The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#201 Post by Grognardsw »

“Nice to meet you,” said X, the cyborg. Bartholomew noticed a red flat fleshy 12” disc-like creature on the upper back of the cyborg. This was the alien parasite controlling the body.

While awaiting Major’s response, Cyxeria answered the Shepherd’s question. “I am not privy to the Prelate’s thinking, but the authenticated orders have these three assisting in our mission. I imagine the alien parasite’s ability to take-over a body could be useful. The more eyes and ears we have the more effective we can be, but also the riskier.”

“As to not being Syncretics, I imagine that is because among our congregants there aren’t enough specialist operatives of the type required.”

“Welcome Gorum, Major and X,” said Cyxeria. “Please review the file and map.”
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#202 Post by DadsAngry »


"Excuse me, Father, Reverand, your holiness. You know we can hear you, right? We are standing right here. It wasn't our choice to come here you know. We go where the boss man tells us to. Sorry, you're disappointed but I've come to understand that disappointment is part of life. One minute your blissfully unaware, minding your own business in a post-apocalyptic society looking for younglings. Then you encounter a mostly undressed madman who turns out to be a cyborg, no offensive X, and you're sucked up into the sky as the world below you disintegrates. You wake up in a whole new world and find out that you are not even you. You have a wife and kids that you didn't remember until some alien sticks a metal helmet on your head with wires hanging out of it. Worse yet you are slowly turning into a cyborg, no offense X." Holds up his metal arm. "So I'm familiar with disappointment and you should be too. By the way, the name is Major, just Major got that?"
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#203 Post by BackworldTraveller »


Major, It's not that I am disappointed in seeing you - it is that I am surprised by your presence. One moment I am discussing the distressing break up of a family caused by the brainwashing of one of its members, the next I am being tempted into acting entirely outside my conscience by my own religious hierarchy because there is just me...except that it turns out it is not just me - there is a whole cast waiting in the wings who (it seems) are keen to rush in where Angels fear to tread. What is more, the syncretic order - a group based on personal responsibility and careful testing of experience is urging irresponsibility and reckless belief in the probity of others "Because we (the hierarchy) say so". We don't even trust in God to that extent!

I am sorry that you are disappointed in life. Blissful ignorance can shield much. I suspect you are angry at those that have enforced that ignorance.

I am upset for my colleague. "Thou shalt not lie" is an ancient tenet and one that appears to have been wilfully ignored - and by those who should know better. There have been too many scandals caused by churchmen of all creeds who have used their self-righteousness to justify deviation from the tenets of society and religion. By persons "Just following orders". It has led to many abuses - lives ruined, empires crumbled, worlds destroyed.

Bartholomew clears his throat

And for my next sermon, I will be contemplating "The parable of the leaf".
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#204 Post by Grognardsw »

"Done with your whining?" X laughed and slapped Major on the back. "I haven't seen my home world in over 100 years. So what? We got a job to do. You could have stayed at Starhaven, or gone forward in time to your family."

"Don't get me started on religion," continued X to Bartholomew. "I've been traveling galaxies for 150 years and..." It stopped, seemingly reconsidering his words in light of the company. "Anyway, I'm looking forward to working with you all."

Cyxeria smirked. "Humans are certainly a sensitive race. What is your saying... 'get over it, life's not fair?" She looked at Bartholomew. "While I can't speak to the motivations and bigger picture that led our Syncretic Order to make the decisions they did, I trust in their judgement as you trust in your Faith. Perhaps we will uncover secrets on this mission that will restore you trust."
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#205 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Grognardsw wrote: Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:03 pm "Done with your whining?" X laughed and slapped Major on the back. "I haven't seen my home world in over 100 years. So what? We got a job to do. You could have stayed at Starhaven, or gone forward in time to your family."

"Don't get me started on religion," continued X to Bartholomew. "I've been traveling galaxies for 150 years and..." It stopped, seemingly reconsidering his words in light of the company. "Anyway, I'm looking forward to working with you all."

Cyxeria smirked. "Humans are certainly a sensitive race. What is your saying... 'get over it, life's not fair?" She looked at Bartholomew. "While I can't speak to the motivations and bigger picture that led our Syncretic Order to make the decisions they did, I trust in their judgement as you trust in your Faith. Perhaps we will uncover secrets on this mission that will restore you trust."
Perhaps that is true - but you must recall that my role is, all too often, to pick up those who are damaged as the ends are pursued regardless of the means. Those little people are important too. What doesn't kill you often makes you bitter and twisted and...

and looking at X

...somewhat tactless?

He takes in the motley crew

I suppose we do have to work together. What is it? Hang together or hang separately? Where are the long-handled spoons?

You may have gathered I'm Brother Bartholomew...That's Bartholomew not Brother...
nods to Major I can make a great hot beverage, provide plasters, machine-oil and promise not to tell anyone what you tell me if you do have anything to get off your chest. So - Infiltrate, Rummage, Run. Any questions? Over to Cyxeria for the details.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#206 Post by Grognardsw »

BackworldTraveller wrote: Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:17 pm “... Over to Cyxeria for the details.”

With the goals known, I’d like the PCs to take the lead in the mission not Cyxeria (who has laid out a general plan). Much like a Call of Cthulhu adventure, there is the research part and then the time to take action. Not knowing all the facts is par for the course. This is less a tie-up-all-loose ends Star Trek episode than a season long twisty show that ends in all X Minus One storylines converging on the finale.

Bartholomew’s background had me assuming he’d take a more proactive, bull-by-the-horns approach, perhaps revealing some of the skills of his mysterious path. It was why the Prelate chose you, because he knows (I assumed) you have, as Liam says, “a particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.” It’s not to late to take such an approach.

This has been a most cerebral adventure, much like an Isaac Asimov story where all people do is talk. This has been enjoyable but the rubber likes to hit the road eventually.

I’m hoping Mant and a DadsAngry have had a chance to read our novella and the key mission post/map. I’m open to increasing the momentum with more frequent posts.

What Bartholomew Silva was before joining the Monastery/Theological college of the Leftward Schism of the Syncretic Faith is not widely known and Silva never speaks of it. Various discussions at the college have suggested that he has a knowledge of a variety of trades from Soldier to Butler to Gardener to Lecturer. His stay at the Monastery/College was not unusual - his 10 mile runs were, perhaps, a little eccentric. He did have an enjoyment for Theological Discussion (Argument some would say). He was almost universally popular (not everyone fell for his charms) and avoided some of the pitfalls experienced by his younger contemporaries.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#207 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Bartholomew may have these skills - but he is also someone who has chosen the role of syncretic pastor in rejection of those things. As a person concerned for the welfare of Kyrilla's brother, he has been looking into this for - at most - a week. Not all avenues of intelligence gathering have been followed and the powers that be have determined that we should go from legal to extra-legal means of information gathering. This is, in many ways exactly the form of high-handed authoritarianism that Bartholomew is rejecting in choosing his current role.

A bunch of Kultists storming the barricades and Bartholomew would have been there wading in with the best of them. This is having us in the kultist's role - with no concrete evidence in sight to justify the role reversal. Of course he's conflicted. You don't atone for smashing into peoples lives and ruining them on the basis of flawed evidence by smashing into peoples lives and ruining them on the basis of nothing but rumour.

That the Kults are bad is to be taken as read. So far, they have not presented as anything more than a slightly weird commune that may (again no evidence) be supplying black-market shifts. We have no evidence that Kyrilla's brother is there. We have no evidence that, if he is, he's there because he's been brainwashed. We have, in fact, nothing but a fishing expedition - no matter how well executed. And the statement "Take it on faith" is the one tenet that Syncretism denies its followers. Should the fishing expedition come up with a room full of corpses that would provide evidence - but it would not provide justification for the fishing trip in the first place.

States that use Police to break down suspects doors in the first week of investigation are generally assuming guilt until evidence of innocence is provided and usually fall into the tyrannical camp! Religions that do the same are in many ways worse. Is that the kind of religion that Bartholomew wants to be part of?

In other threads, the characters have been righteously (or not) reacting to situations. In this one, there is little to which to react - we are the primary actors and are, so far, heading to make a poor moral example because we are "Just following orders"!
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#208 Post by Grognardsw »

The party strategized into the next day on how to best infiltrate the Xathos Epiphany compound and achieve their undercover mission.

“Do you have any other ideas?” Cyxeria asked Major, Gorum, X and Bartholomew as they reviewed the plan notes thus far:
"Based on our observations, there are regular visitors to the compound," Cyxeria replied to the Shepherd's questions. "The residents of the compound are not charged per se for rent, food or services, however they contribute through work of varying types and often make donations, supposedly of their own free will."

"Once undercover, we can likely be floating about and have a degree of freedom, except of course for locations that may be secure or limited to certain personnel. "We can make contact with our internal spy and utilize him for assistance on the inside."

"Residents are dressed in their normal clothing. Formal Xathos Epiphany employees are dressed in subtle uniforms of certain colored button-up shirts, and the Guiders (what they call the priests) are denoted by their headbands."

"Building foot traffic varies by type, as denoted on the map. The residences have less traffic during the day. The storage facilities have little, the administrative and various functional building have more traffic. Buildings 6 and 13 contain computer networks of interest, through which we can gain access to the network for my purposes."


"We are assuming they have security systems at the fence and a localized aerial radar. We have seen no compound weapon systems. Some security personnel are armed with stun pistols. Heavy weaponry and armor has not been observed. Despite the state of autonomous hardware and remote observation methods, their IT system security requires inside access to penetrate."

Based on their discussions, they drew up plan potentials:

Mission: Infiltrate Xathos Ephiphany compound for undercover work including information gathering and inside data system penetration to get at intelligence that is not publicly available. Implant spyware and malware for future activiation, and other AI actions.

Point of Entry: Undercover via service contractor or delivery, or fence penetration aided by tech.

Method of Undercover Integration: Cover papers as new congregants. Make contact with internal spy. Determine lodging potential.

Computer Target Points: Inside building 6 and 13.

Buildings of Interest: Those with general information gathering potential - talk with congregants, learn the kult's religious secrets. Use black market Shift experienced by Bartholomew as point of conversation.

Exit Strategy: Over fence to nearby waiting truck with jump booth out.
“You can all requisition equipment you deem useful,” said Cyxeria.
Take your pick of high tech items; feel free to be creative.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#209 Post by BackworldTraveller »

So what are the rules of engagement here? If identified, are we limiting ourselves to non-lethal force? Just surrendering and waiting for a legal intervention? Taking off and Nuking the place? - It's the only way to be sure!

How do we propose to cross the fence. Both approaching it and (in many places) having crossed it are open ground with little or no cover. Clothing appropriate to a stealthy approach (IR suppressing light-blending suits) are not conducive to blending in. Do we remain covert for the entire mission? If not covert, do we imitate people known to be there or how do we blend in - do we know what they wear when inside? Uniforms? Some identification mark? An electronic tag?
How do we intend to evade camera security - especially if it has person recognition software?

How do we propose to pass into secure buildings? (Do we have lock picks? Explosives? Matter manipulation devices able to make passage through solid structures? (a la Jupiter Rising)) Do we have any idea from our photo-recon as to the types of locks to be defeated? Do we have any details from the planning authorities on what the internal layouts were planned to be? Do we have any information about whether they actually conform to those plans?

What items do we need to carry in to access the information needed?

What items do we need to gather while there?

Can we leave anything behind? Is the intent that we should pass as if we have never been? If so, the mission is effectively compromised if we are seen or anything we leave is identified?

What are our exit strategies:
1) If everything goes well
2) When we get seen
3) When we get challenged

Who is making up the penetration team? Who is securing the exits and who is running surveillance?

Who makes the call to scrub? On what criteria?
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#210 Post by DadsAngry »


"Alright, Cyxeria this is what we will need. We'll need firearms for each of us. Small enough to easily conceal but with enough punch to take down our target. Explosives, say about ten pounds of high yield plastique and detonator caps with remote capabilities for up to a mile. A data scrambler with a satellite hook up and communication devices that can be implanted underneath our skin. A set of lock picks and an electronic decoder with jump wires. A data transference device that will allow up to download and upload to their systems. A land vehicle made to look like a tech vehicle with ample room in the back with tinted windows or none at all. Modify it so the passenger headlight can be disengaged with a switch. We'll also need generic tech uniforms and the accouterment one would expect a tech to carry. A carton of cigarettes, a case of cola, several packs of gum, and several packs of chocolate bars."
Major looks at the others
"Am I missing anything?"
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#211 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Ok - As a group, what are we looking to get from this mission? "Smash and Grab" or "Sneak and Leave No Trace"?

As a faith, are we happy to murder innocents people if found? Why else carry arms? Stunners I could understand. Carrying and using explosives in that quantity pretty much sees us being branded as terrorists.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#212 Post by DadsAngry »


"Brother, don't worry. If you don't want to carry that's up to you but I know what I need to make this mission a success. If you got a plan spit it out."
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#213 Post by Grognardsw »

Cyxeria addressed Bartholomew's questions.

"As you may recall, with appropriate dress (recall they wear color coded garb, for example) and fake ID's we will go about our mission and engage only as necessary, preferring to keep cover intact. As I mentioned, we have one under-cover agent in place who can assist."

"If discovered, we use common sense: Non-lethal neutralization while preventing future alarm is preferable to lethal, but the latter is not prohibited if necessary. It sounds like Bartholomew would prefer the "stun" setting on his phaser."

"Regarding the fence as it relates to our exit, again common sense dictates crossing in one of the many areas where woods abut the fence. Camera security is not known to have facial recognition."

"Building security will be address by auto-pick and similar technologies, assuming you requisition such as I mentioned before. No, we don't have pictures of door locks. The map that we currently have, while only the exterior, is current."

"Regarding our hacking and cyber-espionage, that is my primary purpose however you will each have info-sticks which you can insert into terminals that will initiate desired cyber-events. Hard-copy data will be captured by camera, whether that be my eyes or ring-cameras each of you will wear."

"As to what we can leave behind, common sense would be to not leave incriminating items if possible around when we are in the compound. The mission is not compromised if we leave non-identifying items that are found after we left. We are not carrying anything that can be traced back to the Syncretic Order." Adding at an attempt at human humor: "Assuming you don't bring your pastor ID and holy symbol."

"As previously reviewed in our plan, the exit strategy if everything goes well is over the fence to nearby waiting truck, which has a jump booth to teleport us back here to Zibylon. If we are seen or challenged, then we still try to make it out that way. If not possible, we get out with a wing and a prayer."

"We are the 'penetration team.' We will have implanted radios to the truck. The two men in the truck are not near the compound until we radio them. There is no securing of exits, as there is no formal exit until we decide where. We make the call on whether to abort based on the conditions at hand,"
concluded Cyxeria.

"This your first time at the rodeo Bart?" asked X.

Gorum the mutant gibbon ate a bananna.

Please put equipment additions on your character sheet or as part of your PC sheet post. Thanks.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#214 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Grognardsw wrote: Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:55 pm "This your first time at the rodeo Bart?" asked X.
No - But I had hoped that I should be off the merry-go-round. It's ironic that a religion of universal peace and understanding is launching a strike team into the heart of a dark religion of enlightenment.

An Outer layer of clothing that blends in with the local attire, and is bullet resistant
Under the outer layer of clothes I'd like a skin-tight vis-light/IR chameleon suit - the kind that looks like a sweat-shirt when off and the hood is down and comes with gloves and facemask (should it be required).
Filter-Mask in case of gas
A spindle-fly drone-bug and associated controller
Contact Lenses that allow you to record what you see - and see through into IR
A can of that stuff that freezes metal and makes it so brittle it snaps when you tap it - really useful for breaking fences promptly and quietly.
A bag or case that will merge in with those carried by inhabitants of the site
A chord capable of carrying several times my weight with a weighted end that will stick/release on command
A motorised grip that will allow me to climb that chord as it's too thin to grip
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#215 Post by Grognardsw »

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" X said in response to Bartholomew's equipment list.

Bartholomew and the others spent the rest of the day in the Syncretic Order's ordance depot, called the Center for Utilitarian Persuasion, picking out their supplies. An elderly gentleman by the name of Q helped in their choice of equipment.

Q demonstrating an ingenious pen laser.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#216 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Don't worry, I shall pray you find enlightenment.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#217 Post by Grognardsw »

Bartholomew checked the equipment he secured:

- An Outer layer of clothing that blends in with the local attire, and is bullet resistant. The compound clothing is color coded and reproduction to match would be difficult. You could have a bullet resistant undersuit.
- While there are scaled light refractor/chameleon suits, they are too bulky for the envisioned use described: Under the outer layer of clothes I'd like a skin-tight vis-light/IR chameleon suit - the kind that looks like a sweat-shirt when off and the hood is down and comes with gloves and facemask (should it be required).
- Filter-Mask in case of gas
- A spindle-fly drone-bug and associated controller
- While there are eyeglass recorders, contact lenses have yet to be developed. Contact Lenses that allow you to record what you see
- A can of that stuff that freezes metal and makes it so brittle it snaps when you tap it - really useful for breaking fences promptly and quietly.
- A bag or case that will merge in with those carried by inhabitants of the site. Yes, thought there is no regulation bag in the compound.
- A chord capable of carrying several times my weight with a weighted end that will stick/release on command . A motorised grip that will allow me to climb that chord as it's too thin to grip

"We'll leave tomorrow," said Cyxeria. "Is there anything you need to do prior?"

Bartholomew considered his investigation from the last several days.

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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#218 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Grognardsw wrote: Mon Apr 04, 2022 4:47 pm Bartholomew checked the equipment he secured:

"We'll leave tomorrow," said Cyxeria. "Is there anything you need to do prior?"
Pray for my Soul and that we can pass through this ordeal unchallenged - it would be unfortunate to give away our interest.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#219 Post by Grognardsw »

The next morning, (not having declined earlier) Bartholomew had implanted an amenesia-chip tooth that, when broken by him, will induce amnesia that can be counter-acted by drugs that the Syncretic Order possesseed.

Later that day, Cyxeria, Bartholomew and Xthythyzite gathered in the transportation bay of the Syncretic Order. They learned Gorum and Major were called away and wouldn't be joining them.

The trio were given beige clothes and IDs (Bartholomew was V. Michael Smith). They would be transported to Hubbarton, the town one mile from the Xathos Epiphany compound. There they would be brought into the compound via service van making food and goods delivery. Once inside, they would don their beige clothes and break away.

"We can likely be floating about and have a degree of freedom," said Cyxeria. "Except of course for locations that may be secure or limited to certain personnel. We can make contact with our internal spy and utilize him for assistance on the inside."

Mission Notes

Mission: Infiltrate Xathos Ephiphany compound for undercover work including information gathering and inside data system penetration to get at intelligence that is not publicly available. Implant spyware and malware for future activiation, and other AI actions.

Point of Entry: Undercover via service contractor or delivery, or fence penetration aided by tech.

Method of Undercover Integration: Cover papers as new congregants. Make contact with internal spy. Determine lodging potential.

Computer Target Points: Inside building 6 and 13.

Buildings of Interest: Those with general information gathering potential - talk with congregants, learn the kult's religious secrets. Use black market Shift experienced by Bartholomew as point of conversation.

Exit Strategy: Over fence to nearby waiting truck with jump booth out.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#220 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Well, I guess we now find out how tight our security is.

Once more unto the beach dear friends...Now where did I put my towel?
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