Small's Paradise

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Small's Paradise

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

New York City was thee place to be if you wanted to hear some of the best Jazz music being played anywhere. Though it may have only covered roughly 2 miles between 96th and 155th Streets in northern Manhattan, Harlem was the light of the world in 1925. Everyone wanted to be part of the music, the words, and the movement. Harlem was Jazz, and a place where anyone could be royalty. The ever increasing Black population migrating from the deep south brought in some of the very best musicians and singers on the planet.

At one time a growing hub of elegance and leisure for the elite, it's wide, crowded streets bump up against brick and brownstone buildings reaching ever skyward. Harlem is overrun with private clubs, speakeasies, churches, and thousands of people struggling to make ends meet for one more day. In the secret underground world of prohibition... music, lights, illegal booze, and the promise of a better tomorrow can always be found. A fine home for a speakeasy known as Small's Paradise.

Easily rivaling better known places such as the Cotton Club, the privately owned Small's Paradise was one of the top three spots to be seen in Harlem, and would eventually become the boroughs longest-lived nightclub. One of only a few places in the entire city where rich white patrons and local black folks alike could drink and commiserate side by side without issue, patrons came for the hot music, excellent food, and some of the best bootleg liquor to be found, consequently breaking the law in the process.

The men wear tuxedos while ladies dazzle in fine evening dresses, making Small's the swankiest place to drink in town. While the music is always hot, the prices are not cheap, much of the profits lining the pockets of the police and feds so they turn a blind eye to the underground establishment's illegal trade. The first show starts at 8 o'clock, and the music roars till dawn on most nights.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#2 Post by OGRE MAGE »

As already mentioned, I want to put this thing into motion to see where it goes. We have 4 players who are ready to post, and a few more on the waitlist, so I will kick this into gear and hopefully we can get our last player situated soon enough. Again, thanks for your patience, and if anyone has any questions about any of this, please just ask!

Paradise On Earth

Crossing the busy Harlem intersection of 7th Avenue and 135th Street, filled with everyday people milling about on the sidewalks and crosswalks in every direction, an unmarked but heavily guarded blue door stands in contrast with its dull grey and brown surroundings. A pair of mountainous African-American gentlemen dressed in sharp suits and matching hats stand outside the colorful portal, opening the door for the well dressed white folks who periodically enter, and also preventing any riff-raff from trying to sneak inside.

Certain this must be the place he is looking for, Montreal businessman Rene Vezina tells his cab driver to pull over, verifying with the man that this is indeed the front door to Small's Paradise. Rene quickly spots another man walking along the sidewalk towards the establishment, a stage preforming acquaintance of his named Howard Thurston. Of course this very calculated magician friend would show up precisely on time at 9 o'clock, on the dot.

Across the street, a somewhat less accomplished man stands behind a mailbox, next to an old telegraph pole, taking in the sights and sounds of the busy street, keeping a sharp eye on the door and the patrons walking through it. Thurston notices the man standing there alone and realizes that he has had dealings with him before. It is none other than Calvin Beauregard, a newspaper reporter who has written lucrative stories detailing his shows in the past. Inexplicably and unbeknownst, it seems that the paths of these three men have suddenly and mysteriously entwined.


You guys can take it from here to decide how you want to enter the club. All I will need to know is how each of you are currently dressed.

Rex, Charles Harper is obviously already inside, dressed in his best suit, and hard at work. So please hold tight for a couple of posts while we see if any of these other guys are able to get past your coworkers.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#3 Post by Grognardsw »


Howard Thurston, dressed respectably but not flashily given the dangerous neighborhood, and discretely packing his heater for protection, scans the street as he strolls toward Small's. He spots his newshawk acquaintance Calvin Beauregard.

"Calvin!" says Thurston, waving at the Tribune reporter. "How are you? How goes the muckraking business since we last talked? You on your way into Small's? I'm in the mood for some hooch and a choice bit of calico!"

Thurston lights a gasper, exhales.
Assuming Thurston doesn't see Rene who is in his cab.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#4 Post by Bluetongue »

Calvin Beauregard

Has been 'casing the joint' for the expected limo arrival of Mayor Haylan and his entourage of hangers-on. Notably a wardrobe shaped slab of muscle, one of those 'I could have been a contender' pugilist types with a flat nose and shaven head. An expected 'floosie, draped on his arm as the next pretty fashion icon and a 'greaser' type right hand man carrying the brief case of dodgy deals and being the gopher whipping boy.

He wondered how to gain an entrance. While not dressed as 'riff-raff', he was in his sports club blazer and wore a tie loosely at his collar, black
leather brogue shoes, just shined by the boy at the stall opposite; still press hacks portraits were often pinned to various reception walls as if he was wanted dead or alive. It was a paradox that most of the underworld 'movers and shakers' wanted both a reputation and anonymity.

He is hears his name called. " Thurston my good man. How are you? I didn't notice your name on the undercard. Not entertaining the bourgeoisie tonight?

Where is Darwin? Behaving I hope? And the ever comely Alicia? Hope you haven't sawn her in two."

He picks up his case, camera inside and greets the magician.
Last edited by Bluetongue on Tue May 25, 2021 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#5 Post by Ashuaps »

René Vézina

René finishes his conversation with the driver and pays him, making sure to leave a good tip. It never hurts to be in good term with the local taxi drivers. He also asks the driver about the Small Paradise as he exits the cab, looking for a bit more local knowledge. Having already noticed Thurston, René takes a moment to survey the scene while observing the stage magician calling the odd looking man that was keeping the mailbox company. René, as is his wont, is sharply dressed for the evening in a quality three piece suit and a trilby hat worn elegantly but without over the top flashiness. He waits to catch Thurston's eye to nod in a friendly manner and decides that while these two are catching up, he should have a quick chat with the bouncers.

"Good evening gentlemen.", he says to the the closest of the two doormen, "René Vézina, Montrealer and Jazz lover. I've been told that this is the place to come to see fresh new talent. I hope I came on the right night. Who's on tonight?"

René will continue his friendly conversation with the doorman, unless rebuffed, until Thurston and Calvin approach
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Re: Small's Paradise

#6 Post by Grognardsw »

“Well enough,” answers Thurston to Calvin. “I’m not on the bill tonight. I’m here at the invitation of Rene Vizina. Darwin would be fun company, but he gets belligerent when drunk. Alicia is doing well, keeping herself together."

Thurston spots Rene at the door to Small's.

"Shall we go inside?” he asks Calvin.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#7 Post by OGRE MAGE »

"Well, thank ya kindly sir! All I know bout this place is it aint cheap. But you look like you can afford a few drinks." The cab driver rushes outside to help Rene exit the cab, closing his door for him. "Have a good time, sir!"

At the well lit blue door, Rene spots Thurston and the other man heading towards him. He takes a moment to ask the huge doorman who is preforming tonight. The mountainous black man opens the door wide and answers in a deep booming voice with a hard southern drawl.

"Chalie Johnson and the Pa-dise Ochstra be the ouse band, suh. But I erd they's another horn player on the bill too. Nama Leroy Turner. But I ant neva erd em play befo, suh."

The other bouncer continues to stop and check over any patrons trying to get in that aren't dressed to the nines.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#8 Post by Bluetongue »

Calvin Beauregard

Walks besides Thurston approaching the door were the other man, another acquaintance of the magician judging by the exchange of greetings, stands talking to the burly bouncers.

The traffic and footfall mask any chance to overhear the conversation,

Calvin Beauregard 'Listen skill check vs 40/20/8 [1d100]=76

as he mulls how to persuade the guys to let him in without exposing what he carries in the case. Bribery? Some streetwise fast talk? Persuasion, Deception?
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Re: Small's Paradise

#9 Post by Ashuaps »

René Vézina

René continues his conversation with the doorman until Thurston and Calvin approach and then turns towards them and great them warmly.

"Ah, Thurston", he says shaking his hand. "Great timing, I was just about to go in". He then turns to Calvin to great him equals warmly. Then turning to the doorman, he says: "My friends have arrived and I can't wait to go se the show. I wonder if you could point us towards a good table."

In case it is needed, charm skill for the doorman for thee time spent befriending him
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Re: Small's Paradise

#10 Post by OGRE MAGE »

An Extreme Success is always a good way to start out an investigation. :D
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Re: Small's Paradise

#11 Post by Ashuaps »

OGRE MAGE wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 7:15 pm An Extreme Success is always a good way to start out an investigation. :D
I don't supposed I am allowed to change my mind and store that roll for later use when I try to charm a Great Old One, can I?. :D
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Re: Small's Paradise

#12 Post by Grognardsw »

"Hello Rene, how have you been!" Thurston says as he greets his Canadian friend in front of Small's, and they all go in. "I've yet to visit this place. This neighborhood sure is hopping."

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Re: Small's Paradise

#13 Post by Bluetongue »

Calvin Beauregard

Seeks to be quick to take advantage of René's charm and impeccable manners with the door staff.

"Yes my good man. One where we can observe the stage but not intrude too much on those reserved for the dress seats.

And perhaps Mr Harrison here could see his way to getting the prettiest of waitresses and the finest of wines?".
he greases the palm of one of the doormen with a five dollar bill and passes by.

Calvin Beauregard 'Fast talk' skill check vs 60/30/12 [1d100]=3

honestly I have no idea of relevant currency values for the day. Should a George Washington one dollar have been a more appropriate tip? Didn't want to appear stingy, besides he needs to smuggle his camera case in somehow.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#14 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The First Hurdle

The pair of immense bouncers allow Rene and Thurston to enter, but stop the lesser dressed, camera case carrying Calvin, blocking the doorway with one arm the size of a thick tree branch.

When the crafty reporter pulls out an appropriately sized tip of five dollars to grease the massive palm, a pair of flapper girls quickly rush up to the door next, demanding to be let inside as well. In the sudden confusion, and after some fast talking from the quick witted Calvin about the case holding an extra cornet he is bringing for one of the band members, the five of you are eventually allowed through the door.

A long stairway covered with luxurious blue carpeting and matching wallpaper descends to a lobby area with a coat check and nearby washrooms. The sound of sweet jazz music hits your ears as soon as you’re inside, coming from an area beyond the lobby.

The pair of scantily dressed young dancing girls quickly sneak ahead of the trio of men, hurrying down the stairs where Calvin spots another obstacle. A second pair of bouncers straddle the entryway into the lobby beyond the stairs, looking over the oncoming patrons carefully, but not physically stopping anyone, yet. Calvin’s uncomfortable eye darting to the case he is carrying is not lost on his two wealthy friends as they approach this second hurdle.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#15 Post by Grognardsw »

Assuming the camera box is the common one of the time.Image
Thurston wonders if there is something other than a camera in the box. They'll be no sleight-of-handing that thing past the bouncers.

"I suggest a direct tact," murmurs Thurston. "You're photographing the glitz and glam. No shots of drinking."
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Re: Small's Paradise

#16 Post by Ashuaps »

René Vézina

Before entering the club, René thanks the friendly doorman and mentioned to him that he might have some jobs for him in the future if he was agreeable to it. He then move confidently into the club and takes a moment to properly introduce himself to Calvin.

"Well met, sir. It looks like we have a common friend. I must say, this thing you are carrying is not the most perfect tool to blend in." he says with a smile. "I wonder if it would be simpler to check it in and pick it up when we leave."

René observes the scene in the lobby looking for any familiar faces, then decides that they may as well go in."Shall we go in?" he says as he makes his way towards the entrance.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#17 Post by Bluetongue »

Calvin Beauregard

"Yes, a cloak room or a safe cupboard backstage. Just a moment, while you get the table I'll drop this off." he replies to the suggestion. He looks for any side corridor he might wander that leads backstage or a cloakroom store.

He asks one of the staff, trying to single out a waitress or chamberlain.

Calvin Beauregard 'Fast talk' skill check vs 60/30/12 [1d100]=45

"Excuse me please. So grateful for your help. I have these 'bitz and bobz' for the orchestra. You know, spare whistles, flutes and knobs.

Perhaps I could be shown to their dressing rooms. Rehearsal is almost over for the big show."
he puts in his best smarmy smile.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#18 Post by OGRE MAGE »

As expected, Calvin is stopped again by the second set of bouncers in the lobby where they question him extensively about the case. They don't seem to buy his story about it being for the band, especially since the band is already on stage, but the reporter is able to fast talk his way into not being tossed out himself.

"Those giant idiots let you inside with this? Why am I not surprised? What'd that cost ya?" They joke with each other about the camera, refusing any attempt to enter the ballroom with it. Calvin is able to talk them into letting him check it with the pretty young coat girl behind the counter, but that is as far as the camera makes it into the room.

The trio moves through the lobby next, to a pair of decretive sliding doors that enter into the large ballroom beyond. A white man dressed up in a flashy white tuxedo stands at the doors.

"Good evening gentlemen! And welcome to Smalls Paradise! The place is filling up fast, but we do have one table available, if you don't mind sharing. Otherwise, you will have to wait at the bar for the next opening, and that could be a good long while."

Assuming you continue inside behind the man....... "Can I take your drink orders along the way? Smalls offers the very best in fine food and drinks you know!"

Room description coming up next. I just didnt want to get too far ahead in case you need to use the toilet or something. :lol:
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Re: Small's Paradise

#19 Post by Ashuaps »

René Vézina

René is mildly amused at the machinations of the reporter. He spends a moments mentally walking through what he might want to carry in such a case but decides that it is actually both too small and not discrete enough. So he decide to let Calvin deal with what is Calvin's

"I guess we should simply follow his advice and get a table." he tells Thurston and walk towards the door, politely great the bouncers to go a look for a table inside.

René's preference is for a table that offers both a good view of the stage and of the entire room, proximity to an exit is also desirable.
FWIW, the internet is telling me the that a $1 in1925 is equivalent to about $15. So that might have been a nice $75 tip :D
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Re: Small's Paradise

#20 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Despite the growing volume of the music as they begin to enter the hall, the man in white leading them speaks up.

"Nothing to drink for you then, sir?"
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