WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#121 Post by Zhym »

Roker takes over for Dutch at one of the torpedo tubes. He didn't train on a sub, but he caught some of the instructions on his way down. "Yank those bloody things hard when the Cap'n gives the order" appears to be the crucial bit, so Roker gets ready to do just that. With a little luck, maybe they'll get out of this and there will be something for the Tigershark to pick up in an hour or so.

Using a luck point.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#122 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He closes his eyes for a moment to pay respects to Myers. The man had done some great things while he was around. Then the situation intruded and he had to move on. "NOW. Cut the engines! Doc, flip us around and everyone hold on to something. I'll tell you when we are lined up."

Acme braces himself for the hard bank and prepares to line up the shot. Using a luck point. :D

"Annnnnnddd...NOW! FIRE!"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#123 Post by ateno »

Elias will fire the other torpedo on command.

Using luck point
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#124 Post by max_vale »

On board German Torpedo Boat LS 16 and then onboard USS Tigershark; off the coast of Allarion Island; Approx. 1:30 thru 3:30 PM, 16 November; 1942

The little LS 16 Torpedo Boat raced towards its previous 'mother' ship; now commanded by Allied Talents intent on sinking said ship; the German Raider Cruiser known as 'Tyr'. The German ship was firing back, its AA guns sending lines of fire outlined with tracers zipping past and occasionally taking a chunk of the hull as 'Doc' Franklin weaved the boat this way and that and then at 1500 yards, Acme called it out and the one time 'cook' turned Talent Corpsman, threw the boat hard over and down below, the Australian Talent Harmon 'Hal' Allan, cut the engines and Acme lined up the boat's stern torpedo tubes with the target.....

Acme turned with the boat, watching and waiting....waiting....and then when it was all lined up, he yelled out; "Annnddd...NOW, FIRE!" into the voice tube that led down to the Engine/Torpedo Tube space below and at the stern of the boat....

Hal, sweat pouring over his face, blood pouring over his left hand that clutched his wounded mid-section, was on the other end of the tube and he replied; "AYE LEFTENANT! NOW MATES!" he called out Tucker and Roker, who were at the Torpedo Firing levers....

Fred 'Mediocre' Roker and Elias Tucker both slammed the levers hard at the same moment and the little boat seemed to JUMP in the water as the two 'fish' were expelled from the tubes and the high pitch sound of their screws (i.e. propellers) engaged and everyone in the little Engine Room swayed violently as the little boat rocked like a rubber ducky in the bath tub after a little kid slapped the water as the heavy weight of the twin torpedoes was suddenly gone....

Hal suddenly slammed the Engines back to full power as he knew they were sitting ducks like this and he called out into the voice tube; "GO DOC, GO!", and as the little boat suddenly shot forward, his eyes rolled back into his head and he staggered forward and fell....

Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn, ignoring his own wounds, reached forward and caught the stocky Aussie before he hit the deck and gently lowered him to the floor and saw that the man's entire shirt was soaked and stained red from a bad mid-section wound. It was a miracle he had lasted this long. Looking into his face, the Aussie had a strange smile on his pale, sweaty face and in a whisper, he said; "If'n you get a chance....could you tell my sister Kate back in Brisbane I won't be making it for Christmas dinner this year? Thanks mate...", he finishes and a moment later, Dutch is just holding a limp body.....poor Hal was gone.....

On the deck above, Gurung closed his eyes, took deep breaths and eventually was able to open his eyes and NOT see double and the dizziness passed from his head and he was able to ginelrgly get up as the boat did a 180; seemed to JUMP up and bob for a moment and then take off like a shot again. After all of THAT, he was able to stagger up and watch a pair of bubble trails that could only be the two Torpedoes they had carried until seconds ago and he followed the trails for a long moment as they raced towards the big German ship and then a second later, he was back down on the deck again as several massive plumes of water and pressure waves battered the boat and bits of wood went flying this way and that. He quickly patted himself down and was relieved to feel he wasn't wounded. Then his ears and eyes registered the sounds of MASSIVE explosions and he forced himself to his feet again and looked back in time to see the 'fish' had run true and both had smashed into the center of the German Raider and the Tyr was in two pieces, both pointed up at the sky and sinking rapidly.....

After firing the two corps, Acme grabbed a rail hard and watched the bubble trails of the torpedoes even as Hal called up that the Engines were back to full and Doc took off. He flinched and ducked as AA rounds zipped past and a few caught the side of the Cabin, blowing out chunks of wood, but luckily missing him, Franklin and Gurung. He didn't even realize he was talking out loud; saying "Come on, come on, come on, come on...", over and over again as the Torpedoes raced towards the center of the German ship. A split second before they struck the center of the Raider; the big 6 inch deck guns fired one last time and one of the rounds hit a scant 10 yards off the side of the Torpedo Boat and the LS16 shuddered and wobbled for a long moment. Acme didn't really notice though as the two fish impacted a second after that and the middle of the Tyr disappeared in massive explosion of yellow and orange flame and the Marine Officer let out a whoop of joy! A long moment later, he saw the bow and the stern sections, both pointing straight up and sinking rapidly....

Down in the Engine/Torpedo room, Tucker, Roker and Dutch could all hear and 'feel' the massive explosions...but they also noticed that the near-miss that had shaken the boat right before the large explosion had also caused a hole to form on the port side and water was starting to flood into the room......

Two Hours Later

The LS 16 was barely staying afloat as the exhausted members of SST 4 took turns bailing out water as they waited for the U.S. Submarine Tigershark to arrive. Doc had been able to heal Dutch's wounds; but he was deeply affected by the loss of Myers and Hal, as were the others. The little German Torpedo Boat limped towards the rendezvous point and everyone helped out with some buckets, jars, and whatever else could hold water in keeping in afloat a little bit longer....

Eventually, about half-past 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the U.S. Sub had broken the surface of the water and the tired members of SST 4 were welcomed aboard the vessel by helpful and awe-struck 'blue-jackets' (Enlisted Sailors) and the kindly Commanding Officer of the boat; LCDR Max Holloway. Hal's body was brought aboard and carefully placed into a body bag and placed in one of the rear torpedo tubes for burial when the arrived back at Australia.....

Meanwhile, the members of SST 4, after radioing in their success, were given a few moments to themselves in the galley (as much as anyone on a tiny, cramped sub could be left to themselves anyway) and plenty of hot coffee and fresh chow.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#125 Post by Urson »

Dutch sat slumped in the galley, a plate of roast beef and fried potatoes in front of him, with a mug of black coffee beside it. He snored occasionally.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#126 Post by Rex »


Gurung seeks out a medic.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#127 Post by max_vale »

OOC: Rex: Doc can look you over.....you're fine, you essentially were dazed/had a mild concussion.....you're not wounded...but maybe there's something else you were asking about?
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#128 Post by Rex »

OOC: That was it.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#129 Post by ateno »

Elias, sore and worn out drinks his coffe and pushes the food around, he does eat some, but needs to turn off more.

Elias Tucker
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