WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#101 Post by BackworldTraveller »

As the engines on flying boat with one wing turn its rear gun out of arc, the next major threat is the incoming fighter. One 20mm is nasty. A battery of weapons from a fully operational and competent pilot is something else.

Fortunately, the plane is a zero-deflection shot. Unfortunately, the boat rocks as each new person boards it and that zero deflection also means that the pilot is aiming at the boat!

Hey Roker - if you get that sub, mention that there is a target for their torpedoes sitting at anchor off the coast!

and then

Incoming! as the fighter starts its run.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#102 Post by max_vale »

OOC: Everybody would remember that the Sub is supposed to be picking them up on the OPPOSITE side of the island from where they are now......so it'll take some time (at least a couple hours) for it to move to this side....but there IS a way to deal with the Tyr close at hand.....:)
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#103 Post by Urson »

Let’s go! He gets aboard the boat, then takes cover and readies his rifle. He'll snap off two shots at the leftmost of the IJA troops, more to make them duck than with any hope of hitting them.
He's not spending any points on these shots.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#104 Post by Monsieur Rose »


On the word of Hal, Marvin starts increasing the throttle and pulling away(back?) from the dock. He has no intention of being a stationary target for the overhead plane.

He spots the others racing for the deck, and will do what he can to keep the ship within jumping range of the dock. "Someone check on those torpedos! We're going to go pay the Tyr a little visit!"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#105 Post by max_vale »

On board German Torpedo Boat LS 16; off the coast of Allarion Island; Approx. 1:15 PM, 16 November; 1942

The battle between the Allied and Axis forces on tiny little Allarion Island where the Pacific and Indian Oceans met entered a new, NAUTICAL phase.....

Pharmacists Mate Carl 'Doc' Franklin stopped trying to clear the jam on his M1 Carbine and dropped it with a curse to the deck and instead he moved quickly to clear all the lines that held the little German Torpedo Boat to the dock as the remaining members of SST 4 leaped onto the boat amidst gunfire and cannon fire and loud noises all around. He called out to Acme at the wheel; "WE'RE ALL CLEAR AND EVERYONE'S ABOARD SKIPPER!" and then a second later was almost tossed overboard as the LT gunned the engine and moved the ship forward and INTO the pier before figuring out how to put the vessel into reverse. After picking himself up, he moved to the wheelhouse to try and put his limited-though-almost-certainly-better-than-anyone-else-on-the-boat helmsmanship skills to use.....

SGT Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn moved to get aboard the boat; sending a couple of quick rounds from his big BAR downrange at the last 2 remaining IJA Riflemen in an effort to keep their heads down; and with a heave he landed on the boat and almost immediately found himself on his back as Acme moved the boat in an unexpected direction before getting it right. From his position on his back looking up at the sky, he was almost CERTAIN he had heard the 'angry hornet' sound of an Arisaka Rifle shot JUST miss him as he had moved to the boat and he let out a long breath of relief he was 'relatively' okay. Then he remembered there was STILL the problem of the Tyr and that overhead Japanese plane, etc., etc. and with a heave, he was back on his feet and dealing with the problem(s) at hand.....

LT Marvin Acme watched as his men got back onboard and as soon as he heard Doc yell out that they were all clear, he gunned the engine, intending to move the boat in reverse and throwing the wheel to the starboard side to clear the pier. To his dismay, the boat moved FORWARD and PORT, right into the pier and a terrible crunch/scraping sound could be heard before the Marine officer figured out how to throw it into reverse and get them moving in the CORRECT direction. He winced as the nearby 20mm cannon continued to fire; this time at the 'Rufe' Floatplane that was barreling towards them and then another sound caught his attention...

Radioman Fred "Mediocre" Roker sat near the radio and barely noticed as his body transformed from that of a Wolfman back to a perfectly normal looking human male's. He had to catch the headset as they shifted position around his ears; but he was so focused on dialing in and sending out a "Tigershark, this is SST 4, do you read, over?" message repeatedly, it didn't even register. He rocked in his seat as the boat moved; winced from the loud cannon fire going on all around him; but stayed COMPLETELY focused on the task at hand. Therefore he was elated when he heard the tinny response in his headphones; "This is TIgershark; holding at position....what's your situation, over?" Smiling, he yelled out to Acme; "SKIPPER! I'VE GOT THE TIGERSHARK, THEY'RE IN POSITION ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ISLAND!"

Rifleman Lalbahadur Gurung heard the call to leave and he raced for the boat and just as he jumped aboard a spectacular rifleshot from one of the IJA troops hit him RIGHT in between the shoulder blades in his back with a force that felt like a freight train*. His armored scales kept the wound from being a fatal one, but as he hit the deck he pitched forward, off balance and landed with a thud that reverberated through his bones and he just KNEW he was going to be black and blue all over very shortly. His world was spinning and NOT just because Acme was lousy at understanding how to move a boat....Gurung KNEW he had probably suffered a concussion and he was seeing double and found it best to just not move as he felt his armored scales fade away.....

Radarman Elias Tucker 'popped' back into visibility as he raced forward and made a running leap onto the deck of the little Torpedoboat and very quickly was down on his hands and knees as the boat LURCHED this way and then that with the Marine El Tee at the wheel. From his position on his butt, he saw Doc moving towards the wheel and could hear the loud cannon fire coming from their 20mm cannon as Myers fired at the plane racing towards them. Taking a moment to draw a 5 round 'stripper' clip of ammo, he used it to reload his Springfield and wondered what the next move would be....

From his position in the Engine Room, Hal called out into the Voice Tube that connected with the crew on the 'bridge'; "The controls for the Two Torpedo tubes are down here Leftenant, but I'll need somebody down here to be able to launch them while I keep the engines running, yeah?"

From his position in the busted open Bubble Turret, Roger Myers swung the 20mm cannon up into the sky and aimed it at the incoming 'Rufe' Floatplane Fighter. The Japanese plane opened up with its twin 20mm cannons first, but Acme timed his move well and the sudden forward/Port and then Aft/Starboard maneuvers managed to make the cannon bursts miss and do nothing more than churn up spouts of water. Roger kept the plane in his sights and aimed....aimed......and as the 'Rufe's' twin 7.7mm nose mounted machine-guns began to spit fire, he cut loose a pair of bursts that smashed into the plane and set it on fire and it immediately broke off, trailing smoke. Myers let out a roar of victory as the plane suddenly belched fire and nose-dived into the ocean.....but then it dawned on him that the twin machine-guns had impacted the stern of the ship and he remembered seeing splinters of wood fly up and out from the impacts....

From his face-down position on the deck, Gurung saw the twin trails of machine-gun fire cut into the rear of the ship and he turned his head to ensure that no splinters blew into his face. He wasn't sure, but he THOUGHT he might have heard what sounded like a yell of pain echo from WITHIN the ship from a room beneath him....

As Doc got to the Bridge, he gently nudged Acme aside and said; "I think I better take the helm, Skipper"; and then a moment later the strafing pass happened and everyone has a moment of victory as the 'Rufe' was shot down. Then a LOUD couple of echoes could be heard over the waves and a massive column of water exploded into the air some 25 yards off their port bow and a second later the HQ Building on the island off their starboard side was turned into a ruin of smashed wood as the big 6 inch guns of the Tyr opened up.....

*Gurung is Dazed....he'll be at -2D for all actions for the next half-an-hour

OOC: Okay, everyone is on the Torpedo Boat...the Boat is moving......the Japanese Floatplane has been shot down.....the Tyr has now got its weapons out and in the fight, though it's anchors are still coming up and it's not really moving yet. There are still 2 Riflemen on the shore; but barring some REALLY insane luck on their part, they're no real threat anymore.

It'll be about a half hour trip to get out of the harbor and to the other side of the island where the Tigershark is waiting to take you all back to Australia. Of course, the more immediate problem is the Tyr. To fire the Torpedoes at her; somebody(s) need to be down below in the Engine room and open the doors AND fire the weapons (one person at each if you want to fire them together....or one person can fire one...then the others, but that basically means two separate shots/rolls).....preferablly while somebody on the ship is watching to line up the ship's stern with the German Raider Cruiser and calling out when to shoot (while somebody else steers).

Doc is steering; Acme and Roker and (a now NPC) Myers are all on the 'Bridge'; Dutch, Gurung and Tucker on the deck and Hal is down in the Engine Room. In essence; some serious MECH rolls are going to be needed here......so don't forget those Luck Points! :)
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#106 Post by Urson »

Dutch hesitates a moment, catching his breath. He then goes below to help with the torpedoes. Never did this- but if you tell me how, I'm a quick study. he yells over the noise of the engine.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#107 Post by Rex »


Gurung tries to crawl to cover.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#108 Post by Zhym »

Roker relays the current situation to the Tigershark.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#109 Post by ateno »

"I will take the left torpedo."

Elias shoulders his rifle and heads down the stairs, trying to get get lost.
Once coming to the area he looks for a dummy plague and tries to figure out how to fire the torp.

Elias has the highest MECH skill of everyone and has a luck point left.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#110 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Tell the Tigershark to start coming around, they won't be in the fight, but we may need someone to pick us up out of the water."

He graciously cedes the helm to Doc and tries to direct the chaos. "Anyone who thinks they can get the hang of the torpedoes or engine, go below and work with Hal. Maybe he can give you some pointers."

"Myers! Keep on the gun, line up the Tyr deck and bridge, and make sure they get distracted."

"Am I crazy, or did I hear yelling from below earlier?"

Acme will try to coordinate the attack, sighting and relaying info and timing.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#111 Post by max_vale »

On board German Torpedo Boat LS 16; off the coast of Allarion Island; Approx. 1:20 PM, 16 November; 1942

Off the coast of a tiny island lying at the merging of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, a battle between Allied Talents and the forces of the Axis continues to rage....

Acme calls out his orders and grabs a pair of binoculars tucked onto a shelf and then nearly loses his footing as Doc guns the engine and the little Torpedo Boat takes off like a shot toward the massive German Raider Cruiser Tyr. He scrambles back up to his feet and hears/sees Roker talking into the radio phone while Doc steers and up above, Myers cuts loose a burst from the 20mm cannon. He sees the flash from the big 6 inch guns again and the two shells straddle the little LS16, causing water mist to reach them, while also rocking the ship in either direction from the shock waves. As they get to within 2,500 yards or so, he also can see the German crew bringing the smaller, faster-firing AA guns into play. He calls into the tube to the engine room and asks; "Hal! How close should we get before cutting loose with the fish*?" The tiny voice of Hal sounds even smaller than usual when he answers; "I'd say probably 2,000 yards or closer Left...err...Captain"**....

Roker gets his orders to contact the Tigershark and he replies with an "Aye-aye!" to Acme and then goes about doing his best to ignore all other sounds and actions around him as he dials into the frequency and tries to get the Sub on the horn. After a long few moments, he gets them and relays the order to start to move around the island to their position. He gets an "Affirmative; on the way.....ETA....3:30" from the submarine......

On the deck, poor dazed Gurung crawls to a decent position under some cover and lies on his back, the sky whirling above him; the loud sounds of cannon fire and splashes of rounds hitting the water nearby reminding him of what's happening while at the same time he closes his eyes and tries to get his bearings....

In the shattered gun turret, Myers turns the 20mm cannon towards the German Auxiliary Raider and though it's a long range shot, he opens up; doing his best to 'walk' the rounds into the superstructure. He notices the main guns fire back at them and he sees them hit to either side of the ship; not causing damage....but ominously close. He also knows the smaller, faster firing 37mm and 20mm twin AA guns would soon be coming into play....

'Dutch' and Tucker both scramble down below into the Engine room and they immediately notice the holes in the side wall showing daylight from the Rufe's strafing attack. They also see Hal at the Engines, moving levers here and there with one hand while clutching his mid-section with the other. That other hand and his uniform are bloody and Hal turns a sweaty, pale face towards them and gives them a sad little smile. "Guess I gotta teach you Yanks how ta fire some corps, right? Okay......first, get over here an open these tube doors", he gestures towards the two circular opening locks; "-and when that's done, then get over there and there to those firing levers" and he gestures with his chin towards a pair of levers connected to some pipes on either wall of the room.***

OOC: *Fish is slang for Torpedoes; **The LS 16 can move about 500 yards a turn at top speed (which it currently is running at) and the closer you get to the German ship; the better the chances of hitting it with the Torpedo(s) is......however, also...the easier time it will have of hitting you with the fast-firing AA guns (it has one 37mm cannon and two twin 20mm cannons on this side that can fire at you) that are being brought into play now.

***It will take next round for Dutch and Tucker to get the tube doors open and then move into firing position; so if the LS16 continues to get closer to the Tyr; you can fire at 1,500 yards.....alternatively, the LS 16 can evade/get closer or just Evade and stay at the current range......Evading will make the shot you fire at the German ship tougher....BUT also will make THIER shots at you tougher to hit....

Difficulty numbers are: 20 at 2,000 yards; 15 at 1,500 yards and 10 at 1,000 yards.

EVERYBODY has at least 1 Luck Point left and several of you have 2....just throwing that out there.......Acme will have to be the one to make the call as to when to shoot, as he's the only one who can 'eyeball it' and call down to throw the firing levers.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#112 Post by Rex »


Gurung will try and get up on his knees and see where he can be useful.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#113 Post by Urson »

Dutch spares a worried glance at Hal. You gonna make it?
After that, he sets to work prepping the tube and the torpedo.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#114 Post by ateno »

Tucker works on his torp tube for firing.

RD3 tucker
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#115 Post by Zhym »

Roker checks whether there's any need to continue manning the radio. If not, he'll ask if he can go below and help with the torpedos.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#116 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Keep heading towards the Tyr, Doc." He calls as the guns hit perilously close. "Uh...maybe serpentine a bit, right?"

He calls down to the fish room. "Tell me good news, guys. How lucky are you all feeling? How close do I need to get us? Those guns of theirs are getting pretty big up here."

If the fish men are feeling confident, he'll suggest firing at 2000. If it's a coin flip, he'll bring them closer and fire at 1500. Use 'em if you've got 'em.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#117 Post by Urson »

I'm lucky as hell- the question is how lucky the Tyr is!
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#118 Post by max_vale »

On board German Torpedo Boat LS 16; off the coast of Allarion Island; Approx. 1:25 PM, 16 November; 1942

A small German Torpedo Boat; currently crewed by a team of Allied Talents; sped towards a German Raider cruiser thru an ever-increasing hail of gunfire in an attempt to get into good position to launch a pair of Torpedoes at the big vessel....

Marine 1st Lieutenant Marvin Acme, at the helm, watched the German ship and kept a close eye; gauging the distance and deciding to try and get the ship to within 1500 yards for the launching of the Torpedoes. He called out encouragement to 'Doc' Franklin at the wheel and also calling for the Navy Corpsman to steer the ship on a tight, 'serpentine' course to better throw off the aim of the German gunners as they got to within 2,000 yards....

On the deck, a dazed Rifleman Gurung did his best to crawl to a relatively 'safe' position and found a place to be able to prop his back against the 'Bridge' Cabin outer wall and closed his eyes for a long moment to try and stop the dizzying effect of the boat moving at high speeds and turning sharply; the loud echoes of the 20mm cannon going off above his head and the incoming 'hornet buzzing' of the rounds from the German ship whistling by. It didn't help much, but at lest it was a bit more bearable*....

Radioman Fred Roker took off his headset and laid it down and moving nimbly despite the ship's violent movements, the veteran sailor moved out of the cabin and towards the hatch that led down to the Engine Room where the Torpedo Tubes were located. He winced at the loudness of the 20mm cannon going off as Myers fired at the German ship and he took in the sight of poor Gurung sitting against the back of the Cabin with his eyes closed, CLEARLY not all here at the moment. Throwing the hatch open, Roker scrambled down the ladder into the small space below where a badly wounded Hal was working the Engines while also directing Dutch and Elias on how to get the two Torpedo Tube doors open....

Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn looked with concern over at Hal; he could see that the Austrailian's hand over his mid-section wound was now COVERED in his own blood; but he also knew there was damn little he could do about it at the moment. Doing his best to ignore the pain from his own wound, he moved over the Tube Door and worked the wheel-lock until it was in the 'open' position. Glancing up, he saw Roker had scrambled down the ladder to crowd the little room even more and he saw Hal's one 'good' hand working on some of the Engine controls....

Coastguardsman Elias Tucker moved to the other Torpedo Tube, opposite Dutch and he worked the wheel-lock as well...it took the wiry, little guy from Iowa a bit longer to get there than the big, strapping Van Horn, but he got there. Glancing up; he saw Hal nod to both of them and tell them; "Good job mates...now get over to the launch levers there-"; at this point, pointing to the firing levers on each wall where the tubes could be seen bulging into the room; "-and there and yank those bloody things hard when the Cap'n gives the order. Now, everybody, get ready to hold tight onto something.....we're gonna have to slew around to point the back of the boat at the Jerry ship to fire the fish at 'em....and then take off like a starving dingo when he sees a rabbit." Hal staggered a bit then, but pulled himself over to the voice tube that led up to the bridge...."Right then Leftenant and Doc.....let me know when we get to 1500 yards and I'll cut the engines while you slice us around to point the stern at the bastards. When we're lined up Sir, call down and we'll fire the fish!"

In the half-shattered 20mm Cannon Cockpit on top of the Bridge; Roger Myers slewed the weapon around to point at the Tyr and he triggered a pair of bursts. The first went sailing over the deck as he fired at about the same moment that Doc Franklin at the Helm threw the boat over into a hard turn and then followed with another hard turn back the same direction to throw off the aim of the German gunners. His second burst however, was true and he stitched the side of the German Raider and hit one its gun platforms with 20mm cannon fire; pleased to see some flashes of small secondary explosions and men fling this way and that as he took out a Twin 20mm gun mount. His pleasure was short-lived however as the big 37mm cannon; whose fire had just missed the LS16 a moment earlier due to 'Doc's' maneuvers; now found the range and a shell took out the 20mm cannon and sent Myers' body flying off the ship and into the Indian Ocean, never to have to worry about anything else again....

In the Cabin below; Acme heard the steady shots of Myers' firing the 20mm cannon above him and he could see the Tyr's AA guns start to flash and he could see tracers zipping past the little Torpedo Boat this way and that. He heard Hal's voice call out from below decks and just about the time he judged they were at 1500 yards; he could hear/feel the top of the boat take a hit; though the boat kept moving just fine. He could tell the 20mm cannon above had stopped firing and he just KNEW Myers had taken a hit and was gone......

OOC: Okay; the situation is this:

The LS16 (i.e. the Torpedo Boat you all are on) is currently at 1500 yards from the Tyr. Right now; if Acme gives the order; Hal will cut the Engines; Doc will slew the boat around to be in firing position and when they are lined up (i.e. at Acme's signal/call down the voice tube); the Torpedo Tubes can be fired and then Hal will throw the engines back up to full power to get the hell outta Dodge.

In Game Mechanics terms; Acme needs to make a good PER check (low and the guys firing Torps get a penalty....high and they either get a neutral roll or even a Bonus).....then the two Firing the Torps (some combo of Dutch, Tucker and/or Roker) need to make MECH rolls....vs. Difficulty number of 15 (or higher if Acme's roll is poor or lower if Acme's roll is really good)......finally; the Germans will get at least one more chance to shoot at you while the Corps are in the Water......
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#119 Post by Urson »

When Dutch sees Tucker come belowdeck, he steps aside and waves him over to handle the torpedo tube. Dutch will join Hal, and see if there's anything he can do for the man.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#120 Post by Rex »


Gurung will check himself over and try and treat his injuries.
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