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Re: Lupre

#21 Post by Revenant »

The three companions don't wait long for their food, two serving girls come to the table with trays laden with pints of ale, a decanter of white wine, a jug of water, a loaf of freshly baked bread and three huge plates filled with a sampling of roasted boar, carrots, greens and onions, baked potatoes and a bowl for each of venison stew. One serving girl remarks, "We've an apple pie baking if you've room after eating all this. It all on the house per the boss."

The man with the sigiled shield says nothing as Reggie drops off her message. When she has returned to her table, he examines the seal to make sure it is intact. He then deftly pulls a dagger from his belt and quickly slices open the letter. He reads it and whispers something to the rest of his crew and then rises, moving to the open fire where the boar is roasting and drops it into the flames. When it is entirely consumed, he starts towards Reggie's table.

And passes by the man who was indicated as Tallow as he moves to a board and posts a piece of parchment to a notice board beside the entrance. Tallow then exits the inn.

The two serving girls leave the companions' table and one goes to Reggie's table and the other to Zaella's to take their orders.

The man with the sigiled shield stands over Reggie's table until she has given the girl her order and waits for the girl to leave, pale blue eyes looking at Reggie for several moments before he takes five gold pieces from his coin pouch and drops them on the table one by one. "You did good," he says in a surprisingly soft spoken voice. "I've a task for you also. I want you to return to Belay and find Argent. He will likely be in The Crow's Nest Tavern. You are to tell him this," he pauses emphasing the following, "in exactly these words - The candle is lit and the shadow is cast." He repeats the words to her once more before adding, "Argent will give you your reward and your debt to him will be paid in full." The smallest hint of a smile plays across his thin lips and then he returns to his table.

Dew listens to Zaella and then remarks, "With friends like those...," his gruff voice drifts off before resuming, "I'd not put anything past them Nost folk. No doubt she's behind the killings." The dwarf rises, "Well safe journeys to ya, I'd avoid the Scar for a bit. Things are about to get hairy up that way," he winks and returns to his table throwing a few coins down for payment and heading for the door.

Those who examine the board and notes on it will see the following:

1) Tallow's Note - Hiring adventurers to journey to Brindleseep to protect my mining interests. Ample reward will be provided upon a successful result. Mounts provided for the journey. See the prop. here or me at my home for further arrangements. - Erasmus Tallow.

2) My previous daughters have been kidnapped! I am offering 200 gold each for the safe return of my two daughters. Further information may be obtain at Ambergyle's Trading Post.

3) The King has offered a generous bounty for the heads of the bandits who harass the northern pass. Experienced mercenaries only please. See Captain Leiber for further details.
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Re: Lupre

#22 Post by edwardsobel »


Reggie does her best to maintain a calm disposition. She has only one goal at the moment, to settle this debt and get on with her life.

But the messenger service gig ha already started to try her patience. Despite this, she refrains from mouthing off to the fellow. She is a bit out numbered and is a stranger here. No need to get sent to jail again.

She simply takes up the gold with one hand and nods. Her other hand having a death grip on her chair ready to jump up and bash this joker over the head with it.

Got it. is all she says in reply. Matching his stare with her own.
She doesn't relax till he has taken his leave and she goes to take a swig of rum, but finding it empty she orders another bottle.
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Re: Lupre

#23 Post by spanningtree »


Woof, that looks like a bit of a rough time there. Nodding toward Reggie's table. I do agree, the girls are in immediate danger. A task worthy of attention.
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Re: Lupre

#24 Post by Darithe »


"I agree Thena, she appears to be in a bit of a pickle. How about we ask her to join us? I'll even spring to buy her dinner, it looks like she could use a friendly face here," pouring herself a glass of wine and slicing pieces of bread for each of her companions. Something about what the man said to the woman makes her think of her recurring dream. "I'd imagine there's a story behind that conversation and I for one would like to hear it. Not that I am a gossip, but knowledge is as they say power." She busies herself downing some of the sumptuous feast laid before her. She elbows Athan, "Invite her over to the table."
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Re: Lupre

#25 Post by Nazard »

Sir Athan:

Athan nods, gets up, and makes his way to the next table. Good evening, miss. We were wondering if you would be interested in sharing supper at our table, where all the weapons are, and a large group of people who know how to use them are sitting.
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Re: Lupre

#26 Post by edwardsobel »


Reggie looks at the knight that approached her. She remains sent for a bit, trying to figure out his angle.
What is he up to? She wonders to herself.

Not that i dont appreciate the offer, but why? You think i can't handle myself?

She pours a double shot of rum into a glass and slides it across the table to Athan. Tell ya what you can take that and if ya dont puke ill join ya.

sorry, but reggie is a bit of an untrusting rough lot. If you can handle your liquor you increase her respect for you. Its a pirate thing
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Re: Lupre

#27 Post by Nazard »

Against three or four—sure thing, but seven?The innkeeper’s daughter is my friend there, and while a good tussle can be an enjoyable diversion, the innkeeper has been generous so anything I can do to avoid potential damage to his furnishings is my honour to oblige.

He glances down at the rum. While he’s more of an ale and mead kind of guy, he’s not unwilling to try new things. Getting a whiff of the strength of the liquor a moment too late, he knocks back the entire double in one shot.

While Athan wants to cough and sputter, he forces a smile on his face, takes a careful breath, and gasps, Smooth! Very smooth!
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Re: Lupre

#28 Post by Revenant »

As the drinking contest is playing out, you hear the armored man at Ambergyle's table rise and remark, "I ain't riskin' my life for that paltry sum. You'd need more than me to rescue those girls, who are probably already dead. You need muscle and a tracker at the very least. And I ain't no tracker. I wish ya luck but I ain't yer man." And with that the man downs the rest of his ale and marches out of the inn. Ambergyle hides his face in his hands.

The gang of seven order rounds of drink and their leader talks in whispers to them.

You note a young man enter the inn and move to Ambergyle's table, "Sir," he says with hestitation, "I don't know if you remember me but I am Davion Cerstair, a novice at the temple. I knew your daughters and I'd like to offer my services to help find them. I've little experience outside of prayer but I am willing to help find them and I am not interested in any compensation." He pauses awkwardly before Ambergyle. Several at the seven's table laugh mockingly at this. But Ambergyle looks up, "Thank you Davion, I appreciate your interest but I've had little luck in finding enough to form a search party. I'm afraid they are lost to me."
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Re: Lupre

#29 Post by edwardsobel »


Reggie can't help but snicker a little at Atan's first taste of rum.

Alright, ya proved yer worth, but i am in a bit of a generous mood today, you best be practicing your drinking.

She grabs her bottle (actually the second) and takes a seat.

Sitting rather unladylike, she offers the rum to the others, or rather pours them each a shot.

So, why the hospitality? She asks hoping to find what scam they might intend to pull on her.
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Re: Lupre

#30 Post by Darithe »


While watching Athan drink his way into the sailor's confidence with a slight smile of amusement, Mave saunters over to the posting board reading each of the notes. A thought then occurs to her, and she stops at the elven woman's table, the one the dwarf called Zaella and pauses to speak to her, "I don't suppose you might be looking for employment?" she asks offering a charming smile. "If so, please bring your chair over to our table, as I've a proposition for you." Without waiting for a response she returns to the companions' table.

Seeing the offered drink, Mave smiles at the sailor and downs it in one shot, "I'll have another if you are still feeling generous." The Gallowhawk family were descended from the first mate of Rafe Ironhand's pirate crew and while that was many years before Mave was even a twinkle in her father's eyes, she had spent many a night of her young life, on the docks in Gull's Landing's bars learning her skills. And while she preferred a better quality rum to what the sailor was offering, she doubted she'd find it here. "Hospitality? It is that and an offer, but unlike the man who paid you the gold, you have a choice in our offer." She looks to Athan and Thena, "I think we are agreed that we should help Mr. Ambergyle. And if we face bandits we probably need to supplement our forces. Would you care to join us for a split of the reward? Oh and by the way my name is Mave Gallowhawk." She awaits the sailor's answer and the elven woman's if she has joined them.
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Re: Lupre

#31 Post by edwardsobel »


She seems impressed at the swordswoman handling of her drink. she awaits for the others to have their drinks. but in the meantime.

Reggie, So ya want to help get dem girls back? She leans in to try and not have her words overheard.

I would suggest that we not talk to him, not yet at least. I say get those wayward girls' back then negotiate their return. maybe get a bit extra coin if the promise they're are still breathin'. If'n ya want to talk to him first anyway, don't go takin the job, let him sit and stew a bit, desperate men pay extra.
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Re: Lupre

#32 Post by Zaella »


She watches the young woman return to her table, she considers her proposition with interest. After a moment she picks up her chair and ale, then moves them to the woman's table.

"Tell me more about what you have in mind"
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Re: Lupre

#33 Post by spanningtree »


Moves her chair if need to make room for all. Taking up the shot of rum, she'll salute Reggie with the glass before knocking it back. She nods to Zaella as well.

Thank you... concerning the wayward lasses, I think we could negotiate a bit of a better reward up front. There are other jobs available, we could make that a point.
With a wink while she chases the rum with a sip of ale.
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Re: Lupre

#34 Post by Nazard »

Sir Athan:

Athan grimaces at the talk of squeezing a grieving father for more money. 400 crowns is probably all the man has. He seems totally grief-stricken. Don’t forget that there is also a bounty on the heads of these bandits, and that any of their possessions that we find in the course of this rescue or recovery would also by rights belong to us. I strongly doubt the five of us would only come away from this endeavour with 80 crowns a piece. Besides, negotiating for more money just to save two innocent lives from a horrible fate seems somewhat…gauche.
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Re: Lupre

#35 Post by Darithe »


Athan's words soften her first inclination, and she thinks a moment of her situation. She wondered if her own father, felt any grief at her absence as the merchant obviously did for his daughters. Probably very little, she thought, other than the lack of a good alliance built with another house. Could she in good conscience, take advantage of the man's grief? No, as much as she liked to play the remorseless bravo, that wasn't who she truly was.

"I have to agree with Athan. I doubt the man can pay more than he has already offered. He seems to me quite grieved and I doubt he would not already offer the maximum he could afford to save his daughters. And there is the reward for the bandit heads, from the king's bounty no less. Plus, as much as I tended to disagree with my father, he did teach me one thing...Not all rewards are minted in coin. If we succeed think of the good will with the town we will have earned. Ambergyle is a merchant and I bet he would offer us a discount on his goods and perhaps that would be more than mere monetary payment. So I will not try to force more coin out of a grieving father. Now, are any of us skilled at tracking?"

She stops and looks to each of the others to get their input.
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Re: Lupre

#36 Post by Revenant »

Davion, the young cleric takes a seat at Ambergyle's table and they begin a long conversation.

The seven finish their drinks and start towards door, the sigil-shield bearer pausing only to give Reggie a thumbs up and a wink, before they exit the building.

Thena's father stops by the table to make sure you are all being served and to let Thena know her mother and sisters have made up beds for the three companions. He asks if he should get rooms for the two newcomers at their table.
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Re: Lupre

#37 Post by spanningtree »


In reference to Mave's and Athan's comments regarding their potential mission: I cannot agree more, I was tossing out an alternate to holding the girls unless more than the currently offered reward is squeezed from the stone. The line between captor and rescuer is moral quandary for myself, I'd rather be the latter. Should we take this up with Mr. Ambergyle this eve or wait until the morn? I think at the least we should talk to him tonight and then be off at first light.

To her father: Yes, papa, it looks like we have a few more. Looking to her new acquaintances Zaella and Reggie: Would that be correct?

When she has a moment Thena will engage her father regarding Mr. Ambergyle's daughters: Papa, do you know anything about this kidnapping?
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Re: Lupre

#38 Post by Zaella »


Zaella looks over at her and nods "count me in"
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Re: Lupre

#39 Post by The Bindoner »


At the gates of Lupre Wilwayaisawén hesitates when told to keep her sword peacebound. At first, it sounds as outlandish as asking her to tie one arm behind her back, but a short consideration leads her to the recollection that a sword is just as effective at ending a fight in its sheath, just less lethal. Painful memories of early training confim this. She acquiesces

Passing through, she stops at the beggar and, knees together and pivoting at the hips, sits on her haunches beside him.

Taking out a purse, she removes two coppers and drops them in the helm. Still holding the open purse, she speaks quietly to him:

Good day, friend. I am Wilwayaisawén, but you can call me Wilwarin. What is your name?

You see all who pass, and few see you, I think. They see a beggar, but not you.

You have a story, perhaps I can learn wisdom from it. How did you become a lost soul, friend? What will give your life direction again?

A small smile appears as she takes out five more coppers and adds them to the helms:

Tell me, man who sees everyone, who have you seen today that is worth telling of? I am looking for someone, and I hope you have seen them.
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Re: Lupre

#40 Post by Revenant »

Edmur responds to his daughter's question about the kidnapping, "Leiber did tell me about it. Seems there were six young mages traveling to that magick college near Belay and they left here a week and a half ago. Liv and Ced amongst the six and a single mercenary hired to guard them along their way. Two of them young mages came from the Scar, where the guard was hired by an apparently well off young man name of Tremonde, as I understand it. They were joined by another two from Kraggen Keep and then a'course Liv and Ced here. The captain said they got as far as that old ruined inn...what was it called...some strange name. Oh yes, Ashes of Sorrow, it was. Been abandoned for near on 50-60 years I reckon, after a bunch of folk was killed there. Anyway, they had apparently camped near there and were attacked, during the night. The two young mages from Kraggen Keep and the guard were all killed." He leans in close and whispers the next part, "The Captain said whoever kilt them did horrible things to the bodies. I didn't ask exactly what but if you need to know you should ask Leiber. The captain sent men to investigate and they found some tracks. They reckoned there were at least seven involved and they had horses. They tracked them into the Horn but lost them somewhere north of the town near the old cemetary. The captain sent word to the Outpost for the rangers to help, but there's been no response yet. That was four days past. Considering what I've heard I think the rangers may have their hands full as it is. Raiders from the Ashen Lands have been wreaking havoc on the roads and forest north of here." He pauses a moment waiting for any further questions.

At the sound of coins dropping into his helm the beggar's rheumy eyes focus on the generous young elven woman. "Wilwarin," he repeats a slight smile crossing his cracked lips as he thinks for a moment before responding, "I am Nic...Nicolin deMasse, once a knight of renown, now a disgrace, a failure and a drunk. My soul was lost in battle north of Ravenscar when I lost my lord at the battle of bitter rock," tears well in the old man's eyes, "The northmen took it all and I can never recover it," he breaks down in tears. Sobbing for several moments, he is startled from his grief, at the sound of the five coins dropping into his helm. "I see...I see yes...," he stops suddenly and is quiet as you see six men and a woman, riding from the town, their horses kicking up dust as they pass. He waits until they are gone before he responds further, "They have death in their eyes," he looks down. "I have seen it in many. I have seen it in the men and women who have come to town and entered the herbalist shoppe. They enter and do not leave. I think he turns them into herbs," he says frowning, "How else could they just be gone?" He stops again for several moments, "I have seen several enter today besides the ones with death in their eyes. A woman dressed like she just sailed in from the Scathean Sea. A knight, like I once was with two women, one I know...the innkeeper's daughter, the other I do not know. An elven woman like you, she passed me but did not see, the one who followed thereafter in her steps. A shadow that went by the guards unseen like a cool breeze on a dark night. But I saw and I saw the blood of his wake. Do you seek that shadow?"
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