Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#201 Post by Marullus »

Oliver's rose falls into the grave of his grandfather. Shadrach adds his humble prayers over the grave. Though the prayer is sprinkled with bits of Testament, it's mostly the heartfelt words of an old soldier who expects a similar end one day, and hopes his own sins aren't enough to keep him out of Paradise. As he finishes, he lays one hand on Nora's shoulder for a long moment, then moves it briefly to Oliver's as he moves away. "I hope you'll come with us. Can't promise there won't be danger, but I'm afraid there ain't much left for you here. Hopefully 'fore long we can get you set up in a nice town somewhere."

Nora's earlier steel is crumbled now, unable to keep all her grief contained as she watches her world literally crumble. She looks from Shadrach to Oliver, watching the boy stand on the lip of the grave for a minute. "...yeah. A town," she replies absently. After an awkward pause she turns, putting her arms around Shadrach and hiding her face in his shirt. Her body shakes silently as she hides her grief.


The grave filled in, Hansel excuses himself. A half-hour later, there is a grinding of metal - the tractor pulling the bent lift-cage from the side of the house. The bent metal box has a comm server crammed in with four antigrav hoverbikes.
Black Hoverbike-small.jpg
Black Hoverbike-small.jpg (17.63 KiB) Viewed 973 times
Oliver runs over to meet him with excitement. "Here, let me help!" he says, inserting himself directly amongst the damaged tech. Oliver does, in fact, appear to be exceptionally adept at dealing with this level of technology, which is a rare skill here, a generation after the Scream. In less than an hour, he has bolted the comm server to the back of the cab on your flatbed truck and rigged it to the truck's power system and he has three of the four gravbikes rumbling at idle nearby. One of the gravbikes is severely damaged, but even so, his tinkering has it operational (if dented) before noon.


The long night ends at last, a red dawn illuminating the heavy storm clouds that still hang above in the sky. The house crumbles slowly in on itself, the group finding shelter in the barn in case the downpour resumes. Everyone needs some rest and the barn providing some comfortable dimness once the upper doors are closed, blocking sight of the zombie corpses scattered in the fields beyond.

"Chickchickchickchick...," coos Nora, luring the chickens outside with a bucket full of seed. "They'll have a better chance on their own," she says sadly, getting the last of the animals out of the barn before shuttering the doors for the last time.

A campfire on the packed earth between the barn and the house provides light as the sun goes down, a pot of stew simmering. Nora tastes it and finally approves for it to be served to the others.

Returning with a duffel full of battery packs from the tractor, Hansel sits next to the fire, accepting Nora's offered bowl of beef stew. When the others sit down and there is silence over the savery gravy, he asks the question on his mind. "What is Peytr? How can he be put down? We tried several methods that were…unsatisfactory."

Nora contemplates her own bowl, pushing around a carrot with her spoon. "He was smart. Not many wanted to know science... too busy trying to scrape a living after the fall. My parents -- my mother, really -- tried to preserve what she could while the war tore things apart.
When Petyr showed up and showed interest my mom loved him immediately."
She cuts a potato in half with the edge of her spoon. "...and I did, too." She wipes her nose and takes a minute, chewing the stew before she continues. "Petyr wasn't just interested in science. He gathered all kinds of books, and that included necromantic texts. My mom's arc-gate led her to the inner city to get lab equipment and let him get things from the abandoned libraries. He loved to dabble... it seemed harmless at first." She scrapes the bottom of her bowl. "It was when he fell in with the Sons of Vukodlak that things really got worse. The... well, the evil of Hell, I suppose, changed everything about him. He made pacts for power and swore he'd be in charge there soon... I didn't let him come back any more."

She sets down her bowl, her fingers interlacing on her lap to keep them from fidgeting. "Whatever the hell that thing was that we saw last night, that wasn't barely human anymore." Her brow furrows, thinking on it. "You'd normally expect hemorrhaging from a gunshot wound. His blood didn't flow. Did you notice that? A gunshot without bleed-out isn't that severe - I don't think puncturing him will do any good.
I think his necromancy changed him... changed him for good. His body didn't even react like it was alive."
She blanches. "Now, the whole walking skeleton thing after the explosion... let's just hope his magic can't keep that up forever. At least he couldn't walk without ligaments. He still needs the body to function." There is a moment of uncomfortable silence, then she pushes up and moves to go into the barn. "I'm going to find an axe."

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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#202 Post by Marullus »

Changes mechanically:

You have the flatbed truck, which is now configured with a working comm server. This modifies the house rule on Electronics: your truck is now capable of long-distance two-way communication to other hubs (cities, towns with telegraph) and enables things as its own hub - effectively, your compads function connected to it and you have earpiece radios as long as the truck is within one mile.

You have four gravcycles in addition to the truck, all of which were fixible!

Code: Select all

Speed 2, Armor 3, HP 10, Crew 1, Tonnage 1, TL 4

Speed 2, Armor 4, HP 25, Crew 5, Tonnage 10, TL 4
Balygyr has A polished metal semi-circle that wraps the back of the head. (TL5, Enc 1) [A wearable psytech device that operates as a Drone Control Link implant without having to be implanted.] Three of the low-tech drones were destroyed in the explosion. He and the AI saved two Stalker Drones and two Sleeper Drones (TL4 antigrav units described in the main book) and four Primitive Drones.

He also has the glowing blue cube which is the AI that calls himself "The Heavy." He also has the Floater Ruck and the four tubes of polymorphic nanites.

Final Steps:
Let me know anything else you want to do through the "day of rest" or the second night (decent sleep). If you have downtime actions you want to do before you leave the barn, go for it. If not, we can get on the road the second morning.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#203 Post by jemmus »

With communication with the capital available, Taavi considers reporting in. He'd lead with, "This assignment has involved much less jurisprudence-- and much more shooting-- than anticipated." But he reconsiders contacting the capital. Probability of the bureaucrats in the Ministry of Justice listening to and fully understanding the facts: low. Probability of some suit pulling rank and directing him to take some unrealistic, impracticable, and downright stupid action: high. They were lawyers and administrators, not law enforcement or military, after all. What he and the deputies needed were weapons that would physically dismantle Petr's body. Grenades or explosives, perhaps. Not vague orders to put some unworkable feather-in-a-bureaucrat's-hat plan or goal into effect. Better do what needs to be done now and apologize later.

Instead, he dictated a report of events so far into his compad. He paused the recording before stating certain things, and prepped how he would phrase them in careful CYA bureaucratese. Such as being sworn in as a deputy, transporting private citizens on the government truck, and using psychic abilities on the murderous devil worshipper Petr. He ended with, "It seems hopeful, but not yet certain, that I will have the ability to communicate with the Ministry in the near future. The word 'certain' should always be used judiciously and sparingly in these peripheral lands. To date, the only certainty has been that situations will be more lawless, unpredictable-- and violent-- than expected." He saves and date-labels the file, pretty satisfied with his performance.

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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#204 Post by cybersavant »

Marullus wrote: Mon Dec 13, 2021 9:13 pm Nora contemplates her own bowl, pushing around a carrot with her spoon. "He was smart. Not many wanted to know science... too busy trying to scrape a living after the fall. My parents -- my mother, really -- tried to preserve what she could while the war tore things apart.
When Petyr showed up and showed interest my mom loved him immediately."
She cuts a potato in half with the edge of her spoon. "...and I did, too." She wipes her nose and takes a minute, chewing the stew before she continues. "Petyr wasn't just interested in science. He gathered all kinds of books, and that included necromantic texts. My mom's arc-gate led her to the inner city to get lab equipment and let him get things from the abandoned libraries. He loved to dabble... it seemed harmless at first." She scrapes the bottom of her bowl. "It was when he fell in with the Sons of Vukodlak that things really got worse. The... well, the evil of Hell, I suppose, changed everything about him. He made pacts for power and swore he'd be in charge there soon... I didn't let him come back any more."

She sets down her bowl, her fingers interlacing on her lap to keep them from fidgeting. "Whatever the hell that thing was that we saw last night, that wasn't barely human anymore." Her brow furrows, thinking on it. "You'd normally expect hemorrhaging from a gunshot wound. His blood didn't flow. Did you notice that? A gunshot without bleed-out isn't that severe - I don't think puncturing him will do any good.

Báleygr Gangleri

"Nora, our interruption in your lives has caused much sorrow, but i need to ask some things. Did you ever go along to the inner city? Do you know what Petyr wanted in the basement? Do you have any friends or family around? What d you know of the Vukodlak? Do you think severing his head and limbs would work? May I use your drones for now? I can't see anymore and need to find some augments."
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#205 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel keeps up a stream of small talk with Oliver, while acting as his “fix-it assistant “, holding the flashlight, asking questions about the comm server and the grav bikes. He’ll also help Oliver and Nora salvage any mundane, non-irradiated gear and help them load it into the truck General intent to be helpful, build a solid relationship with each, no specific outcome.

When Baleygr starts to take over the Petyr questions, Hansel will listen carefully for any clues that Nora may not be aware of possessing, using all of his espionage skills from his old life, with casual questions slipped in here and there. Notice [3d6c1+1]=12+1=13
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#206 Post by Marullus »

Báleygr Gangleri (AC 13) 5 / 5
Shadrach (AC 16, 17 Shadows) 7 / 7
Hansel Shatner (AC 15) 15 / 15
Emile (AC 15) 8 / 8
Taavi Perttu (AC 13) 9 / 13

Natural healing for two rests (+2 each) takes Hansel from 14 to 15 and Taavi from 5 to 9.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#207 Post by Marullus »

That night around the campfire...
cybersavant wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:36 am "Nora, our interruption in your lives has caused much sorrow, but i need to ask some things."
"The way I see it, Petyr was coming either way with that storm. It was always when the thunderheads came. If the storm brought you looking for shelter, too, it probably saved our lives."
cybersavant wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:36 am "Did you ever go along to the inner city?"
"Dad wouldn't allow it," she says with a tinge of regret. "It was the ring gate in the laboratory, the one Petyr was going to use to escape but which you blew up. It connected to a matching gate in the middle of Londinium, where my mom used to work. Before the Scream, it was the compromise that let her still go to work, actually, while Dad set things up here. That's what they always said, at least. Quite an expense, but she was a genius and I don't think it was only dad that said so."

"Londinium is far west," chimes in Oliver, "But not across the ocean. About 900 miles! I read all about it, but with grandma gone, nobody used the gate anymore. Grandpa always said it was far too dangerous. The city was practically destroyed in the war, he said. Nobody lives there now. When it started getting bad, Grandpa said he wouldn't let Grandma go, either. He'd try to find the right supplies."
cybersavant wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:36 am "Do you know what Petyr wanted in the basement?"
"He was taking the nuclear cores," she says.

"Self-contained nuclear cores are really, really rare now, or so I grandpa says," adds Oliver, talking excitedly. "It powered everything here, even when it wasn't working right anymore! And man, I had a lot of inventions for it to run. The scarecrows, the drones, the trap gates, plus the house..." He gets back on track. "He coulda used it to power a whole town. Or just one thing that was really, really big. Or... well, he could have used it to make one hell of a bomb, if it was configured the right way."

"He studied with mom, so he knew how to configure the nuclear cores correctly," adds Nora, "I... well, I just didn't realize that was what he wanted here most." He trails off, looking into the flames.
cybersavant wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:36 am "Do you have any friends or family around? "
"Heck no!" smiles Oliver. "I had some friends on the wireless that I could video call, but there's nobody around here anymore."

"That's the way Dad liked it," smirks Nora. "...but it did get a bit lonely."
cybersavant wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:36 am "What d you know of the Vukodlak?"
She confirms she knows nothing but rumors. With your knowledge from Prudence, you already know more facts that she does, but she's glad to hear them.
cybersavant wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:36 am "Do you think severing his head and limbs would work? "
Nora thoughtfully ponders the keen edge of the wood axe she fetched from the barn. "Sounds worth a try."
cybersavant wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:36 am "May I use your drones for now? I can't see anymore and need to find some augments."
"Sure, you can keep 'em," she says compassionately as she looks on his radiation-damaged form.
redwarrior wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:59 am When Baleygr starts to take over the Petyr questions, Hansel will listen carefully for any clues that Nora may not be aware of possessing, using all of his espionage skills from his old life, with casual questions slipped in here and there. Notice [3d6c1+1]=12+1=13
Hansel finds Nora to be without guile and Oliver to be delightfully well-read. They're exceptional in their earnestness compared to his own upbringing.

It is obvious she thought Petyr was coming back for her and Oliver and is conflicted in a love/hate way about it. The fact that he was after something as mundane as a nuclear core bristles her.

What Oliver says about the nuclear core is true and it is a major commodity on a TL3 world. You're damn lucky it didn't achieve critical mass when shot, of course. Armed, it would take out a city.

Something about the pieces you have doesn't fit together yet - the missing children of Windfall and the other outward towns, the werewolves of the cult, Sheriff Skender's old flame, now a necromancer who wishes to be Supreme among them, a nuclear power source...
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#208 Post by cybersavant »

Báleygr Gangleri

Báleygr looks at Nora and Oliver. "Thanks for that. I'm pretty good with tech, and finding it. I've been offworld, and wish to get there again, someday. For that i need money. Old tech is worth a lot. You were living over a treasure trove. I tried to rescue as much f it as i could. I thought i could buffer the rads. Going to the city isn't an option anymore. I saw the portal, but i didn't know where it went. If you have nowhere to go, Petyr can't follow you. But what would he want with nuclear power, especially after he cursed himself with dark arts, is a mystery. Perhaps once we learn more about these werewolves .... . AI, do you have any records of this area?"

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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#209 Post by Marullus »

Báleygr asks, "AI, do you have any records of this area?"

The blue light of the cube brightens, as if waking from sleep mode. "I have what information and overlays were available for download from what remained of the satellite array," he replies. "Topographical maps, geological studies, seismology overlays, and water table analysis."
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#210 Post by Marullus »

I decided to allow a slightly faster advancement. (Because, #1, why not, and #2, you guys still have really low hit points!)

Please advance to Level 3 before we open the new Chapter 3 thread. :)

Follow the rules on page 56/57 in the rulebook again for advancement. You get 3 points to spend into skills. You can now purchase skills at level 2 (which takes all three skill points to get it there from an existing Level 1). You re-roll 3d6 for your hit dice, plus warrior and CON bonuses (they can't go down from your current total +1.) Also, improve your savings throws by 1.

I think Balygyr also gets level 2 spells.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#211 Post by cybersavant »

nope, can just cast one more

and at level 9 i can heal my eyes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#212 Post by Marullus »

Please fix characters in the Character Sheet thread, and include an end-note of what you changed for the new level. Post here when characters are updated so I know we're good. Then when that's done, Chapter 3 is posted. :)
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#213 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel increased his Wisdom from 17 to 18 - He's been paying attention! He also increased his shooting from 1 to 2 (note: total of 4 skill points because of +1 SP due to partial expert), because he's been doing a lot of it!! Had his HP shot way up! - roll near bottom of character sheet. :D

He's ready to ride!
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#214 Post by cybersavant »

fix 1->2

hp +1

cast 1 more spell/day
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#215 Post by Marullus »

Both Hansel and Balygyr spend 3pts to raise a skill from 1 to 2. But they're both Partial Expert, so have 4pts to spend. You can buy a new skill at 0 with that, or keep track that you're saving it and have 5pts next level.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#216 Post by cybersavant »

Know 0
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#217 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel burned the other point increasing his wis. :)
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