First Night

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First Night

#1 Post by ybn1197 »

You open your eyes. There is a lingering feeling that something is missing, but something else immediately overrides it. It is an electric purr that stirs your senses awake. Coming back from Death is slow. You feel sluggish as you become aware of the room you are in, the company you share. Above and around you are slow swinging hunks of meat, like the bodies of that deathly migration. Beside you are others, also escaping Death’s shore.
Urge: more pressing, more acute. As you begin to sit up, you feel it for the first time: Hunger. And you know, somehow, as you experience the terrible pangs of this Hunger, that you are no longer human.
Even as you all sit still in the cold, quiet room, and you start making out the shapes around you, you feel your first Hunger. It is different from any hunger you have ever felt. Like a person starving to death who suddenly smells food, you sense the blood and you know that it will ease this terrible, hollow pain inside you. How will you deal with your first Hunger?
You smell blood and recognize it as exactly that: the aroma reaches out to you, sweet and tempting. Your eyes fall upon the meat hooks that decorate the room, searching for the choice meal you are craving. There are whole animal carcasses hanging from the hooks. Pork, cattle… And yet your gaze locks onto a piece hung in the middle of the room. A brunette mop of hair dangles upside down, together with the stark realization of what your body craves: the corpse of a man wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt. You understand that there’s more to this room, but right now you can only focus on him.
First you were drowsy from waking, but now the blood smell has snapped you into focus. You feel your first Hunger significantly. Maybe just a small sip from the dead body would ease this newfound desire. Maybe the animals could give you enough sustenance to carry on. You can resist it if you choose. Maybe it is shame of defiling the dead, how the others in the room would see you, or the dread of drinking blood that holds you back. Maybe you just surrender to your Hunger. Beggars can’t be choosers.
Your Hunger is coloring all of your thoughts, tainting everything you see, hear and smell. You’re beckoned by the fresh body offered to you. Its blood smells stale, but there’s also a sweetness in it. You want to drink. What will these others think of you? That doesn’t matter. What are you becoming? You may have to think about that later. Right now, feeding is what you want to do the most..
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Re: First Night

#2 Post by shaidar »

Leo shakes his head trying to clear it, but the hunger and the smell of the blood keep surging into his consciousness. "Laurel?" he wonders to himself and glances around, but almost immediately is eyes are drawn the body, and the sweet smell of the blood. "I must be losing my mind" he thinks. He pulls himself up and heads over to the body "Just enough to clear my head and think straight" he promises himself as he gives in to the hunger...
Last edited by shaidar on Mon Aug 24, 2020 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Night

#3 Post by Gremlin »


Julia groans as she sits up. Weirdly, despite the alien, overwhelming hunger gnawing at the pit of her stomach, she is momentarily preoccupied by an irrational anger when she sees the long tears in her t-shirt. Poor Siouxie, she thinks, fingering the gaping holes. She remembers feeling a white hot, burning pain as she was sliced open, but the skin underneath the ruined concert shirt seems smooth and undamaged.

Is this all a dream? Am I in hell? It's hard to focus past the hunger. The smell of blood, which should disgust her, is heady and strangely sweet. No, not sweet like she remembers. The blood still has that metallic iron smell. But the reaction she feels to smelling it is the same reaction she used to have smelling the most mouth watering food she could imagine. Her mouth wasn't watering, though. She was too thirsty. She craved to slake that thirst. Her teeth ached, like they used to back when she had braces and they were just tightened. She realized why when she felt the two, long sharp teeth. She knew what she was then. It was impossible, of course. None of this could be real. It had to be a nightmare. Or she was indeed in hell.

Julia sees a tall, muscular man with skin darker than her own heading towards a body hanging upside down. She vaguely remembers him from the club. The club? It's hard to focus past the thirst. He says something, but her brain doesn't register what it is. If she had time to think, Julia might have struggled with the idea of drinking from the body of a dead person. But that man is going to steal all the blood. She has to have it. She has to quench the thirst.

Julia stands up. She expected to be unsteady on her feet, but she isn't. She pushes past the larger man and sinks her new fangs into the hanging body. Then she drinks...
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Re: First Night

#4 Post by Rex »


William awakens to a hunger like he has never experienced before. He is drawn to the hanging bodies, but he resists and struggles with the hunger, trying to determine what has happened and why he is so hungry. It suddenly comes to him and he realizes what has happened, his knowledge of the occult plenty good enough to recognize what he has become. He begins to panic, then he slowly regains control of himself. Continuing to resist taking that first drink with all his will.
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Re: First Night

#5 Post by Lance »


Odin doesn't drink much. He doesn't use drugs. So this insatiable craving is alien to him. He looks at his hands, pale, strange, with details he never saw before. Then the smell hits him and he jerks his head up. He can feel the individual smell of every corpse in the room. They are all appetising, but none as much as the poor man hanging from a hook. He must sate his thirst. But then: competition, people from a half remembered night. No time to fight, only to feed. He glances at the cattle corpse hanging next to him. He'll settle for a burger, sure.
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Re: First Night

#6 Post by Monsieur Rose »


David wakes, feeling everything. He remembers something from earlier and he clutches his side. Nothing. There are others nearby, but only the man hanging is in focus. It calls to him, echoes through his veins. Someone is already there, no matter. David moves forward anyway. The smell is overwhelming, it fills the emptiness he didn't know he had. As the other bites, the smell somehow gets even stronger, it compels. Everything else falls away and only the smell and the bare skin remain. He grabs an arm, the flesh tingling under his fingertips. It raises to his mouth in slow motion as if of its own accord. So close, so close. As his teeth feel a slight resistance, his mouth drools in anticipation, and as the tension is broken, he Drinks.
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Re: First Night

#7 Post by ybn1197 »

For those who partake of the hanging carcasses, you take your fill but the cold stale blood fails to sate your hunger at all. Your eyes begin to adjust to the darkness and poor lighting. Shapes of animal carcasses decorate your surroundings. The stench in the room is difficult to take for most of you.

However, you quickly realize that you can hold your breath with no consequence. For a moment, you take in that breathing — something you took for granted and was so natural for all of your life — is now something you can choose to do, or in this case, choose not to do, and in doing so avoiding the worst of the stench.

The chains clank under the weight of the hanging meat, and you can see the still air clinging to the flesh. The visible fog partially manages to obscure your vision under the cold, hospital-like lighting, causing you to navigate the room carefully to avoid bumping into the adorned meat-hooks. As you walk, you realize there are streaks of dried blood on the floor, and small piles of rotten meat, which you can’t identify as animal or human. There are also several hospital-like blood bags. They smell of blood, but they are definitely empty.

As you reach the walls, you realize they are made of steel, partially covered in patches of frost. However, your skin doesn’t stick to the walls if you try to touch them. Your body is no longer warm.

There is one door at the other end of the room, and if one of you presses your ear to the door, you think you can hear movement on the other side.
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Re: First Night

#8 Post by Gremlin »


Julia drinks until she feels full but the cold liquid does little to sate her hunger. She looks around the room, growing more and more impatient as she realizes this must be some kind of meat freezer. There's frost on the walls but she doesn't really feel the cold. She should; while she's still wearing the denim jacket she wore to the club, her shirt is all torn up leaving her somewhat exposed to the elements. She should be freezing. She isn't. Or at least she doesn't feel it. She can't see her breath and when she holds it to stave off the stench of this place, she finds she doesn't need to breathe anyway.

Pacing around the room, she sizes the others up. It looks like there are only four of them besides herself, so five total. She seems to remember seeing each one the club. She definitely remembers the guitar player and the overdressed man who hit on the nun. I wonder if she got away, is a thought the briefly floats through new vampire's mind. The other two she isn't as sure about but she seems to remember them from the club as well. Her gaze lingers on each one for a few moments before sliding to the next, like a predator warily taking the measures of potential rivals. She doesn't say anything before turning her attention to the door.

Julia doesn't like being in here. She tries to open the door but there isn't a handle and pushing on it accomplishes nothing. She paces again for a bit, then feeling anxious she tries again. She needs to get out. She bodily throws herself at the barrier trying to batter it open, growling and grunting like an animal.

((I'm assuming this is a commercial meat freezer and there's no latch or release mechanism on the inside, and that it doesn't open when Julia tries to open it. If that's wrong, I can edit in any changes that need to be made. Julia has the Rat in a Cage Flaw so she's not happy being trapped in here. I imagine anyone on the other size of the door can hear what she's doing.))
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Re: First Night

#9 Post by shaidar »

Leo suppresses his concerns over his physical changes, and focuses his mind on the current problem, getting out of here. He watches the woman try the door with no luck.

He heads over to the door and bangs on it as hard as he can "Hey! We're stuck in here!" he looks around the room and then remarks to the others "Maybe there is something in here to help pry the door open"
Last edited by shaidar on Fri Sep 04, 2020 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Night

#10 Post by Rex »


"Look for an emergency release, most have them unless its been disabled." William will look around for something he can use to bust his way out.
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Re: First Night

#11 Post by Monsieur Rose »


The blood isn't enough. He wants more. David smells the air, looking for fresh blood, and follows the smell to the bags. He quickly tears them open and licks the insides in an attempt to fill his needs. Only after he gives up on the bags does he examine the others and the room.

He narrows his eyes at the others and says nothing. He feels for his gun, more out of habit than desire, then eyes the meat hooks. With a fluid movement that surprises even him, he removes a carcass and yanks on the chain suspended from the ceiling. If he is able to pull it free, he repeats the process with four more.

"You were all there. We aren't friends, but we all want out. I say we work together, for now."
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Re: First Night

#12 Post by Lance »

Odin wipes his mouth. He's still hungry. Thirsty? It's confusing. He remains in the back, waiting to see what the others do.
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Re: First Night

#13 Post by ybn1197 »

Rex wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 2:58 pmWilliam

"Look for an emergency release, most have them unless its been disabled." William will look around for something he can use to bust his way out.
You are correct. There was a normal release and an emergency release at one time. Both have been deliberately removed.
Monsieur Rose wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:26 pm David... With a fluid movement that surprises even him, he removes a carcass and yanks on the chain suspended from the ceiling. If he is able to pull it free, he repeats the process with four more.

"You were all there. We aren't friends, but we all want out. I say we work together, for now."

The meat hooks come off the ceiling relatively easy and you are able to collect 5 hooks.
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Re: First Night

#14 Post by Gremlin »

Monsieur Rose wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:26 pm "You were all there. We aren't friends, but we all want out. I say we work together, for now."
"Then work on getting this door open," Julia snarls back, impatiently pacing back and forth.
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Re: First Night

#15 Post by shaidar »

Leo laughs, a short harsh bark "Unless we're supposed to fight it out until there's only one of us left left. Well, while it sounds like fun, I don't give a fuck what they want, I just want out."

He examines the door to confirm which direction it opens (usually inwards?) and to see if there are any points to which either the hooks or chains could be attached or looped around.
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Re: First Night

#16 Post by ybn1197 »

shaidar wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:12 pm He examines the door to confirm which direction it opens (usually inwards?) and to see if there are any points to which either the hooks or chains could be attached or looped around.
Give me either WITS + Notice or PERCEPTION + Investigate, whichever is your higher dice pool. And the door opens outward. There is normally a plastic air curtain in the frame of the door but there is not on this one.
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Re: First Night

#17 Post by Lance »

Odin finally speaks up. "If that damn thing opens outwards, I suggest we let out some of this pent up rage." He takes a running start and shoulder-tackles the door.

shoulder-tackle (DEX + brawl): [4d10=4, 9, 5, 7]
2 successes
shoulder damage (STR + 2): [5d10=3, 5, 10, 8, 6]
3 damage
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Re: First Night

#18 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He narrows his eyes at the snarly woman but doesn't respond. Instead, he moves to the door and wedges the hook into the crease at the door. He's trying to rip back the metal lining of the room and create a larger gap.

If that makes sense. :D
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Re: First Night

#19 Post by ybn1197 »

Lance wrote: Tue Sep 15, 2020 7:45 am Odin finally speaks up. "If that damn thing opens outwards, I suggest we let out some of this pent up rage." He takes a running start and shoulder-tackles the door.

shoulder-tackle (DEX + brawl): [4d10=4, 9, 5, 7]
2 successes
shoulder damage (STR + 2): [5d10=3, 5, 10, 8, 6]
3 damage
FYI, Diff on this was "4" so go ahead and roll 1 more dice for damage. Remember, the first success means you hit and can do STR damage. The other successes add to the pool. So you have 4 successes but only 3 are added to the damage. Damage diff remains 6.
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Re: First Night

#20 Post by shaidar »

ybn1197 wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:39 pm
shaidar wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:12 pm He examines the door to confirm which direction it opens (usually inwards?) and to see if there are any points to which either the hooks or chains could be attached or looped around.
Give me either WITS + Notice or PERCEPTION + Investigate, whichever is your higher dice pool. And the door opens outward. There is normally a plastic air curtain in the frame of the door but there is not on this one.

WITS roll:
3d10: 16 [3d10=2, 4, 10]

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