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Re: Character Sheets

#1 Post by NJWilliam »

Disston Symonds
Male Human
Background; Courtesan
Expert / Level 1
XP 0/3

== Attributes ==
STR 13 (0)
DEX 9 (0)
CON 14 (+1)
INT 14 (+1)
WIS 13 (0)
CHA 12 (0)

== Skills ==
Talk-0 (from Diplomat focus)
Sneak-0 (Specialist)
Program-0 (chosen round out skill)
Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 2 / 2
Conditions: None
System Strain: None
Armor Set 1: None AC: 10
Armor Set 2: AC:

Physical: 14 Evasion: 14 Mental:15

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: 0
Primary Weapon: Semi-Auto Pistol (1d6+1) Range: 30/100. Magazine: 12 (1 extra mag)
Secondary Weapon: Advanced Collapsible Baton (1d6)

== Foci ==
Diplomat Level 1 (Gain talk as a bonus skill. You speak all languages common to the sector and can learn new ones to a workable level in a week, becoming fluent in a month. Reroll 1s on any skill check dice related to negotiation or diplomacy.)
Specialist Level 1 Sneak (Roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die for all skill checks in this skill.)

== Psionics ==
Psionic Effort: NA
Psionic Technique

== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==

== Equipment ==
Credits: 75
Readied items: Compad, Metatool

Stowed Equipment: Pocket Knife, Semi-auto Pistol (small), 20 rounds, Collapsible Baton TL4
Last edited by NJWilliam on Tue Sep 15, 2020 1:29 am, edited 8 times in total.
Sebastian, A Candle in the Darkness
Ulrich, Tales of The Troll Company
Alex Fiord, The Rescuers
Hakon Geirmundarson, Pawns of the North Wind
Jameson Rowan, Silverband
Disston Symonds, Sigma Chronos
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Re: Character Sheets

#2 Post by Gorethirster »

== Haelboer Rylkaelest ==
Male/Female Human
Background: Barbarian
Adventurer (Expert/Warrior) 1
XP ?/?

== Attributes ==
STR 13 (0)
DEX 13 (0)
CON 14 (+1)
INT 12 (0)
WIS 10 (0)
CHA 16 (+1)

== Skills ==
Saved Skill Points: 0
Connect 1
Lead 0
Notice 0
Shoot 0
Sneak 0
Stab 0
Survive 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 6 / 6 Conditions: None System Strain: None
Armor Set 1: (Secure Clothing) AC: 13
Physical: 14 Evasion: 15 Mental: 14

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Primary Weapon: Rifle 1d10+2 Range:200/400 Magazine:6
Secondary Weapon: Revolver 1d8 Range 30/100 Magazine 6
Tertiary Weapon: Monoknife 1d6

== Foci ==
Alert Level 1: Gain Notice as a bonus skill. You cannot be surprised, nor can others use the Execution Attack option on you. When you roll initiative, roll twice and take the best result.
Authority Level 1: Gain Lead as a bonus skill. Once per day, you can make a request from an NPC who is not openly hostile to you, rolling a Cha/Lead skill check at a difficulty of the NPC’s Morale score. If you succeed, they will comply with the request, provided it is not harmful or extremely uncharacteristic.
Connected Level 1: Gain Connect as a bonus skill. If you’ve spent at least a week in a not-entirely-hostile location, you’ll have built a web of contacts willing to do favors for you that are no more than mildly illegal. You can call on one favor per game day and the GM decides how far they’ll go for you.

== Psionics ==
Psionic Effort: Nil / Nil
Psionic Techniques: Nil

== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==

== Equipment ==
Credits: 25
Readied items:
3x Lazarus Patch
Ammo, 120 rounds
Secure clothing

Stowed Equipment:
TL4 Backpack
TL4 rope, 40m
Survival kit
Telescoping pole
25 Credits
Last edited by Gorethirster on Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Sheets

#3 Post by Radrabbit »

OK, if you guys can give this the once over I'd appreciate.

Darion Tanor'Tass
Male Human
Background :Noble
Class / Level : Adventurer (Expert (heal)/Warrior (shoot)1)
XP 0/0

== Attributes ==
STR 15 (+1)
DEX 13
CON 10
INT 16 (+1) (mental+2 bonus)
WIS 13

== Skills ==
Lead 1, Administer 1, Connect, Heal 1 (skill and bonus skill)
Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 8/8 roll [1d6+2] = 6+2 = 8
Conditions: None
System Strain: None
Armor Set 1: Armored Undersuit (AC 13)
Armor Set 2:
Physical: 14 Evasion: 14 Mental:15

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Primary Weapon: Laser Pistol (1d6 damage) 8 type A Cells
Secondary Weapon: Monoblade Knife (1d6 damage)

== Foci ==
Shoot 1

== Equipment ==
Readied items:
Backpack (TL0)
100 credits

Stowed Equipment:
I'm Rad and I'm a Rabbit

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Re: Character Sheets

#4 Post by Howman »

==Elias Aurius==
Male Human
Background: Clergy
Expert / Level 1
XP ?/?

== Attributes ==
STR 14 (+1)
DEX 12 (0)
CON 9 (0)
INT 13 (0)
WIS 13 +2 mental = 15 (+1)
CHA 14 (+1)

== Skills ==
Talk 1
Administer 0
Survive 0
Trade 0

Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 4 / 4
Conditions: None
System Strain: None
Armor Set 1: Secure Clothing AC: 13
Armor Set 2: N/A

Physical: 14 Evasion: 14 Mental: 15

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: 0
Primary Weapon: Revolver 1d8 Range: 30/100 Magazine: 6
Secondary Weapon: Monoblade Knife 1d6+1 Shock: 1 point/AC15

== Foci ==
Wanderer 2: Gain Survive as a bonus skill. You can convey basic ideas in all the common languages of the sector. You can always find free transport to a
desired destination for yourself and a small group of your friends provided any traffic goes to the place.
Finding this transport takes no more than an hour, but it may not be a strictly legitimate means of travel and may require working passage.
You can forge, scrounge, or snag travel papers and identification for the party with 1d6 hours of work. These papers and permite will stand up to
ordinary scrutiny, but require an opposed Int/Administer versus Wis/Notice check if examined by an official while the PC is actually wanted by
the state for some crime. When finding transport for the party, the transportation always makes the trip at least as fast as a dedicated charter would.

== Psionics ==

== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==

== Equipment ==
Credits: 75

Readied items:

Stowed Equipment:
Revolver, 20 rounds
Monoblade Knife
Secure Clothing
Lazarus Patch x2
Trade Goods
Trade Metals

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Departed Characters

#5 Post by The_Wanderer »

Characters that we once knew...
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Re: Character Sheets

#7 Post by Marullus »

Pelles Rex - Gunslinger.png
Pelles Rex - Gunslinger.png (192.41 KiB) Viewed 993 times
== Pelles Rex ==
Male Human
Sunblade Burnout
Sunblade / Level 2
XP 3/6

== Attributes ==
STR 14 (+1)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 10 (0)
INT 14 (+1)
WIS 11 (0)
CHA 14 (+1)

== Skills ==
Sunblade 2
Talk 1
Know 0
Punch 0
Pilot 0

Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 8 / 8
Conditions: None
System Strain: None
Set 1: None [Robes of Discipline] AC: 19
Set 2: When unarmed. AC: 11

Physical: 13 Evasion: 13 Mental: 13

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Primary Weapon: Sunblade Revolvers +5 to hit, [2d6+7] damage, Range: 50 Magazine: Unlimited
(Dual-wielding: +4 to hit, [2d6+9] damage, range 50, Magazine: Unlimited)
Secondary Weapon: Fist +2 to hit, [1d2+1] damage, no shock

== Foci ==
Gunslinger: Gain [Sunblade] as a bonus skill. You can draw or holster a Stowed ranged weapon as an On Turn action. You may add your [Sunblade] skill level to a ranged weapon’s damage roll.
Diplomat (w/Universal Speech): Gain Talk as a bonus skill. You speak all the languages common to the sector and can learn new ones to a workable level in a week, becoming fluent in a month. Reroll 1s on any skill check dice related to negotiation or diplomacy.

== Psionics ==

== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==
Sunblade Wielder: When using the sacred weapon of their order, the Sunblade gains a bonus to their hit roll equal to half their class level, rounded up. Their sacred weapon always counts as a magical weapon.
Assuming ordinary TL4 parts availability, any Sunblade can build a replacement for a lost sacred weapon with no more than a day’s work.
Can roll Sunblade instead of other relevant skills (Know, Connect, Fix, Notice, etc.) when it relates to the Justicars of Doon.
Universal Speech: You can speak with and understand any creature with a language.
Robes of Discipline: When unarmored and carrying a Readied sacred weapon, whether or not it is drawn, the Sunblade’s base AC equals 16 plus their Sunblade skill level. This AC can be modified by Dexterity, but not by shields.

== Equipment ==
Credits: 30

Readied items:
Blue-Steel Revolvers (x2)
2 Lazarus Patches
Low Light Glasses
10 Glowbugs
Survival Kit (Belt-worn)

Stowed Equipment:
Bottle of gin
Worn old photos

Palles Rex was a foundling child, as all Justicars, when his father, Anfortas Rex, recognized potential in him and took him in. He was raised in the Way, to believe in moral truth as his path. He studied history and sciences as they travelled aboard an old freighter, the Corbenic, which housed data repositories passed down from before the destruction of Doon. He learned -- his father's apprentice as a peacekeeper when such was needed, moving ever on when it was not. Palles, however, balked at the vows against personal ties that the Way required -- that he never marry, never give himself to love, never father children of his blood which would conflict with his duty to foundling charges. He married a girl, Emily Rose, and he raised two sons and a daughter in the Way, eventually shooting to defend his teen son even when he knew his son was the criminal. When Retribution came back upon him, he lost them all. He saw Emily Rose shot and their home burn, lit by those who discovered how to hurt him. He never went back inside, and he hasn't ever kept a home since. He is closer to the Way now, better than ever in his life, but he struggles to believe in it. Fatherhood and loss left him seeing shades of gray that make the moral truths less clear. Society has order, but not goodness, and there's not enough gunslingers to change it anymore. He knows he is the last, unable to father foundlings to continue the truth of the Justicars to a new generation. He can't teach while he doesn't believe, and he fears the loss happening again. So he travels, a graying old man taking gig-work and stilling shipboard gin, escaping his loss and seeking something to make him believe again.
Justicar's Mantra:
“I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I aim with my eye.
I do not shoot with my hand; he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I shoot with my mind.
I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart.”
He has a real block-chain ID as Pelles Rex that goes back 50+ years, but he goes to lengths to avoid using it. It likely identifies him about 30 years ago being pegged as an actual Justicar, linked to his 'father' who is also pegged as an actual Justicar, and at the GM's discretion could have 'person of interest' flags on him by various governments accordingly. His real block chain would show no transactions in the last 30 years. He has a fake ID as 'Rex Patris,' with a fake tail 30+ years old and 25 years of legitimate transactions as a smallhold farmer, but perhaps also with 'person of interest' flags for the arson of the home or crimes related to his children. He's not carrying a compad, works in cash, and travelling as a hired hand on other people's work-jobs, so may or may not have new false ID he's used in the last five years.

If we have some kind of embedded chip that is scanned for official transactions, he probably wears some kind of leather cuff containing the scrambler for his second or third ID (or whatever mechanism the GM likes). But he wouldn't have removed his original ID; it's too important to him and he hasn't committed to forever severing his origin.
Original rolls:
Stats: STR:7, DEX:12, CON:10, INT:14, WIS:11, CHR:14
Growth [1d6] = 1
Growth [1d6] = 5
Growth [1d6] = 4

Swap STR 7 for STR 14. Add two +1 Stat rolls to Dex for 14.
Stats: STR:14, DEX:14, CON:10, INT:14, WIS:11, CHR:14

HP: Level 1 [1d6] = 1
Level 2 [2d6] = 8

Wealth [2d6] = 5x100

Level 1:
Class skill: Sunblade 0
Any skill growth roll: sunblade 1
Outside interest: Talk 0
Diplomat: Talk 1

Level 2:
Base attack goes from +0 to +1
Add additional class ability: Robes of Discipline
3 Skill points: Punch 0, Pilot 0, Know 0
Focus: Gunslinger (includes Sunblade 2)
Last edited by Marullus on Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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