Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#301 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Sir Dewey

His eyes, hidden by his helm, go wide as the blade finds a seam. The tomb grows dim and the sounds of battle fade...

Con (13): [4d6]=16
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#302 Post by Nordbo »


will of course attend to Sir Dewey. But am at bit of a loss, how to actually do that. You mean, tear off some fabric and bandage him ?
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#303 Post by Spearmint »


will of course attend to Sir Dewey. But am at bit of a loss, how to actually do that. You mean, tear off some fabric and bandage him ?
Yes. Normally players could apply a 1st Aid If they have one. Rolling a wisdom check to diagnose the wound and a d4 to restore health (at 1hp per hour). But the team have no more healing potions, spells or first aid kits.

So describe how you might address the wound, sewing it closed with fishing line, cauterization, padding and ripped cloth as bandages. Then roll me a [4d6] vs Wisdom to assess the success.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#304 Post by Spearmint »

The Saurons' Mound interior

Cosmo kneels over the stricken Sir Dewey, cutting his splint mail cuirass and applying what triage he can manage to staunch the sword wound.

While the paladin draws 'nearer my God to thee', the companions look to overwhelm the last of the animated undead of Nergal. In a series of attacks, feints and lunges they manage to wound the Black Legionnaire knight. But not seriously enough and despite numerical advantage, the only telling blow is inflicted upon the conscript whose head rolls across the Mess Hall to land at the gnome's feet.
next actions: Cosmo describe your medical aid and provide a [4d6] vs Wisdom check.

Vann Hector gives me three more attack rounds please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#305 Post by Stirling »

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#306 Post by Nordbo »

sewing it closed with fishing line, cauterization, padding and ripped cloth as bandages.

tries all of the above, aided by his sole remaining dagger that he has sterilized in the flame of the nearest torch - although instead of fishing line he picks at the frayed edge of his bedroll to loosen some useful threads.

Check vs Wisdom [4d6]=16

"Come on, come on come oooon.... don't die on me now, old holy boots. Your part in balancing out evil to maintain true neutralness in this wonky world is sorely needed."
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#307 Post by Spearmint »

The Saurons' Mound interior

The quartet of defenders are reduced to a trio as the guardsman conscript loses his head. Vann Hector loses his mind, swinging a sword worse that a banjo player might spank a cow's hide. Fortunately the Crypt Knight is as rusty as his longsword and fails to stab any of the men surrounding him. Foxrell shows his prowess, getting in a slice that opens the Knights bowels before burying his sword hilt deep into the undead's chest. Finally, the awakened Black Legion Knight is sent to eternal rest.

He is about to be joined on the celestial sojourns though going in different directions. As one starts a descent to a hellish abyss, another knight-in-training is about to breathe his last and exchange his spurs for a harp.

Cosmo works furiously to staunch the wound, crimson leaking through his fingers as he stitches and binds. He cauterizes the wound, stitches with frayed ends, packs the gash with spongy material.

It gives a minimal dam to the blood loss, halting the blood spurting from the gaping wound, giving the paladin an extra round to commit his soul with a prayer of last rites.

Sir Dewey+1hp

However, the gnome's medical knowledge is limited and his ability to address the wound compromised by a lack of proper sutures and aids.

the Wisdom skill fail means that I will not ask for another Constitution saving throw. Sir Dewey continues to bleed out once more.

and so his fate rests in the hands of a silent god and the rattle of fateful dice.

At the last, with the Crypt Knight deceased, Sun Tsieng Roy has only a moment to add his Wisdom and knowledge to save or condemn the paladin ...

Sun Tsieng Roy: stabilise Sir Dewey vs 16 wisdom [4d6]=8 [/spoiler]

Actions please.

Sir Dewey is critically injured and comatose on -9hp.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#308 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Phew! He's not safe yet, but nice work everyone!
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#309 Post by Spearmint »

you can thank Foxrell for the last round kill. It gave a single round roll for the monk to assess you. Otherwise the melee continues and with Vann missing another three strikes it looked glum for everyone.

Right. I will let Cosmo & Vann discuss options to go forward.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#310 Post by Monsieur Rose »

You know, that thanks and kudos included you! :D
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#311 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

He is probably still swishing thin air, probably has a much better chance to hit with his eyes closed.

Once it is all over the will help the immediate needs of the party. Trusting Sir Dewey is in more capable hands if monk Sun Tsieng Roy looks after him.

The would is grievous and he lays just a moment from death. I am not convinced we can move the paladin from here until he is at least among the 'walking wounded' and back to positive hp. So move him to either the priest room or the side bunk room. Take all the bodies outside so they can rot and bloat elsewhere. Lock ourselves in, at least for one night. Then decide in the morning a couple of options.

Plan A) send a couple to the Hag Barrow. Get the supplies and mules (there is one guard alive watching over them). Bring mules here, build a travois, drag Sir Dewey back to Helix.

Plan B) Go to Helix, ask, pay, bribe, kidnap a cleric to come back and minister healing to the paladin. Healed up, we journey back together.

Spearmint, as Sun Tsieng assesses the wound, can you at least confirm any healing available and how long it might take for SD to become conscious.

Plan C) anything Cosmo can add.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#312 Post by Nordbo »


has heard that one may sometimes be able to take on hired helpers but realises that a person with clerical powers would ideally have been recruited long ago - a bit too late now. Still, plan B) comes nearest to that idea.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#313 Post by Stirling »

but realises that a person with clerical powers would ideally have been recruited long ago -
Yeah, we were recruited by Golgarth, cleric of Cromm but he got eaten by the carnivore plant on the Barrow Moor which was in game time, just the day before yesterday.

Plan B. I agree. I think if the mound could be made a 'safe haven' and we knew that waiting out 10 days without the lizardmen or more skeletons coming back would be the best option, I would consider that but I don't think we can guarantee no interruptions so evacuating Sir Dewey to Helix is the priority.

So if Sir Dewey is laid to rest (not as in death but for recuperating) in the priest's room. It is clean there and there is enough food and water (I wouldn't trust the meat though). I think we need two people going and two staying. With Cosmo on a single hp, I would suggest he stays also with Sun Tsieng Roy.

Foxrell and I go, aiming to return the same day.

Is that feasible? Or would Cosmo prefer to come and we leave Foxrell & Sun Tsieng Roy to look after the paladin?
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#314 Post by Spearmint »

The Saurons' Mound summary.

The group move Sir Dewey to a more comfortable place than a bloody flagstone floor, shifting bodies outside of the barrow, securing the door. With Sun Tsieng Roy keeping tabs on the paladin, the other three rest in the side room.

Options are discussed and plans laid for the morning.

So the present day is May 13th. You left Helix on the morning of the 10th, returning midday with the injured Golgarth and recruiting Sun in his place. Locating the Hag Barrow, defeating the bullywugs and hag before camping there overnight. Leibish and Sigrid split off the next morning to accompany Harmony back to the Wyrdwood community.

Scouting the barrows, you returned that evening, May 11th, injured from the first skeleton encounter. This last day assaulting the barrow, drawing away the guards and facing the newly awakened Crypt Knight and legionnaire cohorts.
You spend the night fitfully but undisturbed.

On the morning of the 13th, two leave for Helix and two stay.

As he is, (and for any injured) the priest's room suffices as a clean dwelling so for each full day resting, he may regain +1hp. That is a minimum of ten days to come out if his coma. Of course, if medicine and cures were applied that could be shortened.

Vann Hector is going to Helix.
Cosmo, are you going or staying?
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#315 Post by Nordbo »


weighs up the options and decides to stay watching over the paladin.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#316 Post by Spearmint »

Vann Hector and Foxrell leave at first light to find a priest or some medical cure for the comatose paladin.

Which way do you go? Via the mammoth bones field and western trail or back to the Hag Barrow?
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#317 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Knowing Sir Dewey is in capable hands and Cosmo at least would have memorized his spells again, he feels better for leaving them.

I think with Foxrell we should return to the Hag Barrow, collect the last guardsman and two mules and trek back to Helix.

Three are better than two and the journey is only a few miles extra. I don't want to leave an extra man behind either I and am sure Foxrell (who is really the expedition leader) will not choose the alternative route.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#318 Post by Spearmint »

Journey to Hag Barrow

The trek through the murky peat bogs and gloomy thickets is not easy. The trail, though walked a few times seems already unfamiliar. No discernible markets signpost your way and the pervading mist disorientates the duo. You have to concentrate hard in keeping to the rising sun. The Moorwash River drains just a few miles away but you need to find the correct branch of arbitrary waters to locate the hidden barrow.

As the duo halt to check bearings, you hear a figure approaching. The tall grasses part as a large humanoid, warty and green approaches. It seems to be sniffing the air, perhaps drawn by the smoke from the flickering lantern that you carry. The faint oily aroma carried on the mist. Hiding in the undergrowth it passes within yards of you, sniffing the air and swishing the grasses aside with a huge spade like hand.
It doesn't seem to have noticed you, perhaps after days in the bogs and barrows your body odour helps to camouflage you.

actions please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#319 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

"Quiet as a mouse." he says almost inaudibly to Foxrell

He draws his blade, (the longsword taken from the Crypt Knight), ready to pounce and back stab the troll if Foxrell distracts him. Ideally, stinky and co can huddle in the boggy peat, cover our faces with the dirt and maintain silence. Hopefully the troll will pass by, if I can use the surprise segments to hide I will. Or run away leaving my bullseye lanthorns behind, perhaps smashing it along with a flask of oil.

Vann Hector: Hides in Shadows vs 20% [1d100]=52
Vann Hector tries to move silently vs 20% [1d100]=12

In case none of the above silent treatment or distractions work, I will attack but only if necessary.

Vann Hector melee: (surprise backstab) Longsword [1d20+6]=4+6=10 [1d12+1]=9+1=10
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#320 Post by Spearmint »

Journey to Hag Barrow.

With winning surprise and initiative, the duo make a tactical retreat rather than a rash decision.

Cracking open the lantern to drip a trail of oil that they light up to create fiery barrier and smokescreen to their hurried departure , Vann Hector and Foxrell flee from the encountered troll.

It is momentarily stunned by the sudden eruption of flame in the long grasses which burn with thick black swirls. It blocks its passage from chasing down the duo and gives it pause for concern. Even a hungry troll does not want to be the barbecued meat and with the game running away, gives up on this hunt.
Troll reactions [1d100]=49 uncertain or neutral reaction.
Making double time, Vann and Fox locate the waterway and scout the riverbank for the partially collapsed barrow. You sneak in, wary of the bullywugs. The guard is alive and waiting, glad to see you, saddened by the news that he alone of the conscripts survive.

Without further ado, the trio make haste to retrace northwards steps and make good the trade road from Ironguard. The eight miles are hard slog, slow paced in ankle deep bogs, often calf deep and more than once dragging unwilling mules to circle around muddy pools that bubble with strange gases.

Wary of big dwellers and ankhegs, the Moor holds a variety of dangers. A hunting pack of small raptors bark and hiss as you pass. The bipedal lizards are vicious but few in number and against three taller foes, the half dozen only harass and feint their attacks from a distance. You soon leave them behind.

By mid afternoon you make the trade road and by early evening the village of Helix.

Foxrell, "I shall report the deaths of the men to Lord Krothos and appeal to him for aid. You go to the chapel and tavern. Find a priest. We should return at first light tomorrow."

Vann Hector response and actions please.

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