[IC] The New Assignment

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[IC] The New Assignment

#1 Post by Leitz »

You will get data in your private forum that you may or may not choose to share with your team mates. You decide if you know each other, and what those relationship are. This is the thread for any pre-game IC events or discussion.
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Re: [IC] The New Assignment

#2 Post by gurusql »

LT Commander Thelin Ch'tihlot, Science Officer and Potential First Officer, Andorian, Chan (One of the two Andorian male genders), Computer-3
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Re: [IC] The New Assignment

#3 Post by Leitz »

The Prakziz system has initiated a state of defensive readiness for the upcoming invasion by undetermined enemies. You are hereby assigned to the USS Inceku Engabonakali (NX-14) and will report to Commodore Hiram Ganbaatar, Commanding for duties as he/she/it/they shall see fit.

TDY orders for lodging and civilian transportation to the Prakziz system have been attached to your identification. Track expenses for per diem reimbursement, within the guidelines of SF.OG56.1171.3. You will retain all Star Fleet rank and privilege. This assignment accumulates duty days for time in rank and time in service.

The Federation, and Star Fleet, have the utmost confidence in you.
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Re: [IC] The New Assignment

#4 Post by Leitz »

Basic research shows that the Prakziz system is in a back-space area of the Federation, and the only enemy capable of reaching it is boredom. The system has sufficient technology to export food to several other systems, and there was a Federation research station there until recently. Due to the war footing, exports and science has dwindled.

There is no record of an NX-14 in the Star Fleet database. Commander (not Commodore) Hiram Ganbaatar served with distinction and retired over thirty years ago.
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Re: [IC] The New Assignment

#5 Post by gurusql »

"Mystery and confusion. It would be some much easier to write a clear message without surprises, but that is not the Star Fleet way. Experimental Ships and retired Commanders - just another Monday." thinks Lt Commander Thelin to himself. He makes sure that he has secured all of this personal belongings. For most Star Fleet Officers that is a contained in a single bag of possessions that cannot be replicated. As he is heading to find his civilian transport his mind wanders thinking about word origins in Federation Standard Prakziz sounds a lot like Praksis a Klingon moon that classified Star Fleet reports say is an energy production facility, must have heard that on the USS Lexington, those were the days. He almost runs into some one and his mind is snapped back to Prakziz and he wonders if Ensign (she must have been promoted I was only a Lt. at the time) Ivy Banks with her specialty in the Social Sciences was stationed there on Prakziz, I wonder if we will see each other again?
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Re: [IC] The New Assignment

#6 Post by Leitz »

5958.1 Prakziz High Port

The view of the stellar phenomena was outstanding. Vibrant red flares against a space black background, highlighted by the occasional green streak. The civilian transports didn't have a great stellar view and nothing like fleet sensors, but for this, it just wasn't needed. For those of a romantic bent, the display was entrancing. The stewards did point out the local tradition of marriage and business proposals being made during the peak events.

Of course, knowing that you're on an unshielded civilian transport during solar flares could dampen the romance a touch.

In less than twenty four hours (Federation standard) you need to report to the Inceku Engabonakali. The single Customs and Immigration officer is overwhelmed, but did point you to a shuttle service. Transporters are less effective in system due to the cloud effects, but shuttles run to the planet twice a day. A chartered shuttle could be arranged to take you straight to the Inceku Engabonakali, assuming she was going to be near by any time soon.

You have just under one standard day. High Port is roughly a small but busy business center, approximately 5,000 people. Not very high tech, and lots of empty cargo berths.
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Re: [IC] The New Assignment

#7 Post by gurusql »

Lt Commander Thelin will attempt to find the Communication Center and first find out if the USS Inceku Engabonakali regularly checks in and if it is possible to send a message to the USS Inceku Engabonakali and hopefully get a reply. He needs to find out where to go before trying to get a shuttle there. Not to mention it often easier to find another party when they are looking for you as well.
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Re: [IC] The New Assignment

#8 Post by Leitz »

Prakziz - Social Geography

The local citizens are mostly (97.858%) of mixed human stock. The system has been populated for over a hundred years, and social mores focus on hard farm work and family. Anyone contributing to the common good is viewed positively, regardless of skin tone, species, or cultural origin. Non-humans who can establish families tend to integrate much faster than lone individuals who cannot.

Gender rolls are structured, but not absolute. Families tend (64.46%) to have between five and nine children and housing units often (73.88%) contain three or more generations. Life expectancy is 89.512 standard years, average.
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Re: [IC] The New Assignment

#9 Post by Leitz »

The Federation's research station, away from the main planets, has been shut down. The 124 research staff are currently either at High Port or on the planet.

The USS Farragut delivered supplies for the research team four days ago, and then headed out system to continue its shakedown cruise.

The USS Inceku Engabonakali, locally referred to as the "Hussy" (from "USS IE") tracked the Farragut but returned to comm silence after breaking contact. The local military comm station sends burst traffic on scheduled intervals, but the stellar cloud sometimes precludes reception.

LTCMDR Thelin is able to send a message, and is told that replies usually come within four points. (Each stardate point number 5958.x is roughly 2.4 hours. Thus probably within 9.5 hours, depending on when they break comm silence.)

The Star Fleet Naval Observatory maintains a small three person office on High Port. Their usual staff is on the research station.

The Hussy is the only warship normally in system, and the locals take great pride in it. The crew is almost all from the planet, though occasionally "ferigners" are brought in for one of Hiram's "special projects". If a PC reveals that they are assigned to the Hussy, the PC is treated with a bit more respect. (Equal to Soc A, or +1 Soc if already A+)
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Re: [IC] The New Assignment

#10 Post by gurusql »

Lt. Commander Thelin

While waiting for a transmission back Lt. Commander Thelin will head over to the Star Fleet Naval Observatory to see if he can have a pleasant afternoon in Observatory, perhaps refine some observatory subroutines or shock doing some science.
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Re: [IC] The New Assignment

#11 Post by cybersavant »

Andrhonal B'Aarr, Betelgeusean Engineer

The USS Eagle enters the Prakziz system. Andrhonal grabs his gear and heads for the transporter room, still wondering about the sudden transfer to the USS Inceku Engabonakali (NX-14). Neither Captain Garretson nor Commander Renaaryn commented on the transfer. Andrhonal wonders i they requested it or if it came from somewhere else. Once the Eagle is in orbit Andrhonal transfers to the station. Having some time before he needs to report in, he checks his comms and finds a new log. He reads the message from Dana Drake; then finds a spot to sit down a moment.
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Re: [IC] The New Assignment

#12 Post by cybersavant »

Public Bio
When your character is finalized, post a public bio in the pre-game IC thread. This is rank, name, department (and status, if dept head), species, gender (if applicable), and any 3+ skills. The last is due to reputation. For example:

LT Janice Smith, Security Chief, Human, Female, GunCbt-3.

Lt. jg. Andrhonal B'Aarr, Engineer, Betelgeusian, male,
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