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Re: Lupre

#61 Post by Revenant »

For a moment, Zaella thinks her sister, Zedina has come for her as Wilwarin approaches the table. And then for a brief second, she thinks it is her mother returned from the grave. Though once she arrives and speaks it is clear she is neither, though there is a slight resemblance. The two share a brief conversation in elven after Zaella invites Wilwarin to join them. She explains, in elven, about the deaths that seem to surround her and Zaella readily agrees her sword would be a welcome addition to their small group. Which she then relays back to the group in common. You all spend the night getting to know one another better. More drinks are had and stories are told and in time the night winds down.

Thena, ever the gracious host, like her father, invites Wilwarin to stay at her family's inn for the night, free of charge. And each of you retire for the guesthouse of the inn. More pleasant conversation ensues with Thena's mother Mira and her three sisters. Their joy at being a whole family again, if even for but one night is infectious and after a wonderful supper and warm conversations, all pass the night in their private rooms. Would that the night had been as pleasant and relaxing as the day. For your night is again plagued by the recurring dream that appears so often.

You awake to the smell of the wonderful aroma of breakfast with all the fixings and all eat a hearty meal before readying yourself for the day. As you leave the guesthouse you find a young boy waiting for you. You also see the young cleric you meet last night riding out of town. The boy says his name is Onion and that Mr. Ambergyle has arranged mounts at his uncle's stables. He leads you to the large stables near the center of town where you have the pick of the horses available. The horses are all palfreys of varying colors, bred for riding (not war horses by any means). You are also provided with saddles and tack.
stables.jpg (169.61 KiB) Viewed 516 times
"Mr. Ambergyle is paying for these," the stablemaster says, "But we expect them returned in good and healthy condition. Understood?"

Feeling a sense of excitement, you must now decide your next course of action.
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Re: Lupre

#62 Post by Nazard »

Sir Athan:

Athan runs a hand fondly over the withers of a reddish-brown horse, then strokes the animal’s mane while whispering gentle gibberish into his ear. Propelling himself up into the saddle, he once again soothes any nerves out of the animal. What’s his name? Athan asks the stablemaster.
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Re: Lupre

#63 Post by Darithe »


It had been a long time since she had seen such a happy family together and in her heart wished her own family showed such love and affection as Thena's seemed to share. It brought a lightness to her heart and the food certainly pleased her as well, however the night brought the little girl again so her sleep was not as restful as she would have expected.

As they exit the guesthouse she noted the cleric riding out and comments, "I bet we have some competition for the reward." She didn't quite know what bothered her about the man, but he did. Perhaps just her inclination to distrust men who made assumptions about her based on her looks. And yet she trusted implicitly Bryne, who had joined them. Their goals were the same, so it only made sense, however in the back her mind, there was a nagging seed of doubt, she had only the woman's word that she was who she said she was. Her mind looked back at her brief meeting with Bryne so many years ago. She certainly could be that little girl grown up, but Mave was not certain.

They make their way to the stables and Mave decides upon a gray steed to match her mood this day. "Well now that we have mounts, where do you think we should go first?," she asked of the others.
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Re: Lupre

#64 Post by spanningtree »


Kissing her family goodbye, for now, makes her way to the stable as well. Such beautiful animals! She'll pick a calm looking one out. Unless someone has a better idea, perhaps we make our way to the Ashes of Sorrow?
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Re: Lupre

#65 Post by The Bindoner »


Being unused to the company of strangers, Wilwayaisawén is polite but reserved at the tavern.

Having devoted much of her life to her training, both physical and mental, she is even more out of place among the happily reunited family. She spends the meal quietly thinking of her own parents, who she has not seen in some years.

Retiring to her room, she takes out her book, paper and pen, writes her diary, and continues her studies before retiring to bed.

The dream, when it comes again, is as ominous as ever, but less troubling. Repetition has blunted the edges, so it cuts less. During her morning sword practice, and over breakfast, she ponders its meaning, comparing its fresh details to those in memory, looking for significance.

Returning to her room, she recites prayers to Gozreh for fine weather and Desna for a safe journey as she packs.

Joining the others at the stables, she smiles as she regards the horses: This is a good start to the day. I have become tired of walking alone, it will be pleasant to ride in company.

Surreptitiously slipping a copper to Onion, she walks among the animals, caressing and speaking to each before settling on the Black mare. What is this one’s name?

She reassures the Stablemaster: I will treat your horse with the care and respect I would my own, I swear it by Erastil.

Mounting, she replies to Thena: Yes, Ashes. I think it is time to see that place in daylight.
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Re: Lupre

#66 Post by Revenant »

The old stableman looks to Athan, a bit of a twinkle in his eyes and responds, "His name is Folly. Bought himn from a man, who said he failed in his career as an adventurer and thus he named his horse Folly, for that is all his prospects brought him. I hope he's better luck for you young sir." Then looking to Mave he adds, "and that one be called Ghost. She's a fast one so best hold the reins tight." Thena decides on one that the prospector calls Nellie.

Onion shows the remaining horses to Reggie and Zaella, a dappled mare named Sunspot and a white mare called Snowdrop. When Wilwarin asks the name of the black mare, Onion whispers as he pockets the copper, "Thanks m'lady, her name is Shadow. She's the prettiest I think, and real smart."

Bryne retrieves her own horse which she stabled yesterday. Cooing to the horse as she feeds him an apple, "And this is my pride and joy. Meet Thunder." His black coat has a gleaming sheen to it which she brushes as she checks his saddle.

The morning is bright and clear though a bit chilly as you prepare to leave the town and ride south to the remains of the Ashes of Sorrow Inn. If you need anything else before you embark, now would be the time.
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Re: Lupre

#67 Post by edwardsobel »


Through most of the prior evening Reggie drank and ate. She didn't offer much in the way of advise unless it was regarding drink or sailing. And since neither was of interest to the others she kept to herself.

Several times she wanted to whack someone, but she showed obvious restraint.

She evetually staggered her way to a place to crash.

By morning, she seemed pretty much ready. She didn't have much to bring as she always traveled light.

She buys a couple of bottles of rum, or whatever the simple tavern had to offer to bring along.

Regarding the supposed competition, ya want me to make sure it doesnt bother us? I can be rather persuasive.

She does her best to avoid conversation about the dream pretending she has no idea what they are talking about.

Reggie takes whatever horse that doesn't try to bite her. This one will do. It aint a ship, but whatever. So we on to find these lost girls? Then lets ride.
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Re: Lupre

#68 Post by Zaella »


Zaella blinks in surprise as she beholds another elf. "how did you come here?" she asks in elvish. The newcomer doesn't answer readily so she goes on to explain what is going on around the area.

She watches the people in the tavern for most of the night before retiring to her room. Zaella takes out her spellbook and reads it over before retiring for the night.

In the morning she indulges in a hearty breakfast before going out to the stables.

"If she is still available, I would like to have the one you named Snowdrop." she brushes the white mane lightly with her fingers.
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Re: Lupre

#69 Post by Revenant »

After having chosen your mounts (Athan-Folly, Mave-Ghost, Thena-Nellie, Wilwarin-Shadow, Reggie-Sunspot, Zaella-Snowdrop and Bryne on her horse Thunder), you gather your supplies, which include an elaborate picnic basket filled with sandwiches and drinks, provided by Thena's mother and father, you set out on your journey, leaving the safety of the town's gates behind you. You start making your way south along the northern pass, riding at a leisurely pace. The woods surround the path on both sides but the forest is light near the road so you ride with little apprehension of being ambushed by bandits, which you hear is not so certain when traveling north of Lupre.

You ride half the morning encountering little traffic, a patrol of four knights riding north, a small caravan of merchants traveling to Kraggen Keep and then on to Ravenscar, and a trio of monks, who stop and offer you blessings. The monks say they are headed for a small town called Lastwall far to the north.

Near to noon Bryne points out an overgrown, little used trail going eastward into the forest. Bryne explains that this is where the travelers were attacked, though there is little evidence of that here, other than someone has put up a small memorial to those killed and you see a notice seeking the missing girls is tacked up on a tree beside the memorial. Bryne says, "The remains of the Ashes of Sorrow Inn are at the end of this path." She takes the lead and rides onto the path pushing branches away as she rides. At one point you come across a shredded brown cloak hanging from the branches of one of the trees you pass. The forest here is strangely quiet and up ahead you can make out the remains to two stone walls, as well as a chimney of what must of been the inn's hearth. A broken sign leans against one nearby tree and you can make barely make the words on the weathered board, *Ashes of...*. The rest of it faded away by time and weather. A small line of dark smoke billows from the top of the chimney.
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Re: Lupre

#70 Post by Nazard »

Sir Athan:

Seeing the smoke, Athan quickly slips from his saddle, wraps the reins around a nearby tree branch, then quietly draws his sword and readies his shield. He then concentrates on the area directly in front of them, searching for evidence of evil intent.
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Re: Lupre

#71 Post by The Bindoner »


The smoke from the ruin having put her too on alert, Wilwayaisawén swings down from Shadow’s back and ties her reins to the same tree as Sir Athan’s Folly. Drawing her sword, the oiled leather lining the scabbard making the act silent, and stepping lightly she pads forward to stand at his side, poised and vigilant as he looks for signs.

She whispers Nacquessë and I are ready.
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Re: Lupre

#72 Post by Revenant »

Athan concentrates on the area ahead where the ruins of the Ashes of Sorrow Inn lies and after several moments he does indeed sense evil directly ahead. The stench fills his nostrils and though mildly offensive, he stills feels the evil is strong in whatever lies ahead.

OOC: Everyone please roll 1d20 on the Dice Roller. (Perception check).
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Re: Lupre

#73 Post by Nazard »

Sir Athan:

Athan motions for everybody to be still and quiet. There is something evil in those ruins. Iomedae grants me the ability to sense those with twisted souls, like demons, undead, or people with highly corrupted souls. This feels powerful.

Sir Athan

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Re: Lupre

#74 Post by The Bindoner »


Then let us hope the blessing of those monks is strong enough to protect us.

Stepping quietly aside to get a different angle, and holding a finger to her mouth to indicate silence, she concentrates, trying to determine by hearing or sight what might lie in wait among the ruins.

Perception check: [1d20]=17
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Re: Lupre

#75 Post by Darithe »

Mave was definitely not a country girl, more used to the raucous delights of a city than this rural environment, but she followed the lead of the others and hooked Ghost's reins over a nearby treebranch. She slowly pulled Talon free from the rapier's sheath. She held her breath watchful of Athan's next move.

Perception: [1d20]=3
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Re: Lupre

#76 Post by edwardsobel »


Reggie follows along. Well just keep those corruption vision clear of me. Never know what you'll see.

Seeing the others draw weapons, Reggie checks everything but does not pull any blades.

Perception [1d20+5]=6+5=11
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Re: Lupre

#77 Post by spanningtree »


Also slides from her saddle, ties her horse off and draws her sword.

Perception: [1d20]=18 + 2 = 20

OCC: Hey folks, I am not well versed in Pathfinder, if you see any mistakes please point them out.
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Re: Lupre

#78 Post by Zaella »


Slips from her horse and ties it up, so she won't wander off.

Starts murmuring a spell under her breath, as she advances with the rest of the group.
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Re: Lupre

#79 Post by Revenant »

Bryne slips off her horse and ties it up like the others, silently readying her bow and nocking an arrow.

Athan, Wilwarin and Thena all detect movement and noises, specifically above them. And looking up they see two young men high in trees on either side of the trail. Both look quite young and stand on small wooden platforms affixed to the tree limbs. One shouts in a loud voice, "INTRUDERS!" as he crudely fumbles his bow dropping an arrow which falls harmlessly to the ground. Even on the ground you can see the look of fear on his face as he quickly pulls another from his quiver. His partner on the other side doesn't hesitate and lets loose an arrow which lands in the ground two feet before Athan.

You also hear the sound of movement beyond the wall of the inn, one voice you hear calm and clearly as she says, "To arms!," and an additional two voices curse loudly. And yet another, begins to chant in the rough gutteral tones of what you think must be the northern tongue.

OOC: Actions please.
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Re: Lupre

#80 Post by spanningtree »


Raises her shield above her head in a wonky attempt to protect from the folks in the trees as she charges the remains of the inn. She will try to make her way to the most obvious point of ingress/egress to the interior.
Anall nathrack uthos bethos doss yell yenva. -Merlin
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