WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

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WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#1 Post by max_vale »

December 7-14, 1943; Base of Monte Camino Hill Complex to the city of Naples, Italy

The immediate aftermath of the Battle of 'Million Dollar Mountain' was a bit surreal, as trucks and jeeps took the exhausted, muddy and blood Forcemen down from the massive mountain complex to the camp sites around the town of Santa Maria. Lots of sleep and the joys of hot food and even better, hot SHOWERS were enjoyed the following couple of days; along with the return of Mike/Mark Battaglia. He was fine, but poor Casey Campbell was suffering from more serious injuries and would be with the Docs for a bit longer....

After several days, Colonel Frederick came thru and he passed out awards, including Bronze Stars to every member of SST 11 save Captain Hyde-Smythe, who received the Silver Star....reinforcing most of the Enlisted men's feelings about how Officers frequently get higher rewards for the same service. In addition, Chisholm, Heuron, Nado and Battaglia all received the not-so-coveted 'I forgot to duck' medal....also known as the Purple Heart.

On Sunday, 12 December, LT General Mark Clark, commander of the entire Fifth Army, stopped by for the memorial service to the fallen members of the First Special Service Force. After the ceremony, Clark gave a 15 minute long speech to the Force that ends with; "-You'll be given bigger and better hills to climb in the coming days"......meant as admiration for what they pulled off on Monte La Difensa, but sounding to many of the vets like 'more hard fighting to come'.

Not long after the tall 5th Army commander leaves, the Forcemen are THRILLED to learn that they have all been given 48 hours of leave to go enjoy R&R (rest and relaxation) in the nearby city of Naples on the coast. Trucks are standing by to shuttle them there. Pretty quickly, some 'wit' in the FSSF has transformed the R&R to I&I.....Intoxication and Intercourse.....

They city of Naples is a bustling place filled with Allied troops from all over; numerous Italian civilians who for the most part seem quite friendly to the 'liberators' or 'conquerors'; some hungry children chasing after anyone they can find, requesting food.....other Italian 'salesmen' selling everything from cigarettes to booze to women-for-the-hour.....and TONS of bars and restaurants with long lines of troops waiting to get in....

Most of the 48 hours goes by in a blur of food, drinking, frollicking (either the illicit kind or perhaps an Opera or USO show); witnessing (or perhaps taking part in) fights in the bars by drunken troops of different units and/or nationalities and in general, much fun is had by the members of SST 11; minus their C.O. who just told them to make sure they were back at the appropriate time and to 'not get into SERIOUS trouble'; and he then went off on his own.

WIth a few hours left to go, Nado, Porcupine, Chisholm, Heuron and Koda were gathered in a restaurant, enjoying a last meal and some booze when Battaglia came over to their table with a huge grin on his face and his arm around a pretty Italian woman. "Fellas! I want you to meet my girlfriend, Camella Lanza. She's a teacher and her English is almost as good as my Italian!" Camella shakes her head at him with a grin and in very good English, responds, "His Italian is closer to Serbian.....it's nice to meet all of you!"

An enjoyable meal is had by all and Camella comes across as an intelligent, kind and wise young woman, Mike/Mark has done well for himself. As the meal comes to an end, Camella turns a bit more serious and says, "I have a friend, Abrianna, who lives nearby. She has.....a problem....that I think, maybe only you Supremo....no, that's not the word....TALENTS can help her with. Do you have a few moments to talk to her?" She asks with her big, pretty dark eyes imploring all of you......
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#2 Post by Urson »

John is feeling no pain, and this pretty woman reminded him of the girls back on the Rez. We just might, right, guys? We can spend an hour or two helping this lady.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#3 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum enjoys himself but avoids any fights and focuses his attention on the best food he can get. "I am certainly up for helping out a lady in distress."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#4 Post by ateno »

Koda who has spent most of his time trying different foods and staying away from drink, but is very interested in cappachino's.

"What is the problem?
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#5 Post by Zhym »

Nado is overwhelmed by the big city of Naples. Of course, for the son of the Ozarks, the "city" meant Joplin or Springfield, and the "big city" was KC or St. Louis. A city of nearly a million people? Nado had no way to even comprehend that sort of size. He spends most of his leave just gawking.

Although he partakes of the local wine—which he finds quite tame compared to the homemade stuff he's familiar with (which is usually made out of some kind of fermented fruit or berries), he also avoids the more carnal offerings of the city. His mama would be so disappointed if he got one of them "social diseases."

And when Battaglia comes around with a beautiful new girlfriend who wants a "favor"—well, Nado can't help but be suspicious. Girls with big, pretty dark eyes? They can only be trouble...
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#6 Post by kipper »

Phil wonders what kind of problem could be dealt with by such a wide array of talents, and agrees to go meet Abrianna out of curiosity.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#7 Post by max_vale »

December 14, 1943; City of Naples, Italy

Camella smiles warmly at the enlisted men of Special Services Team 11 and thanks everyone with a big hug and then playfully pulling/shoving them all out the door with an "Andiamo! Andiamo......Let's go, let's move!"

With an arm around Battaglia, she leads the way down a few blocks and away from the major areas of shops, restaurants, bars and theatres and the men of SST 11 sober up a bit as they find themselves in the alleyways and apartment buildings where the bulk of Italian civilians live and the squalor and signs of povety/hard living and signs of war are MUCH more obvious. In place of the more typical smiles and looks of appreciation, they get a lot more wary and hard stares from those living here and even Camella's spirits go down a bit. Her happy voice drops a bit and she says; "It's just right around this corner, please....follow me", and a moment later she leads you all into a 3 story tall apartment building and up a flight of steps and knocks on a door.

A moment later the door opens and a young, quite lovely Italian woman with suspicious eyes is waiting and a flurry of rapid-fire Italian words are exchanged between Camella and the other lady. Finally, another voice calls out from deeper inside the apartment and with reluctance, the young woman with the blazing yet beautiful doe eyes opens the door and lets them all in....

Inside is a very modest apartment with just 3 rooms; one of which is a small bathroom, the other has the door closed and is presumably a bedroom. The last is the 'big' open room they walk into which has a kitchen on one end, a small hallway they are all crowded into and finally a living area with a small table and some chairs and a single couch. On the couch is a young woman whose quiet voice matches that of the voice they heard a moment ago who presumably told the younger woman to open the door. She is also quite pretty, but slightly older than either Camella or the young, angry door opener and Camella quickly introduces her as Abrianna Delvechio. The younger spit-fire woman is her cousin, Simona.

Abrianna doesn't get up because her belly is rather large and she seems quite tired...she is quite obviously pregnant and is quite shy, but determined to talk to the men of SST 11. With Camella translating; the story is thus: Abrianna met and fell in love with a German soldier who was stationed in Italy, one Karl (Carlo to Abrianna) Ehrlicmann. He is, according to her and Camella; a nice, young man who was just another solider and he and Abrianna got engaged and then about 6 months ago during a bombing attack, his Talent Power manifested. After that, he was immediately sent to Ubermenschen training and inducted into the SS. He has no love for the Nazi cause and apparently wants to surrender to the Allies so that he and Abrianna and their child can live in peace, but he knows the other SS Ubermenschen would kill him before he could do so. He's also afraid that now that he has become a Talent, the Allies might experiment on him or execute him....and to be fair, from all the stories the men of SST 11 have heard about things going on on the Western Front; the Russians probably ARE doing these things to any captured Talents....

Abrianna and Camella have heard stories that Talents can 'detect' each other and so, they came up with the idea that if they happened to meet any Allied Talents; perhaps if they came across Ehrlicmann, they could protect him when he surrendered. Camella had no intention of seeking out any Talents, but met Mark Battaglia by accident and they quickly became an item and she thought she owed it to her friend to try. Meanwhile, Simona wants NOTHING to do with the Allied Talents....

She is quickly arguing with both of the other women, occasionally letting her accented English come out; "You are fools to trust these.....these....Yankee Doodles! They will not help a pregnant Italian woman....they just want to kill and....make the love....and get drunk....bah! Why, look at THIS one", she says while turning her blazing-yet-beautiful eyes on Tom Nado; "-he's looks just like a Tedesco....just another butcher in a uniform...."

Camella and Abrianna talk sharply to her and she wheels around and storms off into the bedroom; leaving Nado staring at her LOVELY form* for a long moment, while Camella and her cousin apologize for her behavior. There's a long, awkward pause.....then Camella clears her throat and says, "So, I know it is the.....long shot?.....but if you come across Carlo, will you try to help him and keep him alive for Abrianna and the bambino?"

*OOC; Tedesco is Italian for German.....also thought it might be fun for a little 'attraction to the beautiful lady yelling at you' bit...but it's your call if you want to go down that road or not....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#8 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

"Do you have a picture of him? What is his Talent or Talents? I am not sure we can save him but maybe with the right information we can certainly try."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#9 Post by max_vale »

OOC: Yes, they will give you a picture that shows a young man in his early 20s in a German Infantry Uniform (not the SS Ubermenschen uniform) with brown hair and blue eyes.......they describe his power as 'vanishing from one place and popping up in another with a flash of light'.......
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#10 Post by Zhym »

Nado stands, gobsmacked, opening and closing his mouth, not knowing what to say to this...quite attractive...woman who just called him a German. He's still just glaring at the woman, trying to find words, when he hears that the supposed German defector's power is "vanishing from one place and popping up in another."

"Wait—so the feller what knocked you up is that sonufapolecat Teleporter!?" he exclaims.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#11 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

"Interesting. We may have already met him in fact. It seems to me with his power, why not just teleport away?"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#12 Post by ateno »

"I believe young one that we have encounteerd a man that has that power, last we knew he was alive and I this area, if it is your man. Is there something we can ysay or show that we are speaking for you and not Uncle Sam.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#13 Post by kipper »

Phil thinks the questions posed by his squadmates are apt and pertinent, he has nothing additional to add.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#14 Post by Urson »

John stays quiet, wondering how they're going to accomplish this- and wondering if they should even bother.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#15 Post by max_vale »

December 14, 1943; City of Naples, Italy

Camella and Abrianna talk in Italian for a few minutes and Camella then turns back to the members of SST 11 and she explains; "Carlo can only....move, no what did you say the word was, tel-e-port?.....but so far and he knows the SS don't trust him much since he's not much into that Nazi stuff or fighting and many of his fellows could kill him, even just by shooting him...but also with supremo...err.....Talent Powers. Also, he's scared of getting dissected or just killed by Allied troops when they see he is an SS supremo. He also kinda stands out in Italy with his accent and most of us Italianos don't like the Tedesco very much....so just trying to 'run away' isn't as great an idea as you may think."

"So....if you DO come across him, call out; 'Abrianna sends her love' in Italian"; here she repeats the phrase slowly, several times until everyone has it memorized; "-and that will be his signal to throw down weapons and surrender. Thank you so much for this!", Camella says with a happy smile while Abrianna has that sad, small smile of someone who is hopeful, but not truly trusting in that hope...

With awkward good byes, including a still angry and with burning-yet-gorgeous-eyes Simona peeking out at Nado in particular; the men of SST 11 leave; Battaglia taking a bit longer with his long good-byes to Camella. Eventually, all of the members of SST 11 are in the back of a truck, headed back to their barracks to prepare for the next mission.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#16 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

'Thank you, and for his sake and ours I hope it works."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#17 Post by ateno »

Koda leaves what money he has with him on table as he goes, partially hidden under a napkin.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Interlude: Naples I&I

#18 Post by Urson »

John repeats the phrase a few times, trying to get it right, as he joins the others.
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