The Morning After

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Re: The Morning After

#41 Post by Magnus »

Date: Autumn, 432 ca., Campaign Day 3
Time: 7:00
Weather: 41 degrees, partially cloudy
Location: First of the First Men

Vorsyin grinds the pearl into a glass of wine, consumes it, and chants upon the ring. Soon, the mage drifts into a trance and the true nature of the ring comes into focus. He learns it grants the wearer the ability to fall from heights as if she had the weight of a feather upon utterance of the command word: "Voorsh"

[Ring of Feather Falling!]

The party, not fully recovered from the strain of combat, sleeps soundly. They awaken early to the news that a group of rangers has left to survey the remains of the Steading during the day, allowing the party to attend to any remaining business in camp, use magic to determine the best course of action, or simply regain their strength.
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Re: The Morning After

#42 Post by Zhym »

Not that I'd expect it to make any difference in terms of game play, but Gaerys, having recovered to near-full health, would accompany the other rangers on their survey mission.

Unless that complicates what would otherwise be a fast-forward through a rest day followed by a report from the rangers. I just figured it would be unlikely for Gaerys to sit around, basically healthy, while other rangers were off on possibly dangerous duty.
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Re: The Morning After

#43 Post by Magnus »

Zhym wrote:...that complicates what would otherwise be a fast-forward through a rest day followed by a report from the rangers.
Yes. ;-)

I thought that the party would hang together and plan their next move and assign the treasure. Your point is well-taken, though, so I edited my post to provide that they already left to preserve continuity.
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Re: The Morning After

#44 Post by drpete »

Fully healed, Ethan surveys the camp, looking at the defences and offering suggestions where he can. He is eager to get back to their mission, but patient enough to wait until the team is ready. He suggests that we draw straws for the ring, unless someone has an alternative suggestion, but isn't sure what to do about the shield and potions. Ethan already has a magic shield, but would try to compare them if no one else wants/can use it.
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Re: The Morning After

#45 Post by Zhym »

Do we have any idea what the value of the necklaces and big gem are? And do we have no way to determine what the potions are short of trying them?

I think the delay in splitting treasure is partly because we don't know how much treasure we actually have.
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Re: The Morning After

#46 Post by NJWilliam »

Antheris, Druid

Antheris spends the day ensuring that Blue and the as yet unnamed wolf are healed, as well as any party members that still require any ministrations.
He will then study the potions, carefully examining their color, odor, viscosity, and possibly taste (ooc: only if it can be done without losing a dose of the potion) to determine if they are of any sort that he has come across in his past adventuring and druidic magical past.

He will also examine the shield and other items to see if they are even something he would be interested in using, mainly based on the materials themselves.

"With that ring, I suggest it go to whoever is most likely to be most gravely injured by a fall."

(ooc: how fast can Antheris shapechange into a bird? If it is fast enough to escape a fall, and if there is no chance that he would be forced out of bird form while flying, then he has no interest in laying a claim to the ring.)
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Re: The Morning After

#47 Post by Zhym »

Can the shield bonus be determined by sparring? If Ethan and Gaerys spar a bit with Ethan's regular shield, then continue sparring with Ethan using the magic shield, would the characters be able to determine how much harder it is to hit someone using that shield?
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Re: The Morning After

#48 Post by Magnus »

Date: Autumn, 432 ca., Campaign Day 3
Time: 12:00
Weather: 41 degrees, partially cloudy
Location: First of the First Men

The party huddles together and spends some time sorting through the treasure recovered from the Steading. A common sense look over the beautiful, but non-magical treasure reveals that the following order of value:

Necklace from Cloud Giant Bag (by far)
3 exquisitely jeweled bracelets
"Fist-sized" amethyst

The party does not have a skilled appraiser, so a more exact value cannot be determined by a party member. One is left to contemplate the relative value of gems and jewelry when 1,000 miles from civilization and enwrapped in a life-or-death struggle for the future of humanity.

The normal shields are well-constructed but not particularly valuable, though their value to a member of the House depicted thereon would exceed the "goods" value of the shield.

Antheris examines the potions, shield, and ring. He cannot use the very fine steel shield due to the restrictions of his order. Nor can he identify the Maesterial potions. He also concludes that the ring would likely be of more value to another party member than himself, though his shape-changing abilities would save him from all falls. All that said, the druid hardly emerged from the battle empty-handed, as he is reminded when his now-armored bear bounds into the room and greets his master with a lick across the face.

Transformation takes ~1 round. Bent the rules before for "rule of cool" purposes.

Vorsyin takes a few hours to pour over and identify the potions. He sniffs the white potion, detecting the very distinct essence of nightshade, causing him to conclude that it is a potion of poison. Vorsyin spends hours pouring over the brownish potion. He sniffs, tastes, and thinks and thinks and thinks. The mage finally recalls a passage from an obscure passage tying the inhalation of nutmeg and clay to the enchantment of a giant's mind. The potion is of hill giant control!

I gave V. a % chance equal to his intelligence+level to id potions, adjusted for the relative rarity of the potion. Will do the same (swapping INT for WIS) with Antheris for natural substances. Such an identification needs to be done in a safe environment and takes at least an hour. Rolls below. There may or may not be in-game resources to otherwise assist with identification or appraisal. That is for the party to figure out.
[1d100] = 96, [1d100] = 80 w, b
The rangers will return in a few hours, leaving the party with an opportunity to make a final assignment of treasure and conclude any other business they wish.


Properties of a magical weapon/armor/shield may be determined by sparring, but the player who is going to test the item needs to affirmatively state that he/she is using it. :twisted:
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Re: The Morning After

#49 Post by Computer +1 »

Vorsyin shares his conclusions of the nature of the magical items he has been able to identify with a slight smile. The enjoyment from demonstrating his ability fades as he remembers the feeling of evil from whatever lay beneath the steading. He looks over the items and jewels again and he begins to worry that whatever benefit they may add, they may not be enough.

He also informs the group that he was given two potions of extra healing from the good Maester, one he would like to keep the other can be given to whoever the group decides.
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Re: The Morning After

#50 Post by sulldawga »

Hollis the Cleric

Hollis whistles appreciatively when he sees the size of the amethyst recovered by the party, and shakes his head in seeming disbelief.

Otherwise, he waits patiently while the "old boys" sort through their loot.

Once they're done, he'll come over and slap them on their backs.

I guess I know who's buying my rounds once we get back across the Wall, eh?
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Re: The Morning After

#51 Post by drpete »

Ethan will spar with the new shield, in an attempt to compare it with his current (+1) shield. First, he'll warm up using his shield, then switch out the shield and see if it makes a difference.
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Re: The Morning After

#52 Post by Zhym »

Gaerys would take one of the extra-healing potions if no one else speaks up. He then spars with Ethan.

As for the ring of feather falling, "Perhaps the ring should go to whoever takes the point in our marching order, seeing as that is the person most likely to find himself or herself suddenly falling."

Gaerys also wonders aloud what precipitous height it must have been to give a cloud giant reason to have a ring of feather falling.
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Re: The Morning After

#53 Post by Magnus »

Date: Autumn, 432 ca., Campaign Day 3
Time: 21:30
Weather: 41 degrees, partially cloudy
Location: First of the First Men

Ethan takes a measured risk picking up the shield of House Umber. He quickly determines that it is of the finest craftsmanship and has nearly a battlefield intuition of its own -- it seems to guide itself in deflecting Gaerys's swings. Ethan also sees that the heraldry could be removed fairly easily by the camp armorer if so desired.

+3 shield!!! I thought that you guys were going to leave it behind.

Otherwise, the party continues to rest and heal itself as it discusses allocation of treasure. Hollis, realizing morale and levity is part of his spiritual leadership, has a few encouraging words for the group. The warmth of camaraderie fills the tent.


The party's downtime is broken as the Lord Commander of the Watch strides in, followed closely by the four rangers, and a small group of officers. The veteran's authoritative presence silences the group as their attention is commanded and curiosity piqued. A stern look washes across the Lord Commander's grizzled brow as he speaks:
Our rangers have spent the past 12 hours or so surveying the remains of the Steading from the cover of the forest. Most of the day, their observations were just as yours were...the remains were quiet, though no signs of a heavy retreat left them suspicious that the Steading was not cleared, but the giants were merely hiding within.

But just as the sun began to set, the Steading began to show signs of life. Several hill giants emerged from the East Gate. They were followed by a dozen Hornfoot Wildlings, who were in turn leading a score of humans in chains outside of the Steading.
The rangers nodded in agreement, but remained silent out of respect for their leader. The Lord Commander continued:
As you know, Brother Gaerys, Hornfoots are among the most feared of the Wildling tribes; some say they are more mongrel than man. They are savage cannibals, who lore tells us have interbred with giants and worse, and still show their lineage through their large stature (~7 ft tall), hairy bodies, snarled, tusk-like teeth, and namesake clawed feet. What they lack in raw power in comparison to the giants, they compensate for through in stealth and savagery, as well as the use of foul poisons and black magic. They dress in rags, despite the severe cold in which they inhabit, often adoring themselves with bone jewelry, crude tattoos and black body paint. The rangers and more docile of the Wildlings tell of their worship of ancient, strange gods and horrific practices to pay them tribute.

Our rangers were unfortunate enough to bear witness to such things.

Ranger Victor Snow, the most experienced of the four who had been back to the Steading, spoke up through his dirty blond beard. The hardened man trembled in describing what he saw:

The men were forced to stand in a circle facing each other, and then forced down to their knees. A shaman of sorts circled around them, chanting and drums beat in the background. Then men were taken one-by-one -- some were flayed, some impaled, some dismembered piece-by-piece, some quartered, as the still living were all forced to watch. The Hornfeet seemed to grow more enthralled with each scream, with each drop of blood. When the last man was killed, the Hornfeet fell upon them to consume their very flesh in a depraved feast. The giants watched all of this with more than a hint of glee.
Victor continued:
We could do nothing to stop them, nor could we even reveal ourselves would have been suicide. But through careful observation and a close look at their tracks as they withdrew -- we can say that they seemed to be bunkered under the Steading.
The Commander, stoic on his most sympathetic of days, gives Victor a pat on the shoulder, as the ranger looks down and shakes his head.

The Commander then looks around with sharp, beady eyes, spotting an unopened scroll tube amongst the cloud giant's belongings* "What is this?" the Lord Commander asks, pointing at the tube.

*Apologies if this got lost in the shuffle...I noted it at least one time but it did not stand out because it is not magical...inventory is a bitch on PbP

The party is left to contemplate the terrors of what they have learned, ask any questions of the Lord Commander and rangers, open the tube, and make any final plans/preparations for the further trials ahead.

I'd like to get back into action mode in a day or two, but will likely have time to RP the NPCs if communication is desired.
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Re: The Morning After

#54 Post by Zhym »

Gaerys listens to his fellow rangers' tales with increasing anger. "Damn our blood lust! If we had been more focused on saving prisoners and less on killing—or had I not been so quick to declare the steading deserted—those people might yet have lived."

"We have rested long enough. It is time to resume our mission."

Gaerys would carry that shield if the emblem were removed (it would drop his AC from 3 to 0). So, one would expect, would Ethan, Kjelti, and Hollis, who might not care about the shield's crest. Do we roll lots, or try to determine who would benefit the most from it?
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Re: The Morning After

#55 Post by Computer +1 »

Vorsyin shakes his head at Gaery's words. We could not have stayed at the Steading and survived. We did what we could and cannot blame ourselves for not being able to do more.

Vorsyin then stands up and moves over to speak with the Lord Commander. Excuse me Lord Commander I wish to speak with you. Sir I... he pauses for a moment ..that is, seeing what is to the north of the wall has made me think. There is nothing for me in Valeryia. He smiles sadly. My wife is gone and we never had children. My work there hold no joy for me. Seeing what the brave Brothers of the Watch have to face I wanted to ask, may I join you? I would like to become a member of the Watch if you would have me.
Last edited by Computer +1 on Thu Oct 03, 2013 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Morning After

#56 Post by Zhym »

"You may be right," Gaerys sighs. "Yet I cannot help but wonder if we might have attacked the steading in a way that would have also have saved those poor people. Are we sure that every giant we killed was our enemy? Were there not one or two whom we killed before we were even attacked?"

"Our mission is dangerous, and our foes villainous. Yet let us not be so bloodthirsty that we miss the chance to find unexpected allies among our foes or that we kill the innocent along with the guilty."
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Re: The Morning After

#57 Post by sulldawga »

Hollis will open the tube and inspect its contents.
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Re: The Morning After

#58 Post by NJWilliam »

Antheris, Druid

Antheris scowls over his goblet of ale. "This is foul news. One day earlier or a longer and more thorough scouting and we could have prevented the hornfoots from killing and no doubt using those lives to fuel their plans and dark magic.
"If we do not act swiftly, I fear things may swing too far out of balance."

Antheris drains his goblet and calls to his animal companions as he strides outside, cracking his knuckles and rubbing the back of his own neck, "Blue! Mingan!"
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Re: The Morning After

#59 Post by Magnus »

Date: Autumn, 432 ca., Campaign Day 3
Time: 22:00
Weather: 41 degrees, partially cloudy
Location: First of the First Men

Hollis, the wise cleric, unrolls the scroll. Though only a little larger vertically than a human-sized scroll, it unrolls to the length of a wall hanging.

In the crude runes of the Old Tongue, the scroll spells out the following message:



A map falls to the ground showing the location of the Rift...


The Lord Commander's eyes widen with Vorsyin's words. He replies: "My son, the Watch has long offered hope to those who have lost everything. We will be proud to accept you."

The mage is taken outside and told to stand before a Weirwood tree. There, he takes the Oath of the Watch, and stands ready to pursue the attack on the giants with renewed vigor.
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
Continue in new thread.

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