1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles - 1st - 3rd Days

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1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles - 1st - 3rd Days

#1 Post by jemmus »

The year is 1179. It's autumn, and the scent of pine is in the clean, still air. The dried rice grains have been brought in from the fields, the fields are bare soil, and smoke rises from little fires of straw in the distance. Soon, the kami of the oceans, fields, and rocks will return. And you, for whatever or your own reasons, have chosen to travel to or through Kai province, home of the proud Minamoto samurai Takeda clan. Famed for its patience and forbearance, and for its fine horses and horsemen, the perhaps the finest in all of Nippon.

Perhaps you have chosen to make a pilgrimage to Kai's sacred Mount Fuji, the heart of Nippon, which every person hopes to see once in his or her lifetime. Or perhaps you are on some assignment from your clan. Perhaps you're on a sword quest, wandering Nippon in search of challenge, fame, and glory. Or perhaps you've been driven from your clan, for some crime or notorious misdeed. But what is certain is that you are on your own, on the open road to a land you do not know, where you know no one, and no one knows you. A stranger in a land of turmoil and tension. Where things are not always as they appear to be. A land where strangers are not always welcome.
We're still in chargen, but I wanted to move it forward a little. A placeholder for now while we get set up.
Last edited by jemmus on Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Kentaro's Beginning

#2 Post by Marullus »

Ambiance: Melancholy samisen played at the haunted forest's edge

Kentaro rests on his straw mat, plucking his samisen as the campfire crackles, filling the unnerving silence of the adjacent Aokigahara forest. The quiet of its black soil is more unnerving to the thick-necked man, with so many fell stories whispered about it and the mountain that looms above. He superstitiously ensures he's always facing the woods so the spirits can't sneak up on him.

It has been over a week that he's travelled through the Hida Mountains, southward pursuing his quarry. With the famous Mount Fuji looming above, he can't help but consider how far he is from his home. He came this far through and beyond the borders of Shinano with his father only twice before. He shrugs his shoulder to loosen the plate, still wearing his armor as he has all through the mountain trails from his home. His role is not one that brooks fools or the unprepared.
233 mile journey, about a week walking
Initial Travel.png
Initial Travel.png (455.75 KiB) Viewed 1360 times
Hida Mts
Hida Mts.png
Hida Mts.png (75.31 KiB) Viewed 1360 times
Topography - showing all mountains
It was just another task from Matsumoto no Niko. The noble who's territory now encompasses Togakushi, the mountain fastness that Kentaro has loved since birth are of little importance to the rich Samurai and his city holdings. When the brazen thief Haru stole from the Matsumoto estate and fled into the peaks, it was beneath the personal attention of Matsumoto, who dispatched Kentaro to fulfill the bounty. Kentaro tracked the thief through the rocky trails and caught up with him just this morning. Regrettably, the thief did not relent to capture and was beheaded by a single slice of the hulking man's no-dachi blade. His head is wrapped in fabric and interred in the straw sack tied behind Tafu's saddle.

The bushi looks in his pouch and sighs. It took longer to catch up to the brigand than he hoped. Probably not enough rice left for the return trip to deliver the head at Matsumoto to gain Niko's reward, and seven meager coppers left to his name in the meantime. A nearby vassal to the Minamoto could accept the head and provide a letter of proof for presentation to Niko. His gaze lingers too long on the dark boughs of the nearby forest before he casts it upwards at the more inspiring mountain peak, its fall foliage a riotous array of color. Perhaps best to hope for some worthy task to fill the belly here... but not too long. The mountain passes will close with winter before the valleys begin to chill. That forest, though. It chills me now.

If anyone wants to be a friend of Kentaro, an emissary of Niko's will, or someone with interest in Haru the thief, you can have come with me through the mountains. Otherwise, perhaps you can come upon his camp, visible outside the haunted forest, and joined him for collective safety. Sound good?
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#3 Post by spanningtree »

Ito approaches the simple camp emanating the warmth of a fire and lush music. Seeing an individual playing a stringed instrument by the fire he will appraoch to a respectable distance and give a bow. Looking up: My name is Ito, I am passing through and came upon your camp. The nights brocade grows darker, might I warm myself by your fire?
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#4 Post by Marullus »

Tafu snorts and paws up some turf at the sight of the armored figure. Kentaro finishes his melody and lowers the samisen to his lap, resting his thick fingers on the strings. He looks over the samurai for a long moment, perhaps checking to make sure he's not insubstantial. Light armor, formal family crest... not familiar with it. Those are really nice blades. This one has money... but no horse. Interesting, he thinks.

"You are welcome to share my fire, Ito-san, against the cold that comes," the bulky man in heavy armor rumbles, then adding ominously. "Do you know the tales of this forest? It is best we all be warned against answering calls from within." He uses his gauntlets to gently remove the small rice pot from the rock by the flames. "I did not prepare for guests, but will share what I have," he adds, lifting the lid to let the steam escape. "Perhaps you would tell your tale, Bushi-san? Your family?"
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#5 Post by jemmus »

The Moon has risen, full and rich, over the bare, perfectly flat black fields far away in the distance. Their farmer tenders are long ago gone, fed and dreaming, and thinking about tomorrow's work. It was a good crop this year, a heavy harvest. Farmers consider ways to conceal koku bails of rice from tax collectors once again and give up once again. "Better to pay 6 of 10 to the tax collectors than pay 10 of 10 of your neck." The village families happily chatter and prepare to share their home brew sake and food bundles with neighbor at the weekend's full moon kagura dance at the local Shinto shrine. Under the pine trees and under the full Moon on the grounds of the local shrine.

On the north side of Fuji-san, Kentaro and Ito sit in the woods, around a warm fire. The smell of pine sap and earth waft through the cool air around them.

Far away, on the other side of the great Fuji-san, an old grandma rises from her tatami. "Yuki-chan. Taro-kun, Get up. Follow me." She shushes the sleepy kids through the doorway and into the shed. She piles piles of straw over them, removes her little overcoat and lays it over them, lies down on the board floor. "Grandma, this is fun! A camping trip!"

"Listen closely to grandma, you kids. If you hear anything like armor clinking, get up and run out back to the hills. If you hear anything like horses snorting or, hoofing--you run like the wind to the mountains! Go to sleep now." Grandma heaps straw on the sleepy kids, while maintaining a wary ear....
Last edited by jemmus on Wed Apr 21, 2021 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#6 Post by Enoch »

At the camp of Kentaro, from out of the darkened treeline comes a voice, as if responding to the man's warning about voices from the forest. "Ah, Kentaro-san, I did not think you would still be awake when I finished my bath." The speaker appears, a youth with a somewhat long and narrow face and a decided widow's peak, but otherwise unremarkable. He is bare-chested, and peeks around the bulk of a longstalk holly bush.

"Would you be so kind as to bring me my loincloth from my furoshiki? I soaked the kimono I was wearing." The gurgling of the nearby brook reinforces his words.

The young man emerges from the foliage a few minutes later, a bundle of dark clothing folded neatly in his arms. Strangely enough it does not appear to be wet, though it is difficult to tell in the firelight, and he folds it neatly into one of the wrapping cloths and withdraws a plain, unbleached kimono of roughspun cloth, which he quickly fastens about himself.

Joining the others at the fire, he unrolls a straw mat of his own and sits cross-legged. "Kentaro-san, will you not introduce me to our guest?"
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#7 Post by Marullus »

Kentaro pauses to carry the breechcloth to his naked companion, allowing him modesty. Returning to the fire, he bypasses introducing either of them and settles his bulk on his mat to finish dividing the meager rice into small wooden bowls for each quietly. He extends the extra portion to Ito with a warm smile, "I believe respected Ito-san was about to provide the tale."
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#8 Post by spanningtree »

Bowing to the new arrival in the buff and then taking to his knees near the fire, in a position that will keep both of the new acquaintances in front of him. Accepting the offering from Kentaro he digs out a rice ration of his own, offering it: Perhaps a second helping is in order? My name is Ito Namagachi, I come from the Matsuamagatchi clan under the leadership of Hida-no-Kami Matsuamagatchi Aoki. A small clan to the east. Over time… (slight pause to eat some of the excellent rice) our once great clan has shifted from military prowess to politics and diplomacy as a result of sustained campaigns from neighboring clans. In truth, the campaigns decimated our once great generals and armies… and a loss of holdings and face has forsaken us. Ito is clearly pained with the admission. I have taken it upon myself to travel, learn and return one day with an understanding of the sword and military arts that have been excised from my clan. But, enough of me…

May I ask you name? To the new arrival. Why are two illustrious gentlemen like yourselves found camped at night near a forest of fears? What more of the forest can you tell me?
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#9 Post by Enoch »

The young man who had been bathing rolls neatly to his knees, bows slightly, and chuckles. "Do not mind Kentaro, Ito-san. He is superstitious, and I am sure there are no ghosts haunting these woods. I am Katsumi, a budoka seeking a ryu that will help me master my jujutsu.

"Ito-san, I am sorry to hear of your family's troubles. I hope your road gives you better luck. Have you considered an alliance with another clan? Everyone has enemies, and the enemy of your enemy..."
He trails off, leaving the ending of the maxim unspoken as he reaches for the rice pot.

"Ito-san, do you wrestle? This big oaf-" he nods his head toward Kentaro- "owes me a rematch, as he threw me onto a root and I could not continue our last match. But I would be happy to test myself against you as well, if you are interested. If not, well- Kentaro-san is not altogether useless with that samisen, and can entertain us."
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#10 Post by Marullus »

"He blames the root," scoffs Kentaro good-naturedly. He extends his hand with a respectful bow to accept Ito's proffered rice and carefully measures the water to refill the small cookpot, placing it back on the coals to cook the second helping. "He knows I can best him again, so seeks an easier foe. My apologies, Ito-san, I do not expect someone of your stature to tussle in the dirt. I will best him again if you request."

Kentaro looks sympathetic as Ito explains his family troubles. "Many clans understand this pain... who is it that now claims your holdings? The Minamoto? The Taira? Minamoto to the east, yes?" The answer should be obvious, of course, revealing a discomfort with basic heraldry and politics on his part to an experienced Samurai like Ito.

He contemplates in silence as he drains the cooked rice and begins to apportion the second helping into their bowls. He begins to speak slowly, his gravelly voice measured. "I am Togakushi no Kentaro, grandson of Togakushi no Daisuke, who overcame the dragon of Hida, but who's Daimyo surrendered to the Minamoto at the Battle of Three Hills. Our holdings now all belong to the Matsumoto - my father and grandfather had no such strength in diplomacy or politics to avail us as your own. I walk to road of my father, Togakushi no Katashi," he reverently touches the hilt of the massive no-dachi that rises above his shoulder, "performing duties of the sword for Togakushi mountain, service owed to the Matsumoto, as honor of deeds still remains to us."
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#11 Post by ffilz »

As food is being served and the light is failing, a man in peasant garb comes out of the woods, he must have been picking plants because his hands are dirty and stained green.

Perhaps someone recognizes Taisho...

Assume the dialog translates to appropriate Japanese...

Hail travelers. May I join you? I have rice and dried fish as well as some flavorful herbs I have freshly picked to share. I lost myself in the hunt for herbs, having spent much of the day on the slopes above. I did not realize others were traveling in this area.
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#12 Post by Enoch »

Katsumi gestures to an open area before the fire. "Please, seat yourself. A stranger bearing food is always welcome- especially if it's not millet!" He laughs good-naturedly, seemingly amused by his own joke. "I am Katsumi, and this is Kentaro-san-" he gestures toward a hulking brute of a man whose massive hands seem more suited to holding a tetsubo than the samisen that currently occupies them- "and Ito-san." He gestures toward the other man seated at the campfire.

"You must live nearby, to be gathering herbs here with no camp prepared. What is your name?"
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#13 Post by Marullus »

Kentaro pales, freezing in place as the saffron-robed man emerges from the treeline of the haunted forest.

"Yūrei!" he hisses at Katsumi as the Bodoka extends the invitation, "Make sure he is not Yūrei!"
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#14 Post by Enoch »

Katsumi looks nearly as alarmed as Kentaro, but for entirely different reasons. He stares at the large bushi with shock written all over his face. "And how do you suggest we do that? Prick him to see if he bleeds? Kentaro-san, I am shocked at you! This is not the proper behavior of a host."

He turns back to the newest arrival, trying and failing to keep a smile from his lips. "Ghost or no, some savory herbs would be much appreciated. If those taste as good as they smell, a yorei is still welcome at my fire!"
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#15 Post by ffilz »

I am Taisho. I have been traveling long on pilgrimage. The day was nice and the local fall flora looked enticing so I took somewhat of a break from my journey to collect some herbs and lost track of the time. I am most fortunate to have stumbled upon honorable fellow travelers. I assure you I am no yurei, I bleed the same red as you do. Would a yurei offer simple food? No, a yurei would offer something scrumptious to lure you.

Taisho proceeds to set out his herbs and start preparing a simple dish with some herbs, rice, and dried fish.

I have no idea if that's authentic, but it sounds neat...

Also, because of the research for my own campaign, I'm fond of Shinano province so Taisho is from somewhere along what will eventually become the Nakasendo, earlier called the Tosando., perhaps Uyeda.

edited to respond to cross post.
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#16 Post by spanningtree »

Ito takes in the exchange a bit confused but takes the position of a guest at the camp, keeping quiet he eats while observing.
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#17 Post by Enoch »

Katsumi chuckles. "Ito-san, my friend is worried that the wood here is haunted, that the ghosts of the dead dwell within." He stands and stoops to pick up his tatami, stepping gingerly around the stone ring of the fire and setting it down next to Taisho. He sits shoulder-to-shoulder with the herb-stained man and leans forward, inhaling deeply from the dish.

He straightens back up, nodding in satisfaction. "Kentaro-san, his argument has merit. 'Not seeing is a flower', Kentaro; you are letting your imagination run away from you like a horse that has broken its bridle!

"Besides, it smells delicious."
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#18 Post by spanningtree »

With a slight sitting bow to Taisho and casting a wry eye to the forest: Excellent to meet you Taisho-san. I have only dueled men but there are stories of the denizens of such places... maybe fear is misplaced? I guess time will tell but in the mean time your pot is smelling delightful.

To you original query Katsumi-san, I am afraid the unarmed arts have eluded me in my chase of the sword but I have a healthy respect for the pugilistic arts. The ever present weapon demands respect.
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#19 Post by Enoch »

"Well, as it happens, I have some slight skill with the sword as well, though nowhere near as much as you or Kentaro-san, I am sure. Besides, I have no bokken, and while I am sure you are as skilled as an arrow flying true to its target, I do not trust my own hand not to cut you by accident. Perhaps Kentaro-san will play a tune for us instead, hmm?"
Last edited by Enoch on Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

#20 Post by jemmus »

Yes, gathering edible herbs in the woods is very authentic. http://recipesfortom.blogspot.com/2012/ ... #gsc.tab=0

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