spell's duration in any event. On a failure the target will
sleep for the full duration, regardless of sounds and
such (but will awaken if struck.) On a botch, the target
will sleep through anything, and will continue sleeping
normally after the spell duration expires, although they
can be awakened normally

Wizard's Eye of Command (Influence)
[Renamed Necromancer Spell]
Duration: 5 rounds (30 seconds)
Range: 5 feet
Casting Modifiers: -8 (8th level)
Description: By locking eyes upon the intended victim
of this spell, the wizard lures the subject into a slave-like
state of obedience. If the spell is successful, the caster may
force the victim to obey any single, relatively simple
instruction, such as "Guard this door" or "Kill your
companions". The intended target is allowed a Will
check (at -4.) to avoid the caster's gaze and its intended
effect. On a partial success the victim is still coerced,
but if given a command that would go against his or her
deepest beliefs will break free of the spell. On a mishap
resistance roll, the subject will not even remember being
coerced, recalling only a mysterious gap or blank spot
in his or her memory.

Sly Suggestion
[Renamed Mystic Spell]
Base Difficulty -3
1st level base, 6 round
By speaking a phrase in a
subtle tone of voice, the wizard can slip the thought into
the target’s mind unnoticed, and possibly make them
think it was their own. Possibilities exist such as “You’re
overcharging us because we’re foreigners... that’s really
unfair.” or “No need to check that door, no one could be
hiding in there.” or “These aren’t the slaves you’re looking
for. Move along.” The target may resist with a Will check at
-½ the spells level. On a failure, the target will go along for
the duration of the spell. On a mishap, they will continue
believing the Mind Trick after the spell duration, unless
shown evidence otherwise.

Manil's Memory Mesmerization (Influence)
Duration: 5 rounds (30 seconds, plus see below)
Range: 5 feet
Casting Modifiers: -20 (20th level)
Description: Manil used this spell to get himself out of
many entanglements, romantic and otherwise. When
cast, a small sphere of arcane energy comes into being
at the tips of the caster's fingers. As the target's eyes
are drawn to it, the caster says "Forget I was here." The
target must make a Will check at -10 or forget. On a
partial success on the resistance roll, the target will
remember everything after the spell expires. On a failure,
the target will remember that someone was there, just
not who. On a botch, the target will forget the entire
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Re: Characters!

#8 Post by cybersavant »

Rings of Air
This spell enables the caster to transform air into unbreakable rings of magical energy that may be directed to encircle and confine any creature, being or object. The enchantment yields up to one ring per level, the maximum diameter of which cannot exceed two feet per level. To activate the spell, the caster points at the designated targets of the spell and utters the activating incantation.

Magical Field: Wizardry (transform)
Difficulty: -10 (qualitas)
Range: 50 feet (-1 per extra 10 feet)
Duration: 5 rounds (-1 per extra round)
Magic Resistance: Roll versus DEX to dodge the rings and escape the effect.

Aerial Servant
This spell conjures forth a magical servitor of humanoid semblance that can be instructed to perform menial household chores or pack and move possessions, equipment, or other items, as desired. The items to be moved can be loaded aboard a conveyance or steed, tucked into a closet or cabinet, and so forth. The servitor can lift up to one hundred pounds and moves with considerable alacrity, neatly packing one bag, satchel, drawer or chest full of items per round. It is not capable of speech or independent action.

Magical Field: Wizardry (move)
Difficulty: -5 (qualitas)
Range: The servitor manifests at the caster’s side.
Duration: 5 rounds (-1 per extra round)

Last edited by cybersavant on Mon Aug 29, 2022 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Characters!

#9 Post by tibbius »

I'm please with all of the spell selections - except this.
cybersavant wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 6:48 am
Aerial Mists
This incantation allows the caster to create a virulent cloud of magical vapors. The volume of mist created by the spell is limited to one cubic feet per level, and the shape of the cloud is determined according to the caster’s designs; grasping hands, snaking tendrils and anthropomorphic forms are especially popular. The caster can cause the vapors to issue forth from any point within the spell’s range. The mists are stationary unless the caster decides otherwise; by concentrating, the caster can cause the mists to change form, move up to ten feet per round in any desired direction, seep under doors or through keyholes, and so on. The Aerial Mists can be made to cause any of the following magical effects:
Paralysis: Roll vs Will to resist
Blindness: Roll vs Per to resist
Strangulation: One victim per level can be targeted, within the range limitations of this spell. Damage is DR8.
I think that Califax does not have the Attack mode. Aerial Mists looks to me like it is an Attack spell. Unless Califax has the Attack mode, he can't do Attack spells.
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Characters!

#10 Post by cybersavant »

actually, it's a transform spell out of the books that i just changed the flavor text a bit
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Re: Characters!

#11 Post by tibbius »

cybersavant wrote: Sun Aug 28, 2022 7:39 pm actually, it's a transform spell out of the books that i just changed the flavor text a bit
Sorry, I don't agree that's "Transform." It definitely looks like "Attack" to me.
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Characters!

#12 Post by cybersavant »

Aerial Hand
Base Difficulty -1
1st level base
This simple spell allows the Aeromancer to handle distant objects with a beam/stream of air. The end of the beam will coalesce into the shape of a hand allowing the caster to grasp objects and perform precise manipulations.
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Re: Characters!

#13 Post by cybersavant »

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